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When a statistical summary function errors, the "statistic" column will be NULL. It is, however, sometimes useful to replace these values with a non-NULL value, e.g. NA.


replace_null_statistic(x, value = NA, rows = TRUE)



an ARD data frame of class 'card'


(usually a scalar)
The value to replace NULL values with. Default is NA.


Expression that return a logical value, and are defined in terms of the variables in .data. Only rows for which the condition evaluates to TRUE are replaced. Default is TRUE, which applies to all rows.


an ARD data frame of class 'card'


# the quantile functions error because the input is character, while the median function returns NA
data.frame(x = rep_len(NA_character_, 10)) |>
    variables = x,
    statistic = ~ continuous_summary_fns(c("median", "p25", "p75"))
  ) |>
  replace_null_statistic(rows = !is.null(error))
#> {cards} data frame: 3 x 8
#>   variable   context stat_name stat_label stat     error
#> 1        x continuo…    median     Median   NA          
#> 2        x continuo…       p25  25th Per…   NA non-nume…
#> 3        x continuo…       p75  75th Per…   NA non-nume…
#>  2 more variables: fmt_fn, warning