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The LBT06 table produces the standard laboratory abnormalities by visit and baseline status summary.


  arm_var = "ACTARM",
  lbl_overall = NULL,
  page_var = "PARAMCD",

lbt06_pre(adam_db, ...)

lbt06_post(tlg, prune_0 = FALSE, ...)



An object of class chevron_t of length 1.



(list of data.frames) object containing the ADaM datasets


(string) the arm variable used for arm splitting.


(string) label used for overall column, if set to NULL the overall column is omitted


(string) variable name prior to which the row split is by page.


not used.


(TableTree, Listing or ggplot) object typically produced by a main function.


(flag) remove 0 count rows


the main function returns an rtables object.

the preprocessing function returns a list of data.frame.

the postprocessing function returns an rtables object or an ElementaryTable (null report).


  • Only count "LOW" or "HIGH" values for ANRIND and BNRIND.

  • Lab test results with missing ANRIND values are excluded.

  • Split columns by arm, typically ACTARM.

  • Keep zero count rows by default.


  • lbt06_main(): Main TLG function

  • lbt06_pre(): Preprocessing

  • lbt06_post(): Postprocessing


  • adam_db object must contain an adlb table with columns "AVISIT", "ANRIND", "BNRIND", "ONTRTFL", and "PARCAT2", and column specified by arm_var.


run(lbt06, syn_data)
#>   Visit                                                                            
#>     Abnormality at Visit                  A: Drug X    B: Placebo    C: Combination
#>               Baseline Status              (N=15)        (N=15)          (N=15)    
#>   —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
#>   Alanine Aminotransferase Measurement                                             
#>     WEEK 1 DAY 8                                                                   
#>       Low                                                                          
#>                 Not low                      0/3       1/6 (16.7%)        0/3      
#>                 Low                          0/0           0/1            0/0      
#>                 Total                        0/3       1/7 (14.3%)        0/3      
#>       High                                                                         
#>                 Not high                     0/3           0/6            0/3      
#>                 High                         0/0           0/1            0/0      
#>                 Total                        0/3           0/7            0/3      
#>     WEEK 2 DAY 15                                                                  
#>       Low                                                                          
#>                 Not low                  1/3 (33.3%)       0/2            0/3      
#>                 Low                          0/0           0/0            0/0      
#>                 Total                    1/3 (33.3%)       0/2            0/3      
#>       High                                                                         
#>                 Not high                     0/3           0/2        1/3 (33.3%)  
#>                 High                         0/0           0/0            0/0      
#>                 Total                        0/3           0/2        1/3 (33.3%)  
#>     WEEK 3 DAY 22                                                                  
#>       Low                                                                          
#>                 Not low                      0/5       1/3 (33.3%)        0/6      
#>                 Low                      1/1 (100%)        0/0            0/0      
#>                 Total                    1/6 (16.7%)   1/3 (33.3%)        0/6      
#>       High                                                                         
#>                 Not high                  1/5 (20%)    1/3 (33.3%)        0/6      
#>                 High                     1/1 (100%)        0/0            0/0      
#>                 Total                    2/6 (33.3%)   1/3 (33.3%)        0/6      
#>     WEEK 4 DAY 29                                                                  
#>       Low                                                                          
#>                 Not low                   1/5 (20%)        0/3            0/2      
#>                 Low                          0/1           0/1            0/0      
#>                 Total                    1/6 (16.7%)       0/4            0/2      
#>       High                                                                         
#>                 Not high                  1/5 (20%)        0/3         1/2 (50%)   
#>                 High                         0/1           0/1            0/0      
#>                 Total                    1/6 (16.7%)       0/4         1/2 (50%)   
#>     WEEK 5 DAY 36                                                                  
#>       Low                                                                          
#>                 Not low                      0/3        1/2 (50%)         0/5      
#>                 Low                      1/1 (100%)        0/1            0/1      
#>                 Total                     1/4 (25%)    1/3 (33.3%)        0/6      
#>       High                                                                         
#>                 Not high                     0/4           0/1            0/6      
#>                 High                         0/0           0/2            0/0      
#>                 Total                        0/4           0/3            0/6      
#>   C-Reactive Protein Measurement                                                   
#>     WEEK 1 DAY 8                                                                   
#>       Low                                                                          
#>                 Not low                  1/7 (14.3%)       0/4        1/6 (16.7%)  
#>                 Low                          0/1           0/0            0/0      
#>                 Total                    1/8 (12.5%)       0/4        1/6 (16.7%)  
#>       High                                                                         
#>                 Not high                 1/7 (14.3%)       0/4            0/5      
#>                 High                         0/1           0/0            0/1      
#>                 Total                    1/8 (12.5%)       0/4            0/6      
#>     WEEK 2 DAY 15                                                                  
#>       Low                                                                          
#>                 Not low                      0/7           0/0        1/3 (33.3%)  
#>                 Low                          0/0           0/2            0/0      
#>                 Total                        0/7           0/2        1/3 (33.3%)  
#>       High                                                                         
#>                 Not high                     0/5        1/2 (50%)         0/2      
#>                 High                         0/2           0/0            0/1      
#>                 Total                        0/7        1/2 (50%)         0/3      
#>     WEEK 3 DAY 22                                                                  
#>       Low                                                                          
#>                 Not low                      0/4           0/4        2/7 (28.6%)  
#>                 Low                          0/1           0/2            0/1      
#>                 Total                        0/5           0/6         2/8 (25%)   
#>       High                                                                         
#>                 Not high                     0/5        1/5 (20%)         0/6      
#>                 High                         0/0           0/1            0/2      
#>                 Total                        0/5       1/6 (16.7%)        0/8      
#>     WEEK 4 DAY 29                                                                  
#>       Low                                                                          
#>                 Not low                   1/2 (50%)        0/1            0/2      
#>                 Low                          0/0           0/1            0/1      
#>                 Total                     1/2 (50%)        0/2            0/3      
#>       High                                                                         
#>                 Not high                     0/2           0/2            0/3      
#>                 High                         0/0           0/0            0/0      
#>                 Total                        0/2           0/2            0/3      
#>     WEEK 5 DAY 36                                                                  
#>       Low                                                                          
#>                 Not low                      0/2           0/2        2/6 (33.3%)  
#>                 Low                          0/1           0/2            0/0      
#>                 Total                        0/3           0/4        2/6 (33.3%)  
#>       High                                                                         
#>                 Not high                     0/3           0/4            0/6      
#>                 High                         0/0           0/0            0/0      
#>                 Total                        0/3           0/4            0/6      
#>   Immunoglobulin A Measurement                                                     
#>     WEEK 1 DAY 8                                                                   
#>       Low                                                                          
#>                 Not low                      0/4           0/6            0/3      
#>                 Low                          0/2       1/1 (100%)         0/0      
#>                 Total                        0/6       1/7 (14.3%)        0/3      
#>       High                                                                         
#>                 Not high                 1/6 (16.7%)       0/7            0/2      
#>                 High                         0/0           0/0            0/1      
#>                 Total                    1/6 (16.7%)       0/7            0/3      
#>     WEEK 2 DAY 15                                                                  
#>       Low                                                                          
#>                 Not low                      0/4       1/6 (16.7%)        0/4      
#>                 Low                          0/0           0/1            0/0      
#>                 Total                        0/4       1/7 (14.3%)        0/4      
#>       High                                                                         
#>                 Not high                  1/4 (25%)        0/7            0/4      
#>                 High                         0/0           0/0            0/0      
#>                 Total                     1/4 (25%)        0/7            0/4      
#>     WEEK 3 DAY 22                                                                  
#>       Low                                                                          
#>                 Not low                      0/4           0/5            0/8      
#>                 Low                          0/1           0/1         1/1 (100%)  
#>                 Total                        0/5           0/6        1/9 (11.1%)  
#>       High                                                                         
#>                 Not high                     0/4       1/6 (16.7%)        0/7      
#>                 High                         0/1           0/0            0/2      
#>                 Total                        0/5       1/6 (16.7%)        0/9      
#>     WEEK 4 DAY 29                                                                  
#>       Low                                                                          
#>                 Not low                      0/1           0/5         2/4 (50%)   
#>                 Low                          0/1           0/1            0/0      
#>                 Total                        0/2           0/6         2/4 (50%)   
#>       High                                                                         
#>                 Not high                 1/1 (100%)    1/6 (16.7%)        0/4      
#>                 High                         0/1           0/0            0/0      
#>                 Total                     1/2 (50%)    1/6 (16.7%)        0/4      
#>     WEEK 5 DAY 36                                                                  
#>       Low                                                                          
#>                 Not low                  2/7 (28.6%)       0/4        1/6 (16.7%)  
#>                 Low                          0/0           0/1            0/0      
#>                 Total                    2/7 (28.6%)       0/5        1/6 (16.7%)  
#>       High                                                                         
#>                 Not high                     0/5           0/5            0/6      
#>                 High                         0/2           0/0            0/0      
#>                 Total                        0/7           0/5            0/6