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This module produces a table to summarize variables.


  parentname = ifelse(inherits(arm_var, "data_extract_spec"),
    teal.transform::datanames_input(arm_var), "ADSL"),
  add_total = TRUE,
  total_label = default_total_label(),
  show_arm_var_labels = TRUE,
  useNA = c("ifany", "no"),
  na_level = default_na_str(),
  numeric_stats = c("n", "mean_sd", "mean_ci", "median", "median_ci", "quantiles",
    "range", "geom_mean"),
  denominator = c("N", "n", "omit"),
  drop_arm_levels = TRUE,
  pre_output = NULL,
  post_output = NULL,
  basic_table_args = teal.widgets::basic_table_args(),
  decorators = NULL



menu item label of the module in the teal app.


analysis data used in teal module.


parent analysis data used in teal module, usually this refers to ADSL.


object with all available choices and preselected option for variable names that can be used as arm_var. It defines the grouping variable(s) in the results table. If there are two elements selected for arm_var, second variable will be nested under the first variable.


names of the variables that should be summarized.


whether to include column with total number of patients.


string to display as total column/row label if column/row is enabled (see add_total). Defaults to "All Patients". To set a new default total_label to apply in all modules, run set_default_total_label("new_default").


whether arm variable label(s) should be displayed. Defaults to TRUE.


whether missing data (NA) should be displayed as a level.


used to replace all NA or empty values in character or factor variables in the data. Defaults to "<Missing>". To set a default na_level to apply in all modules, run set_default_na_str("new_default").


names of statistics to display for numeric summary variables. Available statistics are n, mean_sd, mean_ci, median, median_ci, quantiles, range, and geom_mean.


chooses how percentages are calculated. With option N, the reference population from the column total is used as the denominator. With option n, the number of non-missing records in this row and column intersection is used as the denominator. If omit is chosen, then the percentage is omitted.


whether to drop unused levels of arm_var. If TRUE, arm_var levels are set to those used in the dataname dataset. If FALSE, arm_var levels are set to those used in the parentname dataset. If dataname and parentname are the same, then drop_arm_levels is set to TRUE and user input for this parameter is ignored.


(shiny.tag) optional,
with text placed before the output to put the output into context. For example a title.


(shiny.tag) optional,
with text placed after the output to put the output into context. For example the shiny::helpText() elements are useful.


(basic_table_args) optional
object created by teal.widgets::basic_table_args() with settings for the module table. The argument is merged with option teal.basic_table_args and with default module arguments (hard coded in the module body). For more details, see the vignette: vignette("custom-basic-table-arguments", package = "teal.widgets").


[Experimental] " (list of teal_transform_module, named list of teal_transform_module or" NULL) optional, if not NULL, decorator for tables or plots included in the module. When a named list of teal_transform_module, the decorators are applied to the respective output objects.

Otherwise, the decorators are applied to all objects, which is equivalent as using the name default.

See section "Decorating Module" below for more details.


a teal_module object.

Decorating Module

This module generates the following objects, which can be modified in place using decorators:

For additional details and examples of decorators, refer to the vignette vignette("decorate-modules-output", package = "teal") or the teal_transform_module() documentation.

See also

The TLG Catalog where additional example apps implementing this module can be found.

Examples in Shinylive


Open in Shinylive


# Preparation of the test case - use `EOSDY` and `DCSREAS` variables to demonstrate missing data.
data <- teal_data()
data <- within(data, {
  ADSL <- tmc_ex_adsl
  ADSL$EOSDY[1] <- NA_integer_
join_keys(data) <- default_cdisc_join_keys[names(data)]

ADSL <- data[["ADSL"]]

app <- init(
  data = data,
  modules = modules(
      label = "Demographic Table",
      dataname = "ADSL",
      arm_var = choices_selected(c("ARM", "ARMCD"), "ARM"),
      add_total = TRUE,
      summarize_vars = choices_selected(
        c("SEX", "RACE", "BMRKR2", "EOSDY", "DCSREAS", "AGE"),
        c("SEX", "RACE")
      useNA = "ifany"
#> Initializing tm_t_summary
#> Initializing reporter_previewer_module
if (interactive()) {
  shinyApp(app$ui, app$server)