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The chevron R package provides functions to produce standard tables, listings and graphs (TLGs) used to analyze and report clinical trials data. The ensemble of function used to produce a particular output are stored in an S4 object of virtual class chevron_tlg. Each type of output are associated with a specific class: chevron_t for tables, chevron_l for listings and chevron_g for graphs.

Each standard output is associated with one chevron_tlg object. They contain the following objects in separate slots:

  • A main function also refereed to as TLG-function.
  • A preprocess function.
  • A postprocess function
  • A adam_datasets character vector of the name of the AdAM datasets required to create the output.


The TLG-functions in chevron use other packages to produce the final outputs, for example rtables and tern are used to create tables, ggplot2, lattice, and grid are used to create graphs, rlistings to create listings.

TLG-functions in chevron such as dmt01_1_main, aet02_1_main, aet02_2_main have the following properties:

  1. they produce a narrow defined output (currently standards in Roche GDS). Note, that the naming convention <gds template id>_<i>_main indicates that a Roche GDS defined standard may have different implementations. Or, alternatively, a GDS template id can be regarded as a guideline and the function name in chevron as a standard.
  2. have, if possible, few arguments to modify the standard. Generally, arguments may change the structure of the table (arm variable, which variables are summarized) but not parameterize the cell content (i.e. alpha-level for p-value).
  3. have always the first argument adam_db which is the collection of ADaM datasets (ADSL, ADAE, ADRS, etc.). Please read the The adam_db Argument vignette in this package for more details.


The preprocess functions in chevron use dm and dunlin packages to process dm object and turn them into a suitable input for TLG-functions. The preprocessing step typically includes checks that will ensure that the dm input can be later processed by the TLG-functions.

preprocess in chevron such as dmt01_1_pre, aet02_1_pre, aet02_2_pre have the following properties:

  1. they return a dm object amenable to processing by a TLG-functions or return rapidly an understandable error message.
  2. have very few arguments to modify the standard.
  3. have always the first argument adam_db which is the collection of ADaM datasets (ADSL, ADAE, ADRS, etc.). Please read the The adam_db Argument vignette in this package for more details.


By default, the Postprocessing function returns its input or a NULL report if the input has no rows. postprocessing function of a chevron_tlg object must have at least tlg as formal arguments.

ADaM datasets

The adam_datasets stores the name(s) of the data sets in the AdAM dm object that will be used in the process. This information is important when the chevron_tlg object is interfaced with other processes from the chevron ecosystem of packages such as citril.

Example AET02

For example, the GDS template aet02 is implemented in chevron with the chevropn_tlg objects that have the name aet02_*. The object documentation which is accessible with the help function, e.g. help('aet02_1') documents what is particular in the _1 implementation.

We first define the data and put it in a dm object, you can find more details about this in the adam_db vignette.

#> Registered S3 method overwritten by 'tern':
#>   method   from 
#>   tidy.glm broom
#> Attaching package: 'dm'
#> The following object is masked from 'package:stats':
#>     filter

data(syn_data, package = "chevron")

adam_study_data <- dm(adsl = syn_data$adsl, adae = syn_data$adae) %>%
  dm_add_pk(adsl, c("USUBJID", "STUDYID")) %>%
  dm_add_fk(adae, c("USUBJID", "STUDYID"), ref_table = "adsl") %>%
  dm_add_pk(adae, c("USUBJID", "STUDYID", "ASTDTM", "AETERM", "AESEQ"))


A the aet02_1 output is then created as follows:

run(aet02_1, adam_study_data)
#>   MedDRA System Organ Class                                     A: Drug X    B: Placebo    C: Combination
#>     MedDRA Preferred Term                                        (N=134)       (N=134)        (N=132)    
#>   ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
#>   Total number of patients with at least one adverse event     122 (91.0%)   123 (91.8%)    120 (90.9%)  
#>   Overall total number of events                                   609           622            703      
#>   cl A.1                                                                                                 
#>     Total number of patients with at least one adverse event   78 (58.2%)    75 (56.0%)      89 (67.4%)  
#>     Total number of events                                         132           130            160      
#>     dcd A.                                              50 (37.3%)    45 (33.6%)      63 (47.7%)  
#>     dcd A.                                              48 (35.8%)    48 (35.8%)      50 (37.9%)  
#>   cl B.2                                                                                                 
#>     Total number of patients with at least one adverse event   79 (59.0%)    74 (55.2%)      85 (64.4%)  
#>     Total number of events                                         129           138            143      
#>     dcd B.                                              48 (35.8%)    54 (40.3%)      51 (38.6%)  
#>     dcd B.                                              49 (36.6%)    44 (32.8%)      52 (39.4%)  
#>   cl D.1                                                                                                 
#>     Total number of patients with at least one adverse event   79 (59.0%)    67 (50.0%)      80 (60.6%)  
#>     Total number of events                                         127           106            135      
#>     dcd D.                                              50 (37.3%)    42 (31.3%)      51 (38.6%)  
#>     dcd D.                                              48 (35.8%)    42 (31.3%)      50 (37.9%)  
#>   cl D.2                                                                                                 
#>     Total number of patients with at least one adverse event   47 (35.1%)    58 (43.3%)      57 (43.2%)  
#>     Total number of events                                         62            72              74      
#>     dcd D.                                              47 (35.1%)    58 (43.3%)      57 (43.2%)  
#>   cl B.1                                                                                                 
#>     Total number of patients with at least one adverse event   47 (35.1%)    49 (36.6%)      43 (32.6%)  
#>     Total number of events                                         56            60              62      
#>     dcd B.                                              47 (35.1%)    49 (36.6%)      43 (32.6%)  
#>   cl C.2                                                                                                 
#>     Total number of patients with at least one adverse event   35 (26.1%)    48 (35.8%)      55 (41.7%)  
#>     Total number of events                                         48            53              65      
#>     dcd C.                                              35 (26.1%)    48 (35.8%)      55 (41.7%)  
#>   cl C.1                                                                                                 
#>     Total number of patients with at least one adverse event   43 (32.1%)    46 (34.3%)      43 (32.6%)  
#>     Total number of events                                         55            63              64      
#>     dcd C.                                              43 (32.1%)    46 (34.3%)      43 (32.6%)

The function associated with a particular slot can be retrieved with the corresponding method: main, lyt, preprocess postprocess and datasets.

#> function (adam_db, arm_var = "ACTARM", lbl_overall = NULL, lbl_aebodsys = "MedDRA System Organ Class", 
#>     lbl_aedecod = "MedDRA Preferred Term", deco = std_deco("AET02"), 
#>     ...) 
#> {
#>     dbsel <- get_db_data(adam_db, "adsl", "adae")
#>     assert_colnames(adam_db$adae, c("AEBODSYS", "AEDECOD"))
#>     lyt <- aet02_1_lyt(arm_var = arm_var, lbl_overall = lbl_overall, 
#>         lbl_aebodsys = lbl_aebodsys, lbl_aedecod = lbl_aedecod, 
#>         deco = deco)
#>     tbl <- build_table(lyt, dbsel$adae, alt_counts_df = dbsel$adsl)
#>     tbl
#> }
#> <bytecode: 0x55e17b7afc70>
#> <environment: namespace:chevron>

These are standard functions that can be used on their own.

#> ── Metadata ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> Tables: `adsl`, `adae`
#> Columns: 159
#> Primary keys: 2
#> Foreign keys: 1

# or
foo <- aet02_1@preprocess
#> ── Metadata ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> Tables: `adsl`, `adae`
#> Columns: 159
#> Primary keys: 2
#> Foreign keys: 1

chevron_tlg object customization

In some instances it is useful to customize the chevron_tlg object, for example by changing the pre processing functions. Be aware that you have to think carefully about argument names and compatibility with downstream functions.

Note that this operation creates a local version of the chevron_tlg object. The package version of the chevron_tlg object (accessible with chevron::aet01_1) remains unchanged.

preprocess(aet02_1) <- function(adam_db, ...) adam_db
#> function(adam_db, ...) adam_db

Custom chevron_tlg object creation

To create a chevron_tlg object from scratch, use the provided constructors corresponding to the desired output:

#> Loading required package: magrittr
#> Loading required package: formatters
my_template <- chevron_t(
  main = aet02_1_main,
  preprocess = aet02_1_pre,
  postprocess = function(tlg, ...) {
    tbl_sorted <- tlg %>%
        path = c("AEBODSYS"),
        scorefun = cont_n_onecol(j = 3) # sort based on your chosen column
      ) %>%
        path = c("AEBODSYS", "*", "AEDECOD"),
        scorefun = score_occurrences
  adam_datasets = c("adsl", "adae")

run(my_template, adam_study_data)
#> MedDRA System Organ Class                                     A: Drug X    B: Placebo    C: Combination
#>   MedDRA Preferred Term                                        (N=134)       (N=134)        (N=132)    
#> ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
#> Total number of patients with at least one adverse event     122 (91.0%)   123 (91.8%)    120 (90.9%)  
#> Overall total number of events                                   609           622            703      
#> cl A.1                                                                                                 
#>   Total number of patients with at least one adverse event   78 (58.2%)    75 (56.0%)      89 (67.4%)  
#>   Total number of events                                         132           130            160      
#>   dcd A.                                              50 (37.3%)    45 (33.6%)      63 (47.7%)  
#>   dcd A.                                              48 (35.8%)    48 (35.8%)      50 (37.9%)  
#> cl B.2                                                                                                 
#>   Total number of patients with at least one adverse event   79 (59.0%)    74 (55.2%)      85 (64.4%)  
#>   Total number of events                                         129           138            143      
#>   dcd B.                                              48 (35.8%)    54 (40.3%)      51 (38.6%)  
#>   dcd B.                                              49 (36.6%)    44 (32.8%)      52 (39.4%)  
#> cl D.1                                                                                                 
#>   Total number of patients with at least one adverse event   79 (59.0%)    67 (50.0%)      80 (60.6%)  
#>   Total number of events                                         127           106            135      
#>   dcd D.                                              50 (37.3%)    42 (31.3%)      51 (38.6%)  
#>   dcd D.                                              48 (35.8%)    42 (31.3%)      50 (37.9%)  
#> cl D.2                                                                                                 
#>   Total number of patients with at least one adverse event   47 (35.1%)    58 (43.3%)      57 (43.2%)  
#>   Total number of events                                         62            72              74      
#>   dcd D.                                              47 (35.1%)    58 (43.3%)      57 (43.2%)  
#> cl C.2                                                                                                 
#>   Total number of patients with at least one adverse event   35 (26.1%)    48 (35.8%)      55 (41.7%)  
#>   Total number of events                                         48            53              65      
#>   dcd C.                                              35 (26.1%)    48 (35.8%)      55 (41.7%)  
#> cl B.1                                                                                                 
#>   Total number of patients with at least one adverse event   47 (35.1%)    49 (36.6%)      43 (32.6%)  
#>   Total number of events                                         56            60              62      
#>   dcd B.                                              47 (35.1%)    49 (36.6%)      43 (32.6%)  
#> cl C.1                                                                                                 
#>   Total number of patients with at least one adverse event   43 (32.1%)    46 (34.3%)      43 (32.6%)  
#>   Total number of events                                         55            63              64      
#>   dcd C.                                              43 (32.1%)    46 (34.3%)      43 (32.6%)

Note that to ensure the correct execution of the run function, the name of the first argument of the main function must be adam_db; the input dm object to pre-process. The name of the first argument of the preprocess function must be adam_db; the input dm object to create TLG output and finally, the name of the first argument of the postprocess function must be tlg, the input TableTree object to post-process. Validation criteria enforce these rules upon creation of a chevron_tlg object.