lsting <-as_listing( out,key_cols =c("TRT01A", "CPID"),disp_cols =names(out),main_title ="Listing of Laboratory Test Results Using Roche Safety Lab Standardization",main_footer ="Abnormalities are flagged as high (H) or low (L) if outside the Roche standard reference range; high high (HH) or low low (LL) if outside the Roche marked reference range with a clinically relevant change from baseline. ")head(lsting, 20)
Listing of Laboratory Test Results Using Roche Safety Lab Standardization
Days Since
Study Last Dose of ALT CRP IGA
Treatment Center/Patient ID Day Study Drug (U/L) (mg/L) (g/L)
A: Drug X BRA-1/id-105 80 NA 4.30 / L 9.09 2.84
149 69 24.70 9.15 2.93
314 165 24.87 10.89 / H 2.66
398 84 3.67 / L 8.14 2.86
470 72 18.55 10.59 / H 2.88
528 58 7.73 10.09 / H 2.93
535 7 23.51 9.20 2.88
BRA-1/id-134 225 NA 7.37 10.46 / H 2.86
227 2 16.42 7.43 / L 2.76
255 28 11.16 9.41 2.75
269 14 15.89 10.02 / H 2.84
357 88 24.35 8.01 2.86
436 79 16.03 8.51 2.98
440 4 17.21 7.63 / L 2.78
BRA-1/id-42 176 NA 16.56 8.88 2.75
477 301 16.49 8.11 2.95
534 57 18.71 8.78 2.95
550 16 11.44 9.53 2.99
569 19 21.66 10.32 / H 3.00 / H
608 39 24.61 7.95 / L 2.78
Abnormalities are flagged as high (H) or low (L) if outside the Roche standard reference range; high high (HH) or low low (LL) if outside the Roche marked reference range with a clinically relevant change from baseline.
Experimental use!
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main_title ="Listing of Laboratory Test Results Using Roche Safety Lab Standardization",
main_footer ="Abnormalities are flagged as high (H) or low (L) if outside the Roche standard reference range; high high (HH) or low low (LL) if outside the Roche marked reference range with a clinically relevant change from baseline. "# nolint: line_length.