Added geom_km and geom_km_ticks (and corresponding ggproto and statistics layer functions) for Kaplan-Meier lines and ticks additions to plots, respectively.
ggplot2.utils 0.2.1
CRAN release: 2023-05-09
First publication and CRAN release.
ggplot2.utils 0.1.5
Removed dependency on deprecated package test.nest.
ggplot2.utils 0.1.3
Updated LICENCE and README with new package references.
Remove cherry-picked code and instead just import and export the relevant functions.
ggplot2.utils 0.1.2
Improved internal code style and removed unnecessary functions imports.
ggplot2.utils 0.1.1
Added stat_prop() which is a variation of stat_count allowing to compute custom proportions according to the by aesthetic defining the denominator.
Added stat_n_text() which adds text indicating the number of y-values for that particular x-value.