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There are two main actors in the teal development:

  • teal App Developer
  • teal Module Developer

teal app developer

The primary responsibility of a teal app developer is to leverage the available building blocks of the teal framework to create a functional teal app that analyses the data.

To expedite the app creation process, developers can take advantage of pre-existing teal modules found in R packages like teal.modules.general and teal.modules.clinical.

These modules are designed with a focus on standardization and versatility, making them suitable for a wide range of use cases.

When developing a teal app, the developer will select the most appropriate teal modules and integrate them into the app’s interface to ensure seamless usability for end-users.

To learn more about the existing modules, visit, which contains several demo applications and their source code.

teal module developer

%% This is a mermaid diagram, if you see this the plot failed to render. Sorry.
graph LR
    A[Teal App Developer]--utilizes--> B[teal modules]
    E[Teal Module Developer]--develops--> B
    B--to create--> C[teal app]
    D[app user]--uses--> C
style A fill:lightblue
style E fill:lightgreen
style D fill:pink
style C fill:gold

The main duty of a teal module developer is to construct a compatible teal module that can be utilized within the teal framework.

Several factors influence the scope and requirements for building a teal module.

When creating a reusable teal module, it’s advisable to focus on making it as general and adaptable as feasible to maximize the possibilities of being re-used in the future. However, developers have the freedom to create a teal module that is customized to suit the specific demands of a project.

Ultimately, one or more teal modules are employed to construct a teal app.

To learn more about creating custom modules follow the Tutorial on Creating a Custom Module.

Workflow in a clinical trial study

%% This is a mermaid diagram, if you see this the plot failed to render. Sorry.
%%| fig-width: 7.5
graph LR
    subgraph Study B
        A2[Study Teal App Developer]--utilizes--> B2[teal modules]
        E2[Study Teal Module Developer]-.develops.-> B2
        B2--to create--> C2[study teal app]
        D2[study app user]--uses--> C2
    E3[Teal Module Developer]--develops--> B
    subgraph Study A
        A[Study Teal App Developer]--utilizes--> B[teal modules]
        E[Study Teal Module Developer]-.develops.-> B
        B--to create--> C[study teal app]
        D[study app user]--uses--> C
style A fill:lightblue
style A2 fill:lightblue
style E fill:limegreen
style E2 fill:limegreen
style E3 fill:lightgreen
style D fill:pink
style D2 fill:pink
style C fill:gold
style C2 fill:gold

In a clinical trial study setting, a unique study teal app developer is assigned to each study team and is accountable for developing a tailored teal app for their respective study.

The study teal app developer will initially leverage existing teal modules from R packages created by teal module developers.

In cases where there is a need to create new modules tailored to the study, a study teal module developer will need to be involved.

Upon completion, each study team will have their own designated teal app tailored to their specific study.