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Safety Summary (AET01)

1. Safety Summary

The aet01 template produces the standard safety summary.

run(aet01, syn_data, arm_var = "ARM")
#>                                                                 A: Drug X    B: Placebo    C: Combination
#>                                                                  (N=134)       (N=134)        (N=132)    
#>   ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
#>   Total number of patients with at least one AE                122 (91.0%)   123 (91.8%)    120 (90.9%)  
#>   Total number of AEs                                              609           622            703      
#>   Total number of deaths                                       25 (18.7%)    23 (17.2%)      22 (16.7%)  
#>   Total number of patients withdrawn from study due to an AE    3 (2.2%)      6 (4.5%)        5 (3.8%)   
#>   Total number of patients with at least one                                                             
#>     AE with fatal outcome                                      76 (56.7%)    70 (52.2%)      75 (56.8%)  
#>     Serious AE                                                 104 (77.6%)   101 (75.4%)     99 (75.0%)  
#>     Serious AE leading to withdrawal from treatment             9 (6.7%)      6 (4.5%)       11 (8.3%)   
#>     Serious AE leading to dose modification/interruption       22 (16.4%)    26 (19.4%)      29 (22.0%)  
#>     Related Serious AE                                         76 (56.7%)    70 (52.2%)      75 (56.8%)  
#>     AE leading to withdrawal from treatment                    27 (20.1%)    26 (19.4%)      30 (22.7%)  
#>     AE leading to dose modification/interruption               66 (49.3%)    76 (56.7%)      74 (56.1%)  
#>     Related AE                                                 105 (78.4%)   108 (80.6%)    109 (82.6%)  
#>     Related AE leading to withdrawal from treatment             6 (4.5%)      12 (9.0%)       8 (6.1%)   
#>     Related AE leading to dose modification/interruption       29 (21.6%)    38 (28.4%)      38 (28.8%)  
#>     Severe AE (at greatest intensity)                          91 (67.9%)    90 (67.2%)      93 (70.5%)

2. Safety Summary with Modified Rows

Analyses under “Total number of patients with at least one” can be removed, added, or modified by editing the parameter anl_vars. An analyses here is an abbreviated name of the analyses of interest, and supported by a variable in ADAE derived under the condition of interest. The defined analyses currently include "FATAL", "SER", "SERWD", "SERDSM", "RELSER", "WD", "DSM", "REL", "RELWD", "RELDSM", and "SEV". When modification is made, analyses must be all listed in the parameter anl_vars. The example below shows adding customized analyses "RELCTC35".

proc_data <- syn_data
proc_data$adae <- proc_data$adae %>%
  filter(.data$ANL01FL == "Y") %>%
    FATAL = with_label(.data$AESDTH == "Y", "AE with fatal outcome"),
    SER = with_label(.data$AESER == "Y", "Serious AE"),
    SEV = with_label(.data$ASEV == "SEVERE", "Severe AE (at greatest intensity)"),
    REL = with_label(.data$AREL == "Y", "Related AE"),
    WD = with_label(.data$AEACN == "DRUG WITHDRAWN", "AE leading to withdrawal from treatment"),
    DSM = with_label(
      "AE leading to dose modification/interruption"
    SERWD = with_label(.data$SER & .data$WD, "Serious AE leading to withdrawal from treatment"),
    SERDSM = with_label(.data$SER & .data$DSM, "Serious AE leading to dose modification/interruption"),
    RELSER = with_label(.data$SER & .data$REL, "Related Serious AE"),
    RELWD = with_label(.data$REL & .data$WD, "Related AE leading to withdrawal from treatment"),
    RELDSM = with_label(.data$REL & .data$DSM, "Related AE leading to dose modification/interruption"),
    CTC35 = with_label(.data$ATOXGR %in% c("3", "4", "5"), "Grade 3-5 AE"),
    CTC45 = with_label(.data$ATOXGR %in% c("4", "5"), "Grade 4/5 AE"),
    RELCTC35 = with_label(.data$ATOXGR %in% c("3", "4", "5") & .data$AEREL == "Y", "Related Grade 3-5")

proc_data$adsl <- proc_data$adsl %>%
  mutate(DCSREAS = reformat(.data$DCSREAS, missing_rule))

run(aet01, proc_data, anl_vars = list(safety_var = c("FATAL", "SER", "RELSER", "RELCTC35")), auto_pre = FALSE)
#>                                                                 A: Drug X    B: Placebo    C: Combination
#>                                                                  (N=134)       (N=134)        (N=132)    
#>   ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
#>   Total number of patients with at least one AE                122 (91.0%)   123 (91.8%)    120 (90.9%)  
#>   Total number of AEs                                              609           622            703      
#>   Total number of deaths                                       25 (18.7%)    23 (17.2%)      22 (16.7%)  
#>   Total number of patients withdrawn from study due to an AE    3 (2.2%)      6 (4.5%)        5 (3.8%)   
#>   Total number of patients with at least one                                                             
#>     AE with fatal outcome                                      76 (56.7%)    70 (52.2%)      75 (56.8%)  
#>     Serious AE                                                 104 (77.6%)   101 (75.4%)     99 (75.0%)  
#>     Related Serious AE                                         76 (56.7%)    70 (52.2%)      75 (56.8%)  
#>     Related Grade 3-5                                          91 (67.9%)    90 (67.2%)      93 (70.5%)

Safety Summary (Adverse Events of Special Interest) (AET01_AESI)

1. Safety Summary (Adverse Events of Special Interest)

The aet01_aesi template produces the standard safety summary for adverse events of special interest.

run(aet01_aesi, syn_data)
#>                                                                                    A: Drug X    B: Placebo    C: Combination
#>                                                                                     (N=134)       (N=134)        (N=132)    
#>   ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
#>   Total number of patients with at least one AE                                   122 (91.0%)   123 (91.8%)    120 (90.9%)  
#>   Total number of AEs                                                                 609           622            703      
#>   Total number of patients with at least one AE by worst grade                                                              
#>     Grade 1                                                                        7 (5.2%)      9 (6.7%)        4 (3.0%)   
#>     Grade 2                                                                        6 (4.5%)      10 (7.5%)       7 (5.3%)   
#>     Grade 3                                                                       18 (13.4%)    14 (10.4%)      16 (12.1%)  
#>     Grade 4                                                                       15 (11.2%)    20 (14.9%)      18 (13.6%)  
#>     Grade 5 (fatal outcome)                                                       76 (56.7%)    70 (52.2%)      75 (56.8%)  
#>   Total number of patients with study drug withdrawn due to AE                    27 (20.1%)    26 (19.4%)      30 (22.7%)  
#>   Total number of patients with dose modified/interrupted due to AE               66 (49.3%)    76 (56.7%)      74 (56.1%)  
#>   Total number of patients with treatment received for AE                         98 (73.1%)    102 (76.1%)    103 (78.0%)  
#>   Total number of patients with all non-fatal AEs resolved                        84 (62.7%)    92 (68.7%)      97 (73.5%)  
#>   Total number of patients with at least one unresolved or ongoing non-fatal AE   102 (76.1%)   110 (82.1%)    107 (81.1%)  
#>   Total number of patients with at least one serious AE                           104 (77.6%)   101 (75.4%)     99 (75.0%)  
#>   Total number of patients with at least one related AE                           105 (78.4%)   108 (80.6%)    109 (82.6%)

2. Safety Summary (Adverse Events of Special Interest) (optional lines)

Additional analyses can be added with the parameter aesi_vars, please type ?aet01_aesi in console to find out the list of all pre-defined optional analyses in the HELP.

run(aet01_aesi, syn_data, aesi_vars = c("RESLWD", "RELSER"))
#>                                                                                    A: Drug X    B: Placebo    C: Combination
#>                                                                                     (N=134)       (N=134)        (N=132)    
#>   ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
#>   Total number of patients with at least one AE                                   122 (91.0%)   123 (91.8%)    120 (90.9%)  
#>   Total number of AEs                                                                 609           622            703      
#>   Total number of patients with at least one AE by worst grade                                                              
#>     Grade 1                                                                        7 (5.2%)      9 (6.7%)        4 (3.0%)   
#>     Grade 2                                                                        6 (4.5%)      10 (7.5%)       7 (5.3%)   
#>     Grade 3                                                                       18 (13.4%)    14 (10.4%)      16 (12.1%)  
#>     Grade 4                                                                       15 (11.2%)    20 (14.9%)      18 (13.6%)  
#>     Grade 5 (fatal outcome)                                                       76 (56.7%)    70 (52.2%)      75 (56.8%)  
#>   Total number of patients with study drug withdrawn due to AE                    27 (20.1%)    26 (19.4%)      30 (22.7%)  
#>   Total number of patients with dose modified/interrupted due to AE               66 (49.3%)    76 (56.7%)      74 (56.1%)  
#>   Total number of patients with treatment received for AE                         98 (73.1%)    102 (76.1%)    103 (78.0%)  
#>   Total number of patients with all non-fatal AEs resolved                        84 (62.7%)    92 (68.7%)      97 (73.5%)  
#>   Total number of patients with at least one unresolved or ongoing non-fatal AE   102 (76.1%)   110 (82.1%)    107 (81.1%)  
#>   Total number of patients with at least one serious AE                           104 (77.6%)   101 (75.4%)     99 (75.0%)  
#>   Total number of patients with at least one related AE                           105 (78.4%)   108 (80.6%)    109 (82.6%)  
#>   No. of patients with serious, related AE                                        76 (56.7%)    70 (52.2%)      75 (56.8%)

3. Safety Summary (Adverse Events of Special Interest) (for studies with multiple drugs)

For studies with more than one study drug, users need to define the analyses in adae and add to the parameter aesi_vars following the example above. No pre-defined analyses is available at this moment.

Adverse Events (AET02)

1. Adverse Events

  1. The template aet02 produces the standard adverse event summary by MedDRA system organ class and preferred term.
  2. The template does not include the column of total as default. The ‘All Patients’ column can be added by lbl_overall = "All Patients".
  3. Missing values in "AEBODSYS", and "AEDECOD" are labeled by No Coding Available.
run(aet02, syn_data)
#>   MedDRA System Organ Class                                     A: Drug X    B: Placebo    C: Combination
#>     MedDRA Preferred Term                                        (N=134)       (N=134)        (N=132)    
#>   ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
#>   Total number of patients with at least one adverse event     122 (91.0%)   123 (91.8%)    120 (90.9%)  
#>   Overall total number of events                                   609           622            703      
#>   cl A.1                                                                                                 
#>     Total number of patients with at least one adverse event   78 (58.2%)    75 (56.0%)      89 (67.4%)  
#>     Total number of events                                         132           130            160      
#>     dcd A.                                              50 (37.3%)    45 (33.6%)      63 (47.7%)  
#>     dcd A.                                              48 (35.8%)    48 (35.8%)      50 (37.9%)  
#>   cl B.2                                                                                                 
#>     Total number of patients with at least one adverse event   79 (59.0%)    74 (55.2%)      85 (64.4%)  
#>     Total number of events                                         129           138            143      
#>     dcd B.                                              48 (35.8%)    54 (40.3%)      51 (38.6%)  
#>     dcd B.                                              49 (36.6%)    44 (32.8%)      52 (39.4%)  
#>   cl D.1                                                                                                 
#>     Total number of patients with at least one adverse event   79 (59.0%)    67 (50.0%)      80 (60.6%)  
#>     Total number of events                                         127           106            135      
#>     dcd D.                                              50 (37.3%)    42 (31.3%)      51 (38.6%)  
#>     dcd D.                                              48 (35.8%)    42 (31.3%)      50 (37.9%)  
#>   cl D.2                                                                                                 
#>     Total number of patients with at least one adverse event   47 (35.1%)    58 (43.3%)      57 (43.2%)  
#>     Total number of events                                         62            72              74      
#>     dcd D.                                              47 (35.1%)    58 (43.3%)      57 (43.2%)  
#>   cl B.1                                                                                                 
#>     Total number of patients with at least one adverse event   47 (35.1%)    49 (36.6%)      43 (32.6%)  
#>     Total number of events                                         56            60              62      
#>     dcd B.                                              47 (35.1%)    49 (36.6%)      43 (32.6%)  
#>   cl C.2                                                                                                 
#>     Total number of patients with at least one adverse event   35 (26.1%)    48 (35.8%)      55 (41.7%)  
#>     Total number of events                                         48            53              65      
#>     dcd C.                                              35 (26.1%)    48 (35.8%)      55 (41.7%)  
#>   cl C.1                                                                                                 
#>     Total number of patients with at least one adverse event   43 (32.1%)    46 (34.3%)      43 (32.6%)  
#>     Total number of events                                         55            63              64      
#>     dcd C.                                              43 (32.1%)    46 (34.3%)      43 (32.6%)

2. Adverse Events (with High-level Term)

The syntax below displays adverse events by MedDRA system organ class, high-level term and preferred term.

run(aet02, syn_data, row_split_var = c("AEBODSYS", "AEHLT"))
#>   MedDRA System Organ Class                                                                                  
#>     High Level Term                                                 A: Drug X    B: Placebo    C: Combination
#>       MedDRA Preferred Term                                          (N=134)       (N=134)        (N=132)    
#>   ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
#>   Total number of patients with at least one adverse event         122 (91.0%)   123 (91.8%)    120 (90.9%)  
#>   Overall total number of events                                       609           622            703      
#>   cl A.1                                                                                                     
#>     Total number of patients with at least one adverse event       78 (58.2%)    75 (56.0%)      89 (67.4%)  
#>     Total number of events                                             132           130            160      
#>       hlt A.1.1.1                                                                                            
#>         Total number of patients with at least one adverse event   78 (58.2%)    75 (56.0%)      89 (67.4%)  
#>         Total number of events                                         132           130            160      
#>         dcd A.                                              50 (37.3%)    45 (33.6%)      63 (47.7%)  
#>         dcd A.                                              48 (35.8%)    48 (35.8%)      50 (37.9%)  
#>   cl B.2                                                                                                     
#>     Total number of patients with at least one adverse event       79 (59.0%)    74 (55.2%)      85 (64.4%)  
#>     Total number of events                                             129           138            143      
#>       hlt B.2.2.3                                                                                            
#>         Total number of patients with at least one adverse event   48 (35.8%)    54 (40.3%)      51 (38.6%)  
#>         Total number of events                                         64            76              77      
#>         dcd B.                                              48 (35.8%)    54 (40.3%)      51 (38.6%)  
#>       hlt B.2.1.2                                                                                            
#>         Total number of patients with at least one adverse event   49 (36.6%)    44 (32.8%)      52 (39.4%)  
#>         Total number of events                                         65            62              66      
#>         dcd B.                                              49 (36.6%)    44 (32.8%)      52 (39.4%)  
#>   cl D.1                                                                                                     
#>     Total number of patients with at least one adverse event       79 (59.0%)    67 (50.0%)      80 (60.6%)  
#>     Total number of events                                             127           106            135      
#>       hlt D.1.1.1                                                                                            
#>         Total number of patients with at least one adverse event   50 (37.3%)    42 (31.3%)      51 (38.6%)  
#>         Total number of events                                         61            51              71      
#>         dcd D.                                              50 (37.3%)    42 (31.3%)      51 (38.6%)  
#>       hlt D.1.1.4                                                                                            
#>         Total number of patients with at least one adverse event   48 (35.8%)    42 (31.3%)      50 (37.9%)  
#>         Total number of events                                         66            55              64      
#>         dcd D.                                              48 (35.8%)    42 (31.3%)      50 (37.9%)  
#>   cl D.2                                                                                                     
#>     Total number of patients with at least one adverse event       47 (35.1%)    58 (43.3%)      57 (43.2%)  
#>     Total number of events                                             62            72              74      
#>       hlt D.2.1.5                                                                                            
#>         Total number of patients with at least one adverse event   47 (35.1%)    58 (43.3%)      57 (43.2%)  
#>         Total number of events                                         62            72              74      
#>         dcd D.                                              47 (35.1%)    58 (43.3%)      57 (43.2%)  
#>   cl B.1                                                                                                     
#>     Total number of patients with at least one adverse event       47 (35.1%)    49 (36.6%)      43 (32.6%)  
#>     Total number of events                                             56            60              62      
#>       hlt B.1.1.1                                                                                            
#>         Total number of patients with at least one adverse event   47 (35.1%)    49 (36.6%)      43 (32.6%)  
#>         Total number of events                                         56            60              62      
#>         dcd B.                                              47 (35.1%)    49 (36.6%)      43 (32.6%)  
#>   cl C.2                                                                                                     
#>     Total number of patients with at least one adverse event       35 (26.1%)    48 (35.8%)      55 (41.7%)  
#>     Total number of events                                             48            53              65      
#>       hlt C.2.1.2                                                                                            
#>         Total number of patients with at least one adverse event   35 (26.1%)    48 (35.8%)      55 (41.7%)  
#>         Total number of events                                         48            53              65      
#>         dcd C.                                              35 (26.1%)    48 (35.8%)      55 (41.7%)  
#>   cl C.1                                                                                                     
#>     Total number of patients with at least one adverse event       43 (32.1%)    46 (34.3%)      43 (32.6%)  
#>     Total number of events                                             55            63              64      
#>       hlt C.1.1.1                                                                                            
#>         Total number of patients with at least one adverse event   43 (32.1%)    46 (34.3%)      43 (32.6%)  
#>         Total number of events                                         55            63              64      
#>         dcd C.                                              43 (32.1%)    46 (34.3%)      43 (32.6%)

3. Adverse Events (Preferred Terms only)

The syntax below displays adverse events by preferred term only.

run(aet02, syn_data, row_split_var = NULL)
#>   MedDRA Preferred Term                                       A: Drug X    B: Placebo    C: Combination
#>                                                                (N=134)       (N=134)        (N=132)    
#>   —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
#>   Total number of patients with at least one adverse event   122 (91.0%)   123 (91.8%)    120 (90.9%)  
#>   Overall total number of events                                 609           622            703      
#>   dcd D.                                              47 (35.1%)    58 (43.3%)      57 (43.2%)  
#>   dcd A.                                              50 (37.3%)    45 (33.6%)      63 (47.7%)  
#>   dcd B.                                              48 (35.8%)    54 (40.3%)      51 (38.6%)  
#>   dcd A.                                              48 (35.8%)    48 (35.8%)      50 (37.9%)  
#>   dcd B.                                              49 (36.6%)    44 (32.8%)      52 (39.4%)  
#>   dcd D.                                              50 (37.3%)    42 (31.3%)      51 (38.6%)  
#>   dcd D.                                              48 (35.8%)    42 (31.3%)      50 (37.9%)  
#>   dcd B.                                              47 (35.1%)    49 (36.6%)      43 (32.6%)  
#>   dcd C.                                              35 (26.1%)    48 (35.8%)      55 (41.7%)  
#>   dcd C.                                              43 (32.1%)    46 (34.3%)      43 (32.6%)

Adverse Events by Greatest Intensity(AET03)

1. Adverse Events by Greatest Intensity

This aet03 template produces the standard adverse event by greatest intensity summary

run(aet03, syn_data)
#>   MedDRA System Organ Class    A: Drug X    B: Placebo    C: Combination
#>     MedDRA Preferred Term       (N=134)       (N=134)        (N=132)    
#>   ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
#>   - Any Intensity -           122 (91.0%)   123 (91.8%)    120 (90.9%)  
#>   MILD                         7 (5.2%)      9 (6.7%)        4 (3.0%)   
#>   MODERATE                    24 (17.9%)    24 (17.9%)      23 (17.4%)  
#>   SEVERE                      91 (67.9%)    90 (67.2%)      93 (70.5%)  
#>   cl A.1                                                                
#>     - Any Intensity -         78 (58.2%)    75 (56.0%)      89 (67.4%)  
#>     MILD                      30 (22.4%)    27 (20.1%)      39 (29.5%)  
#>     MODERATE                  48 (35.8%)    48 (35.8%)      50 (37.9%)  
#>     dcd A.                                                       
#>       - Any Intensity -       50 (37.3%)    45 (33.6%)      63 (47.7%)  
#>       MILD                    50 (37.3%)    45 (33.6%)      63 (47.7%)  
#>     dcd A.                                                       
#>       - Any Intensity -       48 (35.8%)    48 (35.8%)      50 (37.9%)  
#>       MODERATE                48 (35.8%)    48 (35.8%)      50 (37.9%)  
#>   cl B.2                                                                
#>     - Any Intensity -         79 (59.0%)    74 (55.2%)      85 (64.4%)  
#>     MILD                      30 (22.4%)    30 (22.4%)      33 (25.0%)  
#>     MODERATE                  49 (36.6%)    44 (32.8%)      52 (39.4%)  
#>     dcd B.                                                       
#>       - Any Intensity -       48 (35.8%)    54 (40.3%)      51 (38.6%)  
#>       MILD                    48 (35.8%)    54 (40.3%)      51 (38.6%)  
#>     dcd B.                                                       
#>       - Any Intensity -       49 (36.6%)    44 (32.8%)      52 (39.4%)  
#>       MODERATE                49 (36.6%)    44 (32.8%)      52 (39.4%)  
#>   cl D.1                                                                
#>     - Any Intensity -         79 (59.0%)    67 (50.0%)      80 (60.6%)  
#>     MODERATE                  29 (21.6%)    25 (18.7%)      29 (22.0%)  
#>     SEVERE                    50 (37.3%)    42 (31.3%)      51 (38.6%)  
#>     dcd D.                                                       
#>       - Any Intensity -       50 (37.3%)    42 (31.3%)      51 (38.6%)  
#>       SEVERE                  50 (37.3%)    42 (31.3%)      51 (38.6%)  
#>     dcd D.                                                       
#>       - Any Intensity -       48 (35.8%)    42 (31.3%)      50 (37.9%)  
#>       MODERATE                48 (35.8%)    42 (31.3%)      50 (37.9%)  
#>   cl D.2                                                                
#>     - Any Intensity -         47 (35.1%)    58 (43.3%)      57 (43.2%)  
#>     MILD                      47 (35.1%)    58 (43.3%)      57 (43.2%)  
#>     dcd D.                                                       
#>       - Any Intensity -       47 (35.1%)    58 (43.3%)      57 (43.2%)  
#>       MILD                    47 (35.1%)    58 (43.3%)      57 (43.2%)  
#>   cl B.1                                                                
#>     - Any Intensity -         47 (35.1%)    49 (36.6%)      43 (32.6%)  
#>     SEVERE                    47 (35.1%)    49 (36.6%)      43 (32.6%)  
#>     dcd B.                                                       
#>       - Any Intensity -       47 (35.1%)    49 (36.6%)      43 (32.6%)  
#>       SEVERE                  47 (35.1%)    49 (36.6%)      43 (32.6%)  
#>   cl C.2                                                                
#>     - Any Intensity -         35 (26.1%)    48 (35.8%)      55 (41.7%)  
#>     MODERATE                  35 (26.1%)    48 (35.8%)      55 (41.7%)  
#>     dcd C.                                                       
#>       - Any Intensity -       35 (26.1%)    48 (35.8%)      55 (41.7%)  
#>       MODERATE                35 (26.1%)    48 (35.8%)      55 (41.7%)  
#>   cl C.1                                                                
#>     - Any Intensity -         43 (32.1%)    46 (34.3%)      43 (32.6%)  
#>     SEVERE                    43 (32.1%)    46 (34.3%)      43 (32.6%)  
#>     dcd C.                                                       
#>       - Any Intensity -       43 (32.1%)    46 (34.3%)      43 (32.6%)  
#>       SEVERE                  43 (32.1%)    46 (34.3%)      43 (32.6%)

Adverse Events by Highest NCI CTCAE Grade (AET04)

1. Adverse Events by Highest NCI CTCAE Grade

  1. The aet04 template produces the standard adverse event by highest NCI CTCAE grade summary.
  2. By default, this template includes the grouped grades of ‘Grade 1-2’ and ‘Grade 3-4’.
  3. By default this template removes the rows with 0 count.
  4. If a treatment group does not have any adverse event, the treatment group is automatically displayed providing that it is defined in ADSL.
run(aet04, syn_data)
#>   MedDRA System Organ Class                                                             
#>     MedDRA Preferred Term                      A: Drug X    B: Placebo    C: Combination
#>                               Grade             (N=134)       (N=134)        (N=132)    
#>   ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
#>   - Any adverse events -                                                                
#>                               - Any Grade -   122 (91.0%)   123 (91.8%)    120 (90.9%)  
#>                               Grade 1-2        13 (9.7%)    19 (14.2%)      11 (8.3%)   
#>                               1                7 (5.2%)      9 (6.7%)        4 (3.0%)   
#>                               2                6 (4.5%)      10 (7.5%)       7 (5.3%)   
#>                               Grade 3-4       33 (24.6%)    34 (25.4%)      34 (25.8%)  
#>                               3               18 (13.4%)    14 (10.4%)      16 (12.1%)  
#>                               4               15 (11.2%)    20 (14.9%)      18 (13.6%)  
#>                               Grade 5         76 (56.7%)    70 (52.2%)      75 (56.8%)  
#>   cl A.1                                                                                
#>     - Overall -                                                                         
#>                               - Any Grade -   78 (58.2%)    75 (56.0%)      89 (67.4%)  
#>                               Grade 1-2       78 (58.2%)    75 (56.0%)      89 (67.4%)  
#>                               1               30 (22.4%)    27 (20.1%)      39 (29.5%)  
#>                               2               48 (35.8%)    48 (35.8%)      50 (37.9%)  
#>     dcd A.                                                                       
#>                               - Any Grade -   50 (37.3%)    45 (33.6%)      63 (47.7%)  
#>                               Grade 1-2       50 (37.3%)    45 (33.6%)      63 (47.7%)  
#>                               1               50 (37.3%)    45 (33.6%)      63 (47.7%)  
#>     dcd A.                                                                       
#>                               - Any Grade -   48 (35.8%)    48 (35.8%)      50 (37.9%)  
#>                               Grade 1-2       48 (35.8%)    48 (35.8%)      50 (37.9%)  
#>                               2               48 (35.8%)    48 (35.8%)      50 (37.9%)  
#>   cl B.2                                                                                
#>     - Overall -                                                                         
#>                               - Any Grade -   79 (59.0%)    74 (55.2%)      85 (64.4%)  
#>                               Grade 1-2       30 (22.4%)    30 (22.4%)      33 (25.0%)  
#>                               1               30 (22.4%)    30 (22.4%)      33 (25.0%)  
#>                               Grade 3-4       49 (36.6%)    44 (32.8%)      52 (39.4%)  
#>                               3               49 (36.6%)    44 (32.8%)      52 (39.4%)  
#>     dcd B.                                                                       
#>                               - Any Grade -   48 (35.8%)    54 (40.3%)      51 (38.6%)  
#>                               Grade 1-2       48 (35.8%)    54 (40.3%)      51 (38.6%)  
#>                               1               48 (35.8%)    54 (40.3%)      51 (38.6%)  
#>     dcd B.                                                                       
#>                               - Any Grade -   49 (36.6%)    44 (32.8%)      52 (39.4%)  
#>                               Grade 3-4       49 (36.6%)    44 (32.8%)      52 (39.4%)  
#>                               3               49 (36.6%)    44 (32.8%)      52 (39.4%)  
#>   cl D.1                                                                                
#>     - Overall -                                                                         
#>                               - Any Grade -   79 (59.0%)    67 (50.0%)      80 (60.6%)  
#>                               Grade 3-4       29 (21.6%)    25 (18.7%)      29 (22.0%)  
#>                               3               29 (21.6%)    25 (18.7%)      29 (22.0%)  
#>                               Grade 5         50 (37.3%)    42 (31.3%)      51 (38.6%)  
#>     dcd D.                                                                       
#>                               - Any Grade -   50 (37.3%)    42 (31.3%)      51 (38.6%)  
#>                               Grade 5         50 (37.3%)    42 (31.3%)      51 (38.6%)  
#>     dcd D.                                                                       
#>                               - Any Grade -   48 (35.8%)    42 (31.3%)      50 (37.9%)  
#>                               Grade 3-4       48 (35.8%)    42 (31.3%)      50 (37.9%)  
#>                               3               48 (35.8%)    42 (31.3%)      50 (37.9%)  
#>   cl D.2                                                                                
#>     - Overall -                                                                         
#>                               - Any Grade -   47 (35.1%)    58 (43.3%)      57 (43.2%)  
#>                               Grade 1-2       47 (35.1%)    58 (43.3%)      57 (43.2%)  
#>                               1               47 (35.1%)    58 (43.3%)      57 (43.2%)  
#>     dcd D.                                                                       
#>                               - Any Grade -   47 (35.1%)    58 (43.3%)      57 (43.2%)  
#>                               Grade 1-2       47 (35.1%)    58 (43.3%)      57 (43.2%)  
#>                               1               47 (35.1%)    58 (43.3%)      57 (43.2%)  
#>   cl B.1                                                                                
#>     - Overall -                                                                         
#>                               - Any Grade -   47 (35.1%)    49 (36.6%)      43 (32.6%)  
#>                               Grade 5         47 (35.1%)    49 (36.6%)      43 (32.6%)  
#>     dcd B.                                                                       
#>                               - Any Grade -   47 (35.1%)    49 (36.6%)      43 (32.6%)  
#>                               Grade 5         47 (35.1%)    49 (36.6%)      43 (32.6%)  
#>   cl C.2                                                                                
#>     - Overall -                                                                         
#>                               - Any Grade -   35 (26.1%)    48 (35.8%)      55 (41.7%)  
#>                               Grade 1-2       35 (26.1%)    48 (35.8%)      55 (41.7%)  
#>                               2               35 (26.1%)    48 (35.8%)      55 (41.7%)  
#>     dcd C.                                                                       
#>                               - Any Grade -   35 (26.1%)    48 (35.8%)      55 (41.7%)  
#>                               Grade 1-2       35 (26.1%)    48 (35.8%)      55 (41.7%)  
#>                               2               35 (26.1%)    48 (35.8%)      55 (41.7%)  
#>   cl C.1                                                                                
#>     - Overall -                                                                         
#>                               - Any Grade -   43 (32.1%)    46 (34.3%)      43 (32.6%)  
#>                               Grade 3-4       43 (32.1%)    46 (34.3%)      43 (32.6%)  
#>                               4               43 (32.1%)    46 (34.3%)      43 (32.6%)  
#>     dcd C.                                                                       
#>                               - Any Grade -   43 (32.1%)    46 (34.3%)      43 (32.6%)  
#>                               Grade 3-4       43 (32.1%)    46 (34.3%)      43 (32.6%)  
#>                               4               43 (32.1%)    46 (34.3%)      43 (32.6%)

2. Adverse Events by Highest NCI CTCAE Grade (Fill in of Grades)

If for some preferred terms not all grades occur but all grades should be displayed, this can be achieved by specifying prune_0 = FALSE.

run(aet04, syn_data, prune_0 = FALSE)
#>   MedDRA System Organ Class                                                             
#>     MedDRA Preferred Term                      A: Drug X    B: Placebo    C: Combination
#>                               Grade             (N=134)       (N=134)        (N=132)    
#>   ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
#>   - Any adverse events -                                                                
#>                               - Any Grade -   122 (91.0%)   123 (91.8%)    120 (90.9%)  
#>                               Grade 1-2        13 (9.7%)    19 (14.2%)      11 (8.3%)   
#>                               1                7 (5.2%)      9 (6.7%)        4 (3.0%)   
#>                               2                6 (4.5%)      10 (7.5%)       7 (5.3%)   
#>                               Grade 3-4       33 (24.6%)    34 (25.4%)      34 (25.8%)  
#>                               3               18 (13.4%)    14 (10.4%)      16 (12.1%)  
#>                               4               15 (11.2%)    20 (14.9%)      18 (13.6%)  
#>                               Grade 5         76 (56.7%)    70 (52.2%)      75 (56.8%)  
#>   cl A.1                                                                                
#>     - Overall -                                                                         
#>                               - Any Grade -   78 (58.2%)    75 (56.0%)      89 (67.4%)  
#>                               Grade 1-2       78 (58.2%)    75 (56.0%)      89 (67.4%)  
#>                               1               30 (22.4%)    27 (20.1%)      39 (29.5%)  
#>                               2               48 (35.8%)    48 (35.8%)      50 (37.9%)  
#>                               Grade 3-4            0             0              0       
#>                               3                    0             0              0       
#>                               4                    0             0              0       
#>                               Grade 5              0             0              0       
#>     dcd A.                                                                       
#>                               - Any Grade -   50 (37.3%)    45 (33.6%)      63 (47.7%)  
#>                               Grade 1-2       50 (37.3%)    45 (33.6%)      63 (47.7%)  
#>                               1               50 (37.3%)    45 (33.6%)      63 (47.7%)  
#>                               2                    0             0              0       
#>                               Grade 3-4            0             0              0       
#>                               3                    0             0              0       
#>                               4                    0             0              0       
#>                               Grade 5              0             0              0       
#>     dcd A.                                                                       
#>                               - Any Grade -   48 (35.8%)    48 (35.8%)      50 (37.9%)  
#>                               Grade 1-2       48 (35.8%)    48 (35.8%)      50 (37.9%)  
#>                               1                    0             0              0       
#>                               2               48 (35.8%)    48 (35.8%)      50 (37.9%)  
#>                               Grade 3-4            0             0              0       
#>                               3                    0             0              0       
#>                               4                    0             0              0       
#>                               Grade 5              0             0              0       
#>   cl B.2                                                                                
#>     - Overall -                                                                         
#>                               - Any Grade -   79 (59.0%)    74 (55.2%)      85 (64.4%)  
#>                               Grade 1-2       30 (22.4%)    30 (22.4%)      33 (25.0%)  
#>                               1               30 (22.4%)    30 (22.4%)      33 (25.0%)  
#>                               2                    0             0              0       
#>                               Grade 3-4       49 (36.6%)    44 (32.8%)      52 (39.4%)  
#>                               3               49 (36.6%)    44 (32.8%)      52 (39.4%)  
#>                               4                    0             0              0       
#>                               Grade 5              0             0              0       
#>     dcd B.                                                                       
#>                               - Any Grade -   48 (35.8%)    54 (40.3%)      51 (38.6%)  
#>                               Grade 1-2       48 (35.8%)    54 (40.3%)      51 (38.6%)  
#>                               1               48 (35.8%)    54 (40.3%)      51 (38.6%)  
#>                               2                    0             0              0       
#>                               Grade 3-4            0             0              0       
#>                               3                    0             0              0       
#>                               4                    0             0              0       
#>                               Grade 5              0             0              0       
#>     dcd B.                                                                       
#>                               - Any Grade -   49 (36.6%)    44 (32.8%)      52 (39.4%)  
#>                               Grade 1-2            0             0              0       
#>                               1                    0             0              0       
#>                               2                    0             0              0       
#>                               Grade 3-4       49 (36.6%)    44 (32.8%)      52 (39.4%)  
#>                               3               49 (36.6%)    44 (32.8%)      52 (39.4%)  
#>                               4                    0             0              0       
#>                               Grade 5              0             0              0       
#>   cl D.1                                                                                
#>     - Overall -                                                                         
#>                               - Any Grade -   79 (59.0%)    67 (50.0%)      80 (60.6%)  
#>                               Grade 1-2            0             0              0       
#>                               1                    0             0              0       
#>                               2                    0             0              0       
#>                               Grade 3-4       29 (21.6%)    25 (18.7%)      29 (22.0%)  
#>                               3               29 (21.6%)    25 (18.7%)      29 (22.0%)  
#>                               4                    0             0              0       
#>                               Grade 5         50 (37.3%)    42 (31.3%)      51 (38.6%)  
#>     dcd D.                                                                       
#>                               - Any Grade -   50 (37.3%)    42 (31.3%)      51 (38.6%)  
#>                               Grade 1-2            0             0              0       
#>                               1                    0             0              0       
#>                               2                    0             0              0       
#>                               Grade 3-4            0             0              0       
#>                               3                    0             0              0       
#>                               4                    0             0              0       
#>                               Grade 5         50 (37.3%)    42 (31.3%)      51 (38.6%)  
#>     dcd D.                                                                       
#>                               - Any Grade -   48 (35.8%)    42 (31.3%)      50 (37.9%)  
#>                               Grade 1-2            0             0              0       
#>                               1                    0             0              0       
#>                               2                    0             0              0       
#>                               Grade 3-4       48 (35.8%)    42 (31.3%)      50 (37.9%)  
#>                               3               48 (35.8%)    42 (31.3%)      50 (37.9%)  
#>                               4                    0             0              0       
#>                               Grade 5              0             0              0       
#>   cl D.2                                                                                
#>     - Overall -                                                                         
#>                               - Any Grade -   47 (35.1%)    58 (43.3%)      57 (43.2%)  
#>                               Grade 1-2       47 (35.1%)    58 (43.3%)      57 (43.2%)  
#>                               1               47 (35.1%)    58 (43.3%)      57 (43.2%)  
#>                               2                    0             0              0       
#>                               Grade 3-4            0             0              0       
#>                               3                    0             0              0       
#>                               4                    0             0              0       
#>                               Grade 5              0             0              0       
#>     dcd D.                                                                       
#>                               - Any Grade -   47 (35.1%)    58 (43.3%)      57 (43.2%)  
#>                               Grade 1-2       47 (35.1%)    58 (43.3%)      57 (43.2%)  
#>                               1               47 (35.1%)    58 (43.3%)      57 (43.2%)  
#>                               2                    0             0              0       
#>                               Grade 3-4            0             0              0       
#>                               3                    0             0              0       
#>                               4                    0             0              0       
#>                               Grade 5              0             0              0       
#>   cl B.1                                                                                
#>     - Overall -                                                                         
#>                               - Any Grade -   47 (35.1%)    49 (36.6%)      43 (32.6%)  
#>                               Grade 1-2            0             0              0       
#>                               1                    0             0              0       
#>                               2                    0             0              0       
#>                               Grade 3-4            0             0              0       
#>                               3                    0             0              0       
#>                               4                    0             0              0       
#>                               Grade 5         47 (35.1%)    49 (36.6%)      43 (32.6%)  
#>     dcd B.                                                                       
#>                               - Any Grade -   47 (35.1%)    49 (36.6%)      43 (32.6%)  
#>                               Grade 1-2            0             0              0       
#>                               1                    0             0              0       
#>                               2                    0             0              0       
#>                               Grade 3-4            0             0              0       
#>                               3                    0             0              0       
#>                               4                    0             0              0       
#>                               Grade 5         47 (35.1%)    49 (36.6%)      43 (32.6%)  
#>   cl C.2                                                                                
#>     - Overall -                                                                         
#>                               - Any Grade -   35 (26.1%)    48 (35.8%)      55 (41.7%)  
#>                               Grade 1-2       35 (26.1%)    48 (35.8%)      55 (41.7%)  
#>                               1                    0             0              0       
#>                               2               35 (26.1%)    48 (35.8%)      55 (41.7%)  
#>                               Grade 3-4            0             0              0       
#>                               3                    0             0              0       
#>                               4                    0             0              0       
#>                               Grade 5              0             0              0       
#>     dcd C.                                                                       
#>                               - Any Grade -   35 (26.1%)    48 (35.8%)      55 (41.7%)  
#>                               Grade 1-2       35 (26.1%)    48 (35.8%)      55 (41.7%)  
#>                               1                    0             0              0       
#>                               2               35 (26.1%)    48 (35.8%)      55 (41.7%)  
#>                               Grade 3-4            0             0              0       
#>                               3                    0             0              0       
#>                               4                    0             0              0       
#>                               Grade 5              0             0              0       
#>   cl C.1                                                                                
#>     - Overall -                                                                         
#>                               - Any Grade -   43 (32.1%)    46 (34.3%)      43 (32.6%)  
#>                               Grade 1-2            0             0              0       
#>                               1                    0             0              0       
#>                               2                    0             0              0       
#>                               Grade 3-4       43 (32.1%)    46 (34.3%)      43 (32.6%)  
#>                               3                    0             0              0       
#>                               4               43 (32.1%)    46 (34.3%)      43 (32.6%)  
#>                               Grade 5              0             0              0       
#>     dcd C.                                                                       
#>                               - Any Grade -   43 (32.1%)    46 (34.3%)      43 (32.6%)  
#>                               Grade 1-2            0             0              0       
#>                               1                    0             0              0       
#>                               2                    0             0              0       
#>                               Grade 3-4       43 (32.1%)    46 (34.3%)      43 (32.6%)  
#>                               3                    0             0              0       
#>                               4               43 (32.1%)    46 (34.3%)      43 (32.6%)  
#>                               Grade 5              0             0              0

3. Adverse Events by Highest NCI CTCAE Grade with modified grouping of grade

To collapse grade 3-4 with grade 5, this can be achieved by modifying the definition of grade groups in grade_groups.

grade_groups <- list(
  "Grade 1-2" = c("1", "2"),
  "Grade 3-5" = c("3", "4", "5")

run(aet04, syn_data, grade_groups = grade_groups, prune_0 = FALSE)
#>   MedDRA System Organ Class                                                             
#>     MedDRA Preferred Term                      A: Drug X    B: Placebo    C: Combination
#>                               Grade             (N=134)       (N=134)        (N=132)    
#>   ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
#>   - Any adverse events -                                                                
#>                               - Any Grade -   122 (91.0%)   123 (91.8%)    120 (90.9%)  
#>                               Grade 1-2        13 (9.7%)    19 (14.2%)      11 (8.3%)   
#>                               1                7 (5.2%)      9 (6.7%)        4 (3.0%)   
#>                               2                6 (4.5%)      10 (7.5%)       7 (5.3%)   
#>                               Grade 3-5       109 (81.3%)   104 (77.6%)    109 (82.6%)  
#>                               3               18 (13.4%)    14 (10.4%)      16 (12.1%)  
#>                               4               15 (11.2%)    20 (14.9%)      18 (13.6%)  
#>                               5               76 (56.7%)    70 (52.2%)      75 (56.8%)  
#>   cl A.1                                                                                
#>     - Overall -                                                                         
#>                               - Any Grade -   78 (58.2%)    75 (56.0%)      89 (67.4%)  
#>                               Grade 1-2       78 (58.2%)    75 (56.0%)      89 (67.4%)  
#>                               1               30 (22.4%)    27 (20.1%)      39 (29.5%)  
#>                               2               48 (35.8%)    48 (35.8%)      50 (37.9%)  
#>                               Grade 3-5            0             0              0       
#>                               3                    0             0              0       
#>                               4                    0             0              0       
#>                               5                    0             0              0       
#>     dcd A.                                                                       
#>                               - Any Grade -   50 (37.3%)    45 (33.6%)      63 (47.7%)  
#>                               Grade 1-2       50 (37.3%)    45 (33.6%)      63 (47.7%)  
#>                               1               50 (37.3%)    45 (33.6%)      63 (47.7%)  
#>                               2                    0             0              0       
#>                               Grade 3-5            0             0              0       
#>                               3                    0             0              0       
#>                               4                    0             0              0       
#>                               5                    0             0              0       
#>     dcd A.                                                                       
#>                               - Any Grade -   48 (35.8%)    48 (35.8%)      50 (37.9%)  
#>                               Grade 1-2       48 (35.8%)    48 (35.8%)      50 (37.9%)  
#>                               1                    0             0              0       
#>                               2               48 (35.8%)    48 (35.8%)      50 (37.9%)  
#>                               Grade 3-5            0             0              0       
#>                               3                    0             0              0       
#>                               4                    0             0              0       
#>                               5                    0             0              0       
#>   cl B.2                                                                                
#>     - Overall -                                                                         
#>                               - Any Grade -   79 (59.0%)    74 (55.2%)      85 (64.4%)  
#>                               Grade 1-2       30 (22.4%)    30 (22.4%)      33 (25.0%)  
#>                               1               30 (22.4%)    30 (22.4%)      33 (25.0%)  
#>                               2                    0             0              0       
#>                               Grade 3-5       49 (36.6%)    44 (32.8%)      52 (39.4%)  
#>                               3               49 (36.6%)    44 (32.8%)      52 (39.4%)  
#>                               4                    0             0              0       
#>                               5                    0             0              0       
#>     dcd B.                                                                       
#>                               - Any Grade -   48 (35.8%)    54 (40.3%)      51 (38.6%)  
#>                               Grade 1-2       48 (35.8%)    54 (40.3%)      51 (38.6%)  
#>                               1               48 (35.8%)    54 (40.3%)      51 (38.6%)  
#>                               2                    0             0              0       
#>                               Grade 3-5            0             0              0       
#>                               3                    0             0              0       
#>                               4                    0             0              0       
#>                               5                    0             0              0       
#>     dcd B.                                                                       
#>                               - Any Grade -   49 (36.6%)    44 (32.8%)      52 (39.4%)  
#>                               Grade 1-2            0             0              0       
#>                               1                    0             0              0       
#>                               2                    0             0              0       
#>                               Grade 3-5       49 (36.6%)    44 (32.8%)      52 (39.4%)  
#>                               3               49 (36.6%)    44 (32.8%)      52 (39.4%)  
#>                               4                    0             0              0       
#>                               5                    0             0              0       
#>   cl D.1                                                                                
#>     - Overall -                                                                         
#>                               - Any Grade -   79 (59.0%)    67 (50.0%)      80 (60.6%)  
#>                               Grade 1-2            0             0              0       
#>                               1                    0             0              0       
#>                               2                    0             0              0       
#>                               Grade 3-5       79 (59.0%)    67 (50.0%)      80 (60.6%)  
#>                               3               29 (21.6%)    25 (18.7%)      29 (22.0%)  
#>                               4                    0             0              0       
#>                               5               50 (37.3%)    42 (31.3%)      51 (38.6%)  
#>     dcd D.                                                                       
#>                               - Any Grade -   50 (37.3%)    42 (31.3%)      51 (38.6%)  
#>                               Grade 1-2            0             0              0       
#>                               1                    0             0              0       
#>                               2                    0             0              0       
#>                               Grade 3-5       50 (37.3%)    42 (31.3%)      51 (38.6%)  
#>                               3                    0             0              0       
#>                               4                    0             0              0       
#>                               5               50 (37.3%)    42 (31.3%)      51 (38.6%)  
#>     dcd D.                                                                       
#>                               - Any Grade -   48 (35.8%)    42 (31.3%)      50 (37.9%)  
#>                               Grade 1-2            0             0              0       
#>                               1                    0             0              0       
#>                               2                    0             0              0       
#>                               Grade 3-5       48 (35.8%)    42 (31.3%)      50 (37.9%)  
#>                               3               48 (35.8%)    42 (31.3%)      50 (37.9%)  
#>                               4                    0             0              0       
#>                               5                    0             0              0       
#>   cl D.2                                                                                
#>     - Overall -                                                                         
#>                               - Any Grade -   47 (35.1%)    58 (43.3%)      57 (43.2%)  
#>                               Grade 1-2       47 (35.1%)    58 (43.3%)      57 (43.2%)  
#>                               1               47 (35.1%)    58 (43.3%)      57 (43.2%)  
#>                               2                    0             0              0       
#>                               Grade 3-5            0             0              0       
#>                               3                    0             0              0       
#>                               4                    0             0              0       
#>                               5                    0             0              0       
#>     dcd D.                                                                       
#>                               - Any Grade -   47 (35.1%)    58 (43.3%)      57 (43.2%)  
#>                               Grade 1-2       47 (35.1%)    58 (43.3%)      57 (43.2%)  
#>                               1               47 (35.1%)    58 (43.3%)      57 (43.2%)  
#>                               2                    0             0              0       
#>                               Grade 3-5            0             0              0       
#>                               3                    0             0              0       
#>                               4                    0             0              0       
#>                               5                    0             0              0       
#>   cl B.1                                                                                
#>     - Overall -                                                                         
#>                               - Any Grade -   47 (35.1%)    49 (36.6%)      43 (32.6%)  
#>                               Grade 1-2            0             0              0       
#>                               1                    0             0              0       
#>                               2                    0             0              0       
#>                               Grade 3-5       47 (35.1%)    49 (36.6%)      43 (32.6%)  
#>                               3                    0             0              0       
#>                               4                    0             0              0       
#>                               5               47 (35.1%)    49 (36.6%)      43 (32.6%)  
#>     dcd B.                                                                       
#>                               - Any Grade -   47 (35.1%)    49 (36.6%)      43 (32.6%)  
#>                               Grade 1-2            0             0              0       
#>                               1                    0             0              0       
#>                               2                    0             0              0       
#>                               Grade 3-5       47 (35.1%)    49 (36.6%)      43 (32.6%)  
#>                               3                    0             0              0       
#>                               4                    0             0              0       
#>                               5               47 (35.1%)    49 (36.6%)      43 (32.6%)  
#>   cl C.2                                                                                
#>     - Overall -                                                                         
#>                               - Any Grade -   35 (26.1%)    48 (35.8%)      55 (41.7%)  
#>                               Grade 1-2       35 (26.1%)    48 (35.8%)      55 (41.7%)  
#>                               1                    0             0              0       
#>                               2               35 (26.1%)    48 (35.8%)      55 (41.7%)  
#>                               Grade 3-5            0             0              0       
#>                               3                    0             0              0       
#>                               4                    0             0              0       
#>                               5                    0             0              0       
#>     dcd C.                                                                       
#>                               - Any Grade -   35 (26.1%)    48 (35.8%)      55 (41.7%)  
#>                               Grade 1-2       35 (26.1%)    48 (35.8%)      55 (41.7%)  
#>                               1                    0             0              0       
#>                               2               35 (26.1%)    48 (35.8%)      55 (41.7%)  
#>                               Grade 3-5            0             0              0       
#>                               3                    0             0              0       
#>                               4                    0             0              0       
#>                               5                    0             0              0       
#>   cl C.1                                                                                
#>     - Overall -                                                                         
#>                               - Any Grade -   43 (32.1%)    46 (34.3%)      43 (32.6%)  
#>                               Grade 1-2            0             0              0       
#>                               1                    0             0              0       
#>                               2                    0             0              0       
#>                               Grade 3-5       43 (32.1%)    46 (34.3%)      43 (32.6%)  
#>                               3                    0             0              0       
#>                               4               43 (32.1%)    46 (34.3%)      43 (32.6%)  
#>                               5                    0             0              0       
#>     dcd C.                                                                       
#>                               - Any Grade -   43 (32.1%)    46 (34.3%)      43 (32.6%)  
#>                               Grade 1-2            0             0              0       
#>                               1                    0             0              0       
#>                               2                    0             0              0       
#>                               Grade 3-5       43 (32.1%)    46 (34.3%)      43 (32.6%)  
#>                               3                    0             0              0       
#>                               4               43 (32.1%)    46 (34.3%)      43 (32.6%)  
#>                               5                    0             0              0

Most Common (>=5%) Adverse Events (AET05)

1. Most Common (>=5%) Adverse Events

  1. The aet10 template produces the standard most common adverse events occurring with relative frequency >=5% output.
run(aet10, syn_data)
#>                           A: Drug X    B: Placebo   C: Combination
#>   MedDRA Preferred Term    (N=134)      (N=134)        (N=132)    
#>   ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
#>   dcd D.           47 (35.1%)   58 (43.3%)     57 (43.2%)  
#>   dcd A.           50 (37.3%)   45 (33.6%)     63 (47.7%)  
#>   dcd B.           48 (35.8%)   54 (40.3%)     51 (38.6%)  
#>   dcd A.           48 (35.8%)   48 (35.8%)     50 (37.9%)  
#>   dcd B.           49 (36.6%)   44 (32.8%)     52 (39.4%)  
#>   dcd D.           50 (37.3%)   42 (31.3%)     51 (38.6%)  
#>   dcd D.           48 (35.8%)   42 (31.3%)     50 (37.9%)  
#>   dcd B.           47 (35.1%)   49 (36.6%)     43 (32.6%)  
#>   dcd C.           35 (26.1%)   48 (35.8%)     55 (41.7%)  
#>   dcd C.           43 (32.1%)   46 (34.3%)     43 (32.6%)

2. Most Common (>=8%) Adverse Events (setting threshold)

To modify the threshold for displaying preferred terms, this can be achieved by providing the threshold to the atleast parameter.

run(aet10, syn_data, atleast = 0.08)
#>                           A: Drug X    B: Placebo   C: Combination
#>   MedDRA Preferred Term    (N=134)      (N=134)        (N=132)    
#>   ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
#>   dcd D.           47 (35.1%)   58 (43.3%)     57 (43.2%)  
#>   dcd A.           50 (37.3%)   45 (33.6%)     63 (47.7%)  
#>   dcd B.           48 (35.8%)   54 (40.3%)     51 (38.6%)  
#>   dcd A.           48 (35.8%)   48 (35.8%)     50 (37.9%)  
#>   dcd B.           49 (36.6%)   44 (32.8%)     52 (39.4%)  
#>   dcd D.           50 (37.3%)   42 (31.3%)     51 (38.6%)  
#>   dcd D.           48 (35.8%)   42 (31.3%)     50 (37.9%)  
#>   dcd B.           47 (35.1%)   49 (36.6%)     43 (32.6%)  
#>   dcd C.           35 (26.1%)   48 (35.8%)     55 (41.7%)  
#>   dcd C.           43 (32.1%)   46 (34.3%)     43 (32.6%)

Concomitant Medications by Medication Class and Preferred Name (CMT01A)

1. Concomitant Medications by Medication Class and Preferred Name

  1. The cmt01a template displays concomitant medications by ATC Level 2 and Preferred Name by default.
  2. The template does not include the column of total by default.
  3. The template sort medication class and preferred name by alphabetical order by default.
run(cmt01a, syn_data)
#>   ATC Level 2 Text                                          A: Drug X    B: Placebo    C: Combination
#>     Other Treatment                                          (N=134)       (N=134)        (N=132)    
#>   ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
#>   Total number of patients with at least one treatment     122 (91.0%)   123 (91.8%)    120 (90.9%)  
#>   Total number of treatments                                   609           622            703      
#>   ATCCLAS2 A                                                                                         
#>     Total number of patients with at least one treatment   97 (72.4%)    98 (73.1%)     102 (77.3%)  
#>     Total number of treatments                                 205           207            242      
#>     medname A_1/3                                          54 (40.3%)    49 (36.6%)      69 (52.3%)  
#>     medname A_2/3                                          53 (39.6%)    50 (37.3%)      56 (42.4%)  
#>     medname A_3/3                                          45 (33.6%)    54 (40.3%)      48 (36.4%)  
#>   ATCCLAS2 A p2                                                                                      
#>     Total number of patients with at least one treatment   45 (33.6%)    54 (40.3%)      48 (36.4%)  
#>     Total number of treatments                                 58            66              64      
#>     medname A_3/3                                          45 (33.6%)    54 (40.3%)      48 (36.4%)  
#>   ATCCLAS2 B                                                                                         
#>     Total number of patients with at least one treatment   102 (76.1%)   101 (75.4%)    108 (81.8%)  
#>     Total number of treatments                                 264           275            306      
#>     medname B_1/4                                          52 (38.8%)    57 (42.5%)      59 (44.7%)  
#>     medname B_2/4                                          52 (38.8%)    55 (41.0%)      56 (42.4%)  
#>     medname B_4/4                                          50 (37.3%)    45 (33.6%)      55 (41.7%)  
#>     medname B_3/4                                          47 (35.1%)    47 (35.1%)      52 (39.4%)  
#>   ATCCLAS2 B p2                                                                                      
#>     Total number of patients with at least one treatment   78 (58.2%)    82 (61.2%)      89 (67.4%)  
#>     Total number of treatments                                 139           155            159      
#>     medname B_1/4                                          52 (38.8%)    57 (42.5%)      59 (44.7%)  
#>     medname B_2/4                                          52 (38.8%)    55 (41.0%)      56 (42.4%)  
#>   ATCCLAS2 B p3                                                                                      
#>     Total number of patients with at least one treatment   78 (58.2%)    82 (61.2%)      89 (67.4%)  
#>     Total number of treatments                                 139           155            159      
#>     medname B_1/4                                          52 (38.8%)    57 (42.5%)      59 (44.7%)  
#>     medname B_2/4                                          52 (38.8%)    55 (41.0%)      56 (42.4%)  
#>   ATCCLAS2 C                                                                                         
#>     Total number of patients with at least one treatment   82 (61.2%)    84 (62.7%)      89 (67.4%)  
#>     Total number of treatments                                 140           140            155      
#>     medname C_2/2                                          52 (38.8%)    58 (43.3%)      60 (45.5%)  
#>     medname C_1/2                                          51 (38.1%)    50 (37.3%)      56 (42.4%)  
#>   ATCCLAS2 C p2                                                                                      
#>     Total number of patients with at least one treatment   82 (61.2%)    84 (62.7%)      89 (67.4%)  
#>     Total number of treatments                                 140           140            155      
#>     medname C_2/2                                          52 (38.8%)    58 (43.3%)      60 (45.5%)  
#>     medname C_1/2                                          51 (38.1%)    50 (37.3%)      56 (42.4%)  
#>   ATCCLAS2 C p3                                                                                      
#>     Total number of patients with at least one treatment   52 (38.8%)    58 (43.3%)      60 (45.5%)  
#>     Total number of treatments                                 69            73              80      
#>     medname C_2/2                                          52 (38.8%)    58 (43.3%)      60 (45.5%)

2. Concomitant Medications by Medication Class and Preferred Name (changing ATC class level)

run(cmt01a, syn_data, row_split_var = "ATC1")
#>   ATC Level 1 Text                                          A: Drug X    B: Placebo    C: Combination
#>     Other Treatment                                          (N=134)       (N=134)        (N=132)    
#>   ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
#>   Total number of patients with at least one treatment     122 (91.0%)   123 (91.8%)    120 (90.9%)  
#>   Total number of treatments                                   609           622            703      
#>   ATCCLAS1 A                                                                                         
#>     Total number of patients with at least one treatment   97 (72.4%)    98 (73.1%)     102 (77.3%)  
#>     Total number of treatments                                 205           207            242      
#>     medname A_1/3                                          54 (40.3%)    49 (36.6%)      69 (52.3%)  
#>     medname A_2/3                                          53 (39.6%)    50 (37.3%)      56 (42.4%)  
#>     medname A_3/3                                          45 (33.6%)    54 (40.3%)      48 (36.4%)  
#>   ATCCLAS1 A p2                                                                                      
#>     Total number of patients with at least one treatment   45 (33.6%)    54 (40.3%)      48 (36.4%)  
#>     Total number of treatments                                 58            66              64      
#>     medname A_3/3                                          45 (33.6%)    54 (40.3%)      48 (36.4%)  
#>   ATCCLAS1 B                                                                                         
#>     Total number of patients with at least one treatment   102 (76.1%)   101 (75.4%)    108 (81.8%)  
#>     Total number of treatments                                 264           275            306      
#>     medname B_1/4                                          52 (38.8%)    57 (42.5%)      59 (44.7%)  
#>     medname B_2/4                                          52 (38.8%)    55 (41.0%)      56 (42.4%)  
#>     medname B_4/4                                          50 (37.3%)    45 (33.6%)      55 (41.7%)  
#>     medname B_3/4                                          47 (35.1%)    47 (35.1%)      52 (39.4%)  
#>   ATCCLAS1 B p2                                                                                      
#>     Total number of patients with at least one treatment   78 (58.2%)    82 (61.2%)      89 (67.4%)  
#>     Total number of treatments                                 139           155            159      
#>     medname B_1/4                                          52 (38.8%)    57 (42.5%)      59 (44.7%)  
#>     medname B_2/4                                          52 (38.8%)    55 (41.0%)      56 (42.4%)  
#>   ATCCLAS1 B p3                                                                                      
#>     Total number of patients with at least one treatment   78 (58.2%)    82 (61.2%)      89 (67.4%)  
#>     Total number of treatments                                 139           155            159      
#>     medname B_1/4                                          52 (38.8%)    57 (42.5%)      59 (44.7%)  
#>     medname B_2/4                                          52 (38.8%)    55 (41.0%)      56 (42.4%)  
#>   ATCCLAS1 C                                                                                         
#>     Total number of patients with at least one treatment   82 (61.2%)    84 (62.7%)      89 (67.4%)  
#>     Total number of treatments                                 140           140            155      
#>     medname C_2/2                                          52 (38.8%)    58 (43.3%)      60 (45.5%)  
#>     medname C_1/2                                          51 (38.1%)    50 (37.3%)      56 (42.4%)  
#>   ATCCLAS1 C p2                                                                                      
#>     Total number of patients with at least one treatment   82 (61.2%)    84 (62.7%)      89 (67.4%)  
#>     Total number of treatments                                 140           140            155      
#>     medname C_2/2                                          52 (38.8%)    58 (43.3%)      60 (45.5%)  
#>     medname C_1/2                                          51 (38.1%)    50 (37.3%)      56 (42.4%)  
#>   ATCCLAS1 C p3                                                                                      
#>     Total number of patients with at least one treatment   52 (38.8%)    58 (43.3%)      60 (45.5%)  
#>     Total number of treatments                                 69            73              80      
#>     medname C_2/2                                          52 (38.8%)    58 (43.3%)      60 (45.5%)

3. Concomitant Medications by Medication Class and Preferred Name (classes sorted by frequency)

The option sort_by_freq = TRUE sort medication class by frequency.

run(cmt01a, syn_data, sort_by_freq = TRUE)
#>   ATC Level 2 Text                                          A: Drug X    B: Placebo    C: Combination
#>     Other Treatment                                          (N=134)       (N=134)        (N=132)    
#>   ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
#>   Total number of patients with at least one treatment     122 (91.0%)   123 (91.8%)    120 (90.9%)  
#>   Total number of treatments                                   609           622            703      
#>   ATCCLAS2 B                                                                                         
#>     Total number of patients with at least one treatment   102 (76.1%)   101 (75.4%)    108 (81.8%)  
#>     Total number of treatments                                 264           275            306      
#>     medname B_1/4                                          52 (38.8%)    57 (42.5%)      59 (44.7%)  
#>     medname B_2/4                                          52 (38.8%)    55 (41.0%)      56 (42.4%)  
#>     medname B_4/4                                          50 (37.3%)    45 (33.6%)      55 (41.7%)  
#>     medname B_3/4                                          47 (35.1%)    47 (35.1%)      52 (39.4%)  
#>   ATCCLAS2 A                                                                                         
#>     Total number of patients with at least one treatment   97 (72.4%)    98 (73.1%)     102 (77.3%)  
#>     Total number of treatments                                 205           207            242      
#>     medname A_1/3                                          54 (40.3%)    49 (36.6%)      69 (52.3%)  
#>     medname A_2/3                                          53 (39.6%)    50 (37.3%)      56 (42.4%)  
#>     medname A_3/3                                          45 (33.6%)    54 (40.3%)      48 (36.4%)  
#>   ATCCLAS2 C                                                                                         
#>     Total number of patients with at least one treatment   82 (61.2%)    84 (62.7%)      89 (67.4%)  
#>     Total number of treatments                                 140           140            155      
#>     medname C_2/2                                          52 (38.8%)    58 (43.3%)      60 (45.5%)  
#>     medname C_1/2                                          51 (38.1%)    50 (37.3%)      56 (42.4%)  
#>   ATCCLAS2 C p2                                                                                      
#>     Total number of patients with at least one treatment   82 (61.2%)    84 (62.7%)      89 (67.4%)  
#>     Total number of treatments                                 140           140            155      
#>     medname C_2/2                                          52 (38.8%)    58 (43.3%)      60 (45.5%)  
#>     medname C_1/2                                          51 (38.1%)    50 (37.3%)      56 (42.4%)  
#>   ATCCLAS2 B p2                                                                                      
#>     Total number of patients with at least one treatment   78 (58.2%)    82 (61.2%)      89 (67.4%)  
#>     Total number of treatments                                 139           155            159      
#>     medname B_1/4                                          52 (38.8%)    57 (42.5%)      59 (44.7%)  
#>     medname B_2/4                                          52 (38.8%)    55 (41.0%)      56 (42.4%)  
#>   ATCCLAS2 B p3                                                                                      
#>     Total number of patients with at least one treatment   78 (58.2%)    82 (61.2%)      89 (67.4%)  
#>     Total number of treatments                                 139           155            159      
#>     medname B_1/4                                          52 (38.8%)    57 (42.5%)      59 (44.7%)  
#>     medname B_2/4                                          52 (38.8%)    55 (41.0%)      56 (42.4%)  
#>   ATCCLAS2 C p3                                                                                      
#>     Total number of patients with at least one treatment   52 (38.8%)    58 (43.3%)      60 (45.5%)  
#>     Total number of treatments                                 69            73              80      
#>     medname C_2/2                                          52 (38.8%)    58 (43.3%)      60 (45.5%)  
#>   ATCCLAS2 A p2                                                                                      
#>     Total number of patients with at least one treatment   45 (33.6%)    54 (40.3%)      48 (36.4%)  
#>     Total number of treatments                                 58            66              64      
#>     medname A_3/3                                          45 (33.6%)    54 (40.3%)      48 (36.4%)

4. Concomitant Medications by Medication Class and Preferred Name (total number of treatments per medication class suppressed)

The cmt01a template includes the analysis of ‘total number of treatments’ by default, use incl_n_treatment = FALSE to remove it.

run(cmt01a, syn_data, incl_n_treatment = FALSE)
#>   ATC Level 2 Text                                          A: Drug X    B: Placebo    C: Combination
#>     Other Treatment                                          (N=134)       (N=134)        (N=132)    
#>   ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
#>   Total number of patients with at least one treatment     122 (91.0%)   123 (91.8%)    120 (90.9%)  
#>   Total number of treatments                                   609           622            703      
#>   ATCCLAS2 A                                                                                         
#>     Total number of patients with at least one treatment   97 (72.4%)    98 (73.1%)     102 (77.3%)  
#>     medname A_1/3                                          54 (40.3%)    49 (36.6%)      69 (52.3%)  
#>     medname A_2/3                                          53 (39.6%)    50 (37.3%)      56 (42.4%)  
#>     medname A_3/3                                          45 (33.6%)    54 (40.3%)      48 (36.4%)  
#>   ATCCLAS2 A p2                                                                                      
#>     Total number of patients with at least one treatment   45 (33.6%)    54 (40.3%)      48 (36.4%)  
#>     medname A_3/3                                          45 (33.6%)    54 (40.3%)      48 (36.4%)  
#>   ATCCLAS2 B                                                                                         
#>     Total number of patients with at least one treatment   102 (76.1%)   101 (75.4%)    108 (81.8%)  
#>     medname B_1/4                                          52 (38.8%)    57 (42.5%)      59 (44.7%)  
#>     medname B_2/4                                          52 (38.8%)    55 (41.0%)      56 (42.4%)  
#>     medname B_4/4                                          50 (37.3%)    45 (33.6%)      55 (41.7%)  
#>     medname B_3/4                                          47 (35.1%)    47 (35.1%)      52 (39.4%)  
#>   ATCCLAS2 B p2                                                                                      
#>     Total number of patients with at least one treatment   78 (58.2%)    82 (61.2%)      89 (67.4%)  
#>     medname B_1/4                                          52 (38.8%)    57 (42.5%)      59 (44.7%)  
#>     medname B_2/4                                          52 (38.8%)    55 (41.0%)      56 (42.4%)  
#>   ATCCLAS2 B p3                                                                                      
#>     Total number of patients with at least one treatment   78 (58.2%)    82 (61.2%)      89 (67.4%)  
#>     medname B_1/4                                          52 (38.8%)    57 (42.5%)      59 (44.7%)  
#>     medname B_2/4                                          52 (38.8%)    55 (41.0%)      56 (42.4%)  
#>   ATCCLAS2 C                                                                                         
#>     Total number of patients with at least one treatment   82 (61.2%)    84 (62.7%)      89 (67.4%)  
#>     medname C_2/2                                          52 (38.8%)    58 (43.3%)      60 (45.5%)  
#>     medname C_1/2                                          51 (38.1%)    50 (37.3%)      56 (42.4%)  
#>   ATCCLAS2 C p2                                                                                      
#>     Total number of patients with at least one treatment   82 (61.2%)    84 (62.7%)      89 (67.4%)  
#>     medname C_2/2                                          52 (38.8%)    58 (43.3%)      60 (45.5%)  
#>     medname C_1/2                                          51 (38.1%)    50 (37.3%)      56 (42.4%)  
#>   ATCCLAS2 C p3                                                                                      
#>     Total number of patients with at least one treatment   52 (38.8%)    58 (43.3%)      60 (45.5%)  
#>     medname C_2/2                                          52 (38.8%)    58 (43.3%)      60 (45.5%)

Concomitant Medications by Preferred Name (CMT02_PT)

1. Concomitant Medications by Preferred Name

  1. The cmt02_pt template displays concomitant medications by Preferred Name by default.
  2. The template does not include the column of total by default.
  3. The template sorts preferred name by alphabetical order by default. Set the option sort_by_freq = TRUE to sort preferred names by frequency.
run(cmt02_pt, syn_data)
#>   Other Treatment                                         A: Drug X    B: Placebo    C: Combination
#>                                                            (N=134)       (N=134)        (N=132)    
#>   —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
#>   Total number of patients with at least one treatment   122 (91.0%)   123 (91.8%)    120 (90.9%)  
#>   Total number of treatments                                 609           622            703      
#>   medname A_1/3                                          54 (40.3%)    49 (36.6%)      69 (52.3%)  
#>   medname C_2/2                                          52 (38.8%)    58 (43.3%)      60 (45.5%)  
#>   medname B_1/4                                          52 (38.8%)    57 (42.5%)      59 (44.7%)  
#>   medname B_2/4                                          52 (38.8%)    55 (41.0%)      56 (42.4%)  
#>   medname A_2/3                                          53 (39.6%)    50 (37.3%)      56 (42.4%)  
#>   medname C_1/2                                          51 (38.1%)    50 (37.3%)      56 (42.4%)  
#>   medname B_4/4                                          50 (37.3%)    45 (33.6%)      55 (41.7%)  
#>   medname A_3/3                                          45 (33.6%)    54 (40.3%)      48 (36.4%)  
#>   medname B_3/4                                          47 (35.1%)    47 (35.1%)      52 (39.4%)

Demographics and Baseline Characteristics (DMT01)

1. Demographics and Baseline Characteristics with All Patients

  1. The dmt01 template produces the standard demographics and baseline characteristics summary.
  2. This template includes the column of total by default.
run(dmt01, syn_data)
#>                                         A: Drug X    B: Placebo    C: Combination   All Patients
#>                                          (N=134)       (N=134)        (N=132)         (N=400)   
#>   ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
#>   Age (yr)                                                                                      
#>     n                                      134           134            132             400     
#>     Mean (SD)                          33.8 (6.6)    35.4 (7.9)      35.4 (7.7)      34.9 (7.4) 
#>     Median                                33.0          35.0            35.0            34.0    
#>     Min - Max                          21.0 - 50.0   21.0 - 62.0    20.0 - 69.0     20.0 - 69.0 
#>   Age Group                                                                                     
#>     n                                      134           134            132             400     
#>     <65                                134 (100%)    134 (100%)     131 (99.2%)     399 (99.8%) 
#>     >=65                                    0             0           1 (0.8%)        1 (0.2%)  
#>   Sex                                                                                           
#>     n                                      134           134            132             400     
#>     Male                               55 (41.0%)    52 (38.8%)      62 (47.0%)     169 (42.2%) 
#>     Female                             79 (59.0%)    82 (61.2%)      70 (53.0%)     231 (57.8%) 
#>   Ethnicity                                                                                     
#>     n                                      134           134            132             400     
#>     NOT REPORTED                        6 (4.5%)      10 (7.5%)      11 (8.3%)       27 (6.8%)  
#>     HISPANIC OR LATINO                 15 (11.2%)    18 (13.4%)      15 (11.4%)      48 (12.0%) 
#>     NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO             104 (77.6%)   103 (76.9%)    101 (76.5%)     308 (77.0%) 
#>     UNKNOWN                             9 (6.7%)      3 (2.2%)        5 (3.8%)       17 (4.2%)  
#>   RACE                                                                                          
#>     n                                      134           134            132             400     
#>     AMERICAN INDIAN OR ALASKA NATIVE    8 (6.0%)      11 (8.2%)       6 (4.5%)       25 (6.2%)  
#>     ASIAN                              68 (50.7%)    68 (50.7%)      73 (55.3%)     209 (52.2%) 
#>     BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN          31 (23.1%)    28 (20.9%)      32 (24.2%)      91 (22.8%) 
#>     WHITE                              27 (20.1%)    27 (20.1%)      21 (15.9%)      75 (18.8%)

2. Demographics and Baseline Characteristics without All Patients

To remove the column of total, set the parameter lbl_overall to NULL.

run(dmt01, syn_data, lbl_overall = NULL)
#>                                         A: Drug X    B: Placebo    C: Combination
#>                                          (N=134)       (N=134)        (N=132)    
#>   ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
#>   Age (yr)                                                                       
#>     n                                      134           134            132      
#>     Mean (SD)                          33.8 (6.6)    35.4 (7.9)      35.4 (7.7)  
#>     Median                                33.0          35.0            35.0     
#>     Min - Max                          21.0 - 50.0   21.0 - 62.0    20.0 - 69.0  
#>   Age Group                                                                      
#>     n                                      134           134            132      
#>     <65                                134 (100%)    134 (100%)     131 (99.2%)  
#>     >=65                                    0             0           1 (0.8%)   
#>   Sex                                                                            
#>     n                                      134           134            132      
#>     Male                               55 (41.0%)    52 (38.8%)      62 (47.0%)  
#>     Female                             79 (59.0%)    82 (61.2%)      70 (53.0%)  
#>   Ethnicity                                                                      
#>     n                                      134           134            132      
#>     NOT REPORTED                        6 (4.5%)      10 (7.5%)      11 (8.3%)   
#>     HISPANIC OR LATINO                 15 (11.2%)    18 (13.4%)      15 (11.4%)  
#>     NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO             104 (77.6%)   103 (76.9%)    101 (76.5%)  
#>     UNKNOWN                             9 (6.7%)      3 (2.2%)        5 (3.8%)   
#>   RACE                                                                           
#>     n                                      134           134            132      
#>     AMERICAN INDIAN OR ALASKA NATIVE    8 (6.0%)      11 (8.2%)       6 (4.5%)   
#>     ASIAN                              68 (50.7%)    68 (50.7%)      73 (55.3%)  
#>     BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN          31 (23.1%)    28 (20.9%)      32 (24.2%)  
#>     WHITE                              27 (20.1%)    27 (20.1%)      21 (15.9%)

3. Demographics and Baseline Characteristics with an additional study specific continuous variable

  1. Study specific continuous variables can be added to the standard demographics and baseline characteristics summary by editing the parameter summaryvars. To add or remove analyses, you need to list all variables you would like to include in the parameter.
  2. CHEVRON performs the analysis based on the type of variable as defined in the input data.
run(dmt01, syn_data, summaryvars = c("AGE", "AGEGR1", "SEX", "ETHNIC", "RACE", "BBMISI"), lbl_overall = NULL)
#>                                         A: Drug X     B: Placebo     C: Combination
#>                                          (N=134)        (N=134)         (N=132)    
#>   —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
#>   Age                                                                              
#>     n                                      134            134             132      
#>     Mean (SD)                          33.8 (6.6)     35.4 (7.9)       35.4 (7.7)  
#>     Median                                33.0           35.0             35.0     
#>     Min - Max                          21.0 - 50.0    21.0 - 62.0     20.0 - 69.0  
#>   Age Group                                                                        
#>     n                                      134            134             132      
#>     <65                                134 (100%)     134 (100%)      131 (99.2%)  
#>     >=65                                    0              0            1 (0.8%)   
#>   Sex                                                                              
#>     n                                      134            134             132      
#>     Male                               55 (41.0%)     52 (38.8%)       62 (47.0%)  
#>     Female                             79 (59.0%)     82 (61.2%)       70 (53.0%)  
#>   Ethnicity                                                                        
#>     n                                      134            134             132      
#>     NOT REPORTED                        6 (4.5%)       10 (7.5%)       11 (8.3%)   
#>     HISPANIC OR LATINO                 15 (11.2%)     18 (13.4%)       15 (11.4%)  
#>     NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO             104 (77.6%)    103 (76.9%)     101 (76.5%)  
#>     UNKNOWN                             9 (6.7%)       3 (2.2%)         5 (3.8%)   
#>   RACE                                                                             
#>     n                                      134            134             132      
#>     AMERICAN INDIAN OR ALASKA NATIVE    8 (6.0%)       11 (8.2%)        6 (4.5%)   
#>     ASIAN                              68 (50.7%)     68 (50.7%)       73 (55.3%)  
#>     BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN          31 (23.1%)     28 (20.9%)       32 (24.2%)  
#>     WHITE                              27 (20.1%)     27 (20.1%)       21 (15.9%)  
#>   Baseline BMI                                                                     
#>     n                                      134            134             132      
#>     Mean (SD)                          30.0 (18.3)    32.4 (23.2)     30.1 (18.4)  
#>     Median                                27.1           31.1             30.0     
#>     Min - Max                          -6.9 - 75.9   -26.6 - 117.9    -44.2 - 87.5

4. Demographics and Baseline Characteristics with an additional study specific categorical variable

  1. Study specific categorical variables can be added to the standard demographics and baseline characteristics summary by editing the parameter summaryvars.
  2. To display the values within a categorical variable in pre-specified order, the categorical variable need to be factorized with pre-specified order provided as levels.
proc_data <- syn_data
proc_data$adsl <- proc_data$adsl %>%
    SEX = reformat(.data$SEX, rule(Male = "M", Female = "F")),
    BBMIGR1 = factor(case_when(
      BBMISI < 15 ~ "Very severely underweight",
      BBMISI >= 15 & BBMISI < 16 ~ "Severely underweight",
      BBMISI >= 16 & BBMISI < 18.5 ~ "Underweight",
      BBMISI >= 18.5 & BBMISI < 25 ~ "Normal (healthy weight)",
      BBMISI >= 25 & BBMISI < 30 ~ "Overweight",
      BBMISI >= 30 & BBMISI < 35 ~ "Obese Class I (Moderately obese)",
      BBMISI >= 35 & BBMISI < 40 ~ "Obese Class II (Severely obese)",
      BBMISI >= 40 ~ "Obese Class III (Very severely obese)"
    ), levels = c(
      "Very severely underweight",
      "Severely underweight",
      "Normal (healthy weight)",
      "Obese Class I (Moderately obese)",
      "Obese Class II (Severely obese)",
      "Obese Class III (Very severely obese)"

run(dmt01, proc_data, summaryvars = c("AGE", "AGEGR1", "SEX", "ETHNIC", "RACE", "BBMIGR1"), auto_pre = FALSE)
#>                                              A: Drug X    B: Placebo    C: Combination   All Patients
#>                                               (N=134)       (N=134)        (N=132)         (N=400)   
#>   ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
#>   Age                                                                                                
#>     n                                           134           134            132             400     
#>     Mean (SD)                               33.8 (6.6)    35.4 (7.9)      35.4 (7.7)      34.9 (7.4) 
#>     Median                                     33.0          35.0            35.0            34.0    
#>     Min - Max                               21.0 - 50.0   21.0 - 62.0    20.0 - 69.0     20.0 - 69.0 
#>   Age Group                                                                                          
#>     n                                           134           134            132             400     
#>     <65                                     134 (100%)    134 (100%)     131 (99.2%)     399 (99.8%) 
#>     >=65                                         0             0           1 (0.8%)        1 (0.2%)  
#>   Sex                                                                                                
#>     n                                           134           134            132             400     
#>     Male                                    55 (41.0%)    52 (38.8%)      62 (47.0%)     169 (42.2%) 
#>     Female                                  79 (59.0%)    82 (61.2%)      70 (53.0%)     231 (57.8%) 
#>   Ethnicity                                                                                          
#>     n                                           134           134            132             400     
#>     NOT REPORTED                             6 (4.5%)      10 (7.5%)      11 (8.3%)       27 (6.8%)  
#>     HISPANIC OR LATINO                      15 (11.2%)    18 (13.4%)      15 (11.4%)      48 (12.0%) 
#>     NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO                  104 (77.6%)   103 (76.9%)    101 (76.5%)     308 (77.0%) 
#>     UNKNOWN                                  9 (6.7%)      3 (2.2%)        5 (3.8%)       17 (4.2%)  
#>   RACE                                                                                               
#>     n                                           134           134            132             400     
#>     AMERICAN INDIAN OR ALASKA NATIVE         8 (6.0%)      11 (8.2%)       6 (4.5%)       25 (6.2%)  
#>     ASIAN                                   68 (50.7%)    68 (50.7%)      73 (55.3%)     209 (52.2%) 
#>     BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN               31 (23.1%)    28 (20.9%)      32 (24.2%)      91 (22.8%) 
#>     WHITE                                   27 (20.1%)    27 (20.1%)      21 (15.9%)      75 (18.8%) 
#>   BBMIGR1                                                                                            
#>     n                                           134           134            132             400     
#>     Very severely underweight               31 (23.1%)    29 (21.6%)      24 (18.2%)      84 (21.0%) 
#>     Severely underweight                     4 (3.0%)      1 (0.7%)        1 (0.8%)        6 (1.5%)  
#>     Underweight                              9 (6.7%)      7 (5.2%)        3 (2.3%)       19 (4.8%)  
#>     Normal (healthy weight)                 17 (12.7%)    18 (13.4%)      20 (15.2%)      55 (13.8%) 
#>     Overweight                               11 (8.2%)     10 (7.5%)      18 (13.6%)      39 (9.8%)  
#>     Obese Class I (Moderately obese)         12 (9.0%)     11 (8.2%)      16 (12.1%)      39 (9.8%)  
#>     Obese Class II (Severely obese)          11 (8.2%)     13 (9.7%)      16 (12.1%)      40 (10.0%) 
#>     Obese Class III (Very severely obese)   39 (29.1%)    45 (33.6%)      34 (25.8%)     118 (29.5%)

5. Demographics and Baseline Characteristics with additional vital signs baseline values from ADVS or ADSUB

To add baseline vital signs or other baseline characteristics to the demographics and baseline characteristics summary, manual preprocess of input adsl dataset is expected and merge the vital signs baseline values from advs (where ADVS.ABLFL == "Y") or adsub with adsl by unique subject identifier.

proc_data <- syn_data
diabpbl <- proc_data$advs %>%
  filter(ABLFL == "Y" & PARAMCD == "DIABP") %>%
  mutate(DIABPBL = AVAL) %>%

proc_data$adsl <- proc_data$adsl %>%
  mutate(SEX = reformat(.data$SEX, rule(Male = "M", Female = "F"))) %>%
  left_join(diabpbl, by = c("STUDYID", "USUBJID"))

run(dmt01, proc_data, summaryvars = c("AGE", "AGEGR1", "SEX", "ETHNIC", "RACE", "DIABPBL"), auto_pre = FALSE)
#>                                         A: Drug X    B: Placebo    C: Combination   All Patients
#>                                          (N=134)       (N=134)        (N=132)         (N=400)   
#>   ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
#>   Age                                                                                           
#>     n                                      134           134            132             400     
#>     Mean (SD)                          33.8 (6.6)    35.4 (7.9)      35.4 (7.7)      34.9 (7.4) 
#>     Median                                33.0          35.0            35.0            34.0    
#>     Min - Max                          21.0 - 50.0   21.0 - 62.0    20.0 - 69.0     20.0 - 69.0 
#>   Age Group                                                                                     
#>     n                                      134           134            132             400     
#>     <65                                134 (100%)    134 (100%)     131 (99.2%)     399 (99.8%) 
#>     >=65                                    0             0           1 (0.8%)        1 (0.2%)  
#>   Sex                                                                                           
#>     n                                      134           134            132             400     
#>     Male                               55 (41.0%)    52 (38.8%)      62 (47.0%)     169 (42.2%) 
#>     Female                             79 (59.0%)    82 (61.2%)      70 (53.0%)     231 (57.8%) 
#>   Ethnicity                                                                                     
#>     n                                      134           134            132             400     
#>     NOT REPORTED                        6 (4.5%)      10 (7.5%)      11 (8.3%)       27 (6.8%)  
#>     HISPANIC OR LATINO                 15 (11.2%)    18 (13.4%)      15 (11.4%)      48 (12.0%) 
#>     NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO             104 (77.6%)   103 (76.9%)    101 (76.5%)     308 (77.0%) 
#>     UNKNOWN                             9 (6.7%)      3 (2.2%)        5 (3.8%)       17 (4.2%)  
#>   RACE                                                                                          
#>     n                                      134           134            132             400     
#>     AMERICAN INDIAN OR ALASKA NATIVE    8 (6.0%)      11 (8.2%)       6 (4.5%)       25 (6.2%)  
#>     ASIAN                              68 (50.7%)    68 (50.7%)      73 (55.3%)     209 (52.2%) 
#>     BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN          31 (23.1%)    28 (20.9%)      32 (24.2%)      91 (22.8%) 
#>     WHITE                              27 (20.1%)    27 (20.1%)      21 (15.9%)      75 (18.8%) 
#>   Analysis Value                                                                                
#>     n                                      134           134            132             400     
#>     Mean (SD)                          48.6 (8.0)    50.4 (7.9)      51.1 (7.8)      50.0 (8.0) 
#>     Median                                48.4          50.2            50.8            50.0    
#>     Min - Max                          27.7 - 64.6   21.7 - 67.5    29.7 - 71.4     21.7 - 71.4

Patient Disposition (DST01)

1. Patient Disposition

  1. The dst01 template produces the standard patient disposition summary.
  2. The template includes the column of total by default. Use lbl_overall = NULL to suppress the default.
run(dst01, syn_data, lbl_overall = NULL)
#>                                     A: Drug X    B: Placebo   C: Combination
#>                                      (N=134)      (N=134)        (N=132)    
#>   ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
#>   Completed                         68 (50.7%)   66 (49.3%)     73 (55.3%)  
#>   Ongoing                           24 (17.9%)   28 (20.9%)     21 (15.9%)  
#>   Discontinued                      42 (31.3%)   40 (29.9%)     38 (28.8%)  
#>     ADVERSE EVENT                    3 (2.2%)     6 (4.5%)       5 (3.8%)   
#>     DEATH                           25 (18.7%)   23 (17.2%)     22 (16.7%)  
#>     LACK OF EFFICACY                 2 (1.5%)     2 (1.5%)       3 (2.3%)   
#>     PHYSICIAN DECISION               2 (1.5%)     3 (2.2%)       2 (1.5%)   
#>     PROTOCOL VIOLATION               5 (3.7%)     3 (2.2%)       4 (3.0%)   
#>     WITHDRAWAL BY PARENT/GUARDIAN    4 (3.0%)     2 (1.5%)       1 (0.8%)   
#>     WITHDRAWAL BY SUBJECT            1 (0.7%)     1 (0.7%)       1 (0.8%)

2. Patient Disposition (with grouping of reasons)

  1. The syntax below produces the standard patient disposition summary with grouping of the discontinuation reasons.
  2. The variable [ADSL.DCSREASGP] that groups the discontinuation reasons needs to be derived manually and provided in the input adsl dataset.
run(dst01, syn_data, detail_vars = list(Discontinued = c("DCSREASGP", "DCSREAS")), lbl_overall = NULL)
#>                                       A: Drug X    B: Placebo   C: Combination
#>                                        (N=134)      (N=134)        (N=132)    
#>   ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
#>   Completed                           68 (50.7%)   66 (49.3%)     73 (55.3%)  
#>   Ongoing                             24 (17.9%)   28 (20.9%)     21 (15.9%)  
#>   Discontinued                        42 (31.3%)   40 (29.9%)     38 (28.8%)  
#>     Safety                                                                    
#>       ADVERSE EVENT                    3 (2.2%)     6 (4.5%)       5 (3.8%)   
#>       DEATH                           25 (18.7%)   23 (17.2%)     22 (16.7%)  
#>     Non-Safety                                                                
#>       LACK OF EFFICACY                 2 (1.5%)     2 (1.5%)       3 (2.3%)   
#>       PHYSICIAN DECISION               2 (1.5%)     3 (2.2%)       2 (1.5%)   
#>       PROTOCOL VIOLATION               5 (3.7%)     3 (2.2%)       4 (3.0%)   
#>       WITHDRAWAL BY PARENT/GUARDIAN    4 (3.0%)     2 (1.5%)       1 (0.8%)   
#>       WITHDRAWAL BY SUBJECT            1 (0.7%)     1 (0.7%)       1 (0.8%)

3. Patient Disposition (adding end of treatment status)

The syntax below adds the end of treatment status to the standard patient disposition summary by providing the end of treatment status variable to the parameter trt_status_var.

run(dst01, syn_data, trt_status_var = "EOTSTT", lbl_overall = NULL)
#>                                     A: Drug X    B: Placebo   C: Combination
#>                                      (N=134)      (N=134)        (N=132)    
#>   ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
#>   Completed                         68 (50.7%)   66 (49.3%)     73 (55.3%)  
#>   Ongoing                           24 (17.9%)   28 (20.9%)     21 (15.9%)  
#>   Discontinued                      42 (31.3%)   40 (29.9%)     38 (28.8%)  
#>     ADVERSE EVENT                    3 (2.2%)     6 (4.5%)       5 (3.8%)   
#>     DEATH                           25 (18.7%)   23 (17.2%)     22 (16.7%)  
#>     LACK OF EFFICACY                 2 (1.5%)     2 (1.5%)       3 (2.3%)   
#>     PHYSICIAN DECISION               2 (1.5%)     3 (2.2%)       2 (1.5%)   
#>     PROTOCOL VIOLATION               5 (3.7%)     3 (2.2%)       4 (3.0%)   
#>     WITHDRAWAL BY PARENT/GUARDIAN    4 (3.0%)     2 (1.5%)       1 (0.8%)   
#>     WITHDRAWAL BY SUBJECT            1 (0.7%)     1 (0.7%)       1 (0.8%)   
#>   Completed Treatment               47 (35.1%)   35 (26.1%)     42 (31.8%)  
#>   Ongoing Treatment                 39 (29.1%)   46 (34.3%)     46 (34.8%)  
#>   Discontinued Treatment            48 (35.8%)   53 (39.6%)     44 (33.3%)

4. Patient Disposition (adding details of study ongoing status)

The syntax adds the details of study ongoing/alive status to the standard patient disposition summary by modifying the parameter detail_vars.

run(dst01, syn_data, detail_vars = list(Discontinued = "DCSREAS", Ongoing = "STDONS"))
#>                                     A: Drug X    B: Placebo   C: Combination   All Patients
#>                                      (N=134)      (N=134)        (N=132)         (N=400)   
#>   —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
#>   Completed                         68 (50.7%)   66 (49.3%)     73 (55.3%)     207 (51.7%) 
#>   Ongoing                           24 (17.9%)   28 (20.9%)     21 (15.9%)      73 (18.2%) 
#>     Alive: Ongoing                   8 (6.0%)     6 (4.5%)       8 (6.1%)       22 (5.5%)  
#>     Alive: In Follow-up             16 (11.9%)   22 (16.4%)     13 (9.8%)       51 (12.8%) 
#>   Discontinued                      42 (31.3%)   40 (29.9%)     38 (28.8%)     120 (30.0%) 
#>     ADVERSE EVENT                    3 (2.2%)     6 (4.5%)       5 (3.8%)       14 (3.5%)  
#>     DEATH                           25 (18.7%)   23 (17.2%)     22 (16.7%)      70 (17.5%) 
#>     LACK OF EFFICACY                 2 (1.5%)     2 (1.5%)       3 (2.3%)        7 (1.8%)  
#>     PHYSICIAN DECISION               2 (1.5%)     3 (2.2%)       2 (1.5%)        7 (1.8%)  
#>     PROTOCOL VIOLATION               5 (3.7%)     3 (2.2%)       4 (3.0%)       12 (3.0%)  
#>     WITHDRAWAL BY PARENT/GUARDIAN    4 (3.0%)     2 (1.5%)       1 (0.8%)        7 (1.8%)  
#>     WITHDRAWAL BY SUBJECT            1 (0.7%)     1 (0.7%)       1 (0.8%)        3 (0.8%)

Deaths (DTHT01)

1. Deaths

The dtht01 template produces the standard deaths output.

run(dst01, syn_data)
#>                                     A: Drug X    B: Placebo   C: Combination   All Patients
#>                                      (N=134)      (N=134)        (N=132)         (N=400)   
#>   —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
#>   Completed                         68 (50.7%)   66 (49.3%)     73 (55.3%)     207 (51.7%) 
#>   Ongoing                           24 (17.9%)   28 (20.9%)     21 (15.9%)      73 (18.2%) 
#>   Discontinued                      42 (31.3%)   40 (29.9%)     38 (28.8%)     120 (30.0%) 
#>     ADVERSE EVENT                    3 (2.2%)     6 (4.5%)       5 (3.8%)       14 (3.5%)  
#>     DEATH                           25 (18.7%)   23 (17.2%)     22 (16.7%)      70 (17.5%) 
#>     LACK OF EFFICACY                 2 (1.5%)     2 (1.5%)       3 (2.3%)        7 (1.8%)  
#>     PHYSICIAN DECISION               2 (1.5%)     3 (2.2%)       2 (1.5%)        7 (1.8%)  
#>     PROTOCOL VIOLATION               5 (3.7%)     3 (2.2%)       4 (3.0%)       12 (3.0%)  
#>     WITHDRAWAL BY PARENT/GUARDIAN    4 (3.0%)     2 (1.5%)       1 (0.8%)        7 (1.8%)  
#>     WITHDRAWAL BY SUBJECT            1 (0.7%)     1 (0.7%)       1 (0.8%)        3 (0.8%)

2. Deaths (adding “Primary Cause of Death” details for ‘Other’ category)

run(dtht01, syn_data, other_category = TRUE)
#>                                       A: Drug X    B: Placebo   C: Combination
#>                                        (N=134)      (N=134)        (N=132)    
#>   ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
#>   Total number of deaths              25 (18.7%)   23 (17.2%)     22 (16.7%)  
#>   Primary Cause of Death                                                      
#>     n                                     25           23             22      
#>     Adverse Event                     9 (36.0%)    7 (30.4%)      10 (45.5%)  
#>     Progressive Disease               8 (32.0%)    6 (26.1%)      6 (27.3%)   
#>     Other                             8 (32.0%)    10 (43.5%)     6 (27.3%)   
#>       LOST TO FOLLOW UP                2 (8.3%)     2 (8.3%)       2 (8.3%)   
#>       MISSING                          2 (8.3%)    3 (12.5%)       2 (8.3%)   
#>       Post-study reporting of death    1 (4.2%)     2 (8.3%)       1 (4.2%)   
#>       SUICIDE                          2 (8.3%)     2 (8.3%)       1 (4.2%)   
#>       UNKNOWN                          1 (4.2%)     1 (4.2%)          0

NOTE: In order to avoid the warning above and display ‘Other’ as the last category under “Primary Cause of Death” right above the detailed reasons for “Other”, the user is expected to manually provide levels to ADSL.DTHCAT based on categories available in the dataset.

3. Deaths (adding summary by days from last study drug administration)

Setting time_since_last_dose to TRUE, the syntax produces the count of deaths by days from last study drug administration as well as the count of deaths by primary cause and days from last study drug administration.

run(dtht01, syn_data, time_since_last_dose = TRUE)
#>                                                               A: Drug X    B: Placebo   C: Combination
#>                                                                (N=134)      (N=134)        (N=132)    
#>   ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
#>   Total number of deaths                                      25 (18.7%)   23 (17.2%)     22 (16.7%)  
#>   Days from last drug administration                                                                  
#>     n                                                             25           23             22      
#>     <=30                                                      14 (56.0%)   11 (47.8%)     14 (63.6%)  
#>     >30                                                       11 (44.0%)   12 (52.2%)     8 (36.4%)   
#>   Primary cause by days from last study drug administration                                           
#>     <=30                                                                                              
#>       n                                                           14           11             14      
#>       Adverse Event                                           4 (28.6%)    2 (18.2%)      6 (42.9%)   
#>       Progressive Disease                                     6 (42.9%)    3 (27.3%)      4 (28.6%)   
#>       Other                                                   4 (28.6%)    6 (54.5%)      4 (28.6%)   
#>     >30                                                                                               
#>       n                                                           11           12             8       
#>       Adverse Event                                           5 (45.5%)    5 (41.7%)      4 (50.0%)   
#>       Progressive Disease                                     2 (18.2%)    3 (25.0%)      2 (25.0%)   
#>       Other                                                   4 (36.4%)    4 (33.3%)      2 (25.0%)

ECG Results and Change from Baseline by Visit (EGT01)

1. ECG Results and Change from Baseline by Visit

The egt01 template produces the standard ECG results and change from baseline by visit summary.

run(egt01, syn_data)
#>   Analysis Visit                   A: Drug X                                B: Placebo                              C: Combination             
#>                                             Change from                               Change from                               Change from    
#>                       Value at Visit          Baseline          Value at Visit          Baseline          Value at Visit          Baseline     
#>                          (N=134)              (N=134)              (N=134)              (N=134)              (N=132)              (N=132)      
#>   —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
#>   Heart Rate                                                                                                                                   
#>     BASELINE                                                                                                                                   
#>       n                    134                                       134                                       132                             
#>       Mean (SD)      71.447 (17.932)                           69.829 (20.717)                           69.341 (20.948)                       
#>       Median              72.697                                    73.352                                    71.956                           
#>       Min - Max       9.09 - 106.91                             13.49 - 115.52                            11.63 - 115.49                       
#>     WEEK 1 DAY 8                                                                                                                               
#>       n                    134                  134                  134                  134                  132                  132        
#>       Mean (SD)      70.191 (20.274)      -1.257 (25.966)      69.427 (20.799)      -0.401 (29.735)      68.654 (18.064)      -0.687 (27.807)  
#>       Median              70.703               -2.197               70.462               -0.520               68.573               -0.760      
#>       Min - Max       8.53 - 127.50        -50.97 - 89.16       16.85 - 129.14       -68.18 - 88.38       16.87 - 115.60       -68.25 - 67.20  
#>     WEEK 2 DAY 15                                                                                                                              
#>       n                    134                  134                  134                  134                  132                  132        
#>       Mean (SD)      70.317 (19.561)      -1.130 (26.262)      71.108 (20.556)       1.279 (31.353)      69.193 (18.056)      -0.148 (28.606)  
#>       Median              70.885               -1.105               72.524               -0.311               69.304               -1.548      
#>       Min - Max       17.14 - 116.32       -85.03 - 67.52       9.22 - 120.54        -73.07 - 81.44       29.62 - 120.50       -67.75 - 66.29  
#>     WEEK 3 DAY 22                                                                                                                              
#>       n                    134                  134                  134                  134                  132                  132        
#>       Mean (SD)      68.251 (20.168)      -3.196 (28.657)      68.947 (20.558)      -0.881 (30.142)      70.884 (20.280)       1.543 (27.285)  
#>       Median              68.787               -2.167               67.802               1.195                70.124               0.139       
#>       Min - Max       13.33 - 131.73       -81.20 - 72.57       23.98 - 130.41      -73.03 - 103.31       20.91 - 116.79       -64.51 - 72.52  
#>     WEEK 4 DAY 29                                                                                                                              
#>       n                    134                  134                  134                  134                  132                  132        
#>       Mean (SD)      70.063 (18.410)      -1.385 (26.595)      71.601 (20.336)       1.772 (30.262)      71.020 (20.591)       1.679 (29.597)  
#>       Median              69.330               -4.535               72.211               -0.884               70.523               3.811       
#>       Min - Max       22.30 - 116.51       -58.07 - 77.32       17.53 - 129.06       -64.32 - 85.34       10.35 - 117.30      -65.91 - 105.67  
#>     WEEK 5 DAY 36                                                                                                                              
#>       n                    134                  134                  134                  134                  132                  132        
#>       Mean (SD)      66.406 (19.745)      -5.041 (27.112)      71.252 (18.923)       1.423 (27.084)      71.257 (18.563)       1.916 (29.591)  
#>       Median              65.405               -6.827               70.858               0.637                73.292               1.735       
#>       Min - Max       23.89 - 110.38       -73.26 - 57.24       25.86 - 125.73       -71.15 - 67.37       23.89 - 117.19       -58.23 - 68.86  
#>   QT Duration                                                                                                                                  
#>     BASELINE                                                                                                                                   
#>       n                    134                                       134                                       132                             
#>       Mean (SD)     336.834 (117.958)                          351.004 (98.436)                         352.598 (105.114)                      
#>       Median             344.414                                   351.480                                   347.956                           
#>       Min - Max       86.98 - 665.40                            98.90 - 641.92                           105.68 - 628.14                       
#>     WEEK 1 DAY 8                                                                                                                               
#>       n                    134                  134                  134                  134                  132                  132        
#>       Mean (SD)     342.574 (101.093)     5.741 (159.936)     363.946 (102.338)     12.943 (140.729)    359.424 (105.161)     6.826 (147.129)  
#>       Median             347.264               -1.779              356.539               13.730              363.838               8.685       
#>       Min - Max       91.63 - 591.42      -346.44 - 452.75     114.92 - 656.45      -317.53 - 416.35      51.91 - 611.88      -473.19 - 358.00 
#>     WEEK 2 DAY 15                                                                                                                              
#>       n                    134                  134                  134                  134                  132                  132        
#>       Mean (SD)      353.244 (93.926)     16.410 (162.103)     345.926 (96.783)     -5.078 (152.509)     335.689 (98.605)    -16.909 (138.448) 
#>       Median             351.099               16.722              346.831               -9.681              320.957              -22.267      
#>       Min - Max      138.01 - 587.30      -414.07 - 389.16     146.42 - 556.07      -440.28 - 364.76     104.91 - 562.34      -326.55 - 325.27 
#>     WEEK 3 DAY 22                                                                                                                              
#>       n                    134                  134                  134                  134                  132                  132        
#>       Mean (SD)     370.115 (101.568)     33.282 (152.780)    343.412 (102.585)     -7.592 (138.803)     346.947 (94.965)     -5.652 (144.651) 
#>       Median             378.209               39.586              335.119              -15.888              352.154               9.113       
#>       Min - Max      118.14 - 615.18      -391.72 - 520.09      63.37 - 566.51      -311.28 - 293.76     126.09 - 580.81      -412.11 - 410.01 
#>     WEEK 4 DAY 29                                                                                                                              
#>       n                    134                  134                  134                  134                  132                  132        
#>       Mean (SD)      345.774 (95.970)     8.941 (145.647)     354.377 (108.286)     3.374 (142.390)     341.358 (106.745)    -11.240 (145.648) 
#>       Median             340.134               5.576               346.699              -17.129              352.295              -11.868      
#>       Min - Max      110.12 - 616.58      -393.34 - 456.04      80.82 - 687.69      -439.90 - 364.80      4.95 - 570.61       -480.94 - 330.67 
#>     WEEK 5 DAY 36                                                                                                                              
#>       n                    134                  134                  134                  134                  132                  132        
#>       Mean (SD)      358.903 (97.693)     22.069 (155.681)     338.648 (99.260)    -12.356 (130.457)     349.303 (95.769)     -3.296 (135.997) 
#>       Median             351.959               5.886               344.167               0.405               350.319               12.680      
#>       Min - Max       88.38 - 661.12      -353.30 - 539.84      31.25 - 563.90      -338.85 - 352.75     119.02 - 581.83      -311.45 - 295.53 
#>   RR Duration                                                                                                                                  
#>     BASELINE                                                                                                                                   
#>       n                    134                                       134                                       132                             
#>       Mean (SD)     1028.419 (286.385)                        1027.484 (324.000)                        1074.623 (277.328)                     
#>       Median             1041.860                                  1047.268                                  1080.866                          
#>       Min - Max      34.33 - 1783.71                            5.29 - 1877.19                           289.60 - 1617.06                      
#>     WEEK 1 DAY 8                                                                                                                               
#>       n                    134                  134                  134                  134                  132                  132        
#>       Mean (SD)     990.155 (318.736)    -38.264 (446.403)    1061.587 (269.138)    34.103 (401.759)    1039.642 (284.389)   -34.981 (406.037) 
#>       Median             963.881              -86.501              1061.504              66.914              1014.780             -97.826      
#>       Min - Max      110.82 - 2014.56    -1014.82 - 1389.40    276.83 - 1711.99     -942.16 - 993.82     498.21 - 1937.47     -958.61 - 908.90 
#>     WEEK 2 DAY 15                                                                                                                              
#>       n                    134                  134                  134                  134                  132                  132        
#>       Mean (SD)     1013.371 (304.135)   -15.047 (425.807)    1109.402 (318.227)    81.918 (453.105)    1045.209 (277.506)   -29.414 (380.841) 
#>       Median             1040.693              40.485              1117.764              69.275              1034.637             -15.331      
#>       Min - Max      164.19 - 1677.10    -1216.10 - 1053.15    160.73 - 2048.73    -1127.10 - 1148.61    252.84 - 1722.33     -859.27 - 871.54 
#>     WEEK 3 DAY 22                                                                                                                              
#>       n                    134                  134                  134                  134                  132                  132        
#>       Mean (SD)     1013.987 (304.990)   -14.431 (406.529)    1118.345 (296.527)    90.861 (409.573)    1036.593 (268.521)   -38.030 (421.484) 
#>       Median             1027.232             -50.543              1134.596              52.029              1030.717             -60.720      
#>       Min - Max      357.04 - 1798.65    -882.94 - 1080.26     97.14 - 1825.43     -887.06 - 1166.15     446.02 - 1713.38     -984.79 - 902.37 
#>     WEEK 4 DAY 29                                                                                                                              
#>       n                    134                  134                  134                  134                  132                  132        
#>       Mean (SD)     1033.309 (313.919)    4.890 (483.153)     1079.762 (298.940)    52.278 (429.253)    1027.549 (295.856)   -47.074 (378.235) 
#>       Median             1050.399              5.601               1051.613              69.554              1023.360             -49.519      
#>       Min - Max      54.33 - 1979.43     -1345.93 - 1195.41    347.94 - 1762.04    -826.43 - 1191.83     341.62 - 2144.86    -1002.03 - 1048.66
#>     WEEK 5 DAY 36                                                                                                                              
#>       n                    134                  134                  134                  134                  132                  132        
#>       Mean (SD)     1072.335 (282.901)    43.916 (379.048)    1058.452 (271.012)    30.968 (436.030)    1029.043 (271.211)   -45.580 (405.528) 
#>       Median             1067.330              55.872              1068.950              33.615              1065.256             -34.395      
#>       Min - Max      352.97 - 2000.56    -1028.79 - 1418.57    208.83 - 1794.73    -978.97 - 1365.13     436.28 - 1794.07    -962.18 - 1329.88

ECG Abnormalities (Regardless of Abnormality at Baseline) (EGT02_1)

1. ECG Abnormalities (Regardless of Abnormality at Baseline)

The egt02_1 template produces the standard ECG abnormalities summary where the abnormalities are summarized regardless of the abnormality at baseline.

run(egt02_1, syn_data)
#>   Assessment       A: Drug X        B: Placebo     C: Combination
#>    Abnormality      (N=134)          (N=134)          (N=132)    
#>   ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
#>   Heart Rate                                                     
#>     Low          49/134 (36.6%)   57/134 (42.5%)   55/132 (41.7%)
#>     High         48/134 (35.8%)   51/134 (38.1%)   48/132 (36.4%)
#>   QT Duration                                                    
#>     Low          53/134 (39.6%)   56/134 (41.8%)   54/132 (40.9%)
#>     High         45/134 (33.6%)   51/134 (38.1%)   45/132 (34.1%)
#>   RR Duration                                                    
#>     Low          56/134 (41.8%)   41/134 (30.6%)   50/132 (37.9%)
#>     High         39/134 (29.1%)   62/134 (46.3%)   41/132 (31.1%)

ECG Abnormalities (Among Subject Without Abnormality at Baseline) (EGT02_2)

1. ECG Abnormalities (Among Subject Without Abnormality at Baseline)

The egt02_2 template produces the standard ECG abnormalities summary where the abnormalities are summarized among subject without abnormality at baseline.

run(egt02_2, syn_data)
#>   Assessment       A: Drug X        B: Placebo     C: Combination
#>    Abnormality      (N=134)          (N=134)          (N=132)    
#>   ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
#>   Heart Rate                                                     
#>     Low          43/128 (33.6%)   47/124 (37.9%)   40/117 (34.2%)
#>     High         41/127 (32.3%)   46/129 (35.7%)   38/122 (31.1%)
#>   QT Duration                                                    
#>     Low          32/113 (28.3%)   48/126 (38.1%)   46/124 (37.1%)
#>     High         36/125 (28.8%)   47/130 (36.2%)   33/119 (27.7%)
#>   RR Duration                                                    
#>     Low          51/129 (39.5%)   30/123 (24.4%)   44/126 (34.9%)
#>     High         32/127 (25.2%)    50/122 (41%)    34/125 (27.2%)

Shift Table of ECG Interval Data - Baseline versus Minimum/Maximum Post-Baseline (EGT03)

1. Shift Table of ECG Interval Data - Baseline versus Minimum Post-Baseline

The egt03 template produces the standard shift table of ECG interval data - baseline versus minimum post-baseline summary.

proc_data <- log_filter(syn_data, PARAMCD == "HR", "adeg")
run(egt03, proc_data)
#>   Actual Arm Code                            Minimum Post-Baseline Assessment     
#>     Baseline Reference Range Indicator       LOW         NORMAL     HIGH   Missing
#>   ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
#>   ARM A (N=134)                                                                   
#>     LOW                                   1 (0.7%)      5 (3.7%)     0        0   
#>     NORMAL                               36 (26.9%)    85 (63.4%)    0        0   
#>     HIGH                                  3 (2.2%)       4 (3%)      0        0   
#>     Missing                                   0            0         0        0   
#>   ARM B (N=134)                                                                   
#>     LOW                                   1 (0.7%)      9 (6.7%)     0        0   
#>     NORMAL                               41 (30.6%)    78 (58.2%)    0        0   
#>     HIGH                                  1 (0.7%)       4 (3%)      0        0   
#>     Missing                                   0            0         0        0   
#>   ARM C (N=132)                                                                   
#>     LOW                                    4 (3%)      11 (8.3%)     0        0   
#>     NORMAL                               32 (24.2%)    75 (56.8%)    0        0   
#>     HIGH                                  1 (0.8%)      9 (6.8%)     0        0   
#>     Missing                                   0            0         0        0

2. Shift Table of ECG Interval Data - Baseline versus Maximum Post-Baseline

To produce the standard shift table of ECG interval data - baseline versus maximum post-baseline summary….TBA

ECG Actual Values and Changes from Baseline by Visit (EGT05_QTCAT)

1. ECG Actual Values and Changes from Baseline by Visit

The egt05_qtcat template produces the standard ECG actual values and changes from baseline by visit summary.

run(egt05_qtcat, syn_data)
#>   Parameter                                                            
#>     Analysis Visit            A: Drug X    B: Placebo    C: Combination
#>       Category                 (N=134)       (N=134)        (N=132)    
#>   —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
#>   QT Duration                                                          
#>     BASELINE                                                           
#>       Value at Visit                                                   
#>         n                        134           134            132      
#>         <=450 msec           115 (85.8%)   117 (87.3%)    104 (78.8%)  
#>         >450 to <=480 msec    6 (4.5%)      10 (7.5%)       9 (6.8%)   
#>         >480 to <=500 msec    4 (3.0%)      3 (2.2%)        6 (4.5%)   
#>         >500 msec             9 (6.7%)      4 (3.0%)       13 (9.8%)   
#>     WEEK 1 DAY 8                                                       
#>       Value at Visit                                                   
#>         n                        134           134            132      
#>         <=450 msec           113 (84.3%)   106 (79.1%)    106 (80.3%)  
#>         >450 to <=480 msec    10 (7.5%)     10 (7.5%)      11 (8.3%)   
#>         >480 to <=500 msec    4 (3.0%)      4 (3.0%)        3 (2.3%)   
#>         >500 msec             7 (5.2%)     14 (10.4%)      12 (9.1%)   
#>       Change from Baseline                                             
#>         n                        134           134            132      
#>         <=30 msec            76 (56.7%)    75 (56.0%)      75 (56.8%)  
#>         >30 to <=60 msec      7 (5.2%)      13 (9.7%)      11 (8.3%)   
#>         >60 msec             51 (38.1%)    46 (34.3%)      46 (34.8%)  
#>     WEEK 2 DAY 15                                                      
#>       Value at Visit                                                   
#>         n                        134           134            132      
#>         <=450 msec           111 (82.8%)   114 (85.1%)    112 (84.8%)  
#>         >450 to <=480 msec    10 (7.5%)     9 (6.7%)        9 (6.8%)   
#>         >480 to <=500 msec    7 (5.2%)      2 (1.5%)        5 (3.8%)   
#>         >500 msec             6 (4.5%)      9 (6.7%)        6 (4.5%)   
#>       Change from Baseline                                             
#>         n                        134           134            132      
#>         <=30 msec            71 (53.0%)    87 (64.9%)      89 (67.4%)  
#>         >30 to <=60 msec      11 (8.2%)     9 (6.7%)        9 (6.8%)   
#>         >60 msec             52 (38.8%)    38 (28.4%)      34 (25.8%)  
#>     WEEK 3 DAY 22                                                      
#>       Value at Visit                                                   
#>         n                        134           134            132      
#>         <=450 msec           106 (79.1%)   112 (83.6%)    118 (89.4%)  
#>         >450 to <=480 msec    13 (9.7%)     7 (5.2%)        3 (2.3%)   
#>         >480 to <=500 msec    4 (3.0%)      5 (3.7%)        2 (1.5%)   
#>         >500 msec             11 (8.2%)     10 (7.5%)       9 (6.8%)   
#>       Change from Baseline                                             
#>         n                        134           134            132      
#>         <=30 msec            63 (47.0%)    80 (59.7%)      81 (61.4%)  
#>         >30 to <=60 msec     14 (10.4%)     8 (6.0%)       11 (8.3%)   
#>         >60 msec             57 (42.5%)    46 (34.3%)      40 (30.3%)  
#>     WEEK 4 DAY 29                                                      
#>       Value at Visit                                                   
#>         n                        134           134            132      
#>         <=450 msec           117 (87.3%)   103 (76.9%)    114 (86.4%)  
#>         >450 to <=480 msec    7 (5.2%)     14 (10.4%)       6 (4.5%)   
#>         >480 to <=500 msec    4 (3.0%)      7 (5.2%)        3 (2.3%)   
#>         >500 msec             6 (4.5%)      10 (7.5%)       9 (6.8%)   
#>       Change from Baseline                                             
#>         n                        134           134            132      
#>         <=30 msec            79 (59.0%)    80 (59.7%)      79 (59.8%)  
#>         >30 to <=60 msec      11 (8.2%)     7 (5.2%)       10 (7.6%)   
#>         >60 msec             44 (32.8%)    47 (35.1%)      43 (32.6%)  
#>     WEEK 5 DAY 36                                                      
#>       Value at Visit                                                   
#>         n                        134           134            132      
#>         <=450 msec           107 (79.9%)   117 (87.3%)    112 (84.8%)  
#>         >450 to <=480 msec   16 (11.9%)     5 (3.7%)       13 (9.8%)   
#>         >480 to <=500 msec    5 (3.7%)      9 (6.7%)        3 (2.3%)   
#>         >500 msec             6 (4.5%)      3 (2.2%)        4 (3.0%)   
#>       Change from Baseline                                             
#>         n                        134           134            132      
#>         <=30 msec            72 (53.7%)    82 (61.2%)      73 (55.3%)  
#>         >30 to <=60 msec      10 (7.5%)     11 (8.2%)      11 (8.3%)   
#>         >60 msec             52 (38.8%)    41 (30.6%)      48 (36.4%)

2. ECG Actual Values and Changes from Baseline by Visit (removing default analyses)

The template have two default analyses of ADEG.AVALCAT1 and ADEG.CHGCAT1. To keep only the analyses needed, this can be achieved by modifying the parameter summaryvars.

run(egt05_qtcat, syn_data, summaryvars = c("AVALCAT1"))
#>   Parameter                                                          
#>     Analysis Visit          A: Drug X    B: Placebo    C: Combination
#>       Category               (N=134)       (N=134)        (N=132)    
#>   ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
#>   QT Duration                                                        
#>     BASELINE                                                         
#>       n                        134           134            132      
#>       <=450 msec           115 (85.8%)   117 (87.3%)    104 (78.8%)  
#>       >450 to <=480 msec    6 (4.5%)      10 (7.5%)       9 (6.8%)   
#>       >480 to <=500 msec    4 (3.0%)      3 (2.2%)        6 (4.5%)   
#>       >500 msec             9 (6.7%)      4 (3.0%)       13 (9.8%)   
#>     WEEK 1 DAY 8                                                     
#>       n                        134           134            132      
#>       <=450 msec           113 (84.3%)   106 (79.1%)    106 (80.3%)  
#>       >450 to <=480 msec    10 (7.5%)     10 (7.5%)      11 (8.3%)   
#>       >480 to <=500 msec    4 (3.0%)      4 (3.0%)        3 (2.3%)   
#>       >500 msec             7 (5.2%)     14 (10.4%)      12 (9.1%)   
#>     WEEK 2 DAY 15                                                    
#>       n                        134           134            132      
#>       <=450 msec           111 (82.8%)   114 (85.1%)    112 (84.8%)  
#>       >450 to <=480 msec    10 (7.5%)     9 (6.7%)        9 (6.8%)   
#>       >480 to <=500 msec    7 (5.2%)      2 (1.5%)        5 (3.8%)   
#>       >500 msec             6 (4.5%)      9 (6.7%)        6 (4.5%)   
#>     WEEK 3 DAY 22                                                    
#>       n                        134           134            132      
#>       <=450 msec           106 (79.1%)   112 (83.6%)    118 (89.4%)  
#>       >450 to <=480 msec    13 (9.7%)     7 (5.2%)        3 (2.3%)   
#>       >480 to <=500 msec    4 (3.0%)      5 (3.7%)        2 (1.5%)   
#>       >500 msec             11 (8.2%)     10 (7.5%)       9 (6.8%)   
#>     WEEK 4 DAY 29                                                    
#>       n                        134           134            132      
#>       <=450 msec           117 (87.3%)   103 (76.9%)    114 (86.4%)  
#>       >450 to <=480 msec    7 (5.2%)     14 (10.4%)       6 (4.5%)   
#>       >480 to <=500 msec    4 (3.0%)      7 (5.2%)        3 (2.3%)   
#>       >500 msec             6 (4.5%)      10 (7.5%)       9 (6.8%)   
#>     WEEK 5 DAY 36                                                    
#>       n                        134           134            132      
#>       <=450 msec           107 (79.9%)   117 (87.3%)    112 (84.8%)  
#>       >450 to <=480 msec   16 (11.9%)     5 (3.7%)       13 (9.8%)   
#>       >480 to <=500 msec    5 (3.7%)      9 (6.7%)        3 (2.3%)   
#>       >500 msec             6 (4.5%)      3 (2.2%)        4 (3.0%)

Study Drug Exposure (EXT01)

1. Study Drug Exposure

  1. The ext01 template displays total number of doses administered and total dose administered by default
  2. The template does not include the column of total by default
run(ext01, syn_data)
#>   PARCAT2                        A: Drug X        B: Placebo      C: Combination 
#>                                   (N=134)           (N=134)           (N=132)    
#>   ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
#>   Drug A                                                                         
#>     Overall duration (days)                                                      
#>       n                             75                67                75       
#>       Mean (SD)                121.5 (70.7)      131.2 (78.5)      130.5 (73.1)  
#>       Median                       116.0             127.0             126.0     
#>       Min - Max                15.0 - 249.0       1.0 - 250.0       1.0 - 246.0  
#>     Total dose administered                                                      
#>       n                             75                67                75       
#>       Mean (SD)               6675.2 (1110.9)   6505.1 (1249.3)   6982.4 (1272.5)
#>       Median                      6720.0            6480.0            7200.0     
#>       Min - Max               4800.0 - 9360.0   4080.0 - 9360.0   4320.0 - 9360.0
#>   Drug B                                                                         
#>     Overall duration (days)                                                      
#>       n                             59                67                57       
#>       Mean (SD)                111.0 (69.4)      113.7 (68.9)      137.5 (74.4)  
#>       Median                       98.0              104.0             144.0     
#>       Min - Max                 9.0 - 245.0       2.0 - 247.0      15.0 - 250.0  
#>     Total dose administered                                                      
#>       n                             59                67                57       
#>       Mean (SD)               6630.5 (1334.0)   6297.3 (1291.1)   6505.3 (1080.7)
#>       Median                      6720.0            6240.0            6480.0     
#>       Min - Max               4320.0 - 8880.0   4080.0 - 9120.0   4320.0 - 8640.0

Laboratory Test Results and Change from Baseline by Visit (LBT01)

1. Laboratory Test Results and Change from Baseline by Visit

  1. The lbt01 template produces the standard laboratory test results and change from baseline by visit.
  2. To select the SI/CV/LS results and the panel (chemistry/hematology/urinalysis/coagulation etc.) to display, user defines individual filters and apply to input datasets prior to running CHEVRON.
t_lb_chg <- run(lbt01, syn_data)
head(t_lb_chg, 20)
#>                                                     A: Drug X                        B: Placebo                      C: Combination         
#>                                                            Change from                       Change from                       Change from  
#>                                          Value at Visit      Baseline      Value at Visit      Baseline      Value at Visit      Baseline   
#>                                             (N=134)          (N=134)          (N=134)          (N=134)          (N=132)          (N=132)    
#>   ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
#>   Alanine Aminotransferase Measurement                                                                                                      
#>     BASELINE                                                                                                                                
#>       n                                       134                               134                               132                       
#>       Mean (SD)                          19.786 (4.161)                    20.153 (4.171)                    20.451 (3.911)                 
#>       Median                                 19.786                            20.077                            20.387                     
#>       Min - Max                           6.99 - 30.43                      8.11 - 34.56                      8.82 - 28.72                  
#>     WEEK 1 DAY 8                                                                                                                            
#>       n                                       134              134              134              134              132              132      
#>       Mean (SD)                          19.301 (3.981)   -0.485 (5.850)   20.221 (3.974)   0.068 (6.036)    20.553 (3.895)   0.102 (5.461) 
#>       Median                                 19.209           -0.511           20.090           -0.725           20.402           0.025     
#>       Min - Max                           8.86 - 27.32    -12.52 - 19.70    5.84 - 28.75    -12.29 - 17.41    9.87 - 30.70    -13.69 - 15.54
#>     WEEK 2 DAY 15                                                                                                                           
#>       n                                       134              134              134              134              132              132      
#>       Mean (SD)                          19.704 (4.233)   -0.082 (6.003)   20.123 (4.265)   -0.030 (6.263)   19.247 (3.592)   -1.204 (5.485)
#>       Median                                 19.168           0.038            19.986           -0.371           19.608           -0.482    
#>       Min - Max                           7.17 - 30.53    -13.15 - 17.17    7.19 - 30.54    -18.37 - 14.39    8.11 - 26.68    -14.28 - 15.65
#>     WEEK 3 DAY 22                                                                                                                           
#>       n                                       134              134              134              134              132              132      
#>       Mean (SD)                          20.130 (3.757)   0.344 (5.761)    19.837 (3.871)   -0.316 (5.604)   19.428 (3.944)   -1.023 (5.550)
#>       Median                                 20.044           0.451            19.873           -0.178           18.838           -1.065

2. Laboratory Test Results and Change from Baseline by Visit (customized precision)


Laboratory Abnormalities (LBT04)

1. Laboratory Abnormalities

  1. The lbt04 template produces the standard laboratory abnormalities summary.
  2. The template subsets to SI results by default.
  3. The laboratory tests and directions of abnormality in this template is data-driven. Table entries provide the number of patients with a during treatment laboratory value abnormality in the direction specified among patients without this abnormality at baseline.
run(lbt04, syn_data)
#>   Laboratory Test                           A: Drug X      B: Placebo    C: Combination
#>       Direction of Abnormality               (N=134)        (N=134)         (N=132)    
#>   —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
#>   CHEMISTRY                                                                            
#>     Alanine Aminotransferase Measurement                                               
#>       Low                                  7/45 (15.6%)   6/51 (11.8%)    4/61 (6.6%)  
#>       High                                 4/45 (8.9%)    6/45 (13.3%)    4/62 (6.5%)  
#>     C-Reactive Protein Measurement                                                     
#>       Low                                  6/55 (10.9%)   5/61 (8.2%)     6/51 (11.8%) 
#>       High                                 6/53 (11.3%)   7/55 (12.7%)    2/48 (4.2%)  
#>     Immunoglobulin A Measurement                                                       
#>       Low                                  4/43 (9.3%)    9/51 (17.6%)    8/52 (15.4%) 
#>       High                                 7/42 (16.7%)   7/49 (14.3%)    5/52 (9.6%)  
#>   COAGULATION                                                                          
#>     Alanine Aminotransferase Measurement                                               
#>       Low                                  4/54 (7.4%)    5/53 (9.4%)     4/48 (8.3%)  
#>       High                                 9/53 (17.0%)   7/50 (14.0%)    6/48 (12.5%) 
#>     C-Reactive Protein Measurement                                                     
#>       Low                                  7/56 (12.5%)   5/48 (10.4%)    5/50 (10.0%) 
#>       High                                 8/52 (15.4%)   3/46 (6.5%)     5/46 (10.9%) 
#>     Immunoglobulin A Measurement                                                       
#>       Low                                  8/50 (16.0%)   8/57 (14.0%)    2/54 (3.7%)  
#>       High                                 6/48 (12.5%)   8/65 (12.3%)    2/52 (3.8%)  
#>   HEMATOLOGY                                                                           
#>     Alanine Aminotransferase Measurement                                               
#>       Low                                  3/48 (6.2%)    4/46 (8.7%)     6/59 (10.2%) 
#>       High                                 5/47 (10.6%)   7/45 (15.6%)    8/55 (14.5%) 
#>     C-Reactive Protein Measurement                                                     
#>       Low                                  6/49 (12.2%)   6/45 (13.3%)   11/57 (19.3%) 
#>       High                                 3/44 (6.8%)    3/46 (6.5%)     6/53 (11.3%) 
#>     Immunoglobulin A Measurement                                                       
#>       Low                                  5/56 (8.9%)    8/53 (15.1%)    9/50 (18.0%) 
#>       High                                 7/57 (12.3%)   4/56 (7.1%)    10/52 (19.2%)

Laboratory Abnormalities with Single and Replicated Marked (LBT05)

1. Laboratory Abnormalities with Single and Replicated Marked

  1. The lbt05 template produces the standard laboratory abnormalities summary for marked abnormalities.
  2. The laboratory tests and directions of abnormality in this template is currently data-driven. The standard metadata for Safety Lab Standardization will be incorporated in future release.
run(lbt05, syn_data)
#>   Laboratory Test                            A: Drug X   B: Placebo   C: Combination
#>       Direction of Abnormality                (N=134)     (N=134)        (N=132)    
#>   ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
#>   Alanine Aminotransferase Measurement (n)      119         122            111      
#>     Low                                                                             
#>       Single, not last                       1 (0.8%)     2 (1.6%)       2 (1.8%)   
#>       Last or replicated                     2 (1.7%)     7 (5.7%)          0       
#>       Any Abnormality                        3 (2.5%)     9 (7.4%)       2 (1.8%)   
#>     High                                                                            
#>       Single, not last                       4 (3.4%)     4 (3.3%)       1 (0.9%)   
#>       Last or replicated                     2 (1.7%)     5 (4.1%)       4 (3.6%)   
#>       Any Abnormality                        6 (5.0%)     9 (7.4%)       5 (4.5%)   
#>   C-Reactive Protein Measurement (n)            124         114            114      
#>     Low                                                                             
#>       Single, not last                       1 (0.8%)        0           3 (2.6%)   
#>       Last or replicated                     5 (4.0%)     6 (5.3%)       2 (1.8%)   
#>       Any Abnormality                        6 (4.8%)     6 (5.3%)       5 (4.4%)   
#>     High                                                                            
#>       Single, not last                       2 (1.6%)     1 (0.9%)       2 (1.8%)   
#>       Last or replicated                     5 (4.0%)     5 (4.4%)       5 (4.4%)   
#>       Any Abnormality                        7 (5.6%)     6 (5.3%)       7 (6.1%)   
#>   Immunoglobulin A Measurement (n)              112         116            113      
#>     Low                                                                             
#>       Single, not last                       1 (0.9%)     3 (2.6%)       4 (3.5%)   
#>       Last or replicated                     4 (3.6%)     3 (2.6%)       2 (1.8%)   
#>       Any Abnormality                        5 (4.5%)     6 (5.2%)       6 (5.3%)   
#>     High                                                                            
#>       Single, not last                       1 (0.9%)     1 (0.9%)       2 (1.8%)   
#>       Last or replicated                     1 (0.9%)     5 (4.3%)       3 (2.7%)   
#>       Any Abnormality                        2 (1.8%)     6 (5.2%)       5 (4.4%)

2. Laboratory Abnormalities with Single and Replicated Marked showing all categories

3. Laboratory Abnormalities with Single and Replicated Marked with study specific MLAs

Laboratory Abnormalities by Visit and Baseline Status (LBT06)

1. Laboratory Abnormalities by Visit and Baseline Status

  1. The lbt06 template produces the standard laboratory abnormalities by visit and baseline status summary.
run(lbt06, syn_data)
#>   Parameter                                                                          
#>     Visit                                                                            
#>       Abnormality at Visit                A: Drug X      B: Placebo    C: Combination
#>               Baseline Status              (N=134)        (N=134)         (N=132)    
#>   ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
#>   Alanine Aminotransferase Measurement                                               
#>     WEEK 1 DAY 8                                                                     
#>       Low                                                                            
#>                 Not low                  3/39 (7.7%)     2/40 (5%)      1/37 (2.7%)  
#>                 Low                       1/4 (25%)         0/2             0/7      
#>                 Total                    4/43 (9.3%)    2/42 (4.8%)     1/44 (2.3%)  
#>       High                                                                           
#>                 Not high                 3/42 (7.1%)    3/35 (8.6%)     4/41 (9.8%)  
#>                 High                         0/1            0/7             0/3      
#>                 Total                     3/43 (7%)     3/42 (7.1%)     4/44 (9.1%)  
#>     WEEK 2 DAY 15                                                                    
#>       Low                                                                            
#>                 Not low                  5/29 (17.2%)   2/30 (6.7%)     7/45 (15.6%) 
#>                 Low                       1/2 (50%)         0/5             0/7      
#>                 Total                    6/31 (19.4%)   2/35 (5.7%)     7/52 (13.5%) 
#>       High                                                                           
#>                 Not high                 1/26 (3.8%)    4/33 (12.1%)    4/45 (8.9%)  
#>                 High                         0/5            0/2         1/7 (14.3%)  
#>                 Total                    1/31 (3.2%)    4/35 (11.4%)    5/52 (9.6%)  
#>     WEEK 3 DAY 22                                                                    
#>       Low                                                                            
#>                 Not low                  2/34 (5.9%)    3/34 (8.8%)     1/35 (2.9%)  
#>                 Low                      1/3 (33.3%)        0/0          1/4 (25%)   
#>                 Total                    3/37 (8.1%)    3/34 (8.8%)     2/39 (5.1%)  
#>       High                                                                           
#>                 Not high                 5/33 (15.2%)   5/29 (17.2%)    3/34 (8.8%)  
#>                 High                      1/4 (25%)         0/5             0/5      
#>                 Total                    6/37 (16.2%)   5/34 (14.7%)    3/39 (7.7%)  
#>     WEEK 4 DAY 29                                                                    
#>       Low                                                                            
#>                 Not low                   2/40 (5%)     2/39 (5.1%)     1/38 (2.6%)  
#>                 Low                          0/2         1/4 (25%)          0/5      
#>                 Total                    2/42 (4.8%)     3/43 (7%)      1/43 (2.3%)  
#>       High                                                                           
#>                 Not high                 5/36 (13.9%)   1/34 (2.9%)     6/39 (15.4%) 
#>                 High                     1/6 (16.7%)    1/9 (11.1%)         0/4      
#>                 Total                    6/42 (14.3%)   2/43 (4.7%)      6/43 (14%)  
#>     WEEK 5 DAY 36                                                                    
#>       Low                                                                            
#>                 Not low                  2/35 (5.7%)    6/35 (17.1%)    4/44 (9.1%)  
#>                 Low                      1/3 (33.3%)     2/8 (25%)          0/3      
#>                 Total                    3/38 (7.9%)    8/43 (18.6%)    4/47 (8.5%)  
#>       High                                                                           
#>                 Not high                 4/38 (10.5%)   7/38 (18.4%)    1/41 (2.4%)  
#>                 High                         0/0            0/5             0/6      
#>                 Total                    4/38 (10.5%)   7/43 (16.3%)    1/47 (2.1%)  
#>   C-Reactive Protein Measurement                                                     
#>     WEEK 1 DAY 8                                                                     
#>       Low                                                                            
#>                 Not low                  4/46 (8.7%)     2/40 (5%)      4/42 (9.5%)  
#>                 Low                          0/5            0/2             0/2      
#>                 Total                    4/51 (7.8%)    2/42 (4.8%)     4/44 (9.1%)  
#>       High                                                                           
#>                 Not high                 6/44 (13.6%)   4/37 (10.8%)    1/35 (2.9%)  
#>                 High                         0/7         1/5 (20%)          0/9      
#>                 Total                    6/51 (11.8%)   5/42 (11.9%)    1/44 (2.3%)  
#>     WEEK 2 DAY 15                                                                    
#>       Low                                                                            
#>                 Not low                  4/39 (10.3%)   3/29 (10.3%)    2/33 (6.1%)  
#>                 Low                      1/3 (33.3%)        0/2             0/3      
#>                 Total                    5/42 (11.9%)   3/31 (9.7%)     2/36 (5.6%)  
#>       High                                                                           
#>                 Not high                 2/36 (5.6%)    3/27 (11.1%)    3/27 (11.1%) 
#>                 High                         0/6         1/4 (25%)          0/9      
#>                 Total                    2/42 (4.8%)    4/31 (12.9%)    3/36 (8.3%)  
#>     WEEK 3 DAY 22                                                                    
#>       Low                                                                            
#>                 Not low                  3/37 (8.1%)     6/46 (13%)     8/44 (18.2%) 
#>                 Low                          0/3            0/5             0/6      
#>                 Total                    3/40 (7.5%)    6/51 (11.8%)     8/50 (16%)  
#>       High                                                                           
#>                 Not high                 2/34 (5.9%)    2/44 (4.5%)     1/43 (2.3%)  
#>                 High                         0/6            0/7             0/7      
#>                 Total                     2/40 (5%)     2/51 (3.9%)      1/50 (2%)   
#>     WEEK 4 DAY 29                                                                    
#>       Low                                                                            
#>                 Not low                  3/42 (7.1%)    1/36 (2.8%)     4/34 (11.8%) 
#>                 Low                          0/4         1/2 (50%)          0/5      
#>                 Total                    3/46 (6.5%)    2/38 (5.3%)     4/39 (10.3%) 
#>       High                                                                           
#>                 Not high                 3/40 (7.5%)    1/35 (2.9%)     5/34 (14.7%) 
#>                 High                     1/6 (16.7%)    1/3 (33.3%)         0/5      
#>                 Total                    4/46 (8.7%)    2/38 (5.3%)     5/39 (12.8%) 
#>     WEEK 5 DAY 36                                                                    
#>       Low                                                                            
#>                 Not low                  5/34 (14.7%)   4/38 (10.5%)    5/41 (12.2%) 
#>                 Low                      1/6 (16.7%)        0/4          1/5 (20%)   
#>                 Total                     6/40 (15%)    4/42 (9.5%)      6/46 (13%)  
#>       High                                                                           
#>                 Not high                 4/35 (11.4%)   4/35 (11.4%)    3/39 (7.7%)  
#>                 High                         0/5            0/7         1/7 (14.3%)  
#>                 Total                     4/40 (10%)    4/42 (9.5%)     4/46 (8.7%)  
#>   Immunoglobulin A Measurement                                                       
#>     WEEK 1 DAY 8                                                                     
#>       Low                                                                            
#>                 Not low                  2/38 (5.3%)    3/38 (7.9%)      3/30 (10%)  
#>                 Low                      1/7 (14.3%)     1/4 (25%)       1/4 (25%)   
#>                 Total                    3/45 (6.7%)    4/42 (9.5%)     4/34 (11.8%) 
#>       High                                                                           
#>                 Not high                 2/38 (5.3%)    3/37 (8.1%)     1/30 (3.3%)  
#>                 High                     2/7 (28.6%)     1/5 (20%)       1/4 (25%)   
#>                 Total                    4/45 (8.9%)    4/42 (9.5%)     2/34 (5.9%)  
#>     WEEK 2 DAY 15                                                                    
#>       Low                                                                            
#>                 Not low                  2/36 (5.6%)    5/45 (11.1%)    5/43 (11.6%) 
#>                 Low                       1/4 (25%)         0/4         1/6 (16.7%)  
#>                 Total                    3/40 (7.5%)    5/49 (10.2%)    6/49 (12.2%) 
#>       High                                                                           
#>                 Not high                 7/39 (17.9%)   4/44 (9.1%)     5/46 (10.9%) 
#>                 High                         0/1            0/5             0/3      
#>                 Total                    7/40 (17.5%)   4/49 (8.2%)     5/49 (10.2%) 
#>     WEEK 3 DAY 22                                                                    
#>       Low                                                                            
#>                 Not low                  7/43 (16.3%)    4/40 (10%)     2/38 (5.3%)  
#>                 Low                          0/5            0/10         2/4 (50%)   
#>                 Total                    7/48 (14.6%)    4/50 (8%)      4/42 (9.5%)  
#>       High                                                                           
#>                 Not high                 2/41 (4.9%)    5/48 (10.4%)    5/36 (13.9%) 
#>                 High                         0/7            0/2             0/6      
#>                 Total                    2/48 (4.2%)     5/50 (10%)     5/42 (11.9%) 
#>     WEEK 4 DAY 29                                                                    
#>       Low                                                                            
#>                 Not low                  2/29 (6.9%)    7/43 (16.3%)    4/46 (8.7%)  
#>                 Low                          0/5            0/10            0/2      
#>                 Total                    2/34 (5.9%)    7/53 (13.2%)    4/48 (8.3%)  
#>       High                                                                           
#>                 Not high                 6/29 (20.7%)   4/49 (8.2%)     3/44 (6.8%)  
#>                 High                         0/5         1/4 (25%)       1/4 (25%)   
#>                 Total                    6/34 (17.6%)   5/53 (9.4%)     4/48 (8.3%)  
#>     WEEK 5 DAY 36                                                                    
#>       Low                                                                            
#>                 Not low                  4/41 (9.8%)    6/39 (15.4%)    5/38 (13.2%) 
#>                 Low                          0/2            0/5             0/2      
#>                 Total                    4/43 (9.3%)    6/44 (13.6%)    5/40 (12.5%) 
#>       High                                                                           
#>                 Not high                 3/37 (8.1%)    5/39 (12.8%)    4/38 (10.5%) 
#>                 High                         0/6            0/5          1/2 (50%)   
#>                 Total                     3/43 (7%)     5/44 (11.4%)    5/40 (12.5%)

Laboratory Test Results with Highest NCI CTCAE Grade Post-Baseline (LBT07)

1. Laboratory Test Results with Highest NCI CTCAE Grade Post-Baseline

  1. The lbt07 template produces the standard laboratory test results with highest NCI CTCAE grade post-baseline summary.
  2. The laboratory tests and grades in this template is currently data-driven. The standard metadata for possible lab tests and corresponding NCI CTCAE grade will be incorporated in future release.
run(lbt07, syn_data)
#>   Parameter                                                                          
#>     Direction of Abnormality                 A: Drug X    B: Placebo   C: Combination
#>               Highest NCI CTCAE Grade         (N=134)      (N=134)        (N=132)    
#>   ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
#>   Alanine Aminotransferase Measurement (n)      134          134            132      
#>     LOW                                                                              
#>               1                              14 (10.4%)   15 (11.2%)     10 (7.6%)   
#>               2                              13 (9.7%)    18 (13.4%)     11 (8.3%)   
#>               3                              20 (14.9%)   12 (9.0%)      10 (7.6%)   
#>               4                               7 (5.2%)     8 (6.0%)      10 (7.6%)   
#>               Any                            54 (40.3%)   53 (39.6%)     41 (31.1%)  
#>     HIGH                                                                             
#>               1                              18 (13.4%)   16 (11.9%)     18 (13.6%)  
#>               2                              15 (11.2%)   13 (9.7%)      18 (13.6%)  
#>               3                              10 (7.5%)    16 (11.9%)     13 (9.8%)   
#>               4                              12 (9.0%)    11 (8.2%)      13 (9.8%)   
#>               Any                            55 (41.0%)   56 (41.8%)     62 (47.0%)  
#>   C-Reactive Protein Measurement (n)            134          134            132      
#>     LOW                                                                              
#>               1                              16 (11.9%)   19 (14.2%)     15 (11.4%)  
#>               2                              21 (15.7%)   13 (9.7%)      16 (12.1%)  
#>               3                              12 (9.0%)     9 (6.7%)      18 (13.6%)  
#>               4                              11 (8.2%)     7 (5.2%)       5 (3.8%)   
#>               Any                            60 (44.8%)   48 (35.8%)     54 (40.9%)  
#>     HIGH                                                                             
#>               1                              17 (12.7%)   15 (11.2%)      9 (6.8%)   
#>               2                              15 (11.2%)   16 (11.9%)     13 (9.8%)   
#>               3                              16 (11.9%)   12 (9.0%)      14 (10.6%)  
#>               4                              12 (9.0%)    12 (9.0%)      10 (7.6%)   
#>               Any                            60 (44.8%)   55 (41.0%)     46 (34.8%)  
#>   Immunoglobulin A Measurement (n)              134          134            132      
#>     LOW                                                                              
#>               1                              17 (12.7%)   23 (17.2%)     17 (12.9%)  
#>               2                              12 (9.0%)    15 (11.2%)     14 (10.6%)  
#>               3                              15 (11.2%)   11 (8.2%)      14 (10.6%)  
#>               4                              10 (7.5%)    16 (11.9%)     10 (7.6%)   
#>               Any                            54 (40.3%)   65 (48.5%)     55 (41.7%)  
#>     HIGH                                                                             
#>               1                              25 (18.7%)   14 (10.4%)     13 (9.8%)   
#>               2                              14 (10.4%)   20 (14.9%)     16 (12.1%)  
#>               3                              12 (9.0%)    13 (9.7%)      17 (12.9%)  
#>               4                              11 (8.2%)    13 (9.7%)       4 (3.0%)   
#>               Any                            62 (46.3%)   60 (44.8%)     50 (37.9%)

Laboratory Test Results Shift Table - Highest NCI-CTCAE Grade Post-Baseline by Baseline NCI-CTCAE Grade (LBT14)

1. Laboratory Test Results Shift Table - Highest NCI-CTCAE Grade Post-Baseline by Baseline NCI-CTCAE Grade (High)

To produce the standard laboratory test results shift table - highest NCI-CTCAE grade post-baseline by baseline NCI-CTCAE grade summary for high abnormalities, use the lbt14 template and set the parameter direction to high.

run(lbt14, syn_data, direction = "high")
#>   Parameter                                                                             
#>         Baseline NCI-CTCAE Grade                A: Drug X    B: Placebo   C: Combination
#>                 Post-baseline NCI-CTCAE Grade    (N=134)      (N=134)        (N=132)    
#>   ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
#>   Alanine Aminotransferase Measurement                                                  
#>         Not High                                   121          118            118      
#>                 Not High                        72 (53.7%)   70 (52.2%)     59 (44.7%)  
#>                 1                               16 (11.9%)   13 (9.7%)      17 (12.9%)  
#>                 2                               13 (9.7%)    12 (9.0%)      18 (13.6%)  
#>                 3                                9 (6.7%)    14 (10.4%)     12 (9.1%)   
#>                 4                               11 (8.2%)     9 (6.7%)      12 (9.1%)   
#>         1                                           4            4              3       
#>                 Not High                         1 (0.7%)     1 (0.7%)       2 (1.5%)   
#>                 1                                1 (0.7%)        0              0       
#>                 2                                1 (0.7%)        0              0       
#>                 3                                   0         1 (0.7%)       1 (0.8%)   
#>                 4                                1 (0.7%)     2 (1.5%)          0       
#>         2                                           4            4              4       
#>                 Not High                         3 (2.2%)     3 (2.2%)       3 (2.3%)   
#>                 1                                   0         1 (0.7%)       1 (0.8%)   
#>                 2                                1 (0.7%)        0              0       
#>         3                                           2            5              5       
#>                 Not High                         2 (1.5%)     2 (1.5%)       4 (3.0%)   
#>                 1                                   0         2 (1.5%)          0       
#>                 2                                   0         1 (0.7%)          0       
#>                 4                                   0            0           1 (0.8%)   
#>         4                                           3            3              2       
#>                 Not High                         1 (0.7%)     2 (1.5%)       2 (1.5%)   
#>                 1                                1 (0.7%)        0              0       
#>                 3                                1 (0.7%)     1 (0.7%)          0       
#>   C-Reactive Protein Measurement                                                        
#>         Not High                                   115          115            114      
#>                 Not High                        60 (44.8%)   68 (50.7%)     70 (53.0%)  
#>                 1                               17 (12.7%)   13 (9.7%)       9 (6.8%)   
#>                 2                               12 (9.0%)    14 (10.4%)     13 (9.8%)   
#>                 3                               16 (11.9%)   10 (7.5%)      13 (9.8%)   
#>                 4                               10 (7.5%)    10 (7.5%)       9 (6.8%)   
#>         1                                           5            5              5       
#>                 Not High                         4 (3.0%)     3 (2.2%)       5 (3.8%)   
#>                 2                                   0         2 (1.5%)          0       
#>                 4                                1 (0.7%)        0              0       
#>         2                                           6            5              5       
#>                 Not High                         3 (2.2%)     3 (2.2%)       4 (3.0%)   
#>                 1                                   0         1 (0.7%)          0       
#>                 2                                2 (1.5%)        0              0       
#>                 4                                1 (0.7%)     1 (0.7%)       1 (0.8%)   
#>         3                                           2            3              5       
#>                 Not High                         2 (1.5%)     1 (0.7%)       4 (3.0%)   
#>                 3                                   0         1 (0.7%)       1 (0.8%)   
#>                 4                                   0         1 (0.7%)          0       
#>         4                                           6            6              3       
#>                 Not High                         5 (3.7%)     4 (3.0%)       3 (2.3%)   
#>                 1                                   0         1 (0.7%)          0       
#>                 2                                1 (0.7%)        0              0       
#>                 3                                   0         1 (0.7%)          0       
#>   Immunoglobulin A Measurement                                                          
#>         Not High                                   119          123            119      
#>                 Not High                        61 (45.5%)   69 (51.5%)     74 (56.1%)  
#>                 1                               24 (17.9%)   12 (9.0%)      13 (9.8%)   
#>                 2                               13 (9.7%)    20 (14.9%)     12 (9.1%)   
#>                 3                               11 (8.2%)    11 (8.2%)      16 (12.1%)  
#>                 4                               10 (7.5%)    11 (8.2%)       4 (3.0%)   
#>         1                                           2            4              6       
#>                 Not High                         2 (1.5%)     2 (1.5%)       5 (3.8%)   
#>                 2                                   0            0           1 (0.8%)   
#>                 4                                   0         2 (1.5%)          0       
#>         2                                           4            4              3       
#>                 Not High                         3 (2.2%)     2 (1.5%)       1 (0.8%)   
#>                 1                                   0         2 (1.5%)          0       
#>                 2                                   0            0           1 (0.8%)   
#>                 3                                   0            0           1 (0.8%)   
#>                 4                                1 (0.7%)        0              0       
#>         3                                           5            2              2       
#>                 Not High                         3 (2.2%)        0           1 (0.8%)   
#>                 1                                1 (0.7%)        0              0       
#>                 2                                   0            0           1 (0.8%)   
#>                 3                                1 (0.7%)     2 (1.5%)          0       
#>         4                                           4            1              2       
#>                 Not High                         3 (2.2%)     1 (0.7%)       1 (0.8%)   
#>                 2                                1 (0.7%)        0           1 (0.8%)

2. Laboratory Test Results Shift Table - Highest NCI-CTCAE Grade Post-Baseline by Baseline NCI-CTCAE Grade (Low)

To produce the standard laboratory test results shift table - highest NCI-CTCAE grade post-baseline by baseline NCI-CTCAE grade summary for high abnormalities, use the lbt14 template and the parameter direction is low by default.

run(lbt14, syn_data)
#>   Parameter                                                                             
#>         Baseline NCI-CTCAE Grade                A: Drug X    B: Placebo   C: Combination
#>                 Post-baseline NCI-CTCAE Grade    (N=134)      (N=134)        (N=132)    
#>   ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
#>   Alanine Aminotransferase Measurement                                                  
#>         Not Low                                    124          122            117      
#>                 Not Low                         74 (55.2%)   76 (56.7%)     80 (60.6%)  
#>                 1                               13 (9.7%)    12 (9.0%)       9 (6.8%)   
#>                 2                               13 (9.7%)    16 (11.9%)     11 (8.3%)   
#>                 3                               17 (12.7%)   11 (8.2%)       9 (6.8%)   
#>                 4                                7 (5.2%)     7 (5.2%)       8 (6.1%)   
#>         1                                           3            6              7       
#>                 Not Low                             0         2 (1.5%)       5 (3.8%)   
#>                 1                                1 (0.7%)     2 (1.5%)          0       
#>                 2                                   0         1 (0.7%)          0       
#>                 3                                2 (1.5%)     1 (0.7%)          0       
#>                 4                                   0            0           2 (1.5%)   
#>         2                                           2            1              4       
#>                 Not Low                          2 (1.5%)        0           3 (2.3%)   
#>                 2                                   0         1 (0.7%)          0       
#>                 3                                   0            0           1 (0.8%)   
#>         3                                           2            3              4       
#>                 Not Low                          2 (1.5%)     2 (1.5%)       3 (2.3%)   
#>                 1                                   0         1 (0.7%)       1 (0.8%)   
#>         4                                           3            2              0       
#>                 Not Low                          2 (1.5%)     1 (0.7%)          0       
#>                 3                                1 (0.7%)        0              0       
#>                 4                                   0         1 (0.7%)          0       
#>   C-Reactive Protein Measurement                                                        
#>         Not Low                                    122          125            120      
#>                 Not Low                         67 (50.0%)   81 (60.4%)     70 (53.0%)  
#>                 1                               14 (10.4%)   17 (12.7%)     13 (9.8%)   
#>                 2                               20 (14.9%)   11 (8.2%)      16 (12.1%)  
#>                 3                               12 (9.0%)     9 (6.7%)      17 (12.9%)  
#>                 4                                9 (6.7%)     7 (5.2%)       4 (3.0%)   
#>         1                                           2            5              5       
#>                 Not Low                             0         3 (2.2%)       4 (3.0%)   
#>                 1                                   0         1 (0.7%)       1 (0.8%)   
#>                 2                                1 (0.7%)     1 (0.7%)          0       
#>                 4                                1 (0.7%)        0              0       
#>         2                                           5            1              1       
#>                 Not Low                          3 (2.2%)        0           1 (0.8%)   
#>                 1                                2 (1.5%)        0              0       
#>                 2                                   0         1 (0.7%)          0       
#>         3                                           2            2              1       
#>                 Not Low                          2 (1.5%)     1 (0.7%)          0       
#>                 1                                   0         1 (0.7%)          0       
#>                 3                                   0            0           1 (0.8%)   
#>         4                                           3            1              5       
#>                 Not Low                          2 (1.5%)     1 (0.7%)       3 (2.3%)   
#>                 1                                   0            0           1 (0.8%)   
#>                 4                                1 (0.7%)        0           1 (0.8%)   
#>   Immunoglobulin A Measurement                                                          
#>         Not Low                                    120          119            120      
#>                 Not Low                         69 (51.5%)   58 (43.3%)     70 (53.0%)  
#>                 1                               16 (11.9%)   20 (14.9%)     16 (12.1%)  
#>                 2                               12 (9.0%)    14 (10.4%)     14 (10.6%)  
#>                 3                               14 (10.4%)   11 (8.2%)      13 (9.8%)   
#>                 4                                9 (6.7%)    16 (11.9%)      7 (5.3%)   
#>         1                                           8            8              3       
#>                 Not Low                          7 (5.2%)     4 (3.0%)       2 (1.5%)   
#>                 1                                1 (0.7%)     3 (2.2%)          0       
#>                 2                                   0         1 (0.7%)          0       
#>                 4                                   0            0           1 (0.8%)   
#>         2                                           2            1              2       
#>                 Not Low                          2 (1.5%)     1 (0.7%)       2 (1.5%)   
#>         3                                           3            3              4       
#>                 Not Low                          1 (0.7%)     3 (2.2%)       2 (1.5%)   
#>                 1                                   0            0           1 (0.8%)   
#>                 3                                1 (0.7%)        0              0       
#>                 4                                1 (0.7%)        0           1 (0.8%)   
#>         4                                           1            3              3       
#>                 Not Low                          1 (0.7%)     3 (2.2%)       1 (0.8%)   
#>                 3                                   0            0           1 (0.8%)   
#>                 4                                   0            0           1 (0.8%)

3. Laboratory Test Results Shift Table - Highest NCI-CTCAE Grade Post-Baseline by Baseline NCI-CTCAE Grade (High) Without Patients with Missing Baseline

To exclude patients with missing baseline grade, set the parameter gr_missing to excl.

run(lbt14, syn_data, direction = "high", gr_missing = "excl")
#>   Parameter                                                                             
#>         Baseline NCI-CTCAE Grade                A: Drug X    B: Placebo   C: Combination
#>                 Post-baseline NCI-CTCAE Grade    (N=134)      (N=134)        (N=132)    
#>   ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
#>   Alanine Aminotransferase Measurement                                                  
#>         Not High                                   121          118            118      
#>                 Not High                        72 (53.7%)   70 (52.2%)     59 (44.7%)  
#>                 1                               16 (11.9%)   13 (9.7%)      17 (12.9%)  
#>                 2                               13 (9.7%)    12 (9.0%)      18 (13.6%)  
#>                 3                                9 (6.7%)    14 (10.4%)     12 (9.1%)   
#>                 4                               11 (8.2%)     9 (6.7%)      12 (9.1%)   
#>         1                                           4            4              3       
#>                 Not High                         1 (0.7%)     1 (0.7%)       2 (1.5%)   
#>                 1                                1 (0.7%)        0              0       
#>                 2                                1 (0.7%)        0              0       
#>                 3                                   0         1 (0.7%)       1 (0.8%)   
#>                 4                                1 (0.7%)     2 (1.5%)          0       
#>         2                                           4            4              4       
#>                 Not High                         3 (2.2%)     3 (2.2%)       3 (2.3%)   
#>                 1                                   0         1 (0.7%)       1 (0.8%)   
#>                 2                                1 (0.7%)        0              0       
#>         3                                           2            5              5       
#>                 Not High                         2 (1.5%)     2 (1.5%)       4 (3.0%)   
#>                 1                                   0         2 (1.5%)          0       
#>                 2                                   0         1 (0.7%)          0       
#>                 4                                   0            0           1 (0.8%)   
#>         4                                           3            3              2       
#>                 Not High                         1 (0.7%)     2 (1.5%)       2 (1.5%)   
#>                 1                                1 (0.7%)        0              0       
#>                 3                                1 (0.7%)     1 (0.7%)          0       
#>   C-Reactive Protein Measurement                                                        
#>         Not High                                   115          115            114      
#>                 Not High                        60 (44.8%)   68 (50.7%)     70 (53.0%)  
#>                 1                               17 (12.7%)   13 (9.7%)       9 (6.8%)   
#>                 2                               12 (9.0%)    14 (10.4%)     13 (9.8%)   
#>                 3                               16 (11.9%)   10 (7.5%)      13 (9.8%)   
#>                 4                               10 (7.5%)    10 (7.5%)       9 (6.8%)   
#>         1                                           5            5              5       
#>                 Not High                         4 (3.0%)     3 (2.2%)       5 (3.8%)   
#>                 2                                   0         2 (1.5%)          0       
#>                 4                                1 (0.7%)        0              0       
#>         2                                           6            5              5       
#>                 Not High                         3 (2.2%)     3 (2.2%)       4 (3.0%)   
#>                 1                                   0         1 (0.7%)          0       
#>                 2                                2 (1.5%)        0              0       
#>                 4                                1 (0.7%)     1 (0.7%)       1 (0.8%)   
#>         3                                           2            3              5       
#>                 Not High                         2 (1.5%)     1 (0.7%)       4 (3.0%)   
#>                 3                                   0         1 (0.7%)       1 (0.8%)   
#>                 4                                   0         1 (0.7%)          0       
#>         4                                           6            6              3       
#>                 Not High                         5 (3.7%)     4 (3.0%)       3 (2.3%)   
#>                 1                                   0         1 (0.7%)          0       
#>                 2                                1 (0.7%)        0              0       
#>                 3                                   0         1 (0.7%)          0       
#>   Immunoglobulin A Measurement                                                          
#>         Not High                                   119          123            119      
#>                 Not High                        61 (45.5%)   69 (51.5%)     74 (56.1%)  
#>                 1                               24 (17.9%)   12 (9.0%)      13 (9.8%)   
#>                 2                               13 (9.7%)    20 (14.9%)     12 (9.1%)   
#>                 3                               11 (8.2%)    11 (8.2%)      16 (12.1%)  
#>                 4                               10 (7.5%)    11 (8.2%)       4 (3.0%)   
#>         1                                           2            4              6       
#>                 Not High                         2 (1.5%)     2 (1.5%)       5 (3.8%)   
#>                 2                                   0            0           1 (0.8%)   
#>                 4                                   0         2 (1.5%)          0       
#>         2                                           4            4              3       
#>                 Not High                         3 (2.2%)     2 (1.5%)       1 (0.8%)   
#>                 1                                   0         2 (1.5%)          0       
#>                 2                                   0            0           1 (0.8%)   
#>                 3                                   0            0           1 (0.8%)   
#>                 4                                1 (0.7%)        0              0       
#>         3                                           5            2              2       
#>                 Not High                         3 (2.2%)        0           1 (0.8%)   
#>                 1                                1 (0.7%)        0              0       
#>                 2                                   0            0           1 (0.8%)   
#>                 3                                1 (0.7%)     2 (1.5%)          0       
#>         4                                           4            1              2       
#>                 Not High                         3 (2.2%)     1 (0.7%)       1 (0.8%)   
#>                 2                                1 (0.7%)        0           1 (0.8%)

4. Laboratory Test Results Shift Table - Highest NCI-CTCAE Grade Post-Baseline by Baseline NCI-CTCAE Grade (Low) with Missing Baseline Considered as Grade 0

To count patients with missing baseline grade as grade 0, set the parameter gr_missing to gr_0.

run(lbt14, syn_data, gr_missing = "gr_0")
#>   Parameter                                                                             
#>         Baseline NCI-CTCAE Grade                A: Drug X    B: Placebo   C: Combination
#>                 Post-baseline NCI-CTCAE Grade    (N=134)      (N=134)        (N=132)    
#>   ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
#>   Alanine Aminotransferase Measurement                                                  
#>         1                                           3            6              7       
#>                 Not Low                             0         2 (1.5%)       5 (3.8%)   
#>                 1                                1 (0.7%)     2 (1.5%)          0       
#>                 2                                   0         1 (0.7%)          0       
#>                 3                                2 (1.5%)     1 (0.7%)          0       
#>                 4                                   0            0           2 (1.5%)   
#>         2                                           2            1              4       
#>                 Not Low                          2 (1.5%)        0           3 (2.3%)   
#>                 2                                   0         1 (0.7%)          0       
#>                 3                                   0            0           1 (0.8%)   
#>         3                                           2            3              4       
#>                 Not Low                          2 (1.5%)     2 (1.5%)       3 (2.3%)   
#>                 1                                   0         1 (0.7%)       1 (0.8%)   
#>         4                                           3            2              0       
#>                 Not Low                          2 (1.5%)     1 (0.7%)          0       
#>                 3                                1 (0.7%)        0              0       
#>                 4                                   0         1 (0.7%)          0       
#>         Not Low                                    124          122            117      
#>                 Not Low                         74 (55.2%)   76 (56.7%)     80 (60.6%)  
#>                 1                               13 (9.7%)    12 (9.0%)       9 (6.8%)   
#>                 2                               13 (9.7%)    16 (11.9%)     11 (8.3%)   
#>                 3                               17 (12.7%)   11 (8.2%)       9 (6.8%)   
#>                 4                                7 (5.2%)     7 (5.2%)       8 (6.1%)   
#>   C-Reactive Protein Measurement                                                        
#>         1                                           2            5              5       
#>                 Not Low                             0         3 (2.2%)       4 (3.0%)   
#>                 1                                   0         1 (0.7%)       1 (0.8%)   
#>                 2                                1 (0.7%)     1 (0.7%)          0       
#>                 4                                1 (0.7%)        0              0       
#>         2                                           5            1              1       
#>                 Not Low                          3 (2.2%)        0           1 (0.8%)   
#>                 1                                2 (1.5%)        0              0       
#>                 2                                   0         1 (0.7%)          0       
#>         3                                           2            2              1       
#>                 Not Low                          2 (1.5%)     1 (0.7%)          0       
#>                 1                                   0         1 (0.7%)          0       
#>                 3                                   0            0           1 (0.8%)   
#>         4                                           3            1              5       
#>                 Not Low                          2 (1.5%)     1 (0.7%)       3 (2.3%)   
#>                 1                                   0            0           1 (0.8%)   
#>                 4                                1 (0.7%)        0           1 (0.8%)   
#>         Not Low                                    122          125            120      
#>                 Not Low                         67 (50.0%)   81 (60.4%)     70 (53.0%)  
#>                 1                               14 (10.4%)   17 (12.7%)     13 (9.8%)   
#>                 2                               20 (14.9%)   11 (8.2%)      16 (12.1%)  
#>                 3                               12 (9.0%)     9 (6.7%)      17 (12.9%)  
#>                 4                                9 (6.7%)     7 (5.2%)       4 (3.0%)   
#>   Immunoglobulin A Measurement                                                          
#>         1                                           8            8              3       
#>                 Not Low                          7 (5.2%)     4 (3.0%)       2 (1.5%)   
#>                 1                                1 (0.7%)     3 (2.2%)          0       
#>                 2                                   0         1 (0.7%)          0       
#>                 4                                   0            0           1 (0.8%)   
#>         2                                           2            1              2       
#>                 Not Low                          2 (1.5%)     1 (0.7%)       2 (1.5%)   
#>         3                                           3            3              4       
#>                 Not Low                          1 (0.7%)     3 (2.2%)       2 (1.5%)   
#>                 1                                   0            0           1 (0.8%)   
#>                 3                                1 (0.7%)        0              0       
#>                 4                                1 (0.7%)        0           1 (0.8%)   
#>         4                                           1            3              3       
#>                 Not Low                          1 (0.7%)     3 (2.2%)       1 (0.8%)   
#>                 3                                   0            0           1 (0.8%)   
#>                 4                                   0            0           1 (0.8%)   
#>         Not Low                                    120          119            120      
#>                 Not Low                         69 (51.5%)   58 (43.3%)     70 (53.0%)  
#>                 1                               16 (11.9%)   20 (14.9%)     16 (12.1%)  
#>                 2                               12 (9.0%)    14 (10.4%)     14 (10.6%)  
#>                 3                               14 (10.4%)   11 (8.2%)      13 (9.8%)   
#>                 4                                9 (6.7%)    16 (11.9%)      7 (5.3%)

4. Laboratory Test Results Shift Table - Highest NCI-CTCAE Grade Post-Baseline by Baseline NCI-CTCAE Grade (with fill in of grades)

To display all possible grades even if they do not occur in the data, set the parameter prune_0 to FALSE.

run(lbt14, syn_data, direction = "high", prune_0 = FALSE)
#>   Parameter                                                                             
#>         Baseline NCI-CTCAE Grade                A: Drug X    B: Placebo   C: Combination
#>                 Post-baseline NCI-CTCAE Grade    (N=134)      (N=134)        (N=132)    
#>   ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
#>   Alanine Aminotransferase Measurement                                                  
#>         Not High                                   121          118            118      
#>                 Not High                        72 (53.7%)   70 (52.2%)     59 (44.7%)  
#>                 Missing                             0            0              0       
#>                 1                               16 (11.9%)   13 (9.7%)      17 (12.9%)  
#>                 2                               13 (9.7%)    12 (9.0%)      18 (13.6%)  
#>                 3                                9 (6.7%)    14 (10.4%)     12 (9.1%)   
#>                 4                               11 (8.2%)     9 (6.7%)      12 (9.1%)   
#>         1                                           4            4              3       
#>                 Not High                         1 (0.7%)     1 (0.7%)       2 (1.5%)   
#>                 Missing                             0            0              0       
#>                 1                                1 (0.7%)        0              0       
#>                 2                                1 (0.7%)        0              0       
#>                 3                                   0         1 (0.7%)       1 (0.8%)   
#>                 4                                1 (0.7%)     2 (1.5%)          0       
#>         2                                           4            4              4       
#>                 Not High                         3 (2.2%)     3 (2.2%)       3 (2.3%)   
#>                 Missing                             0            0              0       
#>                 1                                   0         1 (0.7%)       1 (0.8%)   
#>                 2                                1 (0.7%)        0              0       
#>                 3                                   0            0              0       
#>                 4                                   0            0              0       
#>         3                                           2            5              5       
#>                 Not High                         2 (1.5%)     2 (1.5%)       4 (3.0%)   
#>                 Missing                             0            0              0       
#>                 1                                   0         2 (1.5%)          0       
#>                 2                                   0         1 (0.7%)          0       
#>                 3                                   0            0              0       
#>                 4                                   0            0           1 (0.8%)   
#>         4                                           3            3              2       
#>                 Not High                         1 (0.7%)     2 (1.5%)       2 (1.5%)   
#>                 Missing                             0            0              0       
#>                 1                                1 (0.7%)        0              0       
#>                 2                                   0            0              0       
#>                 3                                1 (0.7%)     1 (0.7%)          0       
#>                 4                                   0            0              0       
#>         Missing                                     0            0              0       
#>                 Not High                            0            0              0       
#>                 1                                   0            0              0       
#>                 2                                   0            0              0       
#>                 3                                   0            0              0       
#>                 4                                   0            0              0       
#>                 Missing                             0            0              0       
#>   C-Reactive Protein Measurement                                                        
#>         Not High                                   115          115            114      
#>                 Not High                        60 (44.8%)   68 (50.7%)     70 (53.0%)  
#>                 Missing                             0            0              0       
#>                 1                               17 (12.7%)   13 (9.7%)       9 (6.8%)   
#>                 2                               12 (9.0%)    14 (10.4%)     13 (9.8%)   
#>                 3                               16 (11.9%)   10 (7.5%)      13 (9.8%)   
#>                 4                               10 (7.5%)    10 (7.5%)       9 (6.8%)   
#>         1                                           5            5              5       
#>                 Not High                         4 (3.0%)     3 (2.2%)       5 (3.8%)   
#>                 Missing                             0            0              0       
#>                 1                                   0            0              0       
#>                 2                                   0         2 (1.5%)          0       
#>                 3                                   0            0              0       
#>                 4                                1 (0.7%)        0              0       
#>         2                                           6            5              5       
#>                 Not High                         3 (2.2%)     3 (2.2%)       4 (3.0%)   
#>                 Missing                             0            0              0       
#>                 1                                   0         1 (0.7%)          0       
#>                 2                                2 (1.5%)        0              0       
#>                 3                                   0            0              0       
#>                 4                                1 (0.7%)     1 (0.7%)       1 (0.8%)   
#>         3                                           2            3              5       
#>                 Not High                         2 (1.5%)     1 (0.7%)       4 (3.0%)   
#>                 Missing                             0            0              0       
#>                 1                                   0            0              0       
#>                 2                                   0            0              0       
#>                 3                                   0         1 (0.7%)       1 (0.8%)   
#>                 4                                   0         1 (0.7%)          0       
#>         4                                           6            6              3       
#>                 Not High                         5 (3.7%)     4 (3.0%)       3 (2.3%)   
#>                 Missing                             0            0              0       
#>                 1                                   0         1 (0.7%)          0       
#>                 2                                1 (0.7%)        0              0       
#>                 3                                   0         1 (0.7%)          0       
#>                 4                                   0            0              0       
#>         Missing                                     0            0              0       
#>                 Not High                            0            0              0       
#>                 1                                   0            0              0       
#>                 2                                   0            0              0       
#>                 3                                   0            0              0       
#>                 4                                   0            0              0       
#>                 Missing                             0            0              0       
#>   Immunoglobulin A Measurement                                                          
#>         Not High                                   119          123            119      
#>                 Not High                        61 (45.5%)   69 (51.5%)     74 (56.1%)  
#>                 Missing                             0            0              0       
#>                 1                               24 (17.9%)   12 (9.0%)      13 (9.8%)   
#>                 2                               13 (9.7%)    20 (14.9%)     12 (9.1%)   
#>                 3                               11 (8.2%)    11 (8.2%)      16 (12.1%)  
#>                 4                               10 (7.5%)    11 (8.2%)       4 (3.0%)   
#>         1                                           2            4              6       
#>                 Not High                         2 (1.5%)     2 (1.5%)       5 (3.8%)   
#>                 Missing                             0            0              0       
#>                 1                                   0            0              0       
#>                 2                                   0            0           1 (0.8%)   
#>                 3                                   0            0              0       
#>                 4                                   0         2 (1.5%)          0       
#>         2                                           4            4              3       
#>                 Not High                         3 (2.2%)     2 (1.5%)       1 (0.8%)   
#>                 Missing                             0            0              0       
#>                 1                                   0         2 (1.5%)          0       
#>                 2                                   0            0           1 (0.8%)   
#>                 3                                   0            0           1 (0.8%)   
#>                 4                                1 (0.7%)        0              0       
#>         3                                           5            2              2       
#>                 Not High                         3 (2.2%)        0           1 (0.8%)   
#>                 Missing                             0            0              0       
#>                 1                                1 (0.7%)        0              0       
#>                 2                                   0            0           1 (0.8%)   
#>                 3                                1 (0.7%)     2 (1.5%)          0       
#>                 4                                   0            0              0       
#>         4                                           4            1              2       
#>                 Not High                         3 (2.2%)     1 (0.7%)       1 (0.8%)   
#>                 Missing                             0            0              0       
#>                 1                                   0            0              0       
#>                 2                                1 (0.7%)        0           1 (0.8%)   
#>                 3                                   0            0              0       
#>                 4                                   0            0              0       
#>         Missing                                     0            0              0       
#>                 Not High                            0            0              0       
#>                 1                                   0            0              0       
#>                 2                                   0            0              0       
#>                 3                                   0            0              0       
#>                 4                                   0            0              0       
#>                 Missing                             0            0              0

Medical History (MHT01)

1. Medical History

  1. The mht01 template displays medical conditions by MedDRA system organ class and Preferred Name by default.
  2. The default treatment variable is ADSL.ARM.
  3. The user is expected to use filter to subset medical conditions prior to or on entering study.
  4. By default, the template produces the overall ‘total number of conditions’ as well as the ‘total number of conditions’ per body system after the summary of patients.
    5)This template currently does not support sorting MedDRA system organ class and preferred names by order of frequency.
run(mht01, syn_data)
#>   MedDRA System Organ Class                                 A: Drug X    B: Placebo    C: Combination
#>     MedDRA Preferred Term                                    (N=134)       (N=134)        (N=132)    
#>   ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
#>   Total number of patients with at least one condition     122 (91.0%)   123 (91.8%)    120 (90.9%)  
#>   Total number of conditions                                   609           622            703      
#>   cl A                                                                                               
#>     Total number of patients with at least one condition   78 (58.2%)    75 (56.0%)      89 (67.4%)  
#>     Total number of conditions                                 132           130            160      
#>     trm A_1/2                                              50 (37.3%)    45 (33.6%)      63 (47.7%)  
#>     trm A_2/2                                              48 (35.8%)    48 (35.8%)      50 (37.9%)  
#>   cl B                                                                                               
#>     Total number of patients with at least one condition   96 (71.6%)    89 (66.4%)      97 (73.5%)  
#>     Total number of conditions                                 185           198            205      
#>     trm B_3/3                                              48 (35.8%)    54 (40.3%)      51 (38.6%)  
#>     trm B_2/3                                              49 (36.6%)    44 (32.8%)      52 (39.4%)  
#>     trm B_1/3                                              47 (35.1%)    49 (36.6%)      43 (32.6%)  
#>   cl C                                                                                               
#>     Total number of patients with at least one condition   67 (50.0%)    75 (56.0%)      79 (59.8%)  
#>     Total number of conditions                                 103           116            129      
#>     trm C_2/2                                              35 (26.1%)    48 (35.8%)      55 (41.7%)  
#>     trm C_1/2                                              43 (32.1%)    46 (34.3%)      43 (32.6%)  
#>   cl D                                                                                               
#>     Total number of patients with at least one condition   96 (71.6%)    90 (67.2%)      98 (74.2%)  
#>     Total number of conditions                                 189           178            209      
#>     trm D_3/3                                              47 (35.1%)    58 (43.3%)      57 (43.2%)  
#>     trm D_1/3                                              50 (37.3%)    42 (31.3%)      51 (38.6%)  
#>     trm D_2/3                                              48 (35.8%)    42 (31.3%)      50 (37.9%)

2. Medical History showing additional column ‘All Patients’

run(mht01, syn_data, lbl_overall = "All Patients")
#>   MedDRA System Organ Class                                 A: Drug X    B: Placebo    C: Combination   All Patients
#>     MedDRA Preferred Term                                    (N=134)       (N=134)        (N=132)         (N=400)   
#>   ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
#>   Total number of patients with at least one condition     122 (91.0%)   123 (91.8%)    120 (90.9%)     365 (91.2%) 
#>   Total number of conditions                                   609           622            703             1934    
#>   cl A                                                                                                              
#>     Total number of patients with at least one condition   78 (58.2%)    75 (56.0%)      89 (67.4%)     242 (60.5%) 
#>     Total number of conditions                                 132           130            160             422     
#>     trm A_1/2                                              50 (37.3%)    45 (33.6%)      63 (47.7%)     158 (39.5%) 
#>     trm A_2/2                                              48 (35.8%)    48 (35.8%)      50 (37.9%)     146 (36.5%) 
#>   cl B                                                                                                              
#>     Total number of patients with at least one condition   96 (71.6%)    89 (66.4%)      97 (73.5%)     282 (70.5%) 
#>     Total number of conditions                                 185           198            205             588     
#>     trm B_3/3                                              48 (35.8%)    54 (40.3%)      51 (38.6%)     153 (38.2%) 
#>     trm B_2/3                                              49 (36.6%)    44 (32.8%)      52 (39.4%)     145 (36.2%) 
#>     trm B_1/3                                              47 (35.1%)    49 (36.6%)      43 (32.6%)     139 (34.8%) 
#>   cl C                                                                                                              
#>     Total number of patients with at least one condition   67 (50.0%)    75 (56.0%)      79 (59.8%)     221 (55.2%) 
#>     Total number of conditions                                 103           116            129             348     
#>     trm C_2/2                                              35 (26.1%)    48 (35.8%)      55 (41.7%)     138 (34.5%) 
#>     trm C_1/2                                              43 (32.1%)    46 (34.3%)      43 (32.6%)     132 (33.0%) 
#>   cl D                                                                                                              
#>     Total number of patients with at least one condition   96 (71.6%)    90 (67.2%)      98 (74.2%)     284 (71.0%) 
#>     Total number of conditions                                 189           178            209             576     
#>     trm D_3/3                                              47 (35.1%)    58 (43.3%)      57 (43.2%)     162 (40.5%) 
#>     trm D_1/3                                              50 (37.3%)    42 (31.3%)      51 (38.6%)     143 (35.8%) 
#>     trm D_2/3                                              48 (35.8%)    42 (31.3%)      50 (37.9%)     140 (35.0%)

Duration of Exposure for Risk Management Plan (RMPT01)

1. Duration of Exposure for Risk Management Plan

The rmpt01 template produces the standard duration of exposure output for the Risk Management Plan (RMP).

Person time is the sum of exposure across all patients in days.

run(rmpt01, syn_data)
#>                                         Patients     Person time
#>   Duration of exposure                  (N=400)        (N=400)  
#>   ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
#>   < 1 month                            39 (9.8%)         728    
#>   1 to <3 months                      111 (27.8%)       6418    
#>   3 to <6 months                      136 (34.0%)       17645   
#>   >=6 months                          114 (28.5%)       24909   
#>   Total patients number/person time   400 (100.0%)      49700

Extent of Exposure by Age Group and Gender for Risk Management Plan (RMPT03)

1. Extent of Exposure by Age Group and Gender for Risk Management Plan

The rmpt03 template produces the standard extent of exposure by age group and gender output for the Risk Management Plan (RMP).

By default, the AGEGR1 variable is used as the age group. If AGEGR1 is available in ADSL only but not in ADEX, it needs to be added to ADEX first.

proc_data <- syn_data
proc_data  <- propagate(proc_data, "adsl", "AGEGR1", "USUBJID")
#> Updating: adab with: AGEGR1
#> Updating: adae with: AGEGR1
#> Updating: adaette with: AGEGR1
#> Updating: adcm with: AGEGR1
#> Updating: addv with: AGEGR1
#> Updating: adeg with: AGEGR1
#> Updating: adex with: AGEGR1
#> Updating: adhy with: AGEGR1
#> Updating: adlb with: AGEGR1
#> Updating: admh with: AGEGR1
#> Updating: adpc with: AGEGR1
#> Updating: adpp with: AGEGR1
#> Updating: adqs with: AGEGR1
#> Skipping: adrs
#> Updating: adsub with: AGEGR1
#> Skipping: adtr
#> Updating: adtte with: AGEGR1
#> Updating: advs with: AGEGR1
run(rmpt03, proc_data)
#>                                              All Genders                       F                            M             
#>   Age Group                             Patients     Person time     Patients     Person time     Patients     Person time
#>                                         (N=400)        (N=400)       (N=231)        (N=231)       (N=169)        (N=169)  
#>   ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
#>   <65                                 399 (99.8%)       49488      231 (100.0%)      27364      168 (99.4%)       22124   
#>   >=65                                  1 (0.2%)         212         0 (0.0%)          0          1 (0.6%)         212    
#>   Total patients number/person time   400 (100.0%)      49700      231 (100.0%)      27364      169 (100.0%)      22336

Any other study specific age group can be used by editing the parameter summaryvars. For all RMP tables, if the variable specified per summaryvars is unavailable in ADEX, it needs to be added to ADEX first.

proc_data <- syn_data
proc_data$adsl <- proc_data$adsl %>%
    AGEGR2 = with_label(
        AAGE < 18 ~ "<18",
        AAGE >= 18 & AAGE <= 65 ~ "18 - 65",
        AAGE > 65 ~ ">65",
      ), levels = c("<18", "18 - 65", ">65")),
      "Age Group 2"
proc_data <- propagate(proc_data, "adsl", "AGEGR2", "USUBJID")
#> Updating: adab with: AGEGR2
#> Updating: adae with: AGEGR2
#> Updating: adaette with: AGEGR2
#> Updating: adcm with: AGEGR2
#> Updating: addv with: AGEGR2
#> Updating: adeg with: AGEGR2
#> Updating: adex with: AGEGR2
#> Updating: adhy with: AGEGR2
#> Updating: adlb with: AGEGR2
#> Updating: admh with: AGEGR2
#> Updating: adpc with: AGEGR2
#> Updating: adpp with: AGEGR2
#> Updating: adqs with: AGEGR2
#> Updating: adrs with: AGEGR2
#> Updating: adsub with: AGEGR2
#> Updating: adtr with: AGEGR2
#> Updating: adtte with: AGEGR2
#> Updating: advs with: AGEGR2
run(rmpt03, proc_data, summaryvars = "AGEGR2")
#>                                              All Genders                       F                            M             
#>   Age Group 2                           Patients     Person time     Patients     Person time     Patients     Person time
#>                                         (N=400)        (N=400)       (N=231)        (N=231)       (N=169)        (N=169)  
#>   ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
#>   <18                                   0 (0.0%)          0          0 (0.0%)          0          0 (0.0%)          0     
#>   18 - 65                             399 (99.8%)       49488      231 (100.0%)      27364      168 (99.4%)       22124   
#>   >65                                   1 (0.2%)         212         0 (0.0%)          0          1 (0.6%)         212    
#>   Total patients number/person time   400 (100.0%)      49700      231 (100.0%)      27364      169 (100.0%)      22336

Extent of Exposure by Ethnic Origin for Risk Management Plan (RMPT04)

1. Extent of Exposure by Ethnic Origin for Risk Management Plan

The rmpt04 template produces the standard extent of exposure by ethnic origin output for the Risk Management Plan (RMP).

run(rmpt04, syn_data)
#>                                         Patients     Person time
#>   ETHNIC                                (N=400)        (N=400)  
#>   ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
#>   NOT REPORTED                         27 (6.8%)        3315    
#>   HISPANIC OR LATINO                   48 (12.0%)       4636    
#>   NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO              308 (77.0%)       39229   
#>   UNKNOWN                              17 (4.2%)        2520    
#>   Total patients number/person time   400 (100.0%)      49700

Extent of Exposure by Race for Risk Management Plan (RMPT05)

1. Extent of Exposure by Race for Risk Management Plan

The rmpt05 template produces the standard extent of exposure by race output for the Risk Management Plan (RMP).

run(rmpt05, syn_data)
#>                                                 Patients     Person time
#>   RACE                                          (N=400)        (N=400)  
#>   ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
#>   ASIAN                                       208 (52.0%)       25754   
#>   BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN                    91 (22.8%)       10718   
#>   WHITE                                        74 (18.5%)       9612    
#>   AMERICAN INDIAN OR ALASKA NATIVE             25 (6.2%)        3348    
#>   MULTIPLE                                      1 (0.2%)         219    
#>   NATIVE HAWAIIAN OR OTHER PACIFIC ISLANDER     1 (0.2%)         49     
#>   OTHER                                         0 (0.0%)          0     
#>   UNKNOWN                                       0 (0.0%)          0     
#>   Total patients number/person time           400 (100.0%)      49700

Vital Signs (VST01)

1. Vital Sign Results and Change from Baseline by Visit

t_vs_chg <- run(vst01, syn_data)
head(t_vs_chg, 20)
#>                                         A: Drug X                         B: Placebo                       C: Combination         
#>                                                Change from                        Change from                        Change from  
#>                              Value at Visit      Baseline      Value at Visit      Baseline       Value at Visit      Baseline    
#>                                 (N=134)          (N=134)          (N=134)           (N=134)          (N=132)           (N=132)    
#>   ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
#>   Diastolic Blood Pressure                                                                                                        
#>     SCREENING                                                                                                                     
#>       n                           134               0               134                0               132                0       
#>       Mean (SD)              49.968 (7.197)      NE (NE)       50.753 (8.429)       NE (NE)       50.192 (7.627)       NE (NE)    
#>       Median                     49.706             NE             50.087             NE              49.641             NE       
#>       Min - Max              31.69 - 71.19       NE - NE       29.26 - 69.21        NE - NE       26.89 - 69.98        NE - NE    
#>     BASELINE                                                                                                                      
#>       n                           134                               134                                132                        
#>       Mean (SD)              48.602 (7.962)                    50.442 (7.948)                     51.107 (7.790)                  
#>       Median                     48.418                            50.179                             50.804                      
#>       Min - Max              27.71 - 64.64                     21.68 - 67.51                      29.75 - 71.40                   
#>     WEEK 1 DAY 8                                                                                                                  
#>       n                           134              134              134               134              132               132      
#>       Mean (SD)              50.260 (7.514)   1.658 (10.774)   49.674 (7.743)   -0.767 (10.947)   48.855 (7.888)   -2.251 (10.380)
#>       Median                     50.088           0.607            49.747           -1.114            47.677           -2.229     
#>       Min - Max              33.04 - 68.98    -20.37 - 29.94   33.71 - 66.49    -25.80 - 28.37    30.39 - 66.99    -22.06 - 22.44 
#>     WEEK 2 DAY 15                                                                                                                 
#>       n                           134              134              134               134              132               132      
#>       Mean (SD)              50.836 (7.850)   2.234 (11.752)   49.718 (8.445)   -0.724 (12.444)   49.981 (8.338)   -1.126 (11.639)
#>       Median                     51.437           3.126            50.227           -0.709            51.007           -2.271

Vital Signs Abnormalities (Regardless of Abnormality at Baseline) (VST02_1)

1. Vital Sign Abnormalities (Regardless of Abnormality at Baseline)

run(vst02_1, syn_data)
#>   Assessment                   A: Drug X        B: Placebo     C: Combination
#>    Abnormality                  (N=134)          (N=134)          (N=132)    
#>   ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
#>   Diastolic Blood Pressure                                                   
#>     Low                      69/134 (51.5%)   73/134 (54.5%)   67/132 (50.8%)
#>     High                     76/134 (56.7%)    67/134 (50%)    65/132 (49.2%)
#>   Pulse Rate                                                                 
#>     Low                       75/134 (56%)     67/134 (50%)    69/132 (52.3%)
#>     High                      67/134 (50%)    74/134 (55.2%)   53/132 (40.2%)
#>   Respiratory Rate                                                           
#>     Low                      70/134 (52.2%)   72/134 (53.7%)   64/132 (48.5%)
#>     High                      75/134 (56%)    65/134 (48.5%)   71/132 (53.8%)
#>   Systolic Blood Pressure                                                    
#>     Low                       71/134 (53%)    69/134 (51.5%)    70/132 (53%) 
#>     High                     78/134 (58.2%)   62/134 (46.3%)   64/132 (48.5%)
#>   Temperature                                                                
#>     Low                      66/134 (49.3%)   68/134 (50.7%)   81/132 (61.4%)
#>     High                      67/134 (50%)    66/134 (49.3%)   69/132 (52.3%)
#>   Weight                                                                     
#>     Low                      73/134 (54.5%)    71/134 (53%)    76/132 (57.6%)
#>     High                     69/134 (51.5%)   74/134 (55.2%)   74/132 (56.1%)

Vital Signs Abnormalities (Among Subject Without Abnormality at Baseline) (VST02_2)

1. Vital Sign Abnormalities (Among Subject Without Abnormality at Baseline)

run(vst02_2, syn_data)
#>   Assessment                   A: Drug X        B: Placebo     C: Combination
#>    Abnormality                  (N=134)          (N=134)          (N=132)    
#>   ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
#>   Diastolic Blood Pressure                                                   
#>     Low                      55/120 (45.8%)   60/121 (49.6%)   53/118 (44.9%)
#>     High                     55/113 (48.7%)   56/123 (45.5%)   52/119 (43.7%)
#>   Pulse Rate                                                                 
#>     Low                      66/125 (52.8%)   54/121 (44.6%)   55/118 (46.6%)
#>     High                     52/119 (43.7%)   59/119 (49.6%)   38/117 (32.5%)
#>   Respiratory Rate                                                           
#>     Low                       59/123 (48%)    56/118 (47.5%)   50/118 (42.4%)
#>     High                     65/124 (52.4%)   58/127 (45.7%)   57/118 (48.3%)
#>   Systolic Blood Pressure                                                    
#>     Low                      53/116 (45.7%)   55/120 (45.8%)   58/120 (48.3%)
#>     High                     65/121 (53.7%)   53/125 (42.4%)   56/124 (45.2%)
#>   Temperature                                                                
#>     Low                      51/119 (42.9%)   53/119 (44.5%)   64/115 (55.7%)
#>     High                     61/128 (47.7%)   53/121 (43.8%)   59/122 (48.4%)
#>   Weight                                                                     
#>     Low                      59/120 (49.2%)   54/117 (46.2%)   63/119 (52.9%)
#>     High                     58/123 (47.2%)   61/121 (50.4%)   55/113 (48.7%)


Glossary of Adverse Event Preferred Terms and Investigator-Specified Terms (AEL01_NOLLT)

1. Glossary of Adverse Event Preferred Terms and Investigator-Specified Terms

  1. The ael01_nollt template produces the standard glossary of adverse event preferred terms and investigator-specified terms.
  2. The example below use head function to print only the first 10 lines of the output.
l_ae_nollt <- run(ael01_nollt, syn_data)
head(l_ae_nollt, 10)
#> MedDRA System Organ Class   MedDRA Preferred Term   Reported Term for the Adverse Event
#> ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
#> cl A.1                      dcd A.           trm A.                      
#>                             dcd A.           trm A.                      
#> cl B.1                      dcd B.           trm B.                      
#> cl B.2                      dcd B.           trm B.                      
#>                             dcd B.           trm B.                      
#> cl C.1                      dcd C.           trm C.                      
#> cl C.2                      dcd C.           trm C.                      
#> cl D.1                      dcd D.           trm D.                      
#>                             dcd D.           trm D.                      
#> cl D.2                      dcd D.           trm D.