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When multiple sample variables are used in a given module, then this wrapper makes it much easier to specify in the server function.


multiSampleVarSpecServer(inputIds, original_data, ...)



multiple input IDs corresponding to the different sample variables specified in the UI function.


(reactive SummarizedExperiment)
input experiment where the sample variables extracted via SummarizedExperiment::colData() should be eligible for selection.


additional arguments as documented in sampleVarSpecServer(), namely the mandatory experiment_name and the optional categorical_only, num_levels and label_modal_title. transformed_data and assign_lists should not be specified as they are already specified internally here.


List with the final transformed experiment_data reactive and a list vars which contains the selected sample variables as reactives under their input ID.


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# In the server use:
sample_var_specs <- multiSampleVarSpecServer(
  inputIds = c("facet_var", "color_var"),
  experiment_name = reactive({
  original_data = ori_data # nolint Please update the <ori_data>
# Then can extract the transformed data and selected variables later:
experiment_data <- sample_var_specs$experiment_data()
facet_var <- sample_var_specs$vars$facet_var()
color_var <- sample_var_specs$vars$color_var()
} # }