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  • Update in for factor variables that are all missing. These variables can now be tabulated, where previously this resulted in an error.

  • Update in where we can now tabulate the missing rate of design variables, such as the weights.

  • Fixed a bug in ard_survival_survfit() causing an error when “=” character is present in stratification variable level labels. (#252)

  • Added function ard_categorical_max() to calculate categorical occurrence rates by maximum level per unique ID. (#240)

cardx 0.2.2

CRAN release: 2024-11-27

cardx 0.2.1

CRAN release: 2024-09-03

New Features and Updates

Bug Fixes

Lifecycle Changes

  • The bt(pattern), reformulate2(pattern_term), reformulate2(pattern_response) arguments have been deprecated and are now ignored. We now use make.names() to determine whether a column name needs to be wrapped in backticks. (#192)

cardx 0.2.0

CRAN release: 2024-07-20

Breaking Changes

  • Updated function names to follow the pattern ard_<pkgname>_<fnname>(). This change is immediate: previous functions names have not been deprecated. (#106)
ard_ttest()             -> ard_stats_t_test()
ard_paired_ttest()      -> ard_stats_paired_t_test()
ard_wilcoxtest()        -> ard_stats_wilcox_test()
ard_paired_wilcoxtest() -> ard_stats_paired_wilcox_test()
ard_chisqtest()         -> ard_stats_chisq_test()
ard_fishertest()        -> ard_stats_fisher_test()
ard_kruskaltest()       -> ard_stats_kruskal_test()
ard_mcnemartest()       -> ard_stats_mcnemar_test()
ard_moodtest()          -> ard_stats_mood_test()

New Features

cardx 0.1.0

CRAN release: 2024-03-18

  • Initial release.