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formatters 0.5.7

  • Added lifecycle badge files for documentation.
  • Fixed a bug causing recursive appending of page number text during pagination.
  • Deprecated width, height and fontsize arguments of export_as_pdf() using lifecycle package.

formatters 0.5.6

CRAN release: 2024-04-15

  • Added “N=xx” format and unit test for it.
  • Added error catch for \r recursive special character.
  • Fixed pagination unexpected counts for rlistings’ pagination by removing the manual subsetting workaround and fixing insightsengineering/rlistings#155.
  • Fixed mismatch between pagination and exports regarding the value assigned to parameter max_width. Introduced general handler .handle_max_width for pagination, exports, and toString.
  • Fixed bug in format_value causing a warning for vectors containing both NA and non-NA values.
  • Fixed issue with var_label assignment that needed to be of non-named strings.
  • Included indentation and split rows with their LabelRow assignment in basic_matrix_form.
  • Allowed tables with content rows in the end be exported.
  • Moved new line expansion for decorations from rtablesmatrix_form to formatters’ constructor MatrixPrintForm so to cover also rlistings.
  • Improved relevant information feedback during pagination.
  • Updated export_as_txt to allow lists of tables/listings as input. This enables listing pagination with pages by parameter.
  • Removed the possibility of setting min_siblings > 0 when dealing with listings. This allows smooth pagination when there are only 2 lines.
  • Removed redundant references to matrix_print_form constructor (now only MatrixPrintForm).

formatters 0.5.5

CRAN release: 2023-12-06

  • Applied styler and resolved package lint. Changed default indentation from 4 spaces to 2.
  • Added the possibility of setting a general default using set_default_hsep() that sets up the option getOption("formatters_default_hsep").
  • Allowed section divider between header and table body.
  • Added support for combining duplicate referential footnotes.
  • Migrated export_as_pdf from rtables. Now using paginate_to_mpfs function. Made font_lcpi function internal.
  • Fixed wrapping and section dividers error.
  • Fixed infinite loop in wrap_string that was caused by a bug in stringi::stri_wrap not wrapping small strings with dots and spaces correctly.

formatters 0.5.4

  • Fixed a bug in paginate_to_mpfs() so that formatting in listings key columns is retained with pagination insightsengineering/rlistings#155.
  • Improved error message for pagination when cpp or lpp is too small in comparison to the column or row widths.
  • Added full support of newline characters in any part of rtables objects.
  • Modified default vertical alignment for top left information to bottom.
  • Rework of wrap_string so to allow space characters to be used and wrapped.

formatters 0.5.3

  • Decimal alignment now throws informative error if scientific notation is used.
  • Specified minimal version of package dependencies.
  • Updated hex sticker logo.

formatters 0.5.2

CRAN release: 2023-08-25

  • paginate_to_mpfs can handle single column tables and listings.
  • Added decimal alignment support with decimal, dec_right, and dec_left.
  • Updated export_as_txt to pass rep_cols argument to pagination function.
  • Added list_valid_aligns() that lists the available alignments.
  • Set default values for na_str and align to NULL in the format configuration function fmt_config.
  • Fixed a bug that threw warning when prov_footer length is greater than 1 insightsengineering/rtables#705.

formatters 0.5.1

  • Updated export_as_txt to print split label when using page_by with only one level.
  • Reduced the amount of spelling issues.
  • New generic getter and setter for align (obj_align and obj_align<-).
  • New fmt_config class to bundle together format, na_str, and align instructions.
  • Reverting default for alignment (from NULL to center) and na_str from NULL to "NA". This affects only rlistings, where the new default takes effect.

formatters 0.5.0

CRAN release: 2023-05-25

  • Fix bug in MPF pagination (and thus export_as_txt) when column labels had newlines (#150, insightsengineering/rtables#634)
  • font_size is now 8 consistently across the pagination machinery.
  • When specified, margins are in inches (including the default).
  • Fix off-by-one error in pagination machinery for certain cases.
  • Refined informative messages when pagination is verbose (verbose = TRUE).
  • Referential footnotes with specified (non-number) symbols are now printed once per page regardless of the number of elements on the page they refer to.
  • New export_as_txt function operates now on any object with an applicable matrix_form method (including pagination).
  • New paginate_indices and paginate_to_mpfs functions.
  • New diagnose_pagination function accepts the same arguments as paginate_to_mpfs and returns information about the pagination algorithm outcome at both row and column positions.
  • MatrixPrintForm objects now pay closer attention to referential footnote information than they did in the past.
  • MatrixPrintForm objects infer detailed referential footnote information from their strings element for backward compatibility.
  • Fix to test that failed on old Windows CRAN machine due to imperfect UTF support there.
  • If lpp and cpp in pagination or exporter functions are assigned to NULL, no pagination in the vertical or horizontal direction happens, respectively.
  • The new default of NA_integer_ for lpp and cpp now means those values should be inferred from page size.
  • Added hexSticker logo.

formatters 0.4.0

CRAN release: 2023-03-02

  • Cell values and row labels are now word-wrapped based on column widths (widths in toString and colwidths in pagination and exporters.
  • New “N=xx (xx%)” format support (
  • New generic getter and setter for na-string (obj_na_str and obj_na_str<-, migrated from rtables).
  • MatrixPrintForm class now carries around has_topleft information explicitly, getter mf_has_topleft.
  • Number of header lines in a MatrixPrintForm object (mf_nlheader) is now a computed attribute rather than a stored one, mf_nlheader<- has been removed.
  • New MatrixPrintForm accessor: mpf_has_rlabels determines whether the MPF$strings has a column which are label rows (i.e. no column index in originating object).
  • wrap_text and wrap_string now accept the hard argument (default FALSE) indicating whether ‘hard’ word-wrapping (i.e. explicit embedding of newline characters) should be performed.
  • vert_pag_indices now accepts rep_cols to control how many columns act as ‘row-label-like’, as required by rlistings.
  • Documentation of pagination algorithm greatly expanded.
  • Pagination with verbose = TRUE is now significantly more informative.
  • fix bug where indenting was not correct when row-labels were word wrapped (#84, #85).
  • fix bug where portions of table after last section div (e.g., non-nested further analyses) were omitted (#77).
  • fix bug in mf_rinfo<- checked the new value against the wrong dimensions.
  • Fixed off-by-one error in basic pagination machinery.
  • Fix bug in position of header separator when columns have word wrapping (#68).
  • Bug rendering mf_lgrouping non-functional has been fixed.

formatters 0.3.4

  • nlines now accepts both colwidths and max_width, defaulting to NULL for both
  • pag_indices_inner, find_pag and valid_pag now accept have_col_fnotes and div_height arguments
  • fix bug which lead to insightsengineering/rtables#414 (nlines("", <non-null>) threw an error
  • paginate related generics now accept max_width for use in ensuring pagination now takes word wrapping into account for titles and footers.
  • nlines character method has changed, not takes the sum of the nlines of its elements instead of the max in the case of a vector of length > 1
  • new wrap_title_footer function for use on everything which implements the generic interface we design.
  • export new page_dim function which returns values of page dims for a named type.
  • tf_wrap functionality now breaks up words that are too large with respect to surrounding word wrapping.
  • tf_wrap behavior no longer emits a warning when breaking up ‘words’ larger than max_width
  • tf_wrap max_width = "auto" now sets the max_width to sum(widths) + table_inset(x) instead of sum(widths)
  • Experimental tf_wrap functionality added to toString MatrixPrintForm method
  • MatrixPrintForm class now includes a table_inset element
  • Add table_inset and table_inset<- generics now exported
  • toString now respects table_inset values set on a MatrixPrintForm object
  • Use exact=TRUE for all calls to attr in accessor functions.
  • length-zero values of na_str are now silently interpreted as the default value ("NA"), as are any missing values in na_str of length > 0.
  • adding wrapping of titles, subtitles, and footers.
  • page_lcpp function now provided to map page size and font combinations to lines and characters per page.
  • getters and setters for the components of MatrixPrintForm objects are now exported (i.e., mf_spans and friends).
  • na_str can now be length >1, and is matched in position to NAs in that case.
  • format_value now returns solely the na_str value when all-NA values are formatted with certain formats (currently"(N=xx)", ">999.9", ">999.99", "x.xxxx | (<0.0001)")

formatters 0.3.3

  • vert_pag_indices now accepts colwidths argument



  • vert_pag_indices now accepts colwidths argument


  • fix regression caused by in vert_pag_indices when obj is not a MatrixPrintForm object


  • Added support for trailing_sep column to row_info data.frames (e.g, pagdfrow constructor)
  • trailing_sep info now used in both printing and pagination
  • col_gap is now an element of MatrixPrintForm objects
  • vert_pag_indices fixed to correctly take gap between printed columns into account


formatters 0.3.2

CRAN release: 2022-06-09

  • Change warning when non-UTF line separator default is used to message, and displays it only during interactive sessions (once per session).

formatters 0.3.1

CRAN release: 2022-05-20

  • Released on CRAN

formatters 0.3.0

  • add exported default_hsep function for use her and in reverse-dependencies (incl rtables)
  • format_value now respects na_str even when format is xx (previously it returned "NA" always)
  • rename linesep argument to hsep in toString generic signature
  • add indent_size argument to matrix_form generic signature
  • add a number of "__ (__)" (no pct) formats in response to #23
  • Switch to testthat as testing framework

formatters 0.2.0

CRAN release: 2022-03-29

  • Updated Documentation
  • Released on CRAN


  • Fix regression in support for new lines in columns in rtables
