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teal.transform 0.5.0

CRAN release: 2024-02-17

Breaking changes

  • Namespace from magrittr package is no longer available when loading teal.transform. Only re-exports pipe %>% operator from dplyr package.


  • Removed magrittr from package dependencies.
  • Specified minimal version of package dependencies.

teal.transform 0.4.0


  • Removed scda package dependency from examples.
  • Deprecated data_merge_module() and data_merge_srv().
  • The get_relabel_call function now returns a call to instead of one to formatters::var_relabel.
  • Update installation instruction

teal.transform 0.3.0

New Features

  • Added Queue class with updated unit tests.


Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug in data_extract_filter_srv when app developer sets a selected value.


  • Examples use scda.2022 instead of scda.2021

teal.transform 0.2.0

Breaking changes

  • Updated the data merge functionality to no longer expect input datanames with the suffix _FILTERED following changes to the output of teal.slice::FilteredData$get_call().
  • Updated the data merge downstream functions to accept a joinKeys object for the join_keys argument.

New features

  • data_extract_ui, data_extract_srv, data_extract_multiple_srv can be initialized by a list of (optionally reactive) data.frame objects.
  • Added new modules merge_expression_srv and merge_expression_module, updates of data_merge_srv and data_merge_module (which will be deprecated in future releases) respectively, where datasets argument takes a list of (optionally reactive) data.frame objects and a new argument join_keys that accepts a joinKeys object.


  • Updated the examples and the tests to use teal.slice::init_filtered_data to initialize a FilteredData object.
  • Updated the vignettes and the README content.
  • Updated data_merge_module and merge_expression_module to accept NULL data_extract inputs.

teal.transform 0.1.1

New features

  • Added a formatting function format_data_extract for the output of data_extract_srv.

Breaking changes

  • Removed the (previously deprecated) input_id argument to data_merge_module.
  • Updated choices_selected so that all selected values must be valid choices. When using delayed resolving the invalid selected are removed and a warning is thrown to the logs, in other cases an error is thrown.


  • Added a template to the pkgdown site.
  • Added names to the id parameter of chunks$push calls.
  • Updated package authors.
  • Added vignettes for extracting and merging data.

teal.transform 0.1.0

Changes (from behavior when functionality was part of teal)

New features

  • Added new argument ordered for select_spec() to flag whether order of the selection should be tracked.
