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dunlin 0.1.7

CRAN release: 2023-12-13

  • Rules specified under the all_datasets keyword in a format list will apply to every data set of the reformatted object unless specified otherwise.

dunlin 0.1.6

  • render_safe now renders placeholder using in priority values corresponding to the key matching exactly the placeholder, case included.
  • New show_whisker function to display the available whiskers.
  • join_adsub_adsl now sends a warning when the continuous or categorical variables are missing or all NA. All NA variables can now be kept using drop_na = FALSE. In addition, missing levels in the pivoted columns can be dropped with drop_lvl = TRUE.
  • Remove mini_pivot_wider function which is no longer used.

dunlin 0.1.5

  • empty_rule is removed now. rule() will create a normal rule object.
  • By default rule are converting empty space "" to NA upon reformatting.
  • list2rule now tolerates duplicated rules with different names.
  • Specified minimal version of package dependencies.

dunlin 0.1.4

  • rules now have attributes controlling their behavior during reformatting.
  • reformat can override rule attribute with the corresponding arguments.
  • Add render_safe and add_whisker functions to replaces placeholders enclosed in curly braces with replacement stored in a dedicated environment.
  • read_rule function has been moved into the citril package.

dunlin 0.1.3

  • Add log_filter function for filtering with additional logs.
  • Remove the use of dm.
  • Introduced ls_explicit_na to replace NA values in an entire list of data.frame.
  • reformat re-levels factors to follow the order provided in the rule that is applied and levels declared in the rule are all integrated to the result.

dunlin 0.1.2

  • Defined a Reformatting Map (rule object) which specifies the correspondence between the old and the new values in data.
  • Enhanced function dunlin::reformat() that provides generic supports in character and/or factor reformatting while keeping the attributes of the original data (e.g. the data type or labels) unchanged.
  • Improved performance of package by adding more unit tests.
  • Upgraded package dependencies and removed deprecated functions.
  • Updated pkgdown configuration.

dunlin 0.1.1

  • Initial package release.