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Returns a list defining the imputation strategies to be used to create the multivariate normal distribution parameters by merging those of the source group and reference group per patient.





User defined methods to be added to the return list. Input must be a function.


By default Jump to Reference (JR), Copy Reference (CR), Copy Increments in Reference (CIR), Last Mean Carried Forward (LMCF) and Missing at Random (MAR) are defined.

The user can define their own strategy functions (or overwrite the pre-defined ones) by specifying a named input to the function i.e. NEW = function(...) .... Only exception is MAR which cannot be overwritten.

All user defined functions must take 3 inputs: pars_group, pars_ref and index_mar. pars_group and pars_ref are both lists with elements mu and sigma representing the multivariate normal distribution parameters for the subject's current group and reference group respectively. index_mar will be a logical vector specifying which visits the subject met the MAR assumption at. The function must return a list with elements mu and sigma. See the implementation of strategy_JR() for an example.


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
    NEW = function(pars_group, pars_ref, index_mar) code ,
    JR = function(pars_group, pars_ref, index_mar)  more_code
} # }