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This package provides various ‘widgets’ for teal applications. Examples include:

  • standard_layout for a standard UI layout with output on the right and an encoding panel on the left
  • plot_with_settings for a standard plot output UI with resizing and downloading options
  • table_with_setting for a standard rtables output UI with download and pagination options
  • ggplot2_args for a standard ggplot2 output plot with graphic options
  • basic_table_args for a standard rtables output table with graphic options


From July 2023 insightsengineering packages are available on r-universe.

# stable versions
install.packages('teal.widgets', repos = c('', ''))

# beta versions
install.packages('teal.widgets', repos = c('', ''))

See package vignettes browseVignettes(package = "teal.widgets") for usage of this package.

Stargazers and Forkers

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Stargazers over time


Stargazers repo roster for @insightsengineering/teal.widgets


Forkers repo roster for @insightsengineering/teal.widgets