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Simulate drop-out


simulate_dropout(prob_dropout, ids, subset = rep(1, length(ids)))



Numeric that specifies the probability that a post-baseline visit is affected by study drop-out.


Factor variable that specifies the id of each subject.


Binary variable that specifies the subset that could be affected by drop-out. I.e. subset is a binary vector of length equal to the length of ids that takes value 1 if the corresponding visit could be affected by drop-out and 0 otherwise.


A binary vector of length equal to the length of ids that takes value 1 if the corresponding outcome is affected by study drop-out.


subset can be used to specify outcome values that cannot be affected by the drop-out. By default subset will be set to 1 for all the values except the values corresponding to the baseline outcome, since baseline is supposed to not be affected by drop-out. Even if subset is specified by the user, the values corresponding to the baseline outcome are still hard-coded to be 0.