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Data extract constructors

Functions used to create transform instructions for teal applications.

add_no_selected_choices() stable
Add empty choice to choices selected
all_choices() first_choice() last_choice() experimental
Bare constructor for delayed_choices object
check_no_multiple_selection() stable
Checks that the extract_input specification does not allow multiple selection
choices_labeled() print(<choices_labeled>) stable
Set "<choice>:<label>" type of names
choices_selected() is.choices_selected() stable
Choices selected
data_extract_spec() stable
Data extract input for teal modules
filter_spec() stable
Data extract filter specification
get_extract_datanames() stable
Gets names of the datasets from a list of data_extract_spec objects
no_selected_as_NULL() stable
Check select choices for no choice made
select_spec() select_spec.delayed_data() select_spec.default() stable
Column selection input specification
split_by_sep() stable
Split by separator (matched exactly)
value_choices() stable
Value labeling and filtering based on variable relationship
variable_choices() stable
Variable label extraction and custom selection from data
resolve() stable
Resolve delayed inputs by evaluating the code within the provided datasets
resolve_delayed() stable
Resolve delayed inputs by evaluating the code within the provided datasets

Data extract modules

teal modules to generate transform expressions

data_extract_multiple_srv() experimental
Creates a named list of data_extract_srv output
data_extract_ui() experimental
teal data extraction module user-interface
data_extract_srv() stable
Extraction of the selector(s) details
datanames_input() stable
Help text with available datasets input
merge_expression_module() experimental
Merge expression module
merge_expression_srv() experimental
Data merge module server
get_dataset_prefixed_col_names() stable
Returns non-key column names from data
get_anl_relabel_call() stable
Gets the relabel call
get_merge_call() stable
Get merge call from a list of selectors
get_relabel_call() stable
Create relabel call from named character
is_single_dataset() stable
Verify uniform dataset source across data extract specification
list_extract_spec() stable
Make sure that the extract specification is in list format
merge_datasets() experimental
Merge the datasets on the keys
Function to compose validators from data_extract_multiple_srv

Human-readable formatting of a data extract object

Formatting data extracts