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This works analogously to rtables::add_colcounts() but on the rows. This function is a wrapper for rtables::summarize_row_groups().


add_rowcounts(lyt, alt_counts = FALSE)



input layout where analyses will be added to.


whether row counts should be taken from alt_counts_df (TRUE) or from df (FALSE). Defaults to FALSE.


A modified layout where the latest row split labels now have the row-wise total counts (i.e. without column-based subsetting) attached in parentheses.


Row count values are contained in these row count rows but are not displayed so that they are not considered zero rows by default when pruning.


basic_table() %>%
  split_cols_by("ARM") %>%
  add_colcounts() %>%
  split_rows_by("RACE", split_fun = drop_split_levels) %>%
  add_rowcounts() %>%
  analyze("AGE", afun = list_wrap_x(summary), format = "xx.xx") %>%
#>                                    A: Drug X   B: Placebo   C: Combination
#>                                     (N=121)     (N=106)        (N=129)    
#> ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
#> ASIAN (N=231)                                                             
#>   Min.                               20.00       21.00          22.00     
#>   1st Qu.                            29.00       28.00          30.00     
#>   Median                             33.00       32.50          33.50     
#>   Mean                               34.20       32.68          34.63     
#>   3rd Qu.                            38.50       36.00          38.00     
#>   Max.                               58.00       55.00          53.00     
#> BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN (N=79)                                          
#>   Min.                               23.00       21.00          24.00     
#>   1st Qu.                            29.00       28.75          29.00     
#>   Median                             33.00       30.00          32.00     
#>   Mean                               34.68       31.71          34.00     
#>   3rd Qu.                            37.25       36.25          39.00     
#>   Max.                               60.00       42.00          51.00     
#> WHITE (N=46)                                                              
#>   Min.                               30.00       25.00          28.00     
#>   1st Qu.                            38.00       31.00          30.25     
#>   Median                             40.50       37.50          35.00     
#>   Mean                               39.36       36.93          35.11     
#>   3rd Qu.                            43.50       40.00          37.50     
#>   Max.                               47.00       55.00          47.00