teal.reporter blocks overview
Overview of Content Blocks
This document serves as a comprehensive guide to the various types of
content blocks available in the teal.reporter
. These blocks
allow users to structure and customize reports.
Table: Content Blocks in teal.reporter
The following table outlines the different blocks that can be
included in a ReportCard
, along with descriptions and usage
Block Type | Description | Usage Example |
ReportCard |
Combines various content blocks into a single card. | report_card <- ReportCard$new() |
ContentBlock |
Base class for content blocks, can include any type of content. | report_card$append_content(<ContentBlock>) |
TextBlock |
Adds text-based content to the report. | report_card$append_text(<text>) |
RcodeBlock |
Embeds R code directly into the report. | report_card$append_rcode(<code text>, echo = FALSE) |
NewpageBlock |
Marks a new page in the report for organization purposes. | report_card$append_content(<NewpageBlock>) |
FileBlock |
Manages file-based content, ensuring proper file handling. | report_card$append_content(<FileBlock>) |
TableBlock |
Holds and displays tabular data. | report_card$append_table(<table>) |
PictureBlock |
Contains graphical content from classes like ggplot ,
grob , trellis , and Heatmap . |
report_card$append_plot(<plot>) |
These blocks form the building blocks of a ReportCard
each serving a specific function that contributes to the overall layout
and content of the report. The ReportCard
object utilizes
methods to integrate various blocks such as
, PictureBlock
, and TableBlock
The following diagram illustrates the inheritance relationship between the different blocks:
%% This is a mermaid diagram, if you see this the plot failed to render. Sorry. classDiagram class ReportCard{ +append_content() +append_text() +append_table() +append_plot() +append_rcode() +append_metadata() } ReportCard <.. FileBlock: utilizes ReportCard <.. ContentBlock: utilizes ReportCard <.. TextBlock: utilizes ReportCard <.. NewpageBlock: utilizes ReportCard <.. RcodeBlock: utilizes ReportCard <.. PictureBlock: utilizes ReportCard <.. TableBlock: utilizes ContentBlock <|-- TextBlock ContentBlock <|-- NewpageBlock ContentBlock <|-- RcodeBlock ContentBlock <|-- FileBlock FileBlock <|-- PictureBlock FileBlock <|-- TableBlock namespace Blocks { class ContentBlock class FileBlock class TextBlock class NewpageBlock class RcodeBlock class PictureBlock class TableBlock } style ContentBlock fill:lightpurple style FileBlock fill: lightgreen style TextBlock fill: pink style NewpageBlock fill: pink style RcodeBlock fill: pink style PictureBlock fill: gold style TableBlock fill:gold style ReportCard fill:lightblue
Global knitr
To ensure consistency and control over the rendering of markdown
elements within reports, teal.reporter adheres to the following default
global knitr
To access the default values for the global_knitr
defaults include: * echo: displays the code along with its output
(echo = TRUE
). * tidy: formats the R
code for
readability using the formatR
package if installed
(tidy = TRUE
), otherwise set to FALSE
. * width
cutoff: sets the maximum number of characters per line in the code
output (tidy.opts = list(width.cutoff = 60)
You can access and modify these settings as follows:
## $echo
## [1] TRUE
## $tidy.opts
## $tidy.opts$width.cutoff
## [1] 60
## $tidy
## [1] TRUE
Example Report Using Multiple Content Blocks
Below is a complete example demonstrating how to create a report combining various content blocks:
report_card <- ReportCard$new()
report_card$append_text("Header 2 text", "header2")
report_card$append_text("A paragraph of default text")
ggplot(airquality, aes(x = Ozone, y = Solar.R)) +
geom_line(na.rm = TRUE)
report_card$append_rcode("airquality_new <- airquality", echo = FALSE)
report_card$append_metadata(key = "lm", value = lm(Ozone ~ Solar.R, airquality))
## [[1]]
## <TextBlock>
## Inherits from: <ContentBlock>
## Public:
## clone: function (deep = FALSE)
## from_list: function (x)
## get_available_styles: function ()
## get_content: function ()
## get_style: function ()
## initialize: function (content = character(0), style = private$styles[1])
## set_content: function (content)
## set_style: function (style)
## to_list: function ()
## Private:
## content: Header 2 text
## deep_clone: function (name, value)
## style: header2
## styles: default header2 header3 verbatim
## [[2]]
## <TextBlock>
## Inherits from: <ContentBlock>
## Public:
## clone: function (deep = FALSE)
## from_list: function (x)
## get_available_styles: function ()
## get_content: function ()
## get_style: function ()
## initialize: function (content = character(0), style = private$styles[1])
## set_content: function (content)
## set_style: function (style)
## to_list: function ()
## Private:
## content: A paragraph of default text
## deep_clone: function (name, value)
## style: default
## styles: default header2 header3 verbatim
## [[3]]
## <PictureBlock>
## Inherits from: <FileBlock>
## Public:
## clone: function (deep = FALSE)
## finalize: function ()
## from_list: function (x, output_dir)
## get_content: function ()
## get_dim: function ()
## get_title: function ()
## initialize: function (plot)
## set_content: function (content)
## set_dim: function (dim)
## set_title: function (title)
## to_list: function (output_dir)
## Private:
## content: /tmp/RtmpJBwrUU/file16873f640cfe.png
## deep_clone: function (name, value)
## dim: 800 600
## supported_plots: ggplot grob trellis Heatmap
## title:
## type:
## [[4]]
## <TableBlock>
## Inherits from: <FileBlock>
## Public:
## clone: function (deep = FALSE)
## finalize: function ()
## from_list: function (x, output_dir)
## get_content: function ()
## initialize: function (table)
## set_content: function (content)
## to_list: function (output_dir)
## Private:
## content: /tmp/RtmpJBwrUU/file16874d2886ea.rds
## deep_clone: function (name, value)
## supported_tables: data.frame rtables TableTree ElementaryTable listing_df
## [[5]]
## <RcodeBlock>
## Inherits from: <ContentBlock>
## Public:
## clone: function (deep = FALSE)
## from_list: function (x)
## get_available_params: function ()
## get_content: function ()
## get_params: function ()
## initialize: function (content = character(0), ...)
## set_content: function (content)
## set_params: function (params)
## to_list: function ()
## Private:
## content: airquality_new <- airquality
## deep_clone: function (name, value)
## params: list