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Graph Modules

Teal graph modules including safety and early efficacy graphs

tm_g_ae_oview() stable
Teal module for the AE overview
tm_g_ae_sub() stable
teal module for the AE by subgroups
tm_g_butterfly() stable
Butterfly plot Teal Module
tm_g_events_term_id() stable
Events by Term Plot Teal Module
tm_g_heat_bygrade() stable
Teal module for the heatmap by grade
tm_g_patient_profile() stable
Patient Profile plot teal module
tm_g_spiderplot() stable
Spider plot Teal Module
tm_g_swimlane() stable
Teal Module for Swimlane Plot
tm_g_waterfall() stable
Teal Module for Waterfall Plot


Utilities fuctions used in the package

label_aevar() stable
Automatically switch variable labels for standard AE variables in AE osprey functions [Stable]
plot_decorate_output() stable
Helper function to plot decorated output UI
quick_filter() stable
Utility function for quick filter [Stable]
srv_g_decorate() stable
Helper server function to decorate plot output
ui_g_decorate() stable
Helper UI function to decorate plot output UI