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Filter settings for teal applications


  exclude_varnames = NULL,
  include_varnames = NULL,
  count_type = NULL,
  allow_add = TRUE,
  module_specific = FALSE,




any number of teal_slice objects. For print and format, additional arguments passed to other functions.

include_varnames, exclude_varnames

(named lists of character) where list names match names of data sets and vector elements match variable names in respective data sets; specify which variables are allowed to be filtered; see Details


[Experimental] This is a new feature. Do kindly share your opinions.
(character(1)) string specifying how observations are tallied by these filter states. Possible options:

  • "none" (default) to have counts of single FilterState to show unfiltered number only.

  • "all" to have counts of single FilterState to show number of observation in filtered and unfiltered dataset. Note, that issues were reported when using this option with MultiAssayExperiment. Please make sure that adding new filters doesn't fail on target platform before deploying for production.


(logical(1)) logical flag specifying whether the user will be able to add new filters



  • TRUE when filter panel should be module-specific. All modules can have different set of filters specified - see mapping argument.

  • FALSE when one filter panel needed to all modules. All filters will be shared by all modules.


[Experimental] This is a new feature. Do kindly share your opinions.
(named list)
Specifies which filters will be active in which modules on app start. Elements should contain character vector of teal_slice ids (see teal.slice::teal_slice()). Names of the list should correspond to teal_module label set in module() function. ids listed under "global_filters will be active in all modules. If missing, all filters will be applied to all modules. If empty list, all filters will be available to all modules but will start inactive. If module_specific is FALSE, only global_filters will be active on start.


(list) of lists to convert to teal_slices


filter <- teal_slices(
  teal.slice::teal_slice(dataname = "iris", varname = "Species", id = "species"),
  teal.slice::teal_slice(dataname = "iris", varname = "Sepal.Length", id = "sepal_length"),
    dataname = "iris", id = "long_petals", title = "Long petals", expr = "Petal.Length > 5"
  teal.slice::teal_slice(dataname = "mtcars", varname = "mpg", id = "mtcars_mpg"),
  mapping = list(
    module1 = c("species", "sepal_length"),
    module2 = c("mtcars_mpg"),
    global_filters = "long_petals"

app <- teal::init(
  modules = list(
  data = list(iris, mtcars),
  filter = filter
#> module "module1" server function takes no data so "datanames" will be ignored
#> module "module2" server function takes no data so "datanames" will be ignored

if (interactive()) {