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The DST01 Disposition Table provides an overview of patients study completion. For patients who discontinued the study a reason is provided.


  arm_var = "ARM",
  study_status_var = "EOSSTT",
  detail_vars = list(Discontinued = c("DCSREAS")),
  trt_status_var = NULL,
  lbl_overall = "All {Patient_label}",

dst01_pre(adam_db, ...)

dst01_post(tlg, prune_0 = TRUE, ...)



An object of class chevron_t of length 1.



(list of data.frames) object containing the ADaM datasets


(string) variable. Usually one of ARM, ACTARM, TRT01A, or TRT01A.


(string) variable used to define patient status. Default is EOSSTT, however can also be a variable name with the pattern EOPxxSTT where xx must be substituted by 2 digits referring to the analysis period.


Named (list) of grouped display of study_status_var. The names must be subset of unique levels of study_status_var.


(string) variable of treatment status.


(string) label used for overall column, if set to NULL the overall column is omitted


not used.


(TableTree, Listing or ggplot) object typically produced by a main function.


(flag) remove 0 count rows


  • Default patient disposition table summarizing the reasons for patients withdrawal.

  • Numbers represent absolute numbers of patients and fraction of N.

  • Remove zero-count rows.

  • Split columns by arm.

  • Include a total column by default.

  • Sort withdrawal reasons by alphabetic order.


  • dst01_main(): Main TLG function

  • dst01_pre(): Preprocessing

  • dst01_post(): Postprocessing


  • adam_db object must contain an adsl table with the columns specified by status_var and disc_reason_var.


run(dst01, syn_data, detail_vars = list(Ongoing = "STDONS"))
#>                           A: Drug X    B: Placebo   C: Combination   All Patients
#>                            (N=134)      (N=134)        (N=132)         (N=400)   
#>   ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
#>   Completed               68 (50.7%)   66 (49.3%)     73 (55.3%)     207 (51.7%) 
#>   Ongoing                 24 (17.9%)   28 (20.9%)     21 (15.9%)      73 (18.2%) 
#>     Alive: Ongoing         8 (6.0%)     6 (4.5%)       8 (6.1%)       22 (5.5%)  
#>     Alive: In Follow-up   16 (11.9%)   22 (16.4%)     13 (9.8%)       51 (12.8%) 
run(dst01, syn_data, detail_vars = list(Discontinued = "DCSREAS", Ongoing = "STDONS"))
#>                                     A: Drug X    B: Placebo   C: Combination   All Patients
#>                                      (N=134)      (N=134)        (N=132)         (N=400)   
#>   —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
#>   Completed                         68 (50.7%)   66 (49.3%)     73 (55.3%)     207 (51.7%) 
#>   Ongoing                           24 (17.9%)   28 (20.9%)     21 (15.9%)      73 (18.2%) 
#>     Alive: Ongoing                   8 (6.0%)     6 (4.5%)       8 (6.1%)       22 (5.5%)  
#>     Alive: In Follow-up             16 (11.9%)   22 (16.4%)     13 (9.8%)       51 (12.8%) 
#>   Discontinued                      42 (31.3%)   40 (29.9%)     38 (28.8%)     120 (30.0%) 
#>     ADVERSE EVENT                    3 (2.2%)     6 (4.5%)       5 (3.8%)       14 (3.5%)  
#>     DEATH                           25 (18.7%)   23 (17.2%)     22 (16.7%)      70 (17.5%) 
#>     LACK OF EFFICACY                 2 (1.5%)     2 (1.5%)       3 (2.3%)        7 (1.8%)  
#>     PHYSICIAN DECISION               2 (1.5%)     3 (2.2%)       2 (1.5%)        7 (1.8%)  
#>     PROTOCOL VIOLATION               5 (3.7%)     3 (2.2%)       4 (3.0%)       12 (3.0%)  
#>     WITHDRAWAL BY PARENT/GUARDIAN    4 (3.0%)     2 (1.5%)       1 (0.8%)        7 (1.8%)  
#>     WITHDRAWAL BY SUBJECT            1 (0.7%)     1 (0.7%)       1 (0.8%)        3 (0.8%)  
  dst01, syn_data,
  detail_vars = list(
    Discontinued = c("DCSREASGP", "DCSREAS"),
    Ongoing = "STDONS"
#>                                       A: Drug X    B: Placebo   C: Combination   All Patients
#>                                        (N=134)      (N=134)        (N=132)         (N=400)   
#>   ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
#>   Completed                           68 (50.7%)   66 (49.3%)     73 (55.3%)     207 (51.7%) 
#>   Ongoing                             24 (17.9%)   28 (20.9%)     21 (15.9%)      73 (18.2%) 
#>     Alive: Ongoing                     8 (6.0%)     6 (4.5%)       8 (6.1%)       22 (5.5%)  
#>     Alive: In Follow-up               16 (11.9%)   22 (16.4%)     13 (9.8%)       51 (12.8%) 
#>   Discontinued                        42 (31.3%)   40 (29.9%)     38 (28.8%)     120 (30.0%) 
#>     Safety                                                                                   
#>       ADVERSE EVENT                    3 (2.2%)     6 (4.5%)       5 (3.8%)       14 (3.5%)  
#>       DEATH                           25 (18.7%)   23 (17.2%)     22 (16.7%)      70 (17.5%) 
#>     Non-Safety                                                                               
#>       LACK OF EFFICACY                 2 (1.5%)     2 (1.5%)       3 (2.3%)        7 (1.8%)  
#>       PHYSICIAN DECISION               2 (1.5%)     3 (2.2%)       2 (1.5%)        7 (1.8%)  
#>       PROTOCOL VIOLATION               5 (3.7%)     3 (2.2%)       4 (3.0%)       12 (3.0%)  
#>       WITHDRAWAL BY PARENT/GUARDIAN    4 (3.0%)     2 (1.5%)       1 (0.8%)        7 (1.8%)  
#>       WITHDRAWAL BY SUBJECT            1 (0.7%)     1 (0.7%)       1 (0.8%)        3 (0.8%)