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This R package contains functions for accessing synthetic CDISC from data archive packages such as scda.2022. At least one of these archive packages should be installed in order to use this package.

This synthetic data can be used as test data when developing teal applications or statistical analysis functions and due to the data not been derived from a real clinical trial it provides an excellent method for generating reproducible examples when reporting errors.

Note however that this data is somewhat idealized and real trial data is often significantly more complex and messy.


For releases from August 2022 it is recommended that you create and use a Github PAT to install the latest version of this package. Once you have the PAT, run the following:

Sys.setenv(GITHUB_PAT = "your_access_token_here")
if (!require("remotes")) install.packages("remotes")

A stable release of all NEST packages from June 2022 is also available here.

Basic Usage

You can see which data are available with

And to load a specific data archive use

# chose the first one
chosen_data_archive <- ls_synthetic_cdisc_data()$Name[1]
oldest_dfs <- synthetic_cdisc_data(chosen_data_archive)

# chose the latest one
latest_dfs <- synthetic_cdisc_data("latest")

Stargazers and Forkers

Stargazers over time

Stargazers over time


Stargazers repo roster for @insightsengineering/scda


Forkers repo roster for @insightsengineering/scda