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h_incidence_rate(person_years, n_events, control = control_incidence_rate())

h_incidence_rate_normal(person_years, n_events, alpha = 0.05)

h_incidence_rate_normal_log(person_years, n_events, alpha = 0.05)

h_incidence_rate_exact(person_years, n_events, alpha = 0.05)

h_incidence_rate_byar(person_years, n_events, alpha = 0.05)



total person-years at risk.


number of events observed.


parameters for estimation details, specified by using the helper function control_incidence_rate(). Possible parameter options are:

  • conf_level: (proportion)
    confidence level for the estimated incidence rate.

  • conf_type: (string)
    normal (default), normal_log, exact, or byar for confidence interval type.

  • input_time_unit: (string)
    day, week, month, or year (default) indicating time unit for data input.

  • num_pt_year: (numeric)
    time unit for desired output (in person-years).


two-sided alpha-level for confidence interval.


Estimated incidence rate, rate, and associated confidence interval, rate_ci.


  • h_incidence_rate(): Helper function to estimate the incidence rate and associated confidence interval.

  • h_incidence_rate_normal(): Helper function to estimate the incidence rate and associated confidence interval based on the normal approximation for the incidence rate. Unit is one person-year.

  • h_incidence_rate_normal_log(): Helper function to estimate the incidence rate and associated confidence interval based on the normal approximation for the logarithm of the incidence rate. Unit is one person-year.

  • h_incidence_rate_exact(): Helper function to estimate the incidence rate and associated exact confidence interval. Unit is one person-year.

  • h_incidence_rate_byar(): Helper function to estimate the incidence rate and associated Byar's confidence interval. Unit is one person-year.

See also


h_incidence_rate_normal(200, 2)
#> $rate
#> [1] 0.01
#> $rate_ci
#> [1] -0.003859038  0.023859038

h_incidence_rate_normal_log(200, 2)
#> $rate
#> [1] 0.01
#> $rate_ci
#> [1] 0.002500977 0.039984382

h_incidence_rate_exact(200, 2)
#> $rate
#> [1] 0.01
#> $rate_ci
#> [1] 0.001211046 0.036123438

h_incidence_rate_byar(200, 2)
#> $rate
#> [1] 0.01
#> $rate_ci
#> [1] 0.001994207 0.032054171