lsting <- as_listing(
key_cols = c("TRT01A", "CRTNPT", "AGSXRC", "AVISIT", "ADY"),
disp_cols = names(out),
main_title = "Listing of ECG Data: Safety-Evaluable Patients",
main_footer = "Baseline is the patient's last observation prior to initiation of study drug. Abnormalities are flagged as high (H) or low (L) if outside the Roche standard reference range."
head(lsting, 20)
Listing of ECG Data: Safety-Evaluable Patients
Heart Rate Result QT Duration Result RR Duration Result
Study (beats/min); Heart Rate (msec); QT Duration (msec); RR Duration
Treatment Center/Subject ID Age/Sex/Race Visit Day Range:(40-100) Change from BL Range:(200-500) Change from BL Range:(600-1500) Change from BL
A: Drug X BRA-1/105 38/M/BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN BASELINE 149 66.94 NA 441.78 NA 896.59 NA
WEEK 1 DAY 8 314 63.18 -3.76 365.68 -76.10 1376.26 479.67
WEEK 2 DAY 15 398 57.57 -9.37 355.48 -86.29 799.57 -97.02
WEEK 3 DAY 22 470 73.36 6.42 352.45 -89.33 1015.00 118.41
WEEK 4 DAY 29 528 53.72 -13.22 388.42 -53.36 1189.29 292.70
WEEK 5 DAY 36 535 58.25 -8.69 291.77 -150.01 936.09 39.50
BRA-1/134 47/M/WHITE BASELINE 227 46.99 NA 385.29 NA 835.17 NA
WEEK 1 DAY 8 255 48.38 1.39 453.74 68.46 901.86 66.68
WEEK 2 DAY 15 269 35.40/L -11.59 413.54 28.26 892.01 56.84
WEEK 3 DAY 22 357 60.50 13.51 394.23 8.95 490.18/L -344.99
WEEK 4 DAY 29 436 82.28 35.29 398.29 13.00 757.96 -77.21
WEEK 5 DAY 36 440 38.89/L -8.10 339.38 -45.91 880.26 45.08
BRA-1/42 36/M/BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN BASELINE 477 56.19 NA 190.94/L NA 1276.65 NA
WEEK 1 DAY 8 534 85.24 29.05 483.71 292.77 735.11 -541.54
WEEK 2 DAY 15 550 55.53 -0.66 386.60 195.66 1092.71 -183.94
WEEK 3 DAY 22 569 65.37 9.18 311.08 120.14 1227.15 -49.50
WEEK 4 DAY 29 608 65.13 8.93 329.78 138.83 250.18/L -1026.47
WEEK 5 DAY 36 675 49.03 -7.16 470.67 279.73 1321.21 44.56
BRA-1/93 34/F/ASIAN BASELINE 73 72.12 NA 306.64 NA 1324.80 NA
WEEK 1 DAY 8 207 66.88 -5.24 190.50/L -116.14 1495.37 170.58
Baseline is the patient's last observation prior to initiation of study drug. Abnormalities are flagged as high (H) or low (L) if outside the Roche standard reference range.