In this example we compare the responses across treatment arms between the BEP and the full population using the option position = "stack" in the geom_bar() layer to display counts instead of percentages.
graph <-ggplot(adrs, aes(BMEASIFL, fill = AVALC_BIN, by = BMEASIFL)) +geom_bar(position ="stack") +scale_x_discrete(labels =NULL) +xlab(NULL) +geom_text(stat ="count", aes(label =after_stat(count)), position =position_stack(.5), colour ="white") +facet_grid(BEP01FL ~ ARM_BIN, margins =TRUE)graph
---title: RG3Bsubtitle: Plot Counts Instead of Percentages in Response Graph Comparing Subgroups of BEPcategories: [RG]---------------------------------------------------------------------------::: panel-tabset{{< include setup.qmd >}}## PlotIn this example we compare the responses across treatment arms between the BEP and the full population using the option `position = "stack"` in the `geom_bar()` layer to display counts instead of percentages.```{r}graph <-ggplot(adrs, aes(BMEASIFL, fill = AVALC_BIN, by = BMEASIFL)) +geom_bar(position ="stack") +scale_x_discrete(labels =NULL) +xlab(NULL) +geom_text(stat ="count", aes(label =after_stat(count)), position =position_stack(.5), colour ="white") +facet_grid(BEP01FL ~ ARM_BIN, margins =TRUE)graph```{{< include ../../misc/session_info.qmd >}}:::