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The teal.transform package is an integral component of the teal framework. It serves a dual purpose:

  • For teal application developers, it provides a means to specify which dataset columns can be accessed through the user interface, streamlining column selection within their applications.
  • For teal module developers, it offers a standardized user interface for column selection from datasets and facilitates dataset merging, resulting in the creation of analysis datasets for use within their modules.

Data Extraction and Data Merging

The primary goal of teal.transform to to provide functions that help in abstracting the process of Data Extraction and Data Merging in UI elements of the shiny app. This helps in reducing the amount of code required to create a UI elements that directly transform the data to perform the required analysis. This is how the app user gains flexibility to transform their data right from the UI.

To explore the combined use of data extraction and merging to see the full use of teal.transform, please explore the Combining data-extract with data-merge vignette.

To delve into the process of selecting specific data columns, please consult the Data Extraction vignette.

For comprehensive information regarding data merging, please refer to the Data Merge vignette.