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teal.code 0.6.1

Bug fixes

  • Fix an infinite recursion happening when lhs contains two or more symbols occurring in the rhs of the same call.

teal.code 0.6.0

CRAN release: 2025-01-27


  • Introduced [.qenv function to subset qenv object (code and environment) to specified object names.
  • get_code() was extended with names parameter and allows the code extraction to be limited to objects stored in qenv but limited to names.
  • Introduced get_messages() to get messages produced during code evaluation.
  • get_code() returns original code formatting (white spaces and comments) passed to eval_code().
  • qenv inherits from the environment class, allowing to use ls(), names(), as.environment() and other functions on qenv objects.


  • join() method is deprecated, please use c() instead
  • get_var() method is deprecated, please use get, [[ or $ instead.
  • Remove deprecated function new_qenv.
  • Numerous bug fixes

teal.code 0.5.0

CRAN release: 2024-01-11

Breaking Change

  • qenv objects should now be created with qenv() rather than new_qenv(). The new constructor always creates an empty object. new_qenv is now deprecated.


  • Exported the qenv class from the package.
  • The @code field in the qenv class now holds character, not expression.
  • The get_code method returns a single concatenated string of the code.
  • Added within support for qenv.error class.
  • Added get_env method that allows to extract environment stored in qenv@env slot.

teal.code 0.4.1

CRAN release: 2023-09-12


  • Fix NEWS
  • Updated usage and installation instructions in README.
  • Updated phrasing of the qenv vignette.
  • Specified minimal version of package dependencies.
  • Added within method for qenv for convenient passing of inline code to eval_code.

teal.code 0.4.0

Breaking Change

  • chunks have been removed. The new qenv object should be used instead. See the new qenv vignette in the package for further details.


  • dev_suppress has been added to suppress rendering of plots on IDE.

teal.code 0.3.0

Major breaking change

  • chunks have now been deprecated and will be removed from the package in a future release. The new qenv object should be used instead. See the new qenv vignette in the package for further details.

New features

  • Added concat method to the qenv to offer the concatenate functionality.

teal.code 0.2.0


  • Removed the %<chunk% operator. Please use chunks_push instead.

teal.code 0.1.1


  • New wrapper function chunks_deep_clone to make a deep (i.e. completely independent) copy of a chunks objects.
  • Added a new wrapper chunks_new for chunks initialization.


  • Added a template to the pkgdown site.
  • Added a vignette to explain the advanced features of the chunks object.

teal.code 0.1.0

  • Initial release of teal.code, a package for code storage and execution class for teal applications.