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AET01_AESI Table 1 (Default) Adverse Event of Special Interest Summary Table.


  arm_var = "ACTARM",
  aesi_vars = list(NA_character_),
  deco = std_deco("AET01_AESI"),

aet01_aesi_1_lyt(arm_var, aesi_vars, deco, lbl_aesi_vars)

  req_tables = c("adsl", "adae"),
  arm_var = "ACTARM",

aet01_aesi_1_check(adam_db, req_tables = c("adsl", "adae"), arm_var = "ACTARM")

aet01_aesi_post(tlg, prune_0 = FALSE, deco = std_deco("AET01_AESI"), ...)



An object of class chevron_t of length 1.



(dm) object containing the ADaM datasets


(string) variable used for column splitting


(list) the AESI variables to be included in the summary. Defaults to NA.


(character) decoration with title, subtitles and main_footer content


not used.


(character) the labels of the AESI variables to be summarized.


(character) names of the required tables.


(TableTree, Listing or ggplot) object typically produced by a main function.


(flag) remove 0 count rows


  • Does not remove rows with zero counts by default.


  • aet01_aesi_1_main(): Main TLG function

  • aet01_aesi_1_lyt(): Layout

  • aet01_aesi_1_pre(): Preprocessing

  • aet01_aesi_1_check(): Checks

  • aet01_aesi_post(): Postprocessing


  • adam_db object must contain an adae table with columns "AEOUT", "AEACN", "AECONTRT", "AESER", "AREL", and the column specified by arm_var.

  • aesi_vars may contain any/all of the following variables to display: "ALLRESWD", "ALLRESDSM", "ALLRESCONTRT", "NOTRESWD", "NOTRESDSM", "NOTRESCONTRT", "SERWD", "SERDSM", "SERCONTRT", "RELWD", "RELDSM", "RELCONTRT", "RELSER".

  • aesi_vars variable prefixes are defined as follows:

    • "ALLRES" = "all non-fatal adverse events resolved"

    • "NOTRES" = "at least one unresolved or ongoing non-fatal adverse event"

    • "SER" = "serious adverse event"

    • "REL" = "related adverse event"

  • aesi_vars variable suffixes are defined as follows:

    • "WD" = "patients with study drug withdrawn"

    • "DSM" = "patients with dose modified/interrupted"

    • "CONTRT" = "patients with treatment received"

  • Several aesi_vars can be added to the table at once:

    • aesi_vars = "ALL" will include all possible aesi_vars.

    • Including "ALL_XXX" in aesi_vars where XXX is one of the prefixes listed above will include all aesi_vars with that prefix.


run(aet01_aesi_1, syn_data)
#>                                                                                    A: Drug X    B: Placebo    C: Combination
#>                                                                                     (N=134)       (N=134)        (N=132)    
#>   ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
#>   Total number of patients with at least one AE                                   122 (91.0%)   123 (91.8%)    120 (90.9%)  
#>   Total number of AEs                                                                 609           622            703      
#>   Total number of patients with at least one AE by worst grade                                                              
#>     Grade 1                                                                        7 (5.2%)      9 (6.7%)        4 (3.0%)   
#>     Grade 2                                                                        6 (4.5%)      10 (7.5%)       7 (5.3%)   
#>     Grade 3                                                                       18 (13.4%)    14 (10.4%)      16 (12.1%)  
#>     Grade 4                                                                       15 (11.2%)    20 (14.9%)      18 (13.6%)  
#>     Grade 5 (fatal outcome)                                                       76 (56.7%)    70 (52.2%)      75 (56.8%)  
#>   Total number of patients with study drug withdrawn due to AE                    27 (20.1%)    26 (19.4%)      30 (22.7%)  
#>   Total number of patients with dose modified/interrupted due to AE               66 (49.3%)    76 (56.7%)      74 (56.1%)  
#>   Total number of patients with treatment received for AE                         98 (73.1%)    102 (76.1%)    103 (78.0%)  
#>   Total number of patients with all non-fatal AEs resolved                        84 (62.7%)    92 (68.7%)      97 (73.5%)  
#>   Total number of patients with at least one unresolved or ongoing non-fatal AE   102 (76.1%)   110 (82.1%)    107 (81.1%)  
#>   Total number of patients with at least one serious AE                           104 (77.6%)   101 (75.4%)     99 (75.0%)  
#>   Total number of patients with at least one related AE                           105 (78.4%)   108 (80.6%)    109 (82.6%)