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Package Overview

chevron chevron-package
chevron package

Classes and Instances


Get Arguments List
Run the pipeline
main() `main<-`()
preprocess() `preprocess<-`()
Pre process
postprocess() `postprocess<-`()
Post process
datasets() `datasets<-`()
script_args() script_funs()
Create Script for Parameters Assignment
Retrieve Main Function
Retrieve pre-processing Function
Retrieve post-processing Function
Retrieve names of datasets associated with the object

chevron_tlg objects

aet01_1_main() aet01_1_lyt() aet01_1_pre() aet01_1_check() aet01_post() aet01_1
AET01 Table 1 (Default) Overview of Deaths and Adverse Events Summary Table 1.
aet01_2_main() aet01_2_lyt() aet01_2_pre() aet01_2_check() aet01_2
AET01 Table 2 (Supplementary) Overview of Deaths and Adverse Events Summary Table 2. Overview of death and summary of adverse events with medical concepts.
aet01_aesi_1_main() aet01_aesi_1_lyt() aet01_aesi_1_pre() aet01_aesi_1_check() aet01_aesi_post() aet01_aesi_1
AET01_AESI Table 1 (Default) Adverse Event of Special Interest Summary Table.
aet02_1_main() aet02_1_lyt() aet02_1_pre() aet02_1_check() aet02_1_post() aet02_1
AET02 Table 1 (Default) Adverse Events by System Organ Class and Preferred Term Table 1
aet02_2_main() aet02_2_lyt() aet02_2_pre() aet02_2_post() aet02_2 aet02_3_main()
AET02 Table 2 (Supplementary) Adverse Events by System Organ Class, High Level Term and Preferred Term Table 2.
aet02_3_lyt() aet02_3_pre() aet02_3_post() aet02_3
AET02 Table 3 (Supplementary) Adverse Events by Dictionary-Derived Term Table 3.
aet03_1_main() aet03_1_lyt() aet03_1_pre() aet03_1_post() aet03_1
AET03 Table 1 (Default) Advert Events by Greatest Intensity Table 1.
aet04_1_main() aet04_1_lyt() aet04_1_pre() aet04_1_post() aet04_1
AET04 Table 1 (Default) Adverse Events by Highest NCI CTACAE AE Grade Table 1.
cmt01a_1_main() cmt01a_1_lyt() cmt01a_1_pre() cmt01a_1_post() cmt01a_1
CMT01A Table 1 (Default) Concomitant Medication by Medication Class and Preferred Name.
cmt01a_2_main() cmt01a_2_pre() cmt01a_2_post() cmt01a_2
CMT01A Table 2 (Supplementary) Concomitant Medication by Medication Class and Preferred Name (Classes sorted by frequency).
cmt01a_3_main() cmt01a_3_lyt() cmt01a_3_pre() cmt01a_3_post() cmt01a_3
CMT01A Table 3 (Supplementary) Concomitant Medication by Medication Class and Preferred Name (Total number of treatments per medication class suppressed).
cmt02_pt_1_main() cmt02_pt_1_lyt() cmt02_pt_1_pre() cmt02_pt_1_post() cmt02_pt_1
CMT02_PT Table 1 (Default) Concomitant Medications by Preferred Name.
dmt01_1_main() dmt01_1_lyt() dmt01_1_pre() dmt01_1_post() dmt01_1
DMT01 Table 1 (Default) Demographics and Baseline Characteristics Table 1.
dst01_1_main() dst01_1_lyt() dst01_1_pre() dst01_1_post() dst01_1
DST01 Table 1 (Default) Patient Disposition Table 1.
dst01_2_main() dst01_2_lyt() dst01_2_pre() dst01_2_post() dst01_2
DST01 Table 2 (Supplementary) Patient Disposition Table 2.
dst01_3_main() dst01_3_lyt() dst01_3_pre() dst01_3_post() dst01_3
DST01 Table 3 (Supplementary) Patient Disposition Table 3.
dtht01_1_main() dtht01_1_lyt() dtht01_1_opt_lyt() dtht01_1_pre() dtht01_1_post() dtht01_1
DTHT01 Table 1 (Default) Death Table.
egt01_1_main() egt01_1_lyt() egt01_1_pre() egt01_1_post() egt01_1
EGT01 Table 1 (Default) ECG Assessments and Change from Baseline by Visit Table 1.
egt02_1_main() egt02_1_lyt() egt02_1_pre() egt02_1_post() egt02_1
EGT02 Table 1 (Default) ECG Abnormalities Table 1.
egt02_2_main() egt02_2_lyt() egt02_2_pre() egt02_2_post() egt02_2
EGT02 Table 2 (Supplementary) ECG Abnormalities Table 2.
egt03_1_main() egt03_1_lyt() egt03_1_check() egt03_1_pre() egt03_1_post() egt03_1
EGT03 Table 1 (Default) Shift Table of ECG Interval Data - Baseline versus Minimum Post-Baseline
egt03_2_main() egt03_2_lyt() egt03_2_pre() egt03_2_post() egt03_2
EGT03 Table 2 Shift Table of ECG Interval Data - Baseline versus Maximum Post-Baseline
egt05_qtcat_1_main() egt05_qtcat_1_lyt() egt05_qtcat_1_pre() egt05_qtcat_1_post() egt05_qtcat_1
EGT05_QTCAT Table 1 (Default) ECG Actual Values and Changes from Baseline by Visit Table 1.
ext01_1_main() ext01_1_lyt() ext01_1_pre() ext01_1_post() ext01_1
EXT01 Table 1 (Default) Exposure Summary Table.
ext01_2_main() ext01_2_lyt() ext01_2_pre() ext01_2_post() ext01_2
EXT01 Table 2 (Supplementary) Exposure Summary Table with grouping options
lbt01_1_main() lbt01_1_lyt() lbt01_1_pre() lbt01_1_post() lbt01_1
LBT01 Table 1 (Default) Laboratory Test Results and Change from Baseline by Visit.
lbt04_1_main() lbt04_1_lyt() lbt04_1_pre() lbt04_1_check() lbt04_1_post() lbt04_1
LBT04 Table 1 (Default) Laboratory Abnormalities Not Present at Baseline.
lbt05_1_main() lbt05_1_lyt() lbt05_1_pre() lbt05_1_check() lbt05_1_post() lbt05_1
LBT05 Table 1 (Default) Laboratory Abnormalities with Single and Replicated Marked.
lbt07_1_main() lbt07_1_lyt() lbt07_1_pre() lbt07_1_check() lbt07_1_post() lbt07_1
LBT07 Table 1 (Default) Laboratory Test Results and Change from Baseline by Visit.
lbt14_1_main() lbt14_1_lyt() lbt14_1_pre() lbt14_1_check() lbt14_1_post() lbt14_1
LBT14 Table 1 (Low Direction) Laboratory Test Results Shift Table – Highest NCI-CTCAE Grade Post-Baseline by Baseline Grade.
lbt14_2_main() lbt14_2_lyt() lbt14_2_pre() lbt14_2_check() lbt14_2_post() lbt14_2
LBT14 Table 2 (High Direction) Laboratory Test Results Shift Table – Highest NCI-CTCAE Grade Post-Baseline by Baseline Grade.
mht01_1_main() mht01_1_lyt() mht01_1_pre() mht01_1_post() mht01_1
MHT01 Table 1 (Default) Medical History Table 1.
mng01_1_main() mng01_1_pre() mng01_1_post() mng01_1
MNG01 Graph 1 (Default) Mean Plot 1.
vst01_1_main() vst01_1_lyt() vst01_1_pre() vst01_1_post() vst01_1
VST01 Table 1 (Default) Vital Sign Results and change from Baseline By Visit Table 1.
vst02_1_main() vst02_1_lyt() vst02_1_pre() vst02_1_post() vst02_1
VST02 Table 1 (Default) Vital Sign Abnormalities Table 1.
vst02_2_main() vst02_2_lyt() vst02_2_pre() vst02_2_post() vst02_2
VST02 Table 2 (Supplementary) Vital Sign Abnormalities Table 2.
pdt01_1_main() pdt01_1_lyt() pdt01_1_pre() pdt01_1_post() pdt01_1
pdt01_1 Table 1 (Default) Major Protocol Deviations.
pdt02_1_main() pdt02_1_lyt() pdt02_1_pre() pdt02_1_post() pdt02_1
pdt02_1 Table 1 (Default) Major Protocol Deviations Related to Epidemic/Pandemic.


Example adam Synthetic Data

Utility Functions

Get Data from a DB
report_null() null_report
Create a Null Report
Prune Table up to an ElementaryTable
Standard documentation lookup
Retrieve labels for certain variables
Decimal Formatting
List of gg object
List of grob object

Non-exported Documented Functions for Packagage Developers

General Argument Name Convention
Fuse list elements