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The teal framework leverages the shiny module concept to enable encapsulation of analytical actions in teal modules, while maintaining seamless communication between the modules and the application.


By implementing the modular app technique from the shiny module into the creation of the teal module, several benefits are realized:

  1. Streamlined maintenance The development of the teal module becomes more manageable, as it can function independently from the teal framework. This separation allows developers to maintain the module with ease. This approach has been successfully applied in R packages dedicated to teal module development, such as teal.modules.general and teal.modules.clinical.

  2. Enhanced focus on output teal module developers can concentrate solely on refining parameters or encoding, and output aspects (such as data summarization and visualization) without the need to concern themselves with the intricacies of the teal framework. When developed correctly, the module seamlessly integrates with teal.

  3. Facilitated collaboration teal module development becomes an accessible entry point for developers interested in collaborating. This approach encourages user collaboration for the improvement of teal modules, as developers gain a deeper understanding of the mechanics of the teal framework.