While engaging with data analysis within a shiny
users often encounter insights that they wish to capture and share, be
it through presentations, markdown
articles, or other
formats. The teal.reporter
package simplifies the process
for both developers and end-users of shiny
applications. It
allows for easy generation and dissemination of findings. This
eliminates the need for manual copy-pasting or writing in markdown.
provides a suite of modules and objects
that integrate seamlessly to create reports directly from
apps with minimal effort for users and
And it can be done as easy as adding one of the reporting tools to your module:
ui <- fluidPage(simple_reporter_ui("simple"))
server <- function(input, output, session) {
# The bulk of your module logic here
create_module_card <- function(card) {
card$append_text("This is the content of the report from the `simple` module")
simple_reporter_srv("simple", Reporter$new(), create_module_card)
if (interactive()) shinyApp(ui, server)
Where to next
Basic usage
For the basic usage of teal.reporter
and the quickest
way to enhance your modules with reporting, explore the simple reporting setup
Previewing a report
To enable application users to preview, customize, and reorder reports prior to finalization, delve into the report previewer vignette.
Integration with teal
Discover how teal.reporter complements the teal
framework by visiting the dedicated on
integrating reporting in teal