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teal.logger 0.3.2

  • Fixed a glue formatting issues when capturing errors, warnings or messages (#101).

teal.logger 0.3.1

CRAN release: 2025-01-22

  • Enhance log_shiny_input_changes to support log levels provided in lowercase or numeric values.
  • Fixed an issue with incorrect pasting of log messages when they were passed as vectors of length greater than one.

teal.logger 0.3.0

CRAN release: 2024-10-24

  • New function log_shiny_input_changes based on logger implementation, but curated to teal needs. It allows to track all shiny inputs changes in teal modules on TRACE level with appended namespace name.
  • Fixed logger::formatter_glue to handle NULL and vector objects.

teal.logger 0.2.0

CRAN release: 2024-03-24

  • New function register_handlers to register global handlers for logging messages, warnings and errors.
  • Specified minimal version of package dependencies.
  • Update installation instructions in README.

teal.logger 0.1.3

CRAN release: 2023-09-08

  • Fixed CRAN requirements for the first CRAN submission.

teal.logger 0.1.2

  • Updated usage and installation instructions in README.
  • Updated phrasing of the Getting Started vignette.

teal.logger 0.1.1

  • Updated installation instruction in README.

teal.logger 0.1.0

  • Initial release of teal.logger, a package for the logging setup for teal applications.

Changes (from behavior when functionality was part of teal)


  • The functions suppress_logs and log_system_info are now part of the API of the package as they are now exported.