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Package Package

Utility Functions

h_assign_to_group_list() experimental
Helper Function For Group List Creation
h_collapse_levels() experimental
Helper Function for Collapsing of Factor Levels
h_extract_words() experimental
Helper Function to Extract Words
h_gene_data() experimental
Helper Function to Format Gene Choices
h_km_mae_to_adtte() experimental
Data Preprocessing for ADTTE Module
h_order_genes() experimental
Helper Function to Order Gene Choices
h_parse_genes() experimental
Helper Function to Parse Genes
h_update_gene_selection() experimental
Helper Function to Update Gene Selection
is_blank() experimental
Checking for Empty String

Shiny Modules

adtteSpecInput() experimental
Module Input for ADTTE Specification
adtteSpecServer() experimental
Module Server for ADTTE Specification
assaySpecInput() experimental
Module Input for Assay Specification
assaySpecServer() experimental
Module Server for Assay Specification
experimentSpecInput() experimental
Module Input for Experiment Specification
experimentSpecServer() experimental
Module Server for Experiment Specification
geneSpecInput() experimental
Module Input for Gene Signature Specification
geneSpecServer() experimental
Module Server for Gene Signature Specification
sampleVarSpecInput() experimental
Module Input for Sample Variable Specification
sampleVarSpecServer() experimental
Module Server for Sample Variable Specification
multiSampleVarSpecServer() experimental
Module Server for Specification of Multiple Sample Variables

Teal Module Functions

tm_g_barplot() ui_g_barplot() srv_g_barplot() sample_tm_g_barplot() experimental
Teal Module for RNA-seq Barplot
tm_g_boxplot() ui_g_boxplot() srv_g_boxplot() sample_tm_g_boxplot() experimental
Teal Module for RNA-seq Boxplot
tm_g_forest_tte() ui_g_forest_tte() srv_g_forest_tte() sample_tm_g_forest_tte() experimental
Teal Module for Survival Forest Plot
tm_g_km() ui_g_km() srv_g_km() sample_tm_g_km() experimental
Teal Module for Kaplan-Meier Plot
tm_g_pca() ui_g_pca() srv_g_pca() sample_tm_g_pca() experimental
Teal Module for PCA Analysis
tm_g_quality() ui_g_quality() srv_g_quality() sample_tm_g_quality() experimental
Teal Module for RNA-seq Quality Control
tm_g_scatterplot() ui_g_scatterplot() srv_g_scatterplot() sample_tm_g_scatterplot() experimental
Teal Module for RNA-seq Scatterplot
tm_g_volcanoplot() ui_g_volcanoplot() srv_g_volcanoplot() sample_tm_g_volcanoplot() experimental
Teal Module for RNA-seq Volcano Plot

Graph Functions

heatmap_plot() experimental
Correlation Heatmap Plot
top_gene_plot() experimental
Most Expressed Genes Plot


assert_adtte_vars() experimental
Check for ADTTE Variables
check_reactive() assert_reactive() test_reactive() experimental
Check for Reactive Input
assert_summary_funs() experimental
Check for List of Summary Functions
check_tag() assert_tag() test_tag() expect_tag() experimental
Check for Shiny Tag


validate_gene_spec() experimental
Validation of Gene Specification
validate_n_levels() experimental
Validation of Number of Levels