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osprey 0.1.16


  • Removed scda package dependency from examples.
  • Updated deprecated argument specification in calls to guides.

osprey 0.1.15


  • Implemented nestcolor with slight refactoring to g_events_term_id, g_heat_bygrade, g_patient_profile, g_swimlane, and g_waterfall. Added nestcolor in examples without custom color manuals.
  • Updated installation instructions in the README.


  • Fixed a failure in g_patient_profile example.

osprey 0.1.14


  • Added a template to the pkgdown site.
  • Moved tern from imports into suggests; it is now only required for the function grobs2pdf.
  • Removed the dependency on purrr.

osprey 0.1.13


  • Removed rtables dependency.
  • Functions from imported packages are now fully specified.

osprey 0.1.12


  • Modified g_swimlane plot to expand its y-axis range based on vertical line inputs.

Breaking changes

  • Renamed ylab, yref_line and ytick_at arguments to xlab, xref_line and xtick_at for g_swimlane as they refer to the x not y axis.


  • Updated R version requirement to R >= 3.6.
  • Removed dependency on test.nest package.
  • Removed dependency on utils.nest package and replaced its functions with equivalents from the checkmate package.

osprey 0.1.11

  • Updated LICENCE and README with new package references.
  • Fixed the sort_by issue in g_butterfly.
  • Update example and tests using scda synthetic data to replace
  • Added error_on_lint: TRUE to .lintr.
  • Removed unneeded importFrom statements.
  • Fixed bug in g_swimlane that incorrectly orders the legend in certain scenarios.

osprey 0.1.10

  • Updated and cleaned up package internals.

osprey 0.1.9

  • Added new plot function Heatmap by Grade Plot g_heat_bygrade.
  • Added new plot function Adverse Event Category Plot g_ae_sub.

osprey 0.1.8


  • Set up a .lintr configuration file.
  • Remove NA when calculating max_day in the example.

osprey 0.1.7

Bug fixes

  • Fixed the issue in g_waterfall with simultaneous plot facet and annotation labels.
  • Fixed g_events_term_id for the case when no data exists fora given treatment arm and a given term are given.


  • The right_flag and left_flag arguments of g_butterfly should now be logical vectors instead of integers (1/0).
  • Retired four table functions due to duplicated functionalities in tern:
    • t_ae_oview: AE overview summary table.
    • t_ae: AE summary table by preferred terms.
    • t_ae_ctc: AE summary table by highest NCI-CTCAE grade.
    • t_ds: Disposition table.

osprey 0.1.6

  • Refactored g_events_term_id to use dplyr and tidyr functions over data.table.

osprey 0.1.5

  • Added new plot functions:
    • Events by term plot g_events_term_id, which can be used to plot events (AE) by terms or AE overview.
    • Patient profile plot g_patient_profile.

osprey 0.1.4

  • Work on g_swimlane, g_waterfall, t_ae_ctct_v2, and utils.

osprey 0.1.3

  • Force grade_levels argument in t_ae_ctc_v2 function to be a factor.

osprey 0.1.2

  • Refactor due to changes in utils.nest.

osprey 0.1.1

  • Refactoring package according to the NEST standards:
    • Including test.nest tests.
    • Cleaning dependencies.
    • Fix tm_g_butterfly faceting error.
    • Add sorting by right or left wing.
    • Adding g_waterfall.

osprey 0.1.0

  • First versioned release of osprey package, which include the following seven new TLG analysis functions:
    • AE overview summary table.
    • AE summary table by preferred terms.
    • AE summary table by highest NCI-CTCAE grade.
    • AE butterfly plot.
    • Disposition table.
    • Swimlane plot.
    • Spiderplot.
  • Few utility functions for working in BCE:
    • Function to quickly load snapshot data from BCE.
    • Function to output graphic objects in PDF.
    • Formatting graphic objects and outputting PDF that is IDM-compatible.