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Prepares estimates of median survival times and treatment hazard ratios for population subgroups in data frames. Simple wrapper for h_survtime_subgroups_df() and h_coxph_subgroups_df(). Result is a list of two data.frames: survtime and hr. variables corresponds to the names of variables found in data, passed as a named list and requires elements tte, is_event, arm and optionally subgroups and strata. groups_lists optionally specifies groupings for subgroups variables.


  groups_lists = list(),
  control = control_coxph(),
  label_all = "All Patients"



(named list of string)
list of additional analysis variables.


the dataset containing the variables to summarize.


(named list of list)
optionally contains for each subgroups variable a list, which specifies the new group levels via the names and the levels that belong to it in the character vectors that are elements of the list.


parameters for comparison details, specified by using the helper function control_coxph(). Some possible parameter options are:

  • pval_method (string)
    p-value method for testing the null hypothesis that hazard ratio = 1. Default method is "log-rank" which comes from survival::survdiff(), can also be set to "wald" or "likelihood" (from survival::coxph()).

  • ties (string)
    specifying the method for tie handling. Default is "efron", can also be set to "breslow" or "exact". See more in survival::coxph().

  • conf_level (proportion)
    confidence level of the interval for HR.


label for the total population analysis.


A named list of two elements:

  • survtime: A data.frame containing columns arm, n, n_events, median, subgroup, var, var_label, and row_type.

  • hr: A data.frame containing columns arm, n_tot, n_tot_events, hr, lcl, ucl, conf_level, pval, pval_label, subgroup, var, var_label, and row_type.