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  • Added parameter sort_cols to as_listing to specify columns to sort the listing on. Previously listings were always sorted on key columns.
  • Addition of separators between values in as_listings(add_trailing_sep = <col_names>) with determined values as_listings(trailing_sep = <single_character>).
  • Added a vignette with tips for exporting large listings.

rlistings 0.2.10

CRAN release: 2025-01-09

  • Added an error message for listings with variables of difftime class.
  • Added message when the listing object has zero row.

rlistings 0.2.9

CRAN release: 2024-06-20

  • Added truetype font support based on new formatters api, by @gmbecker.
  • Fixed tests so that paginations based on different fonts and page sizes can be compared, by @gmbecker.
  • paginate_listing now accepts col_gap argument and passes it down correctly to pagination machinery in formatters, by @gmbecker.

rlistings 0.2.8

CRAN release: 2024-04-15

  • Added relevant tests for pagination when key columns need to be repeated in each page and when they are all empty.
  • Added relevant tests for new line characters’ handling in footnotes and titles.
  • Added a cheatsheet.
  • Added function split_into_pages_by_var to split a listing into a list of listings according to values of a given variable. This enables page splits by variable when paginating.
  • Removed defunct function pag_listing_indices.
  • Changed title of “Getting Started with rlistings” vignette to “Getting Started”.
  • Refactored paginate_listing to use directly paginate_to_mpfs function from formatters package.

rlistings 0.2.7

CRAN release: 2023-12-06

  • Applied styler and resolved package lint. Changed default indentation from 4 spaces to 2.
  • Fixed bug in add_listing_col when both a function and a format are specified.
  • Added a vignette on referential footnotes workaround.
  • Added a vignette on formatting columns.
  • Added a vignette on pagination.

rlistings 0.2.6

  • Fixed bug in pagination preventing key column values to appear in paginated listings when export_as_txt was used.
  • Added tests to cover for export_as_txt outputs.
  • Integrated support for newline characters.

rlistings 0.2.5

  • Fixed bug in as_listing preventing custom formatting from being applied to key columns.
  • Updated matrix_form to allow NA values in key columns.
  • Updated as_listing to trim any rows containing only NA values and print an informative message.

rlistings 0.2.4

CRAN release: 2023-08-26

  • Added num_rep_cols method for listings. Resolves error with key column repetition during pagination .
  • Fixed a bug when exporting a degenerative list, which is a data frame of a single row and a single column.
  • Specified minimal version of package dependencies.

rlistings 0.2.3

  • Added new arguments default_formatting and col_formatting to as_listing to specify column format configurations.
  • Added new argument unique_rows to as_listing to remove duplicate rows from listing.
  • Default alignment is now left across all types. Reinstate NA as default.
  • Introduced testthat edition 3.

rlistings 0.2.2

CRAN release: 2023-05-25

  • Moved export_as_txt to formatters. Added to reexports.

rlistings 0.2.1

CRAN release: 2023-03-17


  • Extend page-size machinery in pagination by allowing the page specification (page_type, pg_width, pg_height, font_family, font_size) to be transformed into lpp (lines per page) and cpp (characters per page).
  • New function export_as_txt to support output saved in plain text.
  • cols argument renamed to disp_cols in the function as_listing.
  • New argument non_disp_cols in the function as_listing.
  • disp_cols argument now defaults to all columns not included in key_cols.
  • Columns named in key_cols no longer need to also be listed in disp_cols.
  • Pagination is now calculated based on formatted cells values (including wrapping) rather than raw cell contents.
  • Key columns are now guaranteed to be the leftmost columns (both stored and displayed) in listing_df objects.
  • Added tests for paginate_listing.
  • Added development cycle with lifecycle support, and experimental badges.
  • Added initial installments for checkmate assertion support.
  • Added a main package page with all the relevant imports and descriptions (rlistings-package).
  • Added “Get Started” vignette and updated README.
  • Added markdown support to all functions.

Bug fixes

  • matrix_form(lsting, TRUE) no longer throws an error.

rlistings 0.1.1

  • Add title, subtitle, and (main and prov) footer support.
  • Now depends on dplyr instead of magrittr to hopefully avoid var_labels droppage issues.
  • paginate_listing now supports pagination in both directions.

rlistings 0.1.0

  • Initial experimental rlistings API. Everything subject to change.