1 |
#' Download report button module
2 |
3 |
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")`
4 |
5 |
#' Provides a button that triggers downloading a report.
6 |
7 |
#' For more information, refer to the vignette: `vignette("simpleReporter", "teal.reporter")`.
8 |
9 |
#' @details `r global_knitr_details()`
10 |
11 |
#' @name download_report_button
12 |
13 |
#' @param id (`character(1)`) this `shiny` module's id.
14 |
#' @param reporter (`Reporter`) instance.
15 |
#' @param global_knitr (`list`) of `knitr` parameters (passed to `knitr::opts_chunk$set`)
16 |
#' for customizing the rendering process.
17 |
#' @inheritParams reporter_download_inputs
18 |
19 |
#' @return `NULL`.
20 |
21 | ||
22 |
#' @rdname download_report_button
23 |
#' @export
24 |
download_report_button_ui <- function(id) { |
25 | 2x |
ns <- shiny::NS(id) |
26 | 2x |
shiny::tagList( |
27 | 2x |
shiny::singleton( |
28 | 2x |
shiny::tags$head(shiny::includeCSS(system.file("css/custom.css", package = "teal.reporter"))) |
29 |
30 | 2x |
shiny::actionButton( |
31 | 2x |
ns("download_button"), |
32 | 2x |
class = "teal-reporter simple_report_button btn-primary", |
33 | 2x |
title = "Download", |
34 | 2x |
`data-val` = shiny::restoreInput(id = ns("download_button"), default = NULL), |
35 | 2x |
shiny::tags$span( |
36 | 2x |
shiny::icon("download") |
37 |
38 |
39 |
40 |
41 | ||
42 |
#' @rdname download_report_button
43 |
#' @export
44 |
download_report_button_srv <- function(id, |
45 |
46 |
global_knitr = getOption("teal.reporter.global_knitr"), |
47 |
rmd_output = c( |
48 |
"html" = "html_document", "pdf" = "pdf_document", |
49 |
"powerpoint" = "powerpoint_presentation", "word" = "word_document" |
50 |
51 |
rmd_yaml_args = list( |
52 |
author = "NEST", title = "Report", |
53 |
date = as.character(Sys.Date()), output = "html_document", |
54 |
toc = FALSE |
55 |
)) { |
56 | 10x |
checkmate::assert_class(reporter, "Reporter") |
57 | 10x |
checkmate::assert_subset(names(global_knitr), names(knitr::opts_chunk$get())) |
58 | 10x |
checkmate::assert_subset( |
59 | 10x |
60 | 10x |
c( |
61 | 10x |
"html_document", "pdf_document", |
62 | 10x |
"powerpoint_presentation", "word_document" |
63 |
64 | 10x |
empty.ok = FALSE |
65 |
66 | 10x |
checkmate::assert_list(rmd_yaml_args, names = "named") |
67 | 10x |
checkmate::assert_names( |
68 | 10x |
names(rmd_yaml_args), |
69 | 10x |
subset.of = c("author", "title", "date", "output", "toc"), |
70 | 10x |
must.include = "output" |
71 |
72 | 8x |
checkmate::assert_true(rmd_yaml_args[["output"]] %in% rmd_output) |
73 | ||
74 | 7x |
shiny::moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) { |
75 | 7x |
shiny::setBookmarkExclude(c("download_button")) |
76 | ||
77 | 7x |
ns <- session$ns |
78 | ||
79 | 7x |
download_modal <- function() { |
80 | 1x |
nr_cards <- length(reporter$get_cards()) |
81 | 1x |
downb <- shiny::tags$a( |
82 | 1x |
id = ns("download_data"), |
83 | 1x |
class = paste("btn btn-primary shiny-download-link", if (nr_cards) NULL else "disabled"), |
84 | 1x |
style = if (nr_cards) NULL else "pointer-events: none;", |
85 | 1x |
href = "", |
86 | 1x |
target = "_blank", |
87 | 1x |
download = NA, |
88 | 1x |
shiny::icon("download"), |
89 | 1x |
90 |
91 | 1x |
shiny::tags$div( |
92 | 1x |
class = "teal-widgets reporter-modal", |
93 | 1x |
shiny::modalDialog( |
94 | 1x |
easyClose = TRUE, |
95 | 1x |
shiny::tags$h3("Download the Report"), |
96 | 1x |
shiny::tags$hr(), |
97 | 1x |
if (length(reporter$get_cards()) == 0) { |
98 | ! |
shiny::tags$div( |
99 | ! |
class = "mb-4", |
100 | ! |
shiny::tags$p( |
101 | ! |
class = "text-danger", |
102 | ! |
shiny::tags$strong("No Cards Added") |
103 |
104 |
105 |
} else { |
106 | 1x |
shiny::tags$div( |
107 | 1x |
class = "mb-4", |
108 | 1x |
shiny::tags$p( |
109 | 1x |
class = "text-success", |
110 | 1x |
shiny::tags$strong(paste("Number of cards: ", nr_cards)) |
111 |
112 |
113 |
114 | 1x |
reporter_download_inputs( |
115 | 1x |
rmd_yaml_args = rmd_yaml_args, |
116 | 1x |
rmd_output = rmd_output, |
117 | 1x |
showrcode = any_rcode_block(reporter), |
118 | 1x |
session = session |
119 |
120 | 1x |
footer = shiny::tagList( |
121 | 1x |
shiny::tags$button( |
122 | 1x |
type = "button", |
123 | 1x |
class = "btn btn-secondary", |
124 | 1x |
`data-dismiss` = "modal", |
125 | 1x |
`data-bs-dismiss` = "modal", |
126 | 1x |
127 | 1x |
128 |
129 | 1x |
130 |
131 |
132 |
133 |
134 | ||
135 | 7x |
shiny::observeEvent(input$download_button, { |
136 | 1x |
shiny::showModal(download_modal()) |
137 |
}) |
138 | ||
139 | 7x |
output$download_data <- shiny::downloadHandler( |
140 | 7x |
filename = function() { |
141 | 2x |
paste0( |
142 | 2x |
143 | 2x |
if (reporter$get_id() == "") NULL else paste0(reporter$get_id(), "_"), |
144 | 2x |
format(Sys.time(), "%y%m%d%H%M%S"), |
145 | 2x |
146 |
147 |
148 | 7x |
content = function(file) { |
149 | 2x |
shiny::showNotification("Rendering and Downloading the document.") |
150 | 2x |
shinybusy::block(id = ns("download_data"), text = "", type = "dots") |
151 | 2x |
input_list <- lapply(names(rmd_yaml_args), function(x) input[[x]]) |
152 | 2x |
names(input_list) <- names(rmd_yaml_args) |
153 | ! |
if (is.logical(input$showrcode)) global_knitr[["echo"]] <- input$showrcode |
154 | 2x |
report_render_and_compress(reporter, input_list, global_knitr, file) |
155 | 2x |
shinybusy::unblock(id = ns("download_data")) |
156 |
157 | 7x |
contentType = "application/zip" |
158 |
159 |
}) |
160 |
161 | ||
162 |
#' Render the report
163 |
164 |
#' Render the report and zip the created directory.
165 |
166 |
#' @param reporter (`Reporter`) instance.
167 |
#' @param input_list (`list`) like `shiny` input converted to a regular named list.
168 |
#' @param global_knitr (`list`) a global `knitr` parameters, like echo.
169 |
#' But if local parameter is set it will have priority.
170 |
#' @param file (`character(1)`) where to copy the returned directory.
171 |
172 |
#' @return `file` argument, invisibly.
173 |
174 |
#' @keywords internal
175 |
report_render_and_compress <- function(reporter, input_list, global_knitr, file = tempdir()) { |
176 | 8x |
checkmate::assert_class(reporter, "Reporter") |
177 | 8x |
checkmate::assert_list(input_list, names = "named") |
178 | 7x |
checkmate::assert_string(file) |
179 | ||
180 |
if ( |
181 | 5x |
identical("pdf_document", input_list$output) && |
182 | 5x |
inherits(try(system2("pdflatex", "--version", stdout = TRUE), silent = TRUE), "try-error") |
183 |
) { |
184 | ! |
shiny::showNotification( |
185 | ! |
ui = "pdflatex is not available so the pdf_document could not be rendered. Please use other output type.", |
186 | ! |
action = "Please contact app developer", |
187 | ! |
type = "error" |
188 |
189 | ! |
stop("pdflatex is not available so the pdf_document could not be rendered.") |
190 |
191 | ||
192 | 5x |
yaml_header <- as_yaml_auto(input_list) |
193 | 5x |
renderer <- Renderer$new() |
194 | ||
195 | 5x |
tryCatch( |
196 | 5x |
renderer$render(reporter$get_blocks(), yaml_header, global_knitr), |
197 | 5x |
warning = function(cond) { |
198 | ! |
print(cond) |
199 | ! |
shiny::showNotification( |
200 | ! |
ui = "Render document warning!", |
201 | ! |
action = "Please contact app developer", |
202 | ! |
type = "warning" |
203 |
204 |
205 | 5x |
error = function(cond) { |
206 | ! |
print(cond) |
207 | ! |
shiny::showNotification( |
208 | ! |
ui = "Render document error!", |
209 | ! |
action = "Please contact app developer", |
210 | ! |
type = "error" |
211 |
212 |
213 |
214 | ||
215 | 5x |
output_dir <- renderer$get_output_dir() |
216 | ||
217 | 5x |
tryCatch( |
218 | 5x |
archiver_dir <- reporter$to_jsondir(output_dir), |
219 | 5x |
warning = function(cond) { |
220 | ! |
print(cond) |
221 | ! |
shiny::showNotification( |
222 | ! |
ui = "Archive document warning!", |
223 | ! |
action = "Please contact app developer", |
224 | ! |
type = "warning" |
225 |
226 |
227 | 5x |
error = function(cond) { |
228 | ! |
print(cond) |
229 | ! |
shiny::showNotification( |
230 | ! |
ui = "Archive document error!", |
231 | ! |
action = "Please contact app developer", |
232 | ! |
type = "error" |
233 |
234 |
235 |
236 | ||
237 | 5x |
temp_zip_file <- tempfile(fileext = ".zip") |
238 | 5x |
tryCatch( |
239 | 5x |
expr = zip::zipr(temp_zip_file, output_dir), |
240 | 5x |
warning = function(cond) { |
241 | ! |
print(cond) |
242 | ! |
shiny::showNotification( |
243 | ! |
ui = "Zipping folder warning!", |
244 | ! |
action = "Please contact app developer", |
245 | ! |
type = "warning" |
246 |
247 |
248 | 5x |
error = function(cond) { |
249 | ! |
print(cond) |
250 | ! |
shiny::showNotification( |
251 | ! |
ui = "Zipping folder error!", |
252 | ! |
action = "Please contact app developer", |
253 | ! |
type = "error" |
254 |
255 |
256 |
257 | ||
258 | 5x |
tryCatch( |
259 | 5x |
expr = file.copy(temp_zip_file, file), |
260 | 5x |
warning = function(cond) { |
261 | ! |
print(cond) |
262 | ! |
shiny::showNotification( |
263 | ! |
ui = "Copying file warning!", |
264 | ! |
action = "Please contact app developer", |
265 | ! |
type = "warning" |
266 |
267 |
268 | 5x |
error = function(cond) { |
269 | ! |
print(cond) |
270 | ! |
shiny::showNotification( |
271 | ! |
ui = "Copying file error!", |
272 | ! |
action = "Please contact app developer", |
273 | ! |
type = "error" |
274 |
275 |
276 |
277 | ||
278 | 5x |
rm(renderer) |
279 | 5x |
invisible(file) |
280 |
281 | ||
282 |
#' Get the custom list of UI inputs
283 |
284 |
#' @param rmd_output (`character`) vector with `rmarkdown` output types,
285 |
#' by default all possible `pdf_document`, `html_document`, `powerpoint_presentation`, and `word_document`.
286 |
#' If vector is named then those names will appear in the `UI`.
287 |
#' @param rmd_yaml_args (`named list`) with `Rmd` `yaml` header fields and their default values.
288 |
#' This `list` will result in the custom subset of UI inputs for the download reporter functionality.
289 |
#' Default `list(author = "NEST", title = "Report", date = Sys.Date(), output = "html_document", toc = FALSE)`.
290 |
#' The `list` must include at least `"output"` field.
291 |
#' The default value for `"output"` has to be in the `rmd_output` argument.
292 |
293 |
#' @keywords internal
294 |
reporter_download_inputs <- function(rmd_yaml_args, rmd_output, showrcode, session) { |
295 | 8x |
shiny::tagList( |
296 | 8x |
lapply(names(rmd_yaml_args), function(e) { |
297 | 40x |
switch(e, |
298 | 8x |
author = shiny::textInput(session$ns("author"), label = "Author:", value = rmd_yaml_args$author), |
299 | 8x |
title = shiny::textInput(session$ns("title"), label = "Title:", value = rmd_yaml_args$title), |
300 | 8x |
date = shiny::dateInput(session$ns("date"), "Date:", value = rmd_yaml_args$date), |
301 | 8x |
output = shiny::tags$div( |
302 | 8x |
shinyWidgets::pickerInput( |
303 | 8x |
inputId = session$ns("output"), |
304 | 8x |
label = "Choose a document type: ", |
305 | 8x |
choices = rmd_output, |
306 | 8x |
selected = rmd_yaml_args$output |
307 |
308 |
309 | 8x |
toc = shiny::checkboxInput(session$ns("toc"), label = "Include Table of Contents", value = rmd_yaml_args$toc) |
310 |
311 |
}), |
312 | 8x |
if (showrcode) { |
313 | ! |
shiny::checkboxInput( |
314 | ! |
session$ns("showrcode"), |
315 | ! |
label = "Include R Code", |
316 | ! |
value = FALSE |
317 |
318 |
319 |
320 |
321 | ||
322 |
#' @noRd
323 |
#' @keywords internal
324 |
any_rcode_block <- function(reporter) { |
325 | 10x |
any( |
326 | 10x |
vapply( |
327 | 10x |
reporter$get_blocks(), |
328 | 10x |
function(e) inherits(e, "RcodeBlock"), |
329 | 10x |
logical(1) |
330 |
331 |
332 |
1 |
#' @title `Renderer`
2 |
#' @docType class
3 |
#' @description
4 |
#' A class for rendering reports from `ContentBlock` into various formats using `rmarkdown`.
5 |
#' It supports `TextBlock`, `PictureBlock`, `RcodeBlock`, `NewpageBlock`, and `TableBlock`.
6 |
7 |
#' @keywords internal
8 |
Renderer <- R6::R6Class( # nolint: object_name_linter. |
9 |
classname = "Renderer", |
10 |
public = list( |
11 |
#' @description Initialize a `Renderer` object.
12 |
13 |
#' @details Creates a new instance of `Renderer`
14 |
#' with a temporary directory for storing report files.
15 |
16 |
#' @return Object of class `Renderer`, invisibly.
17 |
#' @examples
18 |
#' Renderer <- getFromNamespace("Renderer", "teal.reporter")
19 |
#' Renderer$new()
20 |
21 |
initialize = function() { |
22 | 10x |
tmp_dir <- tempdir() |
23 | 10x |
output_dir <- file.path(tmp_dir, sprintf("report_%s", gsub("[.]", "", format(Sys.time(), "%Y%m%d%H%M%OS4")))) |
24 | 10x |
dir.create(path = output_dir) |
25 | 10x |
private$output_dir <- output_dir |
26 | 10x |
invisible(self) |
27 |
28 |
#' @description Finalizes a `Renderer` object.
29 |
finalize = function() { |
30 | 10x |
unlink(private$output_dir, recursive = TRUE) |
31 |
32 |
#' @description Getting the `Rmd` text which could be easily rendered later.
33 |
34 |
#' @param blocks (`list`) of `TextBlock`, `PictureBlock` and `NewpageBlock` objects.
35 |
#' @param yaml_header (`character`) an `rmarkdown` `yaml` header.
36 |
#' @param global_knitr (`list`) of `knitr` parameters (passed to `knitr::opts_chunk$set`)
37 |
#' for customizing the rendering process.
38 |
#' @details `r global_knitr_details()`
39 |
40 |
#' @return Character vector constituting `rmarkdown` text (`yaml` header + body), ready to be rendered.
41 |
#' @examplesIf require("ggplot2")
42 |
#' library(yaml)
43 |
#' library(rtables)
44 |
#' library(ggplot2)
45 |
46 |
#' ReportCard <- getFromNamespace("ReportCard", "teal.reporter")
47 |
#' Reporter <- getFromNamespace("Reporter", "teal.reporter")
48 |
#' yaml_quoted <- getFromNamespace("yaml_quoted", "teal.reporter")
49 |
#' md_header <- getFromNamespace("md_header", "teal.reporter")
50 |
#' Renderer <- getFromNamespace("Renderer", "teal.reporter")
51 |
52 |
#' card1 <- ReportCard$new()
53 |
#' card1$append_text("Header 2 text", "header2")
54 |
#' card1$append_text("A paragraph of default text")
55 |
#' card1$append_plot(
56 |
#' ggplot(iris, aes(x = Petal.Length)) + geom_histogram()
57 |
#' )
58 |
59 |
#' card2 <- ReportCard$new()
60 |
#' card2$append_text("Header 2 text", "header2")
61 |
#' card2$append_text("A paragraph of default text")
62 |
#' lyt <- analyze(split_rows_by(basic_table(), "Day"), "Ozone", afun = mean)
63 |
#' table_res2 <- build_table(lyt, airquality)
64 |
#' card2$append_table(table_res2)
65 |
#' card2$append_rcode("2+2", echo = FALSE)
66 |
67 |
#' reporter <- Reporter$new()
68 |
#' reporter$append_cards(list(card1, card2))
69 |
70 |
#' yaml_l <- list(
71 |
#' author = yaml_quoted("NEST"),
72 |
#' title = yaml_quoted("Report"),
73 |
#' date = yaml_quoted("07/04/2019"),
74 |
#' output = list(html_document = list(toc = FALSE))
75 |
#' )
76 |
77 |
#' yaml_header <- md_header(as.yaml(yaml_l))
78 |
79 |
#' result_path <- Renderer$new()$renderRmd(reporter$get_blocks(), yaml_header)
80 |
81 |
renderRmd = function(blocks, yaml_header, global_knitr = getOption("teal.reporter.global_knitr")) { |
82 | 8x |
checkmate::assert_list( |
83 | 8x |
84 | 8x |
c("TextBlock", "PictureBlock", "NewpageBlock", "TableBlock", "RcodeBlock", "HTMLBlock") |
85 |
86 | 7x |
checkmate::assert_subset(names(global_knitr), names(knitr::opts_chunk$get())) |
87 | 7x |
if (missing(yaml_header)) { |
88 | 2x |
yaml_header <- md_header(yaml::as.yaml(list(title = "Report"))) |
89 |
90 | ||
91 | 7x |
private$report_type <- get_yaml_field(yaml_header, "output") |
92 | ||
93 | 7x |
parsed_global_knitr <- sprintf( |
94 | 7x |
"\n```{r setup, include=FALSE}\nknitr::opts_chunk$set(%s)\n%s\n```\n",
95 | 7x |
capture.output(dput(global_knitr)), |
96 | 7x |
if (identical(private$report_type, "powerpoint_presentation")) { |
97 | ! |
format_code_block_function <- quote( |
98 | ! |
code_block <- function(code_text) { |
99 | ! |
df <- data.frame(code_text) |
100 | ! |
ft <- flextable::flextable(df) |
101 | ! |
ft <- flextable::delete_part(ft, part = "header") |
102 | ! |
ft <- flextable::autofit(ft, add_h = 0) |
103 | ! |
ft <- flextable::fontsize(ft, size = 7, part = "body") |
104 | ! |
ft <- flextable::bg(x = ft, bg = "lightgrey") |
105 | ! |
ft <- flextable::border_outer(ft) |
106 | ! |
if (flextable::flextable_dim(ft)$widths > 8) { |
107 | ! |
ft <- flextable::width(ft, width = 8) |
108 |
109 | ! |
110 |
111 |
112 | ! |
paste(deparse(format_code_block_function), collapse = "\n") |
113 |
} else { |
114 |
115 |
116 |
117 | ||
118 | 7x |
parsed_blocks <- paste( |
119 | 7x |
unlist( |
120 | 7x |
lapply(blocks, function(b) private$block2md(b)) |
121 |
122 | 7x |
collapse = "\n\n" |
123 |
124 | ||
125 | 7x |
rmd_text <- paste0(yaml_header, "\n", parsed_global_knitr, "\n", parsed_blocks, "\n") |
126 | 7x |
tmp <- tempfile(fileext = ".Rmd") |
127 | 7x |
input_path <- file.path( |
128 | 7x |
private$output_dir, |
129 | 7x |
sprintf("input_%s.Rmd", gsub("[.]", "", format(Sys.time(), "%Y%m%d%H%M%OS3"))) |
130 |
131 | 7x |
cat(rmd_text, file = input_path) |
132 | 7x |
133 |
134 |
#' @description Renders the `Report` to the desired output format by compiling the `rmarkdown` file.
135 |
136 |
#' @param blocks (`list`) of `TextBlock`, `PictureBlock` or `NewpageBlock` objects.
137 |
#' @param yaml_header (`character`) an `rmarkdown` `yaml` header.
138 |
#' @param global_knitr (`list`) of `knitr` parameters (passed to `knitr::opts_chunk$set`)
139 |
#' for customizing the rendering process.
140 |
#' @param ... `rmarkdown::render` arguments, `input` and `output_dir` should not be updated.
141 |
#' @details `r global_knitr_details()`
142 |
143 |
#' @return `character` path to the output.
144 |
#' @examplesIf require("ggplot2")
145 |
#' library(yaml)
146 |
#' library(ggplot2)
147 |
148 |
#' ReportCard <- getFromNamespace("ReportCard", "teal.reporter")
149 |
#' Reporter <- getFromNamespace("Reporter", "teal.reporter")
150 |
#' yaml_quoted <- getFromNamespace("yaml_quoted", "teal.reporter")
151 |
#' md_header <- getFromNamespace("md_header", "teal.reporter")
152 |
#' Renderer <- getFromNamespace("Renderer", "teal.reporter")
153 |
154 |
#' card1 <- ReportCard$new()
155 |
#' card1$append_text("Header 2 text", "header2")
156 |
#' card1$append_text("A paragraph of default text")
157 |
#' card1$append_plot(
158 |
#' ggplot(iris, aes(x = Petal.Length)) + geom_histogram()
159 |
#' )
160 |
161 |
#' card2 <- ReportCard$new()
162 |
#' card2$append_text("Header 2 text", "header2")
163 |
#' card2$append_text("A paragraph of default text")
164 |
#' lyt <- analyze(split_rows_by(basic_table(), "Day"), "Ozone", afun = mean)
165 |
#' table_res2 <- build_table(lyt, airquality)
166 |
#' card2$append_table(table_res2)
167 |
#' card2$append_rcode("2+2", echo = FALSE)
168 |
169 |
#' reporter <- Reporter$new()
170 |
#' reporter$append_cards(list(card1, card2))
171 |
172 |
#' yaml_l <- list(
173 |
#' author = yaml_quoted("NEST"),
174 |
#' title = yaml_quoted("Report"),
175 |
#' date = yaml_quoted("07/04/2019"),
176 |
#' output = list(html_document = list(toc = FALSE))
177 |
#' )
178 |
179 |
#' yaml_header <- md_header(as.yaml(yaml_l))
180 |
#' result_path <- Renderer$new()$render(reporter$get_blocks(), yaml_header)
181 |
182 |
render = function(blocks, yaml_header, global_knitr = getOption("teal.reporter.global_knitr"), ...) { |
183 | 6x |
args <- list(...) |
184 | 6x |
input_path <- self$renderRmd(blocks, yaml_header, global_knitr) |
185 | 6x |
args <- append(args, list( |
186 | 6x |
input = input_path, |
187 | 6x |
output_dir = private$output_dir, |
188 | 6x |
output_format = "all", |
189 | 6x |
quiet = TRUE |
190 |
)) |
191 | 6x |
args_nams <- unique(names(args)) |
192 | 6x |
args <- lapply(args_nams, function(x) args[[x]]) |
193 | 6x |
names(args) <- args_nams |
194 | 6x |
do.call(rmarkdown::render, args) |
195 |
196 |
#' @description Get `output_dir` field.
197 |
198 |
#' @return `character` a `output_dir` field path.
199 |
#' @examples
200 |
#' Renderer <- getFromNamespace("Renderer", "teal.reporter")$new()
201 |
#' Renderer$get_output_dir()
202 |
203 |
get_output_dir = function() { |
204 | 7x |
private$output_dir |
205 |
206 |
207 |
private = list( |
208 |
output_dir = character(0), |
209 |
report_type = NULL, |
210 |
# factory method
211 |
block2md = function(block) { |
212 | 27x |
if (inherits(block, "TextBlock")) { |
213 | 14x |
private$textBlock2md(block) |
214 | 13x |
} else if (inherits(block, "RcodeBlock")) { |
215 | ! |
private$rcodeBlock2md(block) |
216 | 13x |
} else if (inherits(block, "PictureBlock")) { |
217 | 7x |
private$pictureBlock2md(block) |
218 | 6x |
} else if (inherits(block, "TableBlock")) { |
219 | 2x |
private$tableBlock2md(block) |
220 | 4x |
} else if (inherits(block, "NewpageBlock")) { |
221 | 2x |
block$get_content() |
222 | 2x |
} else if (inherits(block, "HTMLBlock")) { |
223 | 2x |
private$htmlBlock2md(block) |
224 |
} else { |
225 | ! |
stop("Unknown block class") |
226 |
227 |
228 |
# card specific methods
229 |
textBlock2md = function(block) { |
230 | 14x |
text_style <- block$get_style() |
231 | 14x |
block_content <- block$get_content() |
232 | 14x |
switch(text_style, |
233 | 2x |
"default" = block_content, |
234 | ! |
"verbatim" = sprintf("\n```\n%s\n```\n", block_content), |
235 | 12x |
"header2" = paste0("## ", block_content), |
236 | ! |
"header3" = paste0("### ", block_content), |
237 | ! |
238 |
239 |
240 |
rcodeBlock2md = function(block) { |
241 | ! |
params <- block$get_params() |
242 | ! |
params <- lapply(params, function(l) if (is.character(l)) shQuote(l) else l) |
243 | ! |
if (identical(private$report_type, "powerpoint_presentation")) { |
244 | ! |
block_content_list <- split_text_block(block$get_content(), 30) |
245 | ! |
paste( |
246 | ! |
sprintf( |
247 | ! |
"\\newpage\n\n---\n\n```{r, echo=FALSE}\ncode_block(\n%s)\n```\n",
248 | ! |
shQuote(block_content_list, type = "cmd") |
249 |
250 | ! |
collapse = "\n\n" |
251 |
252 |
} else { |
253 | ! |
sprintf( |
254 | ! |
"\\newpage\n\n--- \n\n```{r, %s}\n%s\n```\n",
255 | ! |
paste(names(params), params, sep = "=", collapse = ", "), |
256 | ! |
block$get_content() |
257 |
258 |
259 |
260 |
pictureBlock2md = function(block) { |
261 | 7x |
basename_pic <- basename(block$get_content()) |
262 | 7x |
file.copy(block$get_content(), file.path(private$output_dir, basename_pic)) |
263 | 7x |
params <- c( |
264 | 7x |
`out.width` = "'100%'", |
265 | 7x |
`out.height` = "'100%'" |
266 |
267 | 7x |
title <- block$get_title() |
268 | 7x |
if (length(title)) params["fig.cap"] <- shQuote(title) |
269 | 7x |
sprintf( |
270 | 7x |
"\n```{r, echo = FALSE, %s}\nknitr::include_graphics(path = '%s')\n```\n",
271 | 7x |
paste(names(params), params, sep = "=", collapse = ", "), |
272 | 7x |
273 |
274 |
275 |
tableBlock2md = function(block) { |
276 | 2x |
basename_table <- basename(block$get_content()) |
277 | 2x |
file.copy(block$get_content(), file.path(private$output_dir, basename_table)) |
278 | 2x |
sprintf("```{r echo = FALSE}\nreadRDS('%s')\n```", basename_table) |
279 |
280 |
htmlBlock2md = function(block) { |
281 | 2x |
basename <- basename(tempfile(fileext = ".rds")) |
282 | 2x |
suppressWarnings(saveRDS(block$get_content(), file = file.path(private$output_dir, basename))) |
283 | 2x |
sprintf("```{r echo = FALSE}\nreadRDS('%s')\n```", basename) |
284 |
285 |
286 |
lock_objects = TRUE, |
287 |
lock_class = TRUE |
288 |
1 |
#' @title `ContentBlock`: A building block for report content
2 |
#' @docType class
3 |
#' @description This class represents a basic content unit in a report,
4 |
#' such as text, images, or other multimedia elements.
5 |
#' It serves as a foundation for constructing complex report structures.
6 |
7 |
#' @keywords internal
8 |
ContentBlock <- R6::R6Class( # nolint: object_name_linter. |
9 |
classname = "ContentBlock", |
10 |
public = list( |
11 |
#' @description Sets content of this `ContentBlock`.
12 |
13 |
#' @param content (`any`) R object
14 |
15 |
#' @return `self`, invisibly.
16 |
#' @examples
17 |
#' ContentBlock <- getFromNamespace("ContentBlock", "teal.reporter")
18 |
#' block <- ContentBlock$new()
19 |
#' block$set_content("Base64 encoded picture")
20 |
21 |
set_content = function(content) { |
22 | 311x |
private$content <- content |
23 | 311x |
invisible(self) |
24 |
25 |
#' @description Retrieves the content assigned to this block.
26 |
27 |
#' @return object stored in a `private$content` field
28 |
#' @examples
29 |
#' ContentBlock <- getFromNamespace("ContentBlock", "teal.reporter")
30 |
#' block <- ContentBlock$new()
31 |
#' block$get_content()
32 |
33 |
get_content = function() { |
34 | 271x |
private$content |
35 |
36 |
#' @description Create the `ContentBlock` from a list.
37 |
38 |
#' @param x (`named list`) with two fields `text` and `style`.
39 |
#' Use the `get_available_styles` method to get all possible styles.
40 |
41 |
#' @return `self`, invisibly.
42 |
from_list = function(x) { |
43 | ! |
invisible(self) |
44 |
45 |
#' @description Convert the `ContentBlock` to a list.
46 |
47 |
#' @return `named list` with a text and style.
48 |
to_list = function() { |
49 | ! |
list() |
50 |
51 |
52 |
private = list( |
53 |
content = NULL, # this can be any R object |
54 |
# @description The copy constructor.
55 |
56 |
# @param name (`character(1)`) the name of the field
57 |
# @param value the value assigned to the field
58 |
59 |
# @return the value of the copied field
60 |
deep_clone = function(name, value) { |
61 | 156x |
if (name == "content" && checkmate::test_file_exists(value)) { |
62 | 7x |
extension <- "" |
63 | 7x |
split <- strsplit(basename(value), split = "\\.") |
64 |
# The below ensures no extension is found for files such as this: .gitignore but is found for files like
65 |
# .gitignore.txt
66 | 7x |
if (length(split[[1]]) > 1 && split[[1]][length(split[[1]]) - 1] != "") { |
67 | 5x |
extension <- split[[1]][length(split[[1]])] |
68 | 5x |
extension <- paste0(".", extension) |
69 |
70 | 7x |
copied_file <- tempfile(fileext = extension) |
71 | 7x |
file.copy(value, copied_file, copy.date = TRUE, copy.mode = TRUE) |
72 | 7x |
73 |
} else { |
74 | 149x |
75 |
76 |
77 |
78 |
lock_objects = TRUE, |
79 |
lock_class = TRUE |
80 |
1 |
#' Report previewer module
2 |
3 |
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")`
4 |
5 |
#' Module offers functionalities to visualize, manipulate,
6 |
#' and interact with report cards that have been added to a report.
7 |
#' It includes a previewer interface to see the cards and options to modify the report before downloading.
8 |
9 |
#' Cards are saved by the `shiny` bookmarking mechanism.
10 |
11 |
#' For more details see the vignette: `vignette("previewerReporter", "teal.reporter")`.
12 |
13 |
#' @details `r global_knitr_details()`
14 |
15 |
#' @name reporter_previewer
16 |
17 |
#' @param id (`character(1)`) `shiny` module instance id.
18 |
#' @param reporter (`Reporter`) instance.
19 |
#' @param global_knitr (`list`) of `knitr` parameters (passed to `knitr::opts_chunk$set`)
20 |
#' for customizing the rendering process.
21 |
#' @param previewer_buttons (`character`) set of modules to include with `c("download", "load", "reset")` possible
22 |
#' values and `"download"` is required.
23 |
#' Default `c("download", "load", "reset")`
24 |
#' @inheritParams reporter_download_inputs
25 |
26 |
#' @return `NULL`.
27 |
28 | ||
29 |
#' @rdname reporter_previewer
30 |
#' @export
31 |
reporter_previewer_ui <- function(id) { |
32 | 1x |
ns <- shiny::NS(id) |
33 | ||
34 | 1x |
shiny::fluidRow( |
35 | 1x |
add_previewer_js(ns), |
36 | 1x |
add_previewer_css(), |
37 | 1x |
shiny::tagList( |
38 | 1x |
shiny::tags$div( |
39 | 1x |
class = "col-md-3", |
40 | 1x |
shiny::tags$div(class = "well", shiny::uiOutput(ns("encoding"))) |
41 |
42 | 1x |
shiny::tags$div( |
43 | 1x |
class = "col-md-9", |
44 | 1x |
shiny::tags$div( |
45 | 1x |
id = "reporter_previewer", |
46 | 1x |
shiny::uiOutput(ns("pcards")) |
47 |
48 |
49 |
50 |
51 |
52 | ||
53 |
#' @rdname reporter_previewer
54 |
#' @export
55 |
reporter_previewer_srv <- function(id, |
56 |
57 |
global_knitr = getOption("teal.reporter.global_knitr"), |
58 |
rmd_output = c( |
59 |
"html" = "html_document", "pdf" = "pdf_document", |
60 |
"powerpoint" = "powerpoint_presentation", |
61 |
"word" = "word_document" |
62 |
63 |
rmd_yaml_args = list( |
64 |
author = "NEST", title = "Report", |
65 |
date = as.character(Sys.Date()), output = "html_document", |
66 |
toc = FALSE |
67 |
68 |
previewer_buttons = c("download", "load", "reset")) { |
69 | 12x |
checkmate::assert_subset(previewer_buttons, c("download", "load", "reset"), empty.ok = FALSE) |
70 | 12x |
checkmate::assert_true("download" %in% previewer_buttons) |
71 | 12x |
checkmate::assert_class(reporter, "Reporter") |
72 | 12x |
checkmate::assert_subset(names(global_knitr), names(knitr::opts_chunk$get())) |
73 | 12x |
checkmate::assert_subset( |
74 | 12x |
75 | 12x |
c( |
76 | 12x |
"html_document", "pdf_document", |
77 | 12x |
"powerpoint_presentation", "word_document" |
78 |
79 | 12x |
empty.ok = FALSE |
80 |
81 | 12x |
checkmate::assert_list(rmd_yaml_args, names = "named") |
82 | 12x |
checkmate::assert_names( |
83 | 12x |
names(rmd_yaml_args), |
84 | 12x |
subset.of = c("author", "title", "date", "output", "toc"), |
85 | 12x |
must.include = "output" |
86 |
87 | 10x |
checkmate::assert_true(rmd_yaml_args[["output"]] %in% rmd_output) |
88 | ||
89 | 9x |
shiny::moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) { |
90 | 9x |
shiny::setBookmarkExclude(c( |
91 | 9x |
"card_remove_id", "card_down_id", "card_up_id", "remove_card_ok", "showrcode", "download_data_prev", |
92 | 9x |
"load_reporter_previewer", "load_reporter" |
93 |
)) |
94 | ||
95 | 9x |
session$onBookmark(function(state) { |
96 | ! |
reporterdir <- file.path(state$dir, "reporter") |
97 | ! |
dir.create(reporterdir) |
98 | ! |
reporter$to_jsondir(reporterdir) |
99 |
}) |
100 | 9x |
session$onRestored(function(state) { |
101 | ! |
reporterdir <- file.path(state$dir, "reporter") |
102 | ! |
reporter$from_jsondir(reporterdir) |
103 |
}) |
104 | ||
105 | 9x |
ns <- session$ns |
106 | ||
107 | 9x |
reset_report_button_srv("resetButtonPreviewer", reporter) |
108 | ||
109 | 9x |
output$encoding <- shiny::renderUI({ |
110 | 7x |
reporter$get_reactive_add_card() |
111 | 7x |
nr_cards <- length(reporter$get_cards()) |
112 | ||
113 | 7x |
previewer_buttons_list <- list( |
114 | 7x |
download = htmltools::tagAppendAttributes( |
115 | 7x |
shiny::actionButton( |
116 | 7x |
ns("download_data_prev"), |
117 | 7x |
class = "teal-reporter simple_report_button", |
118 | 7x |
shiny::tags$span("Download Report", shiny::icon("download")) |
119 |
120 | 7x |
class = if (nr_cards) "" else "disabled" |
121 |
122 | 7x |
load = shiny::actionButton( |
123 | 7x |
ns("load_reporter_previewer"), |
124 | 7x |
class = "teal-reporter simple_report_button", |
125 | 7x |
`data-val` = shiny::restoreInput(id = ns("load_reporter_previewer"), default = NULL), |
126 | 7x |
shiny::tags$span( |
127 | 7x |
"Load Report", shiny::icon("upload") |
128 |
129 |
130 | 7x |
reset = reset_report_button_ui(ns("resetButtonPreviewer"), label = "Reset Report") |
131 |
132 | ||
133 | 7x |
shiny::tags$div( |
134 | 7x |
id = "previewer_reporter_encoding", |
135 | 7x |
shiny::tags$h3("Download the Report"), |
136 | 7x |
shiny::tags$hr(), |
137 | 7x |
reporter_download_inputs( |
138 | 7x |
rmd_yaml_args = rmd_yaml_args, |
139 | 7x |
rmd_output = rmd_output, |
140 | 7x |
showrcode = any_rcode_block(reporter), |
141 | 7x |
session = session |
142 |
143 | 7x |
shiny::tags$div( |
144 | 7x |
id = "previewer_reporter_buttons", |
145 | 7x |
class = "previewer_buttons_line", |
146 | 7x |
lapply(previewer_buttons_list[previewer_buttons], shiny::tags$div) |
147 |
148 |
149 |
}) |
150 | ||
151 | 9x |
output$pcards <- shiny::renderUI({ |
152 | 9x |
reporter$get_reactive_add_card() |
153 | 9x |
input$card_remove_id |
154 | 9x |
input$card_down_id |
155 | 9x |
input$card_up_id |
156 | ||
157 | 9x |
cards <- reporter$get_cards() |
158 | ||
159 | 9x |
if (length(cards)) { |
160 | 8x |
shiny::tags$div( |
161 | 8x |
class = "panel-group accordion", |
162 | 8x |
id = "reporter_previewer_panel", |
163 | 8x |
lapply(seq_along(cards), function(ic) { |
164 | 14x |
previewer_collapse_item(ic, cards[[ic]]$get_name(), cards[[ic]]$get_content()) |
165 |
}) |
166 |
167 |
} else { |
168 | 1x |
shiny::tags$div( |
169 | 1x |
id = "reporter_previewer_panel_no_cards", |
170 | 1x |
shiny::tags$p( |
171 | 1x |
class = "text-danger mt-4", |
172 | 1x |
shiny::tags$strong("No Cards added") |
173 |
174 |
175 |
176 |
}) |
177 | ||
178 | 9x |
shiny::observeEvent(input$load_reporter_previewer, { |
179 | ! |
nr_cards <- length(reporter$get_cards()) |
180 | ! |
shiny::showModal( |
181 | ! |
shiny::modalDialog( |
182 | ! |
easyClose = TRUE, |
183 | ! |
shiny::tags$h3("Load the Reporter"), |
184 | ! |
shiny::tags$hr(), |
185 | ! |
shiny::fileInput(ns("archiver_zip"), "Choose Reporter File to Load (a zip file)", |
186 | ! |
multiple = FALSE, |
187 | ! |
accept = c(".zip") |
188 |
189 | ! |
footer = shiny::div( |
190 | ! |
shiny::tags$button( |
191 | ! |
type = "button", |
192 | ! |
class = "btn btn-danger", |
193 | ! |
`data-dismiss` = "modal", |
194 | ! |
`data-bs-dismiss` = "modal", |
195 | ! |
196 | ! |
197 |
198 | ! |
shiny::tags$button( |
199 | ! |
id = ns("load_reporter"), |
200 | ! |
type = "button", |
201 | ! |
class = "btn btn-primary action-button", |
202 | ! |
`data-val` = shiny::restoreInput(id = ns("load_reporter"), default = NULL), |
203 | ! |
204 | ! |
205 |
206 |
207 |
208 |
209 |
}) |
210 | ||
211 | 9x |
shiny::observeEvent(input$load_reporter, { |
212 | ! |
switch("JSON", |
213 | ! |
JSON = load_json_report(reporter, input$archiver_zip[["datapath"]], input$archiver_zip[["name"]]), |
214 | ! |
stop("The provided Reporter file format is not supported") |
215 |
216 | ||
217 | ! |
shiny::removeModal() |
218 |
}) |
219 | ||
220 | 9x |
shiny::observeEvent(input$card_remove_id, { |
221 | 1x |
shiny::showModal( |
222 | 1x |
shiny::modalDialog( |
223 | 1x |
title = "Remove the Report Card", |
224 | 1x |
shiny::tags$p( |
225 | 1x |
shiny::HTML( |
226 | 1x |
sprintf( |
227 | 1x |
"Do you really want to remove <strong>the card %s</strong> from the Report?",
228 | 1x |
input$card_remove_id |
229 |
230 |
231 |
232 | 1x |
footer = shiny::tagList( |
233 | 1x |
shiny::tags$button( |
234 | 1x |
type = "button", |
235 | 1x |
class = "btn btn-secondary", |
236 | 1x |
`data-dismiss` = "modal", |
237 | 1x |
`data-bs-dismiss` = "modal", |
238 | 1x |
239 | 1x |
240 |
241 | 1x |
shiny::actionButton(ns("remove_card_ok"), "OK", class = "btn-danger") |
242 |
243 |
244 |
245 |
}) |
246 | ||
247 | 9x |
shiny::observeEvent(input$remove_card_ok, { |
248 | 1x |
reporter$remove_cards(input$card_remove_id) |
249 | 1x |
shiny::removeModal() |
250 |
}) |
251 | ||
252 | 9x |
shiny::observeEvent(input$card_up_id, { |
253 | 3x |
if (input$card_up_id > 1) { |
254 | 2x |
reporter$swap_cards( |
255 | 2x |
as.integer(input$card_up_id), |
256 | 2x |
as.integer(input$card_up_id - 1) |
257 |
258 |
259 |
}) |
260 | ||
261 | 9x |
shiny::observeEvent(input$card_down_id, { |
262 | 3x |
if (input$card_down_id < length(reporter$get_cards())) { |
263 | 2x |
reporter$swap_cards( |
264 | 2x |
as.integer(input$card_down_id), |
265 | 2x |
as.integer(input$card_down_id + 1) |
266 |
267 |
268 |
}) |
269 | ||
270 | 9x |
output$download_data_prev <- shiny::downloadHandler( |
271 | 9x |
filename = function() { |
272 | 1x |
paste0( |
273 | 1x |
274 | 1x |
if (reporter$get_id() == "") NULL else paste0(reporter$get_id(), "_"), |
275 | 1x |
format(Sys.time(), "%y%m%d%H%M%S"), |
276 | 1x |
277 |
278 |
279 | 9x |
content = function(file) { |
280 | 1x |
shiny::showNotification("Rendering and Downloading the document.") |
281 | 1x |
shinybusy::block(id = ns("download_data_prev"), text = "", type = "dots") |
282 | 1x |
input_list <- lapply(names(rmd_yaml_args), function(x) input[[x]]) |
283 | 1x |
names(input_list) <- names(rmd_yaml_args) |
284 | ! |
if (is.logical(input$showrcode)) global_knitr[["echo"]] <- input$showrcode |
285 | 1x |
report_render_and_compress(reporter, input_list, global_knitr, file) |
286 | 1x |
shinybusy::unblock(id = ns("download_data_prev")) |
287 |
288 | 9x |
contentType = "application/zip" |
289 |
290 |
}) |
291 |
292 | ||
293 |
#' @noRd
294 |
#' @keywords internal
295 |
block_to_html <- function(b) { |
296 | 42x |
b_content <- b$get_content() |
297 | 42x |
if (inherits(b, "TextBlock")) { |
298 | 28x |
switch(b$get_style(), |
299 | ! |
header1 = shiny::tags$h1(b_content), |
300 | 28x |
header2 = shiny::tags$h2(b_content), |
301 | ! |
header3 = shiny::tags$h3(b_content), |
302 | ! |
header4 = shiny::tags$h4(b_content), |
303 | ! |
verbatim = shiny::tags$pre(b_content), |
304 | ! |
shiny::tags$pre(b_content) |
305 |
306 | 14x |
} else if (inherits(b, "RcodeBlock")) { |
307 | ! |
panel_item("R Code", shiny::tags$pre(b_content)) |
308 | 14x |
} else if (inherits(b, "PictureBlock")) { |
309 | 14x |
shiny::tags$img(src = knitr::image_uri(b_content)) |
310 | ! |
} else if (inherits(b, "TableBlock")) { |
311 | ! |
b_table <- readRDS(b_content) |
312 | ! |
shiny::tags$pre( |
313 | ! |
flextable::htmltools_value(b_table) |
314 |
315 | ! |
} else if (inherits(b, "NewpageBlock")) { |
316 | ! |
shiny::tags$br() |
317 | ! |
} else if (inherits(b, "HTMLBlock")) { |
318 | ! |
319 |
} else { |
320 | ! |
stop("Unknown block class") |
321 |
322 |
323 | ||
324 |
#' @noRd
325 |
#' @keywords internal
326 |
add_previewer_css <- function() { |
327 | 1x |
shiny::tagList( |
328 | 1x |
shiny::singleton( |
329 | 1x |
shiny::tags$head(shiny::includeCSS(system.file("css/Previewer.css", package = "teal.reporter"))) |
330 |
331 | 1x |
shiny::singleton( |
332 | 1x |
shiny::tags$head(shiny::includeCSS(system.file("css/custom.css", package = "teal.reporter"))) |
333 |
334 |
335 |
336 | ||
337 |
#' @noRd
338 |
#' @keywords internal
339 |
add_previewer_js <- function(ns) { |
340 | 1x |
shiny::singleton( |
341 | 1x |
shiny::tags$head(shiny::tags$script( |
342 | 1x |
shiny::HTML(sprintf(' |
343 | 1x |
$(document).ready(function(event) { |
344 | 1x |
$("body").on("click", "span.card_remove_id", function() { |
345 | 1x |
let val = $(this).data("cardid"); |
346 | 1x |
Shiny.setInputValue("%s", val, {priority: "event"}); |
347 |
}); |
348 | ||
349 | 1x |
$("body").on("click", "span.card_up_id", function() { |
350 | 1x |
let val = $(this).data("cardid"); |
351 | 1x |
Shiny.setInputValue("%s", val, {priority: "event"}); |
352 |
}); |
353 | ||
354 | 1x |
$("body").on("click", "span.card_down_id", function() { |
355 | 1x |
let val = $(this).data("cardid"); |
356 | 1x |
Shiny.setInputValue("%s", val, {priority: "event"}); |
357 |
}); |
358 |
}); |
359 | 1x |
', ns("card_remove_id"), ns("card_up_id"), ns("card_down_id"))) |
360 |
)) |
361 |
362 |
363 | ||
364 |
#' @noRd
365 |
#' @keywords internal
366 |
nav_previewer_icon <- function(name, icon_name, idx, size = 1L) { |
367 | 42x |
checkmate::assert_string(name) |
368 | 42x |
checkmate::assert_string(icon_name) |
369 | 42x |
checkmate::assert_int(size) |
370 | ||
371 | 42x |
shiny::tags$span( |
372 | 42x |
class = paste(name, "icon_previewer"), |
373 |
# data field needed to record clicked card on the js side
374 | 42x |
`data-cardid` = idx, |
375 | 42x |
shiny::icon(icon_name, sprintf("fa-%sx", size)) |
376 |
377 |
378 | ||
379 |
#' @noRd
380 |
#' @keywords internal
381 |
nav_previewer_icons <- function(idx, size = 1L) { |
382 | 14x |
shiny::tags$span( |
383 | 14x |
class = "preview_card_control", |
384 | 14x |
nav_previewer_icon(name = "card_remove_id", icon_name = "xmark", idx = idx, size = size), |
385 | 14x |
nav_previewer_icon(name = "card_up_id", icon_name = "arrow-up", idx = idx, size = size), |
386 | 14x |
nav_previewer_icon(name = "card_down_id", icon_name = "arrow-down", idx = idx, size = size) |
387 |
388 |
389 | ||
390 |
#' @noRd
391 |
#' @keywords internal
392 |
previewer_collapse_item <- function(idx, card_name, card_blocks) { |
393 | 14x |
shiny::tags$div(.renderHook = function(x) { |
394 |
# get bs version
395 | 14x |
version <- get_bs_version() |
396 | ||
397 | 14x |
if (version == "3") { |
398 | 14x |
shiny::tags$div( |
399 | 14x |
id = paste0("panel_card_", idx), |
400 | 14x |
class = "panel panel-default", |
401 | 14x |
shiny::tags$div( |
402 | 14x |
class = "panel-heading overflow-auto", |
403 | 14x |
shiny::tags$div( |
404 | 14x |
class = "panel-title", |
405 | 14x |
shiny::tags$span( |
406 | 14x |
nav_previewer_icons(idx = idx), |
407 | 14x |
shiny::tags$a( |
408 | 14x |
class = "accordion-toggle block py-3 px-4 -my-3 -mx-4", |
409 | 14x |
`data-toggle` = "collapse", |
410 | 14x |
`data-parent` = "#reporter_previewer_panel", |
411 | 14x |
href = paste0("#collapse", idx), |
412 | 14x |
shiny::tags$h4(paste0("Card ", idx, ": ", card_name), shiny::icon("caret-down")) |
413 |
414 |
415 |
416 |
417 | 14x |
shiny::tags$div( |
418 | 14x |
id = paste0("collapse", idx), class = "collapse out", |
419 | 14x |
shiny::tags$div( |
420 | 14x |
class = "panel-body", |
421 | 14x |
shiny::tags$div( |
422 | 14x |
id = paste0("card", idx), |
423 | 14x |
lapply( |
424 | 14x |
425 | 14x |
function(b) { |
426 | 42x |
block_to_html(b) |
427 |
428 |
429 |
430 |
431 |
432 |
433 |
} else { |
434 | ! |
shiny::tags$div( |
435 | ! |
id = paste0("panel_card_", idx), |
436 | ! |
class = "card", |
437 | ! |
shiny::tags$div( |
438 | ! |
class = "overflow-auto", |
439 | ! |
shiny::tags$div( |
440 | ! |
class = "card-header", |
441 | ! |
shiny::tags$span( |
442 | ! |
nav_previewer_icons(idx = idx), |
443 | ! |
shiny::tags$a( |
444 | ! |
class = "accordion-toggle block py-3 px-4 -my-3 -mx-4", |
445 |
# bs4
446 | ! |
`data-toggle` = "collapse", |
447 |
# bs5
448 | ! |
`data-bs-toggle` = "collapse", |
449 | ! |
href = paste0("#collapse", idx), |
450 | ! |
shiny::tags$h4( |
451 | ! |
paste0("Card ", idx, ": ", card_name), |
452 | ! |
shiny::icon("caret-down") |
453 |
454 |
455 |
456 |
457 |
458 | ! |
shiny::tags$div( |
459 | ! |
id = paste0("collapse", idx), |
460 | ! |
class = "collapse out", |
461 |
# bs4
462 | ! |
`data-parent` = "#reporter_previewer_panel", |
463 |
# bs5
464 | ! |
`data-bs-parent` = "#reporter_previewer_panel", |
465 | ! |
shiny::tags$div( |
466 | ! |
class = "card-body", |
467 | ! |
shiny::tags$div( |
468 | ! |
id = paste0("card", idx), |
469 | ! |
lapply( |
470 | ! |
471 | ! |
function(b) { |
472 | ! |
block_to_html(b) |
473 |
474 |
475 |
476 |
477 |
478 |
479 |
480 |
}) |
481 |
1 |
#' Reset report button module
2 |
3 |
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")`
4 |
5 |
#' Provides a button that triggers resetting the report content.
6 |
7 |
#' For more information, refer to the vignette: `vignette("simpleReporter", "teal.reporter")`.
8 |
9 |
#' @name reset_report_button
10 |
11 |
#' @param id (`character(1)`) `shiny` module instance id.
12 |
#' @param label (`character(1)`) label before the icon.
13 |
#' By default `NULL`.
14 |
#' @param reporter (`Reporter`) instance.
15 |
#' @return `NULL`.
16 |
17 | ||
18 |
#' @rdname reset_report_button
19 |
#' @export
20 |
reset_report_button_ui <- function(id, label = NULL) { |
21 | 8x |
checkmate::assert_string(label, null.ok = TRUE) |
22 | ||
23 | 8x |
ns <- shiny::NS(id) |
24 | 8x |
shiny::tagList( |
25 | 8x |
shiny::singleton( |
26 | 8x |
shiny::tags$head(shiny::includeCSS(system.file("css/custom.css", package = "teal.reporter"))) |
27 |
28 | 8x |
shiny::actionButton( |
29 | 8x |
ns("reset_reporter"), |
30 | 8x |
class = "teal-reporter simple_report_button clear-report btn-warning", |
31 | 8x |
title = "Reset", |
32 | 8x |
`data-val` = shiny::restoreInput(id = ns("reset_reporter"), default = NULL), |
33 | 8x |
shiny::tags$span( |
34 | 8x |
if (!is.null(label)) label, |
35 | 8x |
shiny::icon("xmark") |
36 |
37 |
38 |
39 |
40 | ||
41 |
#' @rdname reset_report_button
42 |
#' @export
43 |
reset_report_button_srv <- function(id, reporter) { |
44 | 12x |
checkmate::assert_class(reporter, "Reporter") |
45 | ||
46 | 12x |
shiny::moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) { |
47 | 12x |
shiny::setBookmarkExclude(c("reset_reporter")) |
48 | ||
49 | 12x |
ns <- session$ns |
50 | 12x |
nr_cards <- length(reporter$get_cards()) |
51 | ||
52 | ||
53 | 12x |
shiny::observeEvent(input$reset_reporter, { |
54 | 1x |
shiny::tags$div( |
55 | 1x |
class = "teal-widgets reporter-modal", |
56 | 1x |
shiny::showModal( |
57 | 1x |
shiny::modalDialog( |
58 | 1x |
shiny::tags$h3("Reset the Report"), |
59 | 1x |
shiny::tags$hr(), |
60 | 1x |
shiny::tags$strong( |
61 | 1x |
shiny::tags$p( |
62 | 1x |
"Are you sure you want to reset the report? (This will remove ALL previously added cards)."
63 |
64 |
65 | 1x |
footer = shiny::tagList( |
66 | 1x |
shiny::tags$button( |
67 | 1x |
type = "button", |
68 | 1x |
class = "btn btn-secondary", |
69 | 1x |
`data-dismiss` = "modal", |
70 | 1x |
`data-bs-dismiss` = "modal", |
71 | 1x |
72 | 1x |
73 |
74 | 1x |
shiny::actionButton(ns("reset_reporter_ok"), "Reset", class = "btn-danger") |
75 |
76 |
77 |
78 |
79 |
}) |
80 | ||
81 | 12x |
shiny::observeEvent(input$reset_reporter_ok, { |
82 | 1x |
reporter$reset() |
83 | 1x |
shiny::removeModal() |
84 |
}) |
85 |
}) |
86 |
1 |
#' @title `RcodeBlock`
2 |
#' @docType class
3 |
#' @description
4 |
#' Specialized `ContentBlock` designed to embed `R` code in reports.
5 |
6 |
#' @keywords internal
7 |
RcodeBlock <- R6::R6Class( # nolint: object_name_linter. |
8 |
classname = "RcodeBlock", |
9 |
inherit = ContentBlock, |
10 |
public = list( |
11 |
#' @description Initialize a `RcodeBlock` object.
12 |
13 |
#' @details Returns a `RcodeBlock` object with no content and no parameters.
14 |
15 |
#' @param content (`character(1)` or `character(0)`) a string assigned to this `RcodeBlock`
16 |
#' @param ... any `rmarkdown` `R` chunk parameter and it value.
17 |
18 |
#' @return Object of class `RcodeBlock`, invisibly.
19 |
#' @examples
20 |
#' RcodeBlock <- getFromNamespace("RcodeBlock", "teal.reporter")
21 |
#' block <- RcodeBlock$new()
22 |
23 |
initialize = function(content = character(0), ...) { |
24 | 75x |
checkmate::assert_class(content, "character") |
25 | 75x |
super$set_content(content) |
26 | 75x |
self$set_params(list(...)) |
27 | 75x |
invisible(self) |
28 |
29 |
#' @description Sets content of this `RcodeBlock`.
30 |
31 |
#' @param content (`any`) R object
32 |
33 |
#' @return `self`, invisibly.
34 |
#' @examples
35 |
#' RcodeBlock <- getFromNamespace("RcodeBlock", "teal.reporter")
36 |
#' block <- RcodeBlock$new()
37 |
#' block$set_content("a <- 1")
38 |
39 |
set_content = function(content) { |
40 | 11x |
checkmate::assert_string(content) |
41 | 10x |
super$set_content(content) |
42 |
43 |
#' @description Sets the parameters of this `RcodeBlock`.
44 |
45 |
#' @details Configures `rmarkdown` chunk parameters for the `R` code block,
46 |
#' influencing its rendering and execution behavior.
47 |
48 |
#' @param params (`list`) any `rmarkdown` R chunk parameter and its value.
49 |
50 |
#' @return `self`, invisibly.
51 |
#' @examples
52 |
#' RcodeBlock <- getFromNamespace("RcodeBlock", "teal.reporter")
53 |
#' block <- RcodeBlock$new()
54 |
#' block$set_params(list(echo = TRUE))
55 |
56 |
set_params = function(params) { |
57 | 133x |
checkmate::assert_list(params, names = "named") |
58 | 133x |
checkmate::assert_subset(names(params), self$get_available_params()) |
59 | 133x |
private$params <- params |
60 | 133x |
invisible(self) |
61 |
62 |
#' @description Get the parameters of this `RcodeBlock`.
63 |
64 |
#' @return `character` the parameters of this `RcodeBlock`.
65 |
#' @examples
66 |
#' RcodeBlock <- getFromNamespace("RcodeBlock", "teal.reporter")
67 |
#' block <- RcodeBlock$new()
68 |
#' block$get_params()
69 |
70 |
get_params = function() { |
71 | 3x |
private$params |
72 |
73 |
#' @description Get available array of parameters available to this `RcodeBlock`.
74 |
75 |
#' @return A `character` array of parameters.
76 |
#' @examples
77 |
#' RcodeBlock <- getFromNamespace("RcodeBlock", "teal.reporter")
78 |
#' block <- RcodeBlock$new()
79 |
#' block$get_available_params()
80 |
81 |
get_available_params = function() { |
82 | 5x |
names(knitr::opts_chunk$get()) |
83 |
84 |
#' @description Create the `RcodeBlock` from a list.
85 |
86 |
#' @param x (`named list`) with two fields `text` and `params`.
87 |
#' Use the `get_available_params` method to get all possible parameters.
88 |
89 |
#' @return `self`, invisibly.
90 |
#' @examples
91 |
#' RcodeBlock <- getFromNamespace("RcodeBlock", "teal.reporter")
92 |
#' block <- RcodeBlock$new()
93 |
#' block$from_list(list(text = "sth", params = list()))
94 |
95 |
from_list = function(x) { |
96 | 3x |
checkmate::assert_list(x) |
97 | 3x |
checkmate::assert_names(names(x), must.include = c("text", "params")) |
98 | 3x |
self$set_content(x$text) |
99 | 3x |
self$set_params(x$params) |
100 | 3x |
invisible(self) |
101 |
102 |
#' @description Convert the `RcodeBlock` to a list.
103 |
104 |
#' @return `named list` with a text and `params`.
105 |
#' @examples
106 |
#' RcodeBlock <- getFromNamespace("RcodeBlock", "teal.reporter")
107 |
#' block <- RcodeBlock$new()
108 |
#' block$to_list()
109 |
110 |
to_list = function() { |
111 | 3x |
list(text = self$get_content(), params = self$get_params()) |
112 |
113 |
114 |
private = list( |
115 |
content = character(0), |
116 |
params = list() |
117 |
118 |
lock_objects = TRUE, |
119 |
lock_class = TRUE |
120 |
1 |
#' @title `Reporter`: An `R6` class for managing report cards
2 |
#' @docType class
3 |
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")`
4 |
5 |
#' This `R6` class is designed to store and manage report cards,
6 |
#' facilitating the creation, manipulation, and serialization of report-related data.
7 |
8 |
#' @export
9 |
10 |
Reporter <- R6::R6Class( # nolint: object_name_linter. |
11 |
classname = "Reporter", |
12 |
public = list( |
13 |
#' @description Initialize a `Reporter` object.
14 |
15 |
#' @return Object of class `Reporter`, invisibly.
16 |
#' @examples
17 |
#' reporter <- Reporter$new()
18 |
19 |
initialize = function() { |
20 | 38x |
private$cards <- list() |
21 | 38x |
private$reactive_add_card <- shiny::reactiveVal(0) |
22 | 38x |
invisible(self) |
23 |
24 |
#' @description Append one or more `ReportCard` objects to the `Reporter`.
25 |
26 |
#' @param cards (`ReportCard`) or a list of such objects
27 |
#' @return `self`, invisibly.
28 |
#' @examplesIf require("ggplot2")
29 |
#' library(ggplot2)
30 |
#' library(rtables)
31 |
32 |
#' card1 <- ReportCard$new()
33 |
34 |
#' card1$append_text("Header 2 text", "header2")
35 |
#' card1$append_text("A paragraph of default text")
36 |
#' card1$append_plot(
37 |
#' ggplot(iris, aes(x = Petal.Length)) + geom_histogram()
38 |
#' )
39 |
40 |
#' card2 <- ReportCard$new()
41 |
42 |
#' card2$append_text("Header 2 text", "header2")
43 |
#' card2$append_text("A paragraph of default text")
44 |
#' lyt <- analyze(split_rows_by(basic_table(), "Day"), "Ozone", afun = mean)
45 |
#' table_res2 <- build_table(lyt, airquality)
46 |
#' card2$append_table(table_res2)
47 |
48 |
#' reporter <- Reporter$new()
49 |
#' reporter$append_cards(list(card1, card2))
50 |
append_cards = function(cards) { |
51 | 36x |
checkmate::assert_list(cards, "ReportCard") |
52 | 36x |
private$cards <- append(private$cards, cards) |
53 | 36x |
private$reactive_add_card(length(private$cards)) |
54 | 36x |
invisible(self) |
55 |
56 |
#' @description Retrieves all `ReportCard` objects contained in the `Reporter`.
57 |
58 |
#' @return A (`list`) of [`ReportCard`] objects.
59 |
#' @examplesIf require("ggplot2")
60 |
#' library(ggplot2)
61 |
#' library(rtables)
62 |
63 |
#' card1 <- ReportCard$new()
64 |
65 |
#' card1$append_text("Header 2 text", "header2")
66 |
#' card1$append_text("A paragraph of default text")
67 |
#' card1$append_plot(
68 |
#' ggplot(iris, aes(x = Petal.Length)) + geom_histogram()
69 |
#' )
70 |
71 |
#' card2 <- ReportCard$new()
72 |
73 |
#' card2$append_text("Header 2 text", "header2")
74 |
#' card2$append_text("A paragraph of default text")
75 |
#' lyt <- analyze(split_rows_by(basic_table(), "Day"), "Ozone", afun = mean)
76 |
#' table_res2 <- build_table(lyt, airquality)
77 |
#' card2$append_table(table_res2)
78 |
79 |
#' reporter <- Reporter$new()
80 |
#' reporter$append_cards(list(card1, card2))
81 |
#' reporter$get_cards()
82 |
get_cards = function() { |
83 | 79x |
private$cards |
84 |
85 |
#' @description Compiles and returns all content blocks from the [`ReportCard`] in the `Reporter`.
86 |
87 |
#' @param sep An optional separator to insert between each content block.
88 |
#' Default is a `NewpageBlock$new()`object.
89 |
#' @return `list()` list of `TableBlock`, `TextBlock`, `PictureBlock` and `NewpageBlock`.
90 |
#' @examplesIf require("ggplot2")
91 |
#' library(ggplot2)
92 |
#' library(rtables)
93 |
94 |
#' card1 <- ReportCard$new()
95 |
96 |
#' card1$append_text("Header 2 text", "header2")
97 |
#' card1$append_text("A paragraph of default text")
98 |
#' card1$append_plot(
99 |
#' ggplot(iris, aes(x = Petal.Length)) + geom_histogram()
100 |
#' )
101 |
102 |
#' card2 <- ReportCard$new()
103 |
104 |
#' card2$append_text("Header 2 text", "header2")
105 |
#' card2$append_text("A paragraph of default text")
106 |
#' lyt <- analyze(split_rows_by(basic_table(), "Day"), "Ozone", afun = mean)
107 |
#' table_res2 <- build_table(lyt, airquality)
108 |
#' card2$append_table(table_res2)
109 |
110 |
#' reporter <- Reporter$new()
111 |
#' reporter$append_cards(list(card1, card2))
112 |
#' reporter$get_blocks()
113 |
114 |
get_blocks = function(sep = NewpageBlock$new()) { |
115 | 38x |
blocks <- list() |
116 | 38x |
if (length(private$cards) > 0) { |
117 | 35x |
for (card_idx in head(seq_along(private$cards), -1)) { |
118 | 10x |
blocks <- append(blocks, append(private$cards[[card_idx]]$get_content(), sep)) |
119 |
120 | 35x |
blocks <- append(blocks, private$cards[[length(private$cards)]]$get_content()) |
121 |
122 | 38x |
123 |
124 |
#' @description Resets the `Reporter`, removing all [`ReportCard`] objects and metadata.
125 |
126 |
#' @return `self`, invisibly.
127 |
128 |
reset = function() { |
129 | 20x |
private$cards <- list() |
130 | 20x |
private$metadata <- list() |
131 | 20x |
private$reactive_add_card(0) |
132 | 20x |
invisible(self) |
133 |
134 |
#' @description Removes specific `ReportCard` objects from the `Reporter` by their indices.
135 |
136 |
#' @param ids (`integer(id)`) the indexes of cards
137 |
#' @return `self`, invisibly.
138 |
remove_cards = function(ids = NULL) { |
139 | 1x |
checkmate::assert( |
140 | 1x |
checkmate::check_null(ids), |
141 | 1x |
checkmate::check_integer(ids, min.len = 1, max.len = length(private$cards)) |
142 |
143 | 1x |
if (!is.null(ids)) { |
144 | 1x |
private$cards <- private$cards[-ids] |
145 |
146 | 1x |
private$reactive_add_card(length(private$cards)) |
147 | 1x |
invisible(self) |
148 |
149 |
#' @description Swaps the positions of two `ReportCard` objects within the `Reporter`.
150 |
151 |
#' @param start (`integer`) the index of the first card
152 |
#' @param end (`integer`) the index of the second card
153 |
#' @return `self`, invisibly.
154 |
swap_cards = function(start, end) { |
155 | 6x |
checkmate::assert( |
156 | 6x |
checkmate::check_integer(start, |
157 | 6x |
min.len = 1, max.len = 1, lower = 1, upper = length(private$cards) |
158 |
159 | 6x |
checkmate::check_integer(end, |
160 | 6x |
min.len = 1, max.len = 1, lower = 1, upper = length(private$cards) |
161 |
162 | 6x |
combine = "and" |
163 |
164 | 6x |
start_val <- private$cards[[start]]$clone() |
165 | 6x |
end_val <- private$cards[[end]]$clone() |
166 | 6x |
private$cards[[start]] <- end_val |
167 | 6x |
private$cards[[end]] <- start_val |
168 | 6x |
invisible(self) |
169 |
170 |
#' @description Gets the current value of the reactive variable for adding cards.
171 |
172 |
#' @return `reactive_add_card` current `numeric` value of the reactive variable.
173 |
#' @note The function has to be used in the shiny reactive context.
174 |
#' @examples
175 |
#' library(shiny)
176 |
177 |
#' isolate(Reporter$new()$get_reactive_add_card())
178 |
get_reactive_add_card = function() { |
179 | 23x |
private$reactive_add_card() |
180 |
181 |
#' @description Get the metadata associated with this `Reporter`.
182 |
183 |
#' @return `named list` of metadata to be appended.
184 |
#' @examples
185 |
#' reporter <- Reporter$new()$append_metadata(list(sth = "sth"))
186 |
#' reporter$get_metadata()
187 |
188 |
get_metadata = function() { |
189 | 23x |
private$metadata |
190 |
191 |
#' @description Appends metadata to this `Reporter`.
192 |
193 |
#' @param meta (`named list`) of metadata to be appended.
194 |
#' @return `self`, invisibly.
195 |
#' @examples
196 |
#' reporter <- Reporter$new()$append_metadata(list(sth = "sth"))
197 |
#' reporter$get_metadata()
198 |
199 |
append_metadata = function(meta) { |
200 | 20x |
checkmate::assert_list(meta, names = "unique") |
201 | 17x |
checkmate::assert_true(length(meta) == 0 || all(!names(meta) %in% names(private$metadata))) |
202 | 16x |
private$metadata <- append(private$metadata, meta) |
203 | 16x |
invisible(self) |
204 |
205 |
#' @description
206 |
#' Reinitializes a `Reporter` instance by copying the report cards and metadata from another `Reporter`.
207 |
#' @param reporter (`Reporter`) instance to copy from.
208 |
#' @return invisibly self
209 |
#' @examples
210 |
#' reporter <- Reporter$new()
211 |
#' reporter$from_reporter(reporter)
212 |
from_reporter = function(reporter) { |
213 | 8x |
checkmate::assert_class(reporter, "Reporter") |
214 | 8x |
self$reset() |
215 | 8x |
self$append_cards(reporter$get_cards()) |
216 | 8x |
self$append_metadata(reporter$get_metadata()) |
217 | 8x |
invisible(self) |
218 |
219 |
#' @description Convert a `Reporter` to a list and transfer any associated files to specified directory.
220 |
#' @param output_dir (`character(1)`) a path to the directory where files will be copied.
221 |
#' @return `named list` representing the `Reporter` instance, including version information,
222 |
#' metadata, and report cards.
223 |
#' @examples
224 |
#' reporter <- Reporter$new()
225 |
#' tmp_dir <- file.path(tempdir(), "testdir")
226 |
#' dir.create(tmp_dir)
227 |
#' reporter$to_list(tmp_dir)
228 |
to_list = function(output_dir) { |
229 | 14x |
checkmate::assert_directory_exists(output_dir) |
230 | 12x |
rlist <- list(name = "teal Reporter", version = "1", id = self$get_id(), cards = list()) |
231 | 12x |
rlist[["metadata"]] <- self$get_metadata() |
232 | 12x |
for (card in self$get_cards()) { |
233 |
# we want to have list names being a class names to indicate the class for $from_list
234 | 10x |
card_class <- class(card)[1] |
235 | 10x |
u_card <- list() |
236 | 10x |
u_card[[card_class]] <- card$to_list(output_dir) |
237 | 10x |
rlist$cards <- c(rlist$cards, u_card) |
238 |
239 | 12x |
240 |
241 |
#' @description Reinitializes a `Reporter` from a list representation and associated files in a specified directory.
242 |
#' @param rlist (`named list`) representing a `Reporter` instance.
243 |
#' @param output_dir (`character(1)`) a path to the directory from which files will be copied.
244 |
#' @return `self`, invisibly.
245 |
#' @note if Report has an id when converting to JSON then It will be compared to the currently available one.
246 |
#' @examples
247 |
#' reporter <- Reporter$new()
248 |
#' tmp_dir <- file.path(tempdir(), "testdir")
249 |
#' unlink(tmp_dir, recursive = TRUE)
250 |
#' dir.create(tmp_dir)
251 |
#' reporter$from_list(reporter$to_list(tmp_dir), tmp_dir)
252 |
from_list = function(rlist, output_dir) { |
253 | 6x |
id <- self$get_id() |
254 | 6x |
checkmate::assert_list(rlist) |
255 | 6x |
checkmate::assert_directory_exists(output_dir) |
256 | 6x |
stopifnot("Report JSON has to have name slot equal to teal Reporter" = rlist$name == "teal Reporter") |
257 | 6x |
stopifnot("Loaded Report id has to match the current instance one" = rlist$id == id) |
258 | 5x |
if (rlist$version %in% c("1")) { |
259 | 5x |
new_cards <- list() |
260 | 5x |
cards_names <- names(rlist$cards) |
261 | 5x |
cards_names <- gsub("[.][0-9]*$", "", cards_names) |
262 | 5x |
for (iter_c in seq_along(rlist$cards)) { |
263 | 5x |
card_class <- cards_names[iter_c] |
264 | 5x |
card <- rlist$cards[[iter_c]] |
265 | 5x |
new_card <- eval(str2lang(card_class))$new() |
266 | 5x |
new_card$from_list(card, output_dir) |
267 | 5x |
new_cards <- c(new_cards, new_card) |
268 |
269 |
} else { |
270 | ! |
stop( |
271 | ! |
sprintf( |
272 | ! |
"The provided %s reporter version is not supported.",
273 | ! |
rlist$version |
274 |
275 |
276 |
277 | 5x |
self$reset() |
278 | 5x |
self$set_id(rlist$id) |
279 | 5x |
self$append_cards(new_cards) |
280 | 5x |
self$append_metadata(rlist$metadata) |
281 | 5x |
invisible(self) |
282 |
283 |
#' @description Serializes the `Reporter` to a `JSON` file and copies any associated files to a specified directory.
284 |
#' @param output_dir (`character(1)`) a path to the directory where files will be copied, `JSON` and statics.
285 |
#' @return `output_dir` argument.
286 |
#' @examples
287 |
#' reporter <- Reporter$new()
288 |
#' tmp_dir <- file.path(tempdir(), "jsondir")
289 |
#' dir.create(tmp_dir)
290 |
#' reporter$to_jsondir(tmp_dir)
291 |
to_jsondir = function(output_dir) { |
292 | 11x |
checkmate::assert_directory_exists(output_dir) |
293 | 9x |
json <- self$to_list(output_dir) |
294 | 9x |
cat( |
295 | 9x |
jsonlite::toJSON(json, auto_unbox = TRUE, force = TRUE), |
296 | 9x |
file = file.path(output_dir, "Report.json") |
297 |
298 | 9x |
299 |
300 |
#' @description Reinitializes a `Reporter` from a `JSON ` file and files in a specified directory.
301 |
#' @param output_dir (`character(1)`) a path to the directory with files, `JSON` and statics.
302 |
#' @return `self`, invisibly.
303 |
#' @note if Report has an id when converting to JSON then It will be compared to the currently available one.
304 |
#' @examples
305 |
#' reporter <- Reporter$new()
306 |
#' tmp_dir <- file.path(tempdir(), "jsondir")
307 |
#' dir.create(tmp_dir)
308 |
#' unlink(list.files(tmp_dir, recursive = TRUE))
309 |
#' reporter$to_jsondir(tmp_dir)
310 |
#' reporter$from_jsondir(tmp_dir)
311 |
from_jsondir = function(output_dir) { |
312 | 4x |
checkmate::assert_directory_exists(output_dir) |
313 | 4x |
dir_files <- list.files(output_dir) |
314 | 4x |
stopifnot("There has to be at least one file in the loaded directory" = length(dir_files) > 0) |
315 | 4x |
stopifnot("Report.json file has to be in the loaded directory" = "Report.json" %in% basename(dir_files)) |
316 | 4x |
json <- jsonlite::read_json(file.path(output_dir, "Report.json")) |
317 | 4x |
self$reset() |
318 | 4x |
self$from_list(json, output_dir) |
319 | 3x |
invisible(self) |
320 |
321 |
#' @description Set the `Reporter` id
322 |
#' Optionally add id to a `Reporter` which will be compared when it is rebuilt from a list.
323 |
#' The id is added to the downloaded file name.
324 |
#' @param id (`character(1)`) a Report id.
325 |
#' @return `self`, invisibly.
326 |
set_id = function(id) { |
327 | 10x |
private$id <- id |
328 | 10x |
invisible(self) |
329 |
330 |
#' @description Get the `Reporter` id
331 |
#' @return `character(1)` the `Reporter` id.
332 |
get_id = function() { |
333 | 23x |
private$id |
334 |
335 |
336 |
private = list( |
337 |
id = "", |
338 |
cards = list(), |
339 |
metadata = list(), |
340 |
reactive_add_card = NULL, |
341 |
# @description The copy constructor.
342 |
343 |
# @param name the name of the field
344 |
# @param value the value of the field
345 |
# @return the new value of the field
346 |
347 |
deep_clone = function(name, value) { |
348 | 23x |
if (name == "cards") { |
349 | 1x |
lapply(value, function(card) card$clone(deep = TRUE)) |
350 |
} else { |
351 | 22x |
352 |
353 |
354 |
355 |
lock_objects = TRUE, |
356 |
lock_class = TRUE |
357 |
1 |
#' Mark strings for quotation in `yaml` serialization
2 |
3 |
#' This function is designed for use with the `yaml` package to explicitly,
4 |
#' It adds an attribute to character strings, indicating that they should be serialized with double quotes.
5 |
6 |
#' @param x (`character`)
7 |
#' @keywords internal
8 |
#' @examples
9 |
#' library(yaml)
10 |
#' yaml_quoted <- getFromNamespace("yaml_quoted", "teal.reporter")
11 |
#' yaml <- list(
12 |
#' author = yaml_quoted("NEST"),
13 |
#' title = yaml_quoted("Report"),
14 |
#' date = yaml_quoted("07/04/2019"),
15 |
#' output = list(pdf_document = list(keep_tex = TRUE))
16 |
#' )
17 |
#' as.yaml(yaml)
18 |
yaml_quoted <- function(x) { |
19 | 2x |
attr(x, "quoted") <- TRUE |
20 | 2x |
21 |
22 | ||
23 |
#' Create `markdown` header from `yaml` string
24 |
25 |
#' This function wraps a `yaml`-formatted string in Markdown header delimiters.
26 |
27 |
#' @param x (`character`) `yaml` formatted string.
28 |
#' @keywords internal
29 |
#' @examples
30 |
#' library(yaml)
31 |
#' yaml_quoted <- getFromNamespace("yaml_quoted", "teal.reporter")
32 |
#' yaml <- list(
33 |
#' author = yaml_quoted("NEST"),
34 |
#' title = yaml_quoted("Report"),
35 |
#' date = yaml_quoted("07/04/2019"),
36 |
#' output = list(pdf_document = list(keep_tex = TRUE))
37 |
#' )
38 |
#' md_header <- getFromNamespace("md_header", "teal.reporter")
39 |
#' md_header(as.yaml(yaml))
40 |
md_header <- function(x) { |
41 | 14x |
paste0("---\n", x, "---\n") |
42 |
43 | ||
44 |
#' Convert `yaml` representation of a boolean strings to logical Values
45 |
46 |
#' Converts a single `character` string representing a `yaml` boolean value into a logical value in `R`.
47 |
48 |
#' @param input (`character(1)`)
49 |
#' @param name (`charcter(1)`)
50 |
#' @param pos_logi (`character`) vector of `yaml` values which should be treated as `TRUE`.
51 |
#' @param neg_logi (`character`) vector of `yaml` values which should be treated as `FALSE`.
52 |
#' @param silent (`logical(1)`) if to suppress the messages and warnings.
53 |
#' @return `input` argument or the appropriate `logical` value.
54 |
#' @keywords internal
55 |
#' @examples
56 |
#' conv_str_logi <- getFromNamespace("conv_str_logi", "teal.reporter")
57 |
#' conv_str_logi("TRUE")
58 |
#' conv_str_logi("True")
59 |
60 |
#' conv_str_logi("off")
61 |
#' conv_str_logi("n")
62 |
63 |
#' conv_str_logi("sth")
64 |
conv_str_logi <- function(input, |
65 |
name = "", |
66 |
pos_logi = c("TRUE", "true", "True", "yes", "y", "Y", "on"), |
67 |
neg_logi = c("FALSE", "false", "False", "no", "n", "N", "off"), |
68 |
silent = TRUE) { |
69 | 18x |
checkmate::assert_string(input) |
70 | 17x |
checkmate::assert_string(name) |
71 | 17x |
checkmate::assert_character(pos_logi) |
72 | 17x |
checkmate::assert_character(neg_logi) |
73 | 17x |
checkmate::assert_flag(silent) |
74 | ||
75 | 17x |
all_logi <- c(pos_logi, neg_logi) |
76 | 17x |
if (input %in% all_logi) { |
77 | 15x |
if (isFALSE(silent)) { |
78 | ! |
message(sprintf("The '%s' value should be a logical, so it is automatically converted.", input)) |
79 |
80 | 15x |
input %in% pos_logi |
81 |
} else { |
82 | 2x |
83 |
84 |
85 | ||
86 |
#' Get document output types from the `rmarkdown` package
87 |
88 |
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")`
89 |
90 |
#' Retrieves vector of available document output types from the `rmarkdown` package,
91 |
#' such as `pdf_document`, `html_document`, etc.
92 |
93 |
#' @return `character` vector.
94 |
#' @export
95 |
#' @examples
96 |
#' rmd_outputs()
97 |
rmd_outputs <- function() { |
98 | 18x |
rmarkdown_namespace <- asNamespace("rmarkdown") |
99 | 18x |
ls(rmarkdown_namespace)[grep("_document|_presentation", ls(rmarkdown_namespace))] |
100 |
101 | ||
102 |
#' Get document output arguments from the `rmarkdown` package
103 |
104 |
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")`
105 |
106 |
#' Retrieves the arguments for a specified document output type from the `rmarkdown` package.
107 |
108 |
#' @param output_name (`character`) `rmarkdown` output name.
109 |
#' @param default_values (`logical(1)`) if to return a default values for each argument.
110 |
#' @export
111 |
#' @examples
112 |
#' rmd_output_arguments("pdf_document")
113 |
#' rmd_output_arguments("pdf_document", TRUE)
114 |
rmd_output_arguments <- function(output_name, default_values = FALSE) { |
115 | 17x |
checkmate::assert_string(output_name) |
116 | 17x |
checkmate::assert_subset(output_name, rmd_outputs()) |
117 | ||
118 | 16x |
rmarkdown_namespace <- asNamespace("rmarkdown") |
119 | 16x |
if (default_values) { |
120 | 14x |
formals(rmarkdown_namespace[[output_name]]) |
121 |
} else { |
122 | 2x |
names(formals(rmarkdown_namespace[[output_name]])) |
123 |
124 |
125 | ||
126 |
#' Parse a named list to `yaml` header for an `Rmd` file
127 |
128 |
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")`
129 |
130 |
#' Converts a named list into a `yaml` header for `Rmd`, handling output types and arguments
131 |
#' as defined in the `rmarkdown` package. This function simplifies the process of generating `yaml` headers.
132 |
133 |
#' @details
134 |
#' This function processes a non-nested (flat) named list into a `yaml` header for an `Rmd` document.
135 |
#' It supports all standard `Rmd` `yaml` header fields, including `author`, `date`, `title`, `subtitle`,
136 |
#' `abstract`, `keywords`, `subject`, `description`, `category`, and `lang`.
137 |
#' Additionally, it handles `output` field types and arguments as defined in the `rmarkdown` package.
138 |
139 |
#' @note Only non-nested lists are automatically parsed.
140 |
#' Nested lists require direct processing with `yaml::as.yaml`.
141 |
142 |
#' @param input_list (`named list`) non nested with slots names and their values compatible with `Rmd` `yaml` header.
143 |
#' @param as_header (`logical(1)`) optionally wrap with result with the internal `md_header()`, default `TRUE`.
144 |
#' @param convert_logi (`logical(1)`) convert a character values to logical,
145 |
#' if they are recognized as quoted `yaml` logical values , default `TRUE`.
146 |
#' @param multi_output (`logical(1)`) multi `output` slots in the `input` argument, default `FALSE`.
147 |
#' @param silent (`logical(1)`) suppress messages and warnings, default `FALSE`.
148 |
#' @return `character` with `rmd_yaml_header` class,
149 |
#' result of [`yaml::as.yaml`], optionally wrapped with internal `md_header()`.
150 |
#' @export
151 |
#' @examples
152 |
#' # nested so using yaml::as.yaml directly
153 |
#' as_yaml_auto(
154 |
#' list(author = "", output = list(pdf_document = list(toc = TRUE)))
155 |
#' )
156 |
157 |
#' # auto parsing for a flat list, like shiny input
158 |
#' input <- list(author = "", output = "pdf_document", toc = TRUE, keep_tex = TRUE)
159 |
#' as_yaml_auto(input)
160 |
161 |
#' as_yaml_auto(list(author = "", output = "pdf_document", toc = TRUE, keep_tex = "TRUE"))
162 |
163 |
#' as_yaml_auto(list(
164 |
#' author = "", output = "pdf_document", toc = TRUE, keep_tex = TRUE,
165 |
#' wrong = 2
166 |
#' ))
167 |
168 |
#' as_yaml_auto(list(author = "", output = "pdf_document", toc = TRUE, keep_tex = 2),
169 |
#' silent = TRUE
170 |
#' )
171 |
172 |
#' input <- list(author = "", output = "pdf_document", toc = TRUE, keep_tex = "True")
173 |
#' as_yaml_auto(input)
174 |
#' as_yaml_auto(input, convert_logi = TRUE, silent = TRUE)
175 |
#' as_yaml_auto(input, silent = TRUE)
176 |
#' as_yaml_auto(input, convert_logi = FALSE, silent = TRUE)
177 |
178 |
#' as_yaml_auto(
179 |
#' list(
180 |
#' author = "", output = "pdf_document",
181 |
#' output = "html_document", toc = TRUE, keep_tex = TRUE
182 |
#' ),
183 |
#' multi_output = TRUE
184 |
#' )
185 |
#' as_yaml_auto(
186 |
#' list(
187 |
#' author = "", output = "pdf_document",
188 |
#' output = "html_document", toc = "True", keep_tex = TRUE
189 |
#' ),
190 |
#' multi_output = TRUE
191 |
#' )
192 |
as_yaml_auto <- function(input_list, |
193 |
as_header = TRUE, |
194 |
convert_logi = TRUE, |
195 |
multi_output = FALSE, |
196 |
silent = FALSE) { |
197 | 16x |
checkmate::assert_logical(as_header) |
198 | 16x |
checkmate::assert_logical(convert_logi) |
199 | 16x |
checkmate::assert_logical(silent) |
200 | 16x |
checkmate::assert_logical(multi_output) |
201 | ||
202 | 16x |
if (multi_output) { |
203 | 1x |
checkmate::assert_list(input_list, names = "named") |
204 |
} else { |
205 | 15x |
checkmate::assert_list(input_list, names = "unique") |
206 |
207 | ||
208 | 13x |
is_nested <- function(x) any(unlist(lapply(x, is.list))) |
209 | 13x |
if (is_nested(input_list)) { |
210 | 2x |
result <- input_list |
211 |
} else { |
212 | 11x |
result <- list() |
213 | 11x |
input_nams <- names(input_list) |
214 | ||
215 |
# top fields
216 | 11x |
top_fields <- c( |
217 | 11x |
"author", "date", "title", "subtitle", "abstract", |
218 | 11x |
"keywords", "subject", "description", "category", "lang" |
219 |
220 | 11x |
for (itop in top_fields) { |
221 | 110x |
if (itop %in% input_nams) { |
222 | 20x |
result[[itop]] <- switch(itop, |
223 | 20x |
date = as.character(input_list[[itop]]), |
224 | 20x |
input_list[[itop]] |
225 |
226 |
227 |
228 | ||
229 |
# output field
230 | 11x |
doc_types <- unlist(input_list[input_nams == "output"]) |
231 | 11x |
if (length(doc_types)) { |
232 | 11x |
for (dtype in doc_types) { |
233 | 12x |
doc_type_args <- rmd_output_arguments(dtype, TRUE) |
234 | 12x |
doc_type_args_nams <- names(doc_type_args) |
235 | 12x |
any_output_arg <- any(input_nams %in% doc_type_args_nams) |
236 | ||
237 | 12x |
not_found_args <- setdiff(input_nams, c(doc_type_args_nams, top_fields, "output")) |
238 | 12x |
if (isFALSE(silent) && length(not_found_args) > 0 && isFALSE(multi_output)) { |
239 | 1x |
warning(sprintf("Not recognized and skipped arguments: %s", paste(not_found_args, collapse = ", "))) |
240 |
241 | ||
242 | 12x |
if (any_output_arg) { |
243 | 11x |
doc_list <- list() |
244 | 11x |
doc_list[[dtype]] <- list() |
245 | 11x |
for (e in intersect(input_nams, doc_type_args_nams)) { |
246 | 17x |
if (is.logical(doc_type_args[[e]]) && is.character(input_list[[e]])) { |
247 | 1x |
pos_logi <- c("TRUE", "true", "True", "yes", "y", "Y", "on") |
248 | 1x |
neg_logi <- c("FALSE", "false", "False", "no", "n", "N", "off") |
249 | 1x |
all_logi <- c(pos_logi, neg_logi) |
250 | 1x |
if (input_list[[e]] %in% all_logi && convert_logi) { |
251 | 1x |
input_list[[e]] <- conv_str_logi(input_list[[e]], e, |
252 | 1x |
pos_logi = pos_logi, |
253 | 1x |
neg_logi = neg_logi, silent = silent |
254 |
255 |
256 |
257 | ||
258 | 17x |
doc_list[[dtype]][[e]] <- input_list[[e]] |
259 |
260 | 11x |
result[["output"]] <- append(result[["output"]], doc_list) |
261 |
} else { |
262 | 1x |
result[["output"]] <- append(result[["output"]], input_list[["output"]]) |
263 |
264 |
265 |
266 |
267 | ||
268 | 13x |
result <- yaml::as.yaml(result) |
269 | 13x |
if (as_header) { |
270 | 12x |
result <- md_header(result) |
271 |
272 | 13x |
structure(result, class = "rmd_yaml_header") |
273 |
274 | ||
275 |
#' Print method for the `yaml_header` class
276 |
277 |
#' `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")`
278 |
279 |
#' @param x (`rmd_yaml_header`) class object.
280 |
#' @param ... optional text.
281 |
#' @return `NULL`.
282 |
#' @exportS3Method
283 |
#' @examples
284 |
#' input <- list(author = "", output = "pdf_document", toc = TRUE, keep_tex = TRUE)
285 |
#' out <- as_yaml_auto(input)
286 |
#' out
287 |
#' print(out)
288 |
print.rmd_yaml_header <- function(x, ...) { |
289 | ! |
cat(x, ...) |
290 |
291 | ||
292 |
#' Extract field from `yaml` text
293 |
294 |
#' Parses `yaml` text, extracting the specified field. Returns list names if it's a list;
295 |
#' otherwise, the field itself.
296 |
297 |
#' @param yaml_text (`rmd_yaml_header` or `character`) vector containing the `yaml` text.
298 |
#' @param field_name (`character`) the name of the field to extract.
299 |
300 |
#' @return If the field is a list, it returns the names of elements in the list; otherwise,
301 |
#' it returns the extracted field.
302 |
303 |
#' @keywords internal
304 |
get_yaml_field <- function(yaml_text, field_name) { |
305 | 8x |
checkmate::assert_multi_class(yaml_text, c("rmd_yaml_header", "character")) |
306 | 8x |
checkmate::assert_string(field_name) |
307 | ||
308 | 8x |
yaml_obj <- yaml::yaml.load(yaml_text) |
309 | ||
310 | 8x |
result <- yaml_obj[[field_name]] |
311 | 8x |
if (is.list(result)) { |
312 | 5x |
result <- names(result) |
313 |
314 | 8x |
315 |
1 |
#' @title `ReportCard`: An `R6` class for building report elements
2 |
#' @docType class
3 |
4 |
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")`
5 |
6 |
#' This `R6` class that supports creating a report card containing text, plot, table and
7 |
#' metadata blocks that can be appended and rendered to form a report output from a `shiny` app.
8 |
9 |
#' For more information about the various blocks, refer to the vignette:
10 |
#' `vignette("teal-reporter-blocks-overview", "teal.reporter")`.
11 |
12 |
#' @export
13 |
14 |
ReportCard <- R6::R6Class( # nolint: object_name_linter. |
15 |
classname = "ReportCard", |
16 |
public = list( |
17 |
#' @description Initialize a `ReportCard` object.
18 |
19 |
#' @return Object of class `ReportCard`, invisibly.
20 |
#' @examples
21 |
#' card <- ReportCard$new()
22 |
23 |
initialize = function() { |
24 | 65x |
private$content <- list() |
25 | 65x |
private$metadata <- list() |
26 | 65x |
invisible(self) |
27 |
28 |
#' @description Appends a table to this `ReportCard`.
29 |
30 |
#' @param table A (`data.frame` or `rtables` or `TableTree` or `ElementaryTable` or `listing_df`)
31 |
#' that can be coerced into a table.
32 |
#' @return `self`, invisibly.
33 |
#' @examples
34 |
#' card <- ReportCard$new()$append_table(iris)
35 |
36 |
append_table = function(table) { |
37 | 4x |
self$append_content(TableBlock$new(table)) |
38 | 4x |
invisible(self) |
39 |
40 |
#' @description Appends a html content to this `ReportCard`.
41 |
42 |
#' @param content An object that can be rendered as a HTML content.
43 |
#' @return `self`, invisibly.
44 |
#' @examples
45 |
#' card <- ReportCard$new()$append_html(shiny::div("HTML Content"))
46 |
47 |
append_html = function(content) { |
48 | 1x |
self$append_content(HTMLBlock$new(content)) |
49 | 1x |
invisible(self) |
50 |
51 |
#' @description Appends a plot to this `ReportCard`.
52 |
53 |
#' @param plot (`ggplot` or `grob` or `trellis`) plot object.
54 |
#' @param dim (`numeric(2)`) width and height in pixels.
55 |
#' @return `self`, invisibly.
56 |
#' @examplesIf require("ggplot2")
57 |
#' library(ggplot2)
58 |
59 |
#' card <- ReportCard$new()$append_plot(
60 |
#' ggplot(iris, aes(x = Petal.Length)) + geom_histogram()
61 |
#' )
62 |
63 |
append_plot = function(plot, dim = NULL) { |
64 | 19x |
pb <- PictureBlock$new() |
65 | 19x |
if (!is.null(dim) && length(dim) == 2) { |
66 | 1x |
pb$set_dim(dim) |
67 |
68 | 19x |
pb$set_content(plot) |
69 | 19x |
self$append_content(pb) |
70 | 19x |
invisible(self) |
71 |
72 |
#' @description Appends a text paragraph to this `ReportCard`.
73 |
74 |
#' @param text (`character`) The text content to add.
75 |
#' @param style (`character(1)`) the style of the paragraph. One of: `r TextBlock$new()$get_available_styles()`.
76 |
#' @return `self`, invisibly.
77 |
#' @examples
78 |
#' card <- ReportCard$new()$append_text("A paragraph of default text")
79 |
80 |
append_text = function(text, style = TextBlock$new()$get_available_styles()[1]) { |
81 | 50x |
self$append_content(TextBlock$new(text, style)) |
82 | 50x |
invisible(self) |
83 |
84 |
#' @description Appends an `R` code chunk to `ReportCard`.
85 |
86 |
#' @param text (`character`) The `R` code to include.
87 |
#' @param ... Additional `rmarkdown` parameters for formatting the `R` code chunk.
88 |
#' @return `self`, invisibly.
89 |
#' @examples
90 |
#' card <- ReportCard$new()$append_rcode("2+2", echo = FALSE)
91 |
92 |
append_rcode = function(text, ...) { |
93 | 4x |
self$append_content(RcodeBlock$new(text, ...)) |
94 | 4x |
invisible(self) |
95 |
96 |
#' @description Appends a generic `ContentBlock` to this `ReportCard`.
97 |
98 |
#' @param content (`ContentBlock`) object.
99 |
#' @return `self`, invisibly.
100 |
#' @examples
101 |
#' NewpageBlock <- getFromNamespace("NewpageBlock", "teal.reporter")
102 |
#' card <- ReportCard$new()$append_content(NewpageBlock$new())
103 |
104 |
append_content = function(content) { |
105 | 100x |
checkmate::assert_class(content, "ContentBlock") |
106 | 100x |
private$content <- append(private$content, content) |
107 | 100x |
invisible(self) |
108 |
109 |
#' @description Get all content blocks from this `ReportCard`.
110 |
111 |
#' @return `list()` list of `TableBlock`, `TextBlock` and `PictureBlock`.
112 |
#' @examples
113 |
#' card <- ReportCard$new()$append_text("Some text")$append_metadata("rc", "a <- 2 + 2")
114 |
115 |
#' card$get_content()
116 |
117 |
118 |
get_content = function() { |
119 | 87x |
private$content |
120 |
121 |
#' @description Clears all content and metadata from `ReportCard`.
122 |
123 |
#' @return `self`, invisibly.
124 |
125 |
reset = function() { |
126 | 6x |
private$content <- list() |
127 | 6x |
private$metadata <- list() |
128 | 6x |
invisible(self) |
129 |
130 |
#' @description Get the metadata associated with `ReportCard`.
131 |
132 |
#' @return `named list` list of elements.
133 |
#' @examples
134 |
#' card <- ReportCard$new()$append_text("Some text")$append_metadata("rc", "a <- 2 + 2")
135 |
136 |
#' card$get_metadata()
137 |
138 |
get_metadata = function() { |
139 | 15x |
private$metadata |
140 |
141 |
#' @description Appends metadata to this `ReportCard`.
142 |
143 |
#' @param key (`character(1)`) string specifying the metadata key.
144 |
#' @param value value associated with the metadata key.
145 |
#' @return `self`, invisibly.
146 |
#' @examplesIf require("ggplot2")
147 |
#' library(ggplot2)
148 |
149 |
#' card <- ReportCard$new()$append_text("Some text")$append_plot(
150 |
#' ggplot(iris, aes(x = Petal.Length)) + geom_histogram()
151 |
#' )$append_text("Some text")$append_metadata(key = "lm",
152 |
#' value = lm(Ozone ~ Solar.R, airquality))
153 |
#' card$get_content()
154 |
#' card$get_metadata()
155 |
156 |
append_metadata = function(key, value) { |
157 | 16x |
checkmate::assert_character(key, min.len = 0, max.len = 1) |
158 | 13x |
checkmate::assert_false(key %in% names(private$metadata)) |
159 | 12x |
meta_list <- list() |
160 | 12x |
meta_list[[key]] <- value |
161 | 11x |
private$metadata <- append(private$metadata, meta_list) |
162 | 11x |
invisible(self) |
163 |
164 |
#' @description Get the name of the `ReportCard`.
165 |
166 |
#' @return `character` a card name.
167 |
#' @examples
168 |
#' ReportCard$new()$set_name("NAME")$get_name()
169 |
get_name = function() { |
170 | 27x |
private$name |
171 |
172 |
#' @description Set the name of the `ReportCard`.
173 |
174 |
#' @param name (`character(1)`) a card name.
175 |
#' @return `self`, invisibly.
176 |
#' @examples
177 |
#' ReportCard$new()$set_name("NAME")$get_name()
178 |
set_name = function(name) { |
179 | 7x |
checkmate::assert_character(name) |
180 | 7x |
private$name <- name |
181 | 7x |
invisible(self) |
182 |
183 |
#' @description Convert the `ReportCard` to a list, including content and metadata.
184 |
#' @param output_dir (`character`) with a path to the directory where files will be copied.
185 |
#' @return (`named list`) a `ReportCard` representation.
186 |
#' @examplesIf require("ggplot2")
187 |
#' library(ggplot2)
188 |
189 |
#' card <- ReportCard$new()$append_text("Some text")$append_plot(
190 |
#' ggplot(iris, aes(x = Petal.Length)) + geom_histogram()
191 |
#' )$append_text("Some text")$append_metadata(key = "lm",
192 |
#' value = lm(Ozone ~ Solar.R, airquality))
193 |
#' card$get_content()
194 |
195 |
#' card$to_list(tempdir())
196 |
197 |
to_list = function(output_dir) { |
198 | 11x |
new_blocks <- list() |
199 | 11x |
for (block in self$get_content()) { |
200 | 37x |
block_class <- class(block)[1] |
201 | 37x |
formal_args <- formalArgs(block$to_list) |
202 | 37x |
cblock <- if ("output_dir" %in% formal_args) { |
203 | 13x |
block$to_list(output_dir) |
204 |
} else { |
205 | 24x |
block$to_list() |
206 |
207 | 37x |
new_block <- list() |
208 | 37x |
new_block[[block_class]] <- cblock |
209 | 37x |
new_blocks <- c(new_blocks, new_block) |
210 |
211 | 11x |
new_card <- list() |
212 | 11x |
new_card[["blocks"]] <- new_blocks |
213 | 11x |
new_card[["metadata"]] <- self$get_metadata() |
214 | 11x |
new_card[["name"]] <- self$get_name() |
215 | 11x |
216 |
217 |
#' @description Reconstructs the `ReportCard` from a list representation.
218 |
#' @param card (`named list`) a `ReportCard` representation.
219 |
#' @param output_dir (`character`) with a path to the directory where a file will be copied.
220 |
#' @return `self`, invisibly.
221 |
#' @examplesIf require("ggplot2")
222 |
#' library(ggplot2)
223 |
224 |
#' card <- ReportCard$new()$append_text("Some text")$append_plot(
225 |
#' ggplot(iris, aes(x = Petal.Length)) + geom_histogram()
226 |
#' )$append_text("Some text")$append_metadata(key = "lm",
227 |
#' value = lm(Ozone ~ Solar.R, airquality))
228 |
#' card$get_content()
229 |
230 |
#' ReportCard$new()$from_list(card$to_list(tempdir()), tempdir())
231 |
232 |
from_list = function(card, output_dir) { |
233 | 6x |
self$reset() |
234 | 6x |
blocks <- card$blocks |
235 | 6x |
metadata <- card$metadata |
236 | 6x |
name <- card$name |
237 | 6x |
if (length(name) == 0) name <- character(0) |
238 | 6x |
blocks_names <- names(blocks) |
239 | 6x |
blocks_names <- gsub("[.][0-9]*$", "", blocks_names) |
240 | 6x |
for (iter_b in seq_along(blocks)) { |
241 | 22x |
block_class <- blocks_names[iter_b] |
242 | 22x |
block <- blocks[[iter_b]] |
243 | 22x |
instance <- private$dispatch_block(block_class) |
244 | 22x |
formal_args <- formalArgs(instance$new()$from_list) |
245 | 22x |
cblock <- if (all(c("x", "output_dir") %in% formal_args)) { |
246 | 8x |
instance$new()$from_list(block, output_dir) |
247 | 22x |
} else if ("x" %in% formal_args) { |
248 | 14x |
instance$new()$from_list(block) |
249 |
} else { |
250 | ! |
instance$new()$from_list() |
251 |
252 | 22x |
self$append_content(cblock) |
253 |
254 | 6x |
for (meta in names(metadata)) { |
255 | ! |
self$append_metadata(meta, metadata[[meta]]) |
256 |
257 | 6x |
self$set_name(name) |
258 | 6x |
invisible(self) |
259 |
260 |
261 |
private = list( |
262 |
content = list(), |
263 |
metadata = list(), |
264 |
name = character(0), |
265 |
dispatch_block = function(block_class) { |
266 | 22x |
eval(str2lang(block_class)) |
267 |
268 |
# @description The copy constructor.
269 |
270 |
# @param name the name of the field
271 |
# @param value the value of the field
272 |
# @return the new value of the field
273 |
274 |
deep_clone = function(name, value) { |
275 | 63x |
if (name == "content") { |
276 | 3x |
lapply(value, function(content_block) { |
277 | 5x |
if (inherits(content_block, "R6")) { |
278 | 5x |
content_block$clone(deep = TRUE) |
279 |
} else { |
280 | ! |
281 |
282 |
}) |
283 |
} else { |
284 | 60x |
285 |
286 |
287 |
288 |
lock_objects = TRUE, |
289 |
lock_class = TRUE |
290 |
1 |
#' @title `TextBlock`
2 |
#' @docType class
3 |
#' @description
4 |
#' Specialized `ContentBlock` for embedding styled text within reports.
5 |
#' It supports multiple styling options to accommodate various text roles,
6 |
#' such as headers or verbatim text, in the report content.
7 |
8 |
#' @keywords internal
9 |
TextBlock <- R6::R6Class( # nolint: object_name_linter. |
10 |
classname = "TextBlock", |
11 |
inherit = ContentBlock, |
12 |
public = list( |
13 |
#' @description Initialize a `TextBlock` object.
14 |
15 |
#' @details Constructs a `TextBlock` object with no content and the default style.
16 |
17 |
#' @param content (`character`) a string assigned to this `TextBlock`
18 |
#' @param style (`character(1)`) one of: `"default"`, `"header2"`, `"header3"` `"verbatim"`
19 |
20 |
#' @return Object of class `TextBlock`, invisibly.
21 |
#' @examples
22 |
#' TextBlock <- getFromNamespace("TextBlock", "teal.reporter")
23 |
#' block <- TextBlock$new()
24 |
25 |
initialize = function(content = character(0), style = private$styles[1]) { |
26 | 118x |
super$set_content(content) |
27 | 118x |
self$set_style(style) |
28 | 118x |
invisible(self) |
29 |
30 |
#' @description Sets content of this `TextBlock`.
31 |
32 |
#' @param content (`any`) R object
33 |
34 |
#' @return `self`, invisibly.
35 |
#' @examples
36 |
#' ContentBlock <- getFromNamespace("ContentBlock", "teal.reporter")
37 |
#' block <- ContentBlock$new()
38 |
#' block$set_content("Base64 encoded picture")
39 |
40 |
set_content = function(content) { |
41 | 24x |
checkmate::assert_string(content) |
42 | 23x |
super$set_content(content) |
43 |
44 |
#' @description Sets the style of this `TextBlock`.
45 |
46 |
#' @details The style has bearing on the rendering of this block.
47 |
48 |
#' @param style (`character(1)`) one of: `"default"`, `"header2"`, `"header3"` `"verbatim"`
49 |
50 |
#' @return `self`, invisibly.
51 |
#' @examples
52 |
#' TextBlock <- getFromNamespace("TextBlock", "teal.reporter")
53 |
#' block <- TextBlock$new()
54 |
#' block$set_style("header2")
55 |
56 |
set_style = function(style) { |
57 | 140x |
private$style <- match.arg(style, private$styles) |
58 | 139x |
invisible(self) |
59 |
60 |
#' @description Get the style of this `TextBlock`.
61 |
62 |
#' @return `character(1)` the style of this `TextBlock`.
63 |
#' @examples
64 |
#' TextBlock <- getFromNamespace("TextBlock", "teal.reporter")
65 |
#' block <- TextBlock$new()
66 |
#' block$get_style()
67 |
68 |
get_style = function() { |
69 | 67x |
private$style |
70 |
71 |
#' @description Get available an array of styles available to this `TextBlock`.
72 |
73 |
#' @return A `character` array of styles.
74 |
#' @examples
75 |
#' TextBlock <- getFromNamespace("TextBlock", "teal.reporter")
76 |
#' block <- TextBlock$new()
77 |
#' block$get_available_styles()
78 |
79 |
get_available_styles = function() { |
80 | 23x |
private$styles |
81 |
82 |
#' @description Create the `TextBlock` from a list.
83 |
84 |
#' @param x (`named list`) with two fields `text` and `style`.
85 |
#' Use the `get_available_styles` method to get all possible styles.
86 |
87 |
#' @return `self`, invisibly.
88 |
#' @examples
89 |
#' TextBlock <- getFromNamespace("TextBlock", "teal.reporter")
90 |
#' block <- TextBlock$new()
91 |
#' block$from_list(list(text = "sth", style = "default"))
92 |
93 |
from_list = function(x) { |
94 | 14x |
checkmate::assert_list(x) |
95 | 14x |
checkmate::assert_names(names(x), must.include = c("text", "style")) |
96 | 14x |
self$set_content(x$text) |
97 | 14x |
self$set_style(x$style) |
98 | 14x |
invisible(self) |
99 |
100 |
#' @description Convert the `TextBlock` to a list.
101 |
102 |
#' @return `named list` with a text and style.
103 |
#' @examples
104 |
#' TextBlock <- getFromNamespace("TextBlock", "teal.reporter")
105 |
#' block <- TextBlock$new()
106 |
#' block$to_list()
107 |
108 |
to_list = function() { |
109 | 24x |
list(text = self$get_content(), style = self$get_style()) |
110 |
111 |
112 |
private = list( |
113 |
content = character(0), |
114 |
style = character(0), |
115 |
styles = c("default", "header2", "header3", "verbatim") |
116 |
117 |
lock_objects = TRUE, |
118 |
lock_class = TRUE |
119 |
1 |
#' @title `HTMLBlock`
2 |
#' @docType class
3 |
#' @description
4 |
#' Specialized `FileBlock` for managing HTML content in reports.
5 |
#' It's designed to handle various HTML content, and render the report as HTML,
6 |
#' however `htmlwidgets` objects can also be rendered to static document-ready format.
7 |
8 |
#' @keywords internal
9 |
HTMLBlock <- R6::R6Class( # nolint: object_name_linter. |
10 |
classname = "HTMLBlock", |
11 |
inherit = ContentBlock, |
12 |
public = list( |
13 |
#' @description Initialize a `HTMLBlock` object.
14 |
15 |
#' @param content An object that can be rendered as a HTML content assigned to
16 |
#' this `HTMLBlock`
17 |
18 |
#' @return Object of class `HTMLBlock`, invisibly.
19 |
initialize = function(content) { |
20 | 12x |
if (!missing(content)) { |
21 | 7x |
checkmate::assert_multi_class(content, private$supported_types) |
22 | 6x |
self$set_content(content) |
23 |
24 | 11x |
invisible(self) |
25 |
26 | ||
27 |
#' @description Create the `HTMLBlock` from a list.
28 |
29 |
#' @param x (`named list`) with a single field `content` containing `shiny.tag`,
30 |
#' `shiny.tag.list` or `htmlwidget`.
31 |
32 |
#' @return `self`, invisibly.
33 |
#' @examples
34 |
#' HTMLBlock <- getFromNamespace("HTMLBlock", "teal.reporter")
35 |
#' block <- HTMLBlock$new()
36 |
#' block$from_list(list(content = shiny::tags$div("test")))
37 |
38 |
from_list = function(x) { |
39 | 2x |
checkmate::assert_list(x, types = private$supported_types) |
40 | 2x |
checkmate::assert_names(names(x), must.include = "content") |
41 | 2x |
self$set_content(x$content) |
42 | 2x |
invisible(self) |
43 |
44 | ||
45 |
#' @description Convert the `HTMLBlock` to a list.
46 |
47 |
#' @return `named list` with a text and style.
48 |
#' @examples
49 |
#' HTMLBlock <- getFromNamespace("HTMLBlock", "teal.reporter")
50 |
#' block <- HTMLBlock$new(shiny::tags$div("test"))
51 |
#' block$to_list()
52 |
53 |
to_list = function() { |
54 | 2x |
list(content = self$get_content()) |
55 |
56 |
57 |
private = list( |
58 |
supported_types = c("shiny.tag", "shiny.tag.list", "htmlwidget") |
59 |
60 |
lock_objects = TRUE, |
61 |
lock_class = TRUE |
62 |
1 |
#' Add card button module
2 |
3 |
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")`
4 |
5 |
#' Provides a button to add views/cards to a report.
6 |
7 |
#' For more details see the vignette: `vignette("simpleReporter", "teal.reporter")`.
8 |
9 |
#' @details
10 |
#' The `card_fun` function is designed to create a new `ReportCard` instance and optionally customize it:
11 |
#' - The `card` parameter allows for specifying a custom or default `ReportCard` instance.
12 |
#' - Use the `comment` parameter to add a comment to the card via `card$append_text()` - if `card_fun` does not
13 |
#' have the `comment` parameter, then `comment` from `Add Card UI` module will be added at the end of the content of the
14 |
#' card.
15 |
#' - The `label` parameter enables customization of the card's name and its content through `card$append_text()`-
16 |
#' if `card_fun` does not have the `label` parameter, then card name will be set to the name passed in
17 |
#' `Add Card UI` module, but no text will be added to the content of the `card`.
18 |
19 |
#' This module supports using a subclass of [`ReportCard`] for added flexibility.
20 |
#' A subclass instance should be passed as the default value of
21 |
#' the `card` argument in the `card_fun` function.
22 |
#' See below:
23 |
#' ```{r}
24 |
#' CustomReportCard <- R6::R6Class(
25 |
#' classname = "CustomReportCard",
26 |
#' inherit = teal.reporter::ReportCard
27 |
#' )
28 |
29 |
#' custom_function <- function(card = CustomReportCard$new()) {
30 |
#' card
31 |
#' }
32 |
#' ```
33 |
#' @name add_card_button
34 |
35 |
#' @param id (`character(1)`) this `shiny` module's id.
36 |
#' @param reporter (`Reporter`) instance.
37 |
#' @param card_fun (`function`) which returns a [`ReportCard`] instance. See `Details`.
38 |
39 |
#' @return `NULL`.
40 |
41 | ||
42 |
#' @rdname add_card_button
43 |
#' @export
44 |
add_card_button_ui <- function(id) { |
45 | 2x |
ns <- shiny::NS(id) |
46 | ||
47 |
# Buttons with custom css and
48 |
# js code to disable the add card button when clicked to prevent multi-clicks
49 | 2x |
shiny::tagList( |
50 | 2x |
shiny::singleton( |
51 | 2x |
shiny::tags$head(shiny::includeCSS(system.file("css/custom.css", package = "teal.reporter"))) |
52 |
53 | 2x |
shiny::singleton( |
54 | 2x |
shiny::tags$head( |
55 | 2x |
shiny::tags$script( |
56 | 2x |
shiny::HTML( |
57 | 2x |
sprintf( |
58 |
' |
59 | 2x |
$(document).ready(function(event) { |
60 | 2x |
$("body").on("click", "#%s", function() { |
61 | 2x |
$(this).addClass("disabled"); |
62 |
}) |
63 |
})', |
64 | 2x |
ns("add_card_ok") |
65 |
66 |
67 |
68 |
69 |
70 | 2x |
shiny::actionButton( |
71 | 2x |
ns("add_report_card_button"), |
72 | 2x |
title = "Add Card", |
73 | 2x |
class = "teal-reporter simple_report_button btn-primary", |
74 | 2x |
`data-val` = shiny::restoreInput(id = ns("add_report_card_button"), default = NULL), |
75 | 2x |
shiny::tags$span( |
76 | 2x |
shiny::icon("plus") |
77 |
78 |
79 |
80 |
81 | ||
82 |
#' @rdname add_card_button
83 |
#' @export
84 |
add_card_button_srv <- function(id, reporter, card_fun) { |
85 | 13x |
checkmate::assert_function(card_fun) |
86 | 13x |
checkmate::assert_class(reporter, "Reporter") |
87 | 13x |
checkmate::assert_subset(names(formals(card_fun)), c("card", "comment", "label"), empty.ok = TRUE) |
88 | ||
89 | 13x |
shiny::moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) { |
90 | 13x |
shiny::setBookmarkExclude(c( |
91 | 13x |
"add_report_card_button", "download_button", "reset_reporter", |
92 | 13x |
"add_card_ok", "download_data", "reset_reporter_ok", |
93 | 13x |
"label", "comment" |
94 |
)) |
95 | ||
96 | 13x |
ns <- session$ns |
97 | ||
98 | 13x |
add_modal <- function() { |
99 | 11x |
shiny::div( |
100 | 11x |
class = "teal-widgets reporter-modal", |
101 | 11x |
shiny::modalDialog( |
102 | 11x |
easyClose = TRUE, |
103 | 11x |
shiny::tags$h3("Add a Card to the Report"), |
104 | 11x |
shiny::tags$hr(), |
105 | 11x |
shiny::textInput( |
106 | 11x |
ns("label"), |
107 | 11x |
"Card Name",
108 | 11x |
value = "", |
109 | 11x |
placeholder = "Add the card title here", |
110 | 11x |
width = "100%" |
111 |
112 | 11x |
shiny::textAreaInput( |
113 | 11x |
ns("comment"), |
114 | 11x |
115 | 11x |
value = "", |
116 | 11x |
placeholder = "Add a comment here...", |
117 | 11x |
width = "100%" |
118 |
119 | 11x |
shiny::tags$script( |
120 | 11x |
shiny::HTML( |
121 | 11x |
sprintf( |
122 |
" |
123 | 11x |
$('#shiny-modal').on('shown.bs.modal', () => { |
124 | 11x |
$('#%s').focus() |
125 |
}) |
126 |
", |
127 | 11x |
ns("label") |
128 |
129 |
130 |
131 | 11x |
footer = shiny::div( |
132 | 11x |
shiny::tags$button( |
133 | 11x |
type = "button", |
134 | 11x |
class = "btn btn-secondary", |
135 | 11x |
`data-dismiss` = "modal", |
136 | 11x |
`data-bs-dismiss` = "modal", |
137 | 11x |
138 | 11x |
139 |
140 | 11x |
shiny::tags$button( |
141 | 11x |
id = ns("add_card_ok"), |
142 | 11x |
type = "button", |
143 | 11x |
class = "btn btn-primary action-button", |
144 | 11x |
`data-val` = shiny::restoreInput(id = ns("add_card_ok"), default = NULL), |
145 | 11x |
146 | 11x |
"Add Card"
147 |
148 |
149 |
150 |
151 |
152 | ||
153 | 13x |
shiny::observeEvent(input$add_report_card_button, { |
154 | 11x |
shiny::showModal(add_modal()) |
155 |
}) |
156 | ||
157 |
# the add card button is disabled when clicked to prevent multi-clicks
158 |
# please check the ui part for more information
159 | 13x |
shiny::observeEvent(input$add_card_ok, { |
160 | 11x |
card_fun_args_nams <- names(formals(card_fun)) |
161 | 11x |
has_card_arg <- "card" %in% card_fun_args_nams |
162 | 11x |
has_comment_arg <- "comment" %in% card_fun_args_nams |
163 | 11x |
has_label_arg <- "label" %in% card_fun_args_nams |
164 | ||
165 | 11x |
arg_list <- list() |
166 | ||
167 | 11x |
if (has_comment_arg) { |
168 | 4x |
arg_list <- c(arg_list, list(comment = input$comment)) |
169 |
170 | 11x |
if (has_label_arg) { |
171 | ! |
arg_list <- c(arg_list, list(label = input$label)) |
172 |
173 | ||
174 | 11x |
if (has_card_arg) { |
175 |
# The default_card is defined here because formals() returns a pairedlist object
176 |
# of formal parameter names and their default values. The values are missing
177 |
# if not defined and the missing check does not work if supplied formals(card_fun)[[1]]
178 | 8x |
default_card <- formals(card_fun)$card |
179 | 8x |
card <- `if`( |
180 | 8x |
missing(default_card), |
181 | 8x |
ReportCard$new(), |
182 | 8x |
eval(default_card, envir = environment(card_fun)) |
183 |
184 | 8x |
arg_list <- c(arg_list, list(card = card)) |
185 |
186 | ||
187 | 11x |
card <- try(do.call(card_fun, arg_list)) |
188 | ||
189 | 11x |
if (inherits(card, "try-error")) { |
190 | 3x |
msg <- paste0( |
191 | 3x |
"The card could not be added to the report. ",
192 | 3x |
"Have the outputs for the report been created yet? If not please try again when they ",
193 | 3x |
"are ready. Otherwise contact your application developer"
194 |
195 | 3x |
warning(msg) |
196 | 3x |
shiny::showNotification( |
197 | 3x |
198 | 3x |
type = "error" |
199 |
200 |
} else { |
201 | 8x |
checkmate::assert_class(card, "ReportCard") |
202 | 8x |
if (!has_comment_arg && length(input$comment) > 0 && input$comment != "") { |
203 | 1x |
card$append_text("Comment", "header3") |
204 | 1x |
card$append_text(input$comment) |
205 |
206 | ||
207 | 8x |
if (!has_label_arg && length(input$label) == 1 && input$label != "") { |
208 | ! |
card$set_name(input$label) |
209 |
210 | ||
211 | 8x |
reporter$append_cards(list(card)) |
212 | 8x |
shiny::showNotification(sprintf("The card added successfully."), type = "message") |
213 | 8x |
shiny::removeModal() |
214 |
215 |
}) |
216 |
}) |
217 |
1 |
#' User Interface to Load `Reporter`
2 |
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")`
3 |
#' Button to upload `ReporterCard`(s) to the `Reporter`.
4 |
5 |
#' For more details see the vignette: `vignette("simpleReporter", "teal.reporter")`.
6 |
#' @param id `character(1)` this `shiny` module's id.
7 |
#' @return `shiny::tagList`
8 |
#' @export
9 |
report_load_ui <- function(id) { |
10 | 2x |
ns <- shiny::NS(id) |
11 | ||
12 | 2x |
shiny::tagList( |
13 | 2x |
shiny::singleton( |
14 | 2x |
shiny::tags$head(shiny::includeCSS(system.file("css/custom.css", package = "teal.reporter"))) |
15 |
16 | 2x |
shiny::actionButton( |
17 | 2x |
ns("reporter_load"), |
18 | 2x |
class = "teal-reporter simple_report_button btn-primary", |
19 | 2x |
title = "Load", |
20 | 2x |
shiny::tags$span( |
21 | 2x |
shiny::icon("upload") |
22 |
23 |
24 |
25 |
26 | ||
27 |
#' Server to Load `Reporter`
28 |
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")`
29 |
#' Server to load `ReporterCard`(s) to the `Reporter`
30 |
31 |
#' For more details see the vignette: `vignette("simpleReporter", "teal.reporter")`.
32 |
33 |
#' @param id `character(1)` this `shiny` module's id.
34 |
#' @param reporter [`Reporter`] instance.
35 |
36 |
#' @return `shiny::moduleServer`
37 |
#' @export
38 |
report_load_srv <- function(id, reporter) { |
39 | 5x |
checkmate::assert_class(reporter, "Reporter") |
40 | ||
41 | 5x |
shiny::moduleServer( |
42 | 5x |
43 | 5x |
function(input, output, session) { |
44 | 5x |
shiny::setBookmarkExclude(c("reporter_load_main", "reporter_load")) |
45 | 5x |
ns <- session$ns |
46 | ||
47 | 5x |
archiver_modal <- function() { |
48 | 2x |
nr_cards <- length(reporter$get_cards()) |
49 | 2x |
shiny::div( |
50 | 2x |
class = "teal-widgets reporter-modal", |
51 | 2x |
shiny::modalDialog( |
52 | 2x |
easyClose = TRUE, |
53 | 2x |
shiny::tags$h3("Load the Report"), |
54 | 2x |
shiny::tags$hr(), |
55 | 2x |
shiny::fileInput(ns("archiver_zip"), "Choose saved Reporter file to Load (a zip file)", |
56 | 2x |
multiple = FALSE, |
57 | 2x |
accept = c(".zip") |
58 |
59 | 2x |
footer = shiny::div( |
60 | 2x |
shiny::tags$button( |
61 | 2x |
type = "button", |
62 | 2x |
class = "btn btn-danger", |
63 | 2x |
`data-dismiss` = "modal", |
64 | 2x |
`data-bs-dismiss` = "modal", |
65 | 2x |
66 | 2x |
67 |
68 | 2x |
shiny::tags$button( |
69 | 2x |
id = ns("reporter_load_main"), |
70 | 2x |
type = "button", |
71 | 2x |
class = "btn btn-primary action-button", |
72 | 2x |
73 | 2x |
74 |
75 |
76 |
77 |
78 |
79 | ||
80 | 5x |
shiny::observeEvent(input$reporter_load, { |
81 | 2x |
shiny::showModal(archiver_modal()) |
82 |
}) |
83 | ||
84 | 5x |
shiny::observeEvent(input$reporter_load_main, { |
85 | 2x |
load_json_report(reporter, input$archiver_zip[["datapath"]], input$archiver_zip[["name"]]) |
86 | 2x |
shiny::removeModal() |
87 |
}) |
88 |
89 |
90 |
91 | ||
92 |
#' @keywords internal
93 |
load_json_report <- function(reporter, zip_path, filename) { |
94 | 2x |
tmp_dir <- tempdir() |
95 | 2x |
output_dir <- file.path(tmp_dir, sprintf("report_load_%s", gsub("[.]", "", format(Sys.time(), "%Y%m%d%H%M%OS4")))) |
96 | 2x |
dir.create(path = output_dir) |
97 | 2x |
if (!is.null(zip_path) && grepl("report_", filename)) { |
98 | 2x |
tryCatch( |
99 | 2x |
expr = zip::unzip(zip_path, exdir = output_dir, junkpaths = TRUE), |
100 | 2x |
warning = function(cond) { |
101 | ! |
print(cond) |
102 | ! |
shiny::showNotification( |
103 | ! |
ui = "Unzipping folder warning!", |
104 | ! |
action = "Please contact app developer", |
105 | ! |
type = "warning" |
106 |
107 |
108 | 2x |
error = function(cond) { |
109 | ! |
print(cond) |
110 | ! |
shiny::showNotification( |
111 | ! |
ui = "Unzipping folder error!", |
112 | ! |
action = "Please contact app developer", |
113 | ! |
type = "error" |
114 |
115 |
116 |
117 | 2x |
tryCatch( |
118 | 2x |
reporter$from_jsondir(output_dir), |
119 | 2x |
warning = function(cond) { |
120 | ! |
print(cond) |
121 | ! |
shiny::showNotification( |
122 | ! |
ui = "Loading reporter warning!", |
123 | ! |
action = "Please contact app developer", |
124 | ! |
type = "warning" |
125 |
126 |
127 | 2x |
error = function(cond) { |
128 | 1x |
print(cond) |
129 | 1x |
shiny::showNotification( |
130 | 1x |
ui = "Loading reporter error!", |
131 | 1x |
action = "Please contact app developer", |
132 | 1x |
type = "error" |
133 |
134 |
135 |
136 |
} else { |
137 | ! |
shiny::showNotification("Failed to load the Reporter file.", type = "error") |
138 |
139 |
1 |
#' @title `TableBlock`
2 |
#' @docType class
3 |
#' @description
4 |
#' Specialized `FileBlock` for managing table content in reports.
5 |
#' It's designed to handle various table formats, converting them into a consistent,
6 |
#' document-ready format (e.g., `flextable`) for inclusion in reports.
7 |
8 |
#' @keywords internal
9 |
TableBlock <- R6::R6Class( # nolint: object_name_linter. |
10 |
classname = "TableBlock", |
11 |
inherit = FileBlock, |
12 |
public = list( |
13 |
#' @description Initialize a `TableBlock` object.
14 |
15 |
#' @param table (`data.frame` or `rtables` or `TableTree` or `ElementaryTable` or `listing_df`) a table assigned to
16 |
#' this `TableBlock`
17 |
18 |
#' @return Object of class `TableBlock`, invisibly.
19 |
initialize = function(table) { |
20 | 26x |
if (!missing(table)) { |
21 | 4x |
self$set_content(table) |
22 |
23 | 26x |
invisible(self) |
24 |
25 |
#' @description Sets content of this `TableBlock`.
26 |
27 |
#' @details Raises error if argument is not a table-like object.
28 |
29 |
#' @param content (`data.frame` or `rtables` or `TableTree` or `ElementaryTable` or `listing_df`)
30 |
#' a table assigned to this `TableBlock`
31 |
32 |
#' @return `self`, invisibly.
33 |
#' @examples
34 |
#' TableBlock <- getFromNamespace("TableBlock", "teal.reporter")
35 |
#' block <- TableBlock$new()
36 |
#' block$set_content(iris)
37 |
38 |
set_content = function(content) { |
39 | 13x |
checkmate::assert_multi_class(content, private$supported_tables) |
40 | 12x |
content <- to_flextable(content) |
41 | 12x |
path <- tempfile(fileext = ".rds") |
42 | 12x |
saveRDS(content, file = path) |
43 | 12x |
super$set_content(path) |
44 | 12x |
invisible(self) |
45 |
46 |
47 |
private = list( |
48 |
supported_tables = c("data.frame", "rtables", "TableTree", "ElementaryTable", "listing_df") |
49 |
50 |
lock_objects = TRUE, |
51 |
lock_class = TRUE |
52 |
1 |
#' Get bootstrap current version
2 |
#' @note will work properly mainly inside a tag `.renderHook`
3 |
#' @keywords internal
4 |
get_bs_version <- function() { |
5 | 15x |
theme <- bslib::bs_current_theme() |
6 | 15x |
if (bslib::is_bs_theme(theme)) { |
7 | ! |
bslib::theme_version(theme) |
8 |
} else { |
9 | 15x |
10 |
11 |
12 | ||
13 |
#' Panel group widget
14 |
15 |
#' `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")`
16 |
17 |
#' @param title (`character`) title of panel
18 |
#' @param ... content of panel
19 |
#' @param collapsed (`logical`, optional)
20 |
#' whether to initially collapse panel
21 |
#' @param input_id (`character`, optional)
22 |
#' name of the panel item element. If supplied, this will register a shiny input variable that
23 |
#' indicates whether the panel item is open or collapsed and is accessed with `input$input_id`.
24 |
25 |
#' @return `shiny.tag`.
26 |
27 |
#' @keywords internal
28 |
panel_item <- function(title, ..., collapsed = TRUE, input_id = NULL) { |
29 | 1x |
stopifnot(checkmate::test_character(title, len = 1) || inherits(title, c("shiny.tag", "shiny.tag.list", "html"))) |
30 | 1x |
checkmate::assert_flag(collapsed) |
31 | 1x |
checkmate::assert_string(input_id, null.ok = TRUE) |
32 | ||
33 | 1x |
div_id <- paste0(input_id, "_div") |
34 | 1x |
panel_id <- paste0(input_id, "_panel_body_", sample(1:10000, 1)) |
35 | ||
36 | ||
37 | 1x |
shiny::tags$div(.renderHook = function(res_tag) { |
38 | ! |
bs_version <- get_bs_version() |
39 | ||
40 |
# alter tag structure
41 | ! |
if (bs_version == "3") { |
42 | ! |
res_tag$children <- list( |
43 | ! |
shiny::tags$div( |
44 | ! |
class = "panel panel-default", |
45 | ! |
shiny::tags$div( |
46 | ! |
id = div_id, |
47 | ! |
class = paste("panel-heading", ifelse(collapsed, "collapsed", "")), |
48 | ! |
`data-toggle` = "collapse", |
49 | ! |
href = paste0("#", panel_id), |
50 | ! |
`aria-expanded` = ifelse(collapsed, "false", "true"), |
51 | ! |
shiny::icon("angle-down", class = "dropdown-icon"), |
52 | ! |
shiny::tags$label( |
53 | ! |
class = "panel-title inline", |
54 | ! |
55 |
56 |
57 | ! |
shiny::tags$div( |
58 | ! |
class = paste("panel-collapse collapse", ifelse(collapsed, "", "in")), |
59 | ! |
id = panel_id, |
60 | ! |
shiny::tags$div( |
61 | ! |
class = "panel-body", |
62 |
63 |
64 |
65 |
66 |
67 | ! |
} else if (bs_version %in% c("4", "5")) { |
68 | ! |
res_tag$children <- list( |
69 | ! |
shiny::tags$div( |
70 | ! |
class = "card my-2", |
71 | ! |
shiny::tags$div( |
72 | ! |
class = "card-header", |
73 | ! |
shiny::tags$div( |
74 | ! |
class = ifelse(collapsed, "collapsed", ""), |
75 |
# bs4
76 | ! |
`data-toggle` = "collapse", |
77 |
# bs5
78 | ! |
`data-bs-toggle` = "collapse", |
79 | ! |
href = paste0("#", panel_id), |
80 | ! |
`aria-expanded` = ifelse(collapsed, "false", "true"), |
81 | ! |
shiny::icon("angle-down", class = "dropdown-icon"), |
82 | ! |
shiny::tags$label( |
83 | ! |
class = "card-title inline", |
84 | ! |
85 |
86 |
87 |
88 | ! |
shiny::tags$div( |
89 | ! |
id = panel_id, |
90 | ! |
class = paste("collapse", ifelse(collapsed, "", "show")), |
91 | ! |
shiny::tags$div( |
92 | ! |
class = "card-body", |
93 |
94 |
95 |
96 |
97 |
98 |
} else { |
99 | ! |
stop("Bootstrap 3, 4, and 5 are supported.") |
100 |
101 | ||
102 | ! |
shiny::tagList( |
103 | ! |
shiny::singleton( |
104 | ! |
shiny::tags$head( |
105 | ! |
shiny::includeCSS(system.file("css/custom.css", package = "teal.reporter")) |
106 |
107 |
108 | ! |
109 |
110 |
}) |
111 |
112 | ||
113 |
#' Convert content into a `flextable`
114 |
115 |
#' Converts supported table formats into a `flextable` for enhanced formatting and presentation.
116 |
117 |
#' Function merges cells with `colspan` > 1,
118 |
#' aligns columns to the center and row names to the left,
119 |
#' indents the row names by 10 times indentation.
120 |
121 |
#' @param content Supported formats: `data.frame`, `rtables`, `TableTree`, `ElementaryTable`, `listing_df`
122 |
123 |
#' @return `flextable`.
124 |
125 |
#' @keywords internal
126 |
to_flextable <- function(content) { |
127 | 16x |
if (inherits(content, c("rtables", "TableTree", "ElementaryTable"))) { |
128 | 3x |
ft <- rtables.officer::tt_to_flextable(content) |
129 | 13x |
} else if (inherits(content, "listing_df")) { |
130 | 1x |
mf <- rlistings::matrix_form(content) |
131 | 1x |
nr_header <- attr(mf, "nrow_header") |
132 | 1x |
df <- as.data.frame(mf$strings[seq(nr_header + 1, nrow(mf$strings)), , drop = FALSE]) |
133 | 1x |
header_df <- as.data.frame(mf$strings[seq_len(nr_header), , drop = FALSE]) |
134 | ||
135 | 1x |
ft <- rtables::df_to_tt(df) |
136 | 1x |
if (length(mf$main_title) != 0) { |
137 | ! |
rtables::main_title(ft) <- mf$main_title |
138 |
139 | 1x |
rtables::subtitles(ft) <- mf$subtitles |
140 | 1x |
rtables::main_footer(ft) <- mf$main_footer |
141 | 1x |
rtables::prov_footer(ft) <- mf$prov_footer |
142 | 1x |
rtables::header_section_div(ft) <- mf$header_section_div |
143 | 1x |
ft <- rtables.officer::tt_to_flextable(ft, total_width = c(grDevices::pdf.options()$width - 1)) |
144 | 12x |
} else if (inherits(content, "data.frame")) { |
145 | 11x |
ft <- rtables.officer::tt_to_flextable( |
146 | 11x |
rtables::df_to_tt(content) |
147 |
148 |
} else { |
149 | 1x |
stop(paste0("Unsupported class `(", format(class(content)), ")` when exporting table")) |
150 |
151 | ||
152 | 15x |
153 |
154 | ||
155 |
#' Get the merge index for a single span.
156 |
#' This function retrieves the merge index for a single span,
157 |
#' which is used in merging cells.
158 |
#' @noRd
159 |
#' @keywords internal
160 |
get_merge_index_single <- function(span) { |
161 | ! |
ret <- list() |
162 | ! |
j <- 1 |
163 | ! |
while (j < length(span)) { |
164 | ! |
if (span[j] != 1) { |
165 | ! |
ret <- c(ret, list(seq(j, j + span[j] - 1))) |
166 |
167 | ! |
j <- j + span[j] |
168 |
169 | ! |
return(ret) |
170 |
171 | ||
172 |
#' Divide text block into smaller blocks
173 |
174 |
#' Split a text block into smaller blocks with a specified number of lines.
175 |
176 |
#' A single character string containing a text block of multiple lines (separated by `\n`)
177 |
#' is split into multiple strings with n or less lines each.
178 |
179 |
#' @param x (`character`) string containing the input block of text
180 |
#' @param n (`integer`) number of lines per block
181 |
182 |
#' @return
183 |
#' List of character strings with up to `n` lines in each element.
184 |
185 |
#' @keywords internal
186 |
split_text_block <- function(x, n) { |
187 | 2x |
checkmate::assert_string(x) |
188 | 2x |
checkmate::assert_integerish(n, lower = 1L, len = 1L) |
189 | ||
190 | 2x |
lines <- strsplit(x, "\n")[[1]] |
191 | ||
192 | 2x |
if (length(lines) <= n) { |
193 | 1x |
return(list(x)) |
194 |
195 | ||
196 | 1x |
nblocks <- ceiling(length(lines) / n) |
197 | 1x |
ind <- rep(1:nblocks, each = n)[seq_along(lines)] |
198 | 1x |
unname(lapply(split(lines, ind), paste, collapse = "\n")) |
199 |
200 | ||
201 |
#' Retrieve text details for global_knitr options
202 |
#' This function returns a character string describing the default settings for the global_knitr options.
203 |
#' @noRd
204 |
#' @keywords internal
205 |
global_knitr_details <- function() { |
206 | ! |
paste0( |
207 | ! |
c( |
208 | ! |
" To access the default values for the `global_knitr` parameter,",
209 | ! |
" use `getOption('teal.reporter.global_knitr')`. These defaults include:",
210 | ! |
" - `echo = TRUE`",
211 | ! |
" - `tidy.opts = list(width.cutoff = 60)`",
212 | ! |
" - `tidy = TRUE` if `formatR` package is installed, `FALSE` otherwise"
213 |
214 | ! |
collapse = "\n" |
215 |
216 |
1 |
#' @title `FileBlock`
2 |
#' @docType class
3 |
#' @description
4 |
#' `FileBlock` manages file-based content in a report,
5 |
#' ensuring appropriate handling of content files.
6 |
7 |
#' @keywords internal
8 |
FileBlock <- R6::R6Class( # nolint: object_name_linter. |
9 |
classname = "FileBlock", |
10 |
inherit = ContentBlock, |
11 |
public = list( |
12 |
#' @description Finalize the `FileBlock`.
13 |
14 |
#' @details Removes the temporary file created in the constructor.
15 |
finalize = function() { |
16 | 86x |
try(unlink(super$get_content())) |
17 |
18 |
#' @description Create the `FileBlock` from a list.
19 |
#' The list should contain one named field, `"basename"`.
20 |
21 |
#' @param x (`named list`) with one field `"basename"`, a name of the file.
22 |
#' @param output_dir (`character`) with a path to the directory where a file will be copied.
23 |
24 |
#' @return `self`, invisibly.
25 |
#' @examples
26 |
#' FileBlock <- getFromNamespace("FileBlock", "teal.reporter")
27 |
#' block <- FileBlock$new()
28 |
#' file_path <- tempfile(fileext = ".png")
29 |
#' saveRDS(iris, file_path)
30 |
#' block$from_list(list(basename = basename(file_path)), dirname(file_path))
31 |
32 |
from_list = function(x, output_dir) { |
33 | 11x |
checkmate::assert_list(x) |
34 | 11x |
checkmate::assert_names(names(x), must.include = "basename") |
35 | 11x |
path <- file.path(output_dir, x$basename) |
36 | 11x |
file_type <- paste0(".", tools::file_ext(path)) |
37 | 11x |
checkmate::assert_file_exists(path, extension = file_type) |
38 | 11x |
new_file_path <- tempfile(fileext = file_type) |
39 | 11x |
file.copy(path, new_file_path) |
40 | 11x |
super$set_content(new_file_path) |
41 | 11x |
invisible(self) |
42 |
43 |
#' @description Convert the `FileBlock` to a list.
44 |
45 |
#' @param output_dir (`character`) with a path to the directory where a file will be copied.
46 |
47 |
#' @return `named list` with a `basename` of the file.
48 |
#' @examples
49 |
#' FileBlock <- getFromNamespace("FileBlock", "teal.reporter")
50 |
#' block <- FileBlock$new()
51 |
#' block$to_list(tempdir())
52 |
53 |
to_list = function(output_dir) { |
54 | 21x |
base_name <- basename(super$get_content()) |
55 | 21x |
file.copy(super$get_content(), file.path(output_dir, base_name)) |
56 | 21x |
list(basename = base_name) |
57 |
58 |
59 |
private = list( |
60 |
content = character(0) |
61 |
62 |
lock_objects = TRUE, |
63 |
lock_class = TRUE |
64 |
1 |
.onLoad <- function(libname, pkgname) { |
2 | ! |
op <- options() |
3 | ! |
default_global_knitr <- list(teal.reporter.global_knitr = list( |
4 | ! |
echo = TRUE, |
5 | ! |
tidy.opts = list(width.cutoff = 60), |
6 | ! |
tidy = requireNamespace("formatR", quietly = TRUE) |
7 |
)) |
8 | ||
9 | ! |
if (!("teal.reporter.global_knitr" %in% names(op))) { |
10 | ! |
options(default_global_knitr) |
11 |
12 | ||
13 | ! |
invisible() |
14 |
15 | ||
16 |
.onAttach <- function(libname, pkgname) { |
17 | 2x |
if (!requireNamespace("formatR", quietly = TRUE)) { |
18 | ! |
packageStartupMessage( |
19 | ! |
"For better code formatting, consider installing the formatR package."
20 |
21 |
22 |
1 |
#' @title `PictureBlock`
2 |
#' @docType class
3 |
#' @description
4 |
#' Specialized `FileBlock` for managing picture content in reports.
5 |
#' It's designed to handle plots from packages such as `ggplot2`, `grid`, or `lattice`.
6 |
#' It can save plots to files, set titles and specify dimensions.
7 |
8 |
#' @keywords internal
9 |
PictureBlock <- R6::R6Class( # nolint: object_name_linter. |
10 |
classname = "PictureBlock", |
11 |
inherit = FileBlock, |
12 |
public = list( |
13 |
#' @description Initialize a `PictureBlock` object.
14 |
15 |
#' @param plot (`ggplot` or `grid`) a picture in this `PictureBlock`
16 |
17 |
#' @return Object of class `PictureBlock`, invisibly.
18 |
initialize = function(plot) { |
19 | 51x |
if (!missing(plot)) { |
20 | ! |
self$set_content(plot) |
21 |
22 | 51x |
invisible(self) |
23 |
24 |
#' @description Sets the content of this `PictureBlock`.
25 |
26 |
#' @details Raises error if argument is not a `ggplot`, `grob` or `trellis` plot.
27 |
28 |
#' @param content (`ggplot` or `grob` or `trellis`) a picture in this `PictureBlock`
29 |
30 |
#' @return `self`, invisibly.
31 |
#' @examplesIf require("ggplot2") && require("lattice")
32 |
#' library(ggplot2)
33 |
#' library(lattice)
34 |
35 |
#' PictureBlock <- getFromNamespace("PictureBlock", "teal.reporter")
36 |
#' block <- PictureBlock$new()
37 |
#' block$set_content(ggplot(iris))
38 |
39 |
#' PictureBlock <- getFromNamespace("PictureBlock", "teal.reporter")
40 |
#' block <- PictureBlock$new()
41 |
#' block$set_content(bwplot(1))
42 |
43 |
#' PictureBlock <- getFromNamespace("PictureBlock", "teal.reporter")
44 |
#' block <- PictureBlock$new()
45 |
#' block$set_content(ggplotGrob(ggplot(iris)))
46 |
set_content = function(content) { |
47 | 31x |
checkmate::assert_multi_class(content, private$supported_plots) |
48 | 29x |
path <- tempfile(fileext = ".png") |
49 | 29x |
grDevices::png(filename = path, width = private$dim[1], height = private$dim[2]) |
50 | 29x |
tryCatch( |
51 | 29x |
expr = { |
52 | 29x |
if (inherits(content, "grob")) { |
53 | 1x |
grid::grid.newpage() |
54 | 1x |
grid::grid.draw(content) |
55 | 28x |
} else if (inherits(content, c("gg", "Heatmap"))) { # "Heatmap" S4 from ComplexHeatmap |
56 | 27x |
print(content) |
57 | 1x |
} else if (inherits(content, "trellis")) { |
58 | 1x |
grid::grid.newpage() |
59 | 1x |
grid::grid.draw(grid::grid.grabExpr(print(content), warn = 0, wrap.grobs = TRUE)) |
60 |
61 | 29x |
super$set_content(path) |
62 |
63 | 29x |
finally = grDevices::dev.off() |
64 |
65 | 29x |
invisible(self) |
66 |
67 |
#' @description Sets the title of this `PictureBlock`.
68 |
69 |
#' @details Raises error if argument is not `character(1)`.
70 |
71 |
#' @param title (`character(1)`) a string assigned to this `PictureBlock`
72 |
73 |
#' @return `self`, invisibly.
74 |
#' @examples
75 |
#' PictureBlock <- getFromNamespace("PictureBlock", "teal.reporter")
76 |
#' block <- PictureBlock$new()
77 |
#' block$set_title("Title")
78 |
79 |
set_title = function(title) { |
80 | 5x |
checkmate::assert_string(title) |
81 | 4x |
private$title <- title |
82 | 4x |
invisible(self) |
83 |
84 |
#' @description Get the title of this `PictureBlock`.
85 |
86 |
#' @return The content of this `PictureBlock`.
87 |
#' @examples
88 |
#' PictureBlock <- getFromNamespace("PictureBlock", "teal.reporter")
89 |
#' block <- PictureBlock$new()
90 |
#' block$get_title()
91 |
92 |
get_title = function() { |
93 | 9x |
private$title |
94 |
95 |
#' @description Sets the dimensions of this `PictureBlock`.
96 |
97 |
#' @param dim (`numeric(2)`) figure dimensions (width and height) in pixels.
98 |
99 |
#' @return `self`, invisibly.
100 |
#' @examples
101 |
#' PictureBlock <- getFromNamespace("PictureBlock", "teal.reporter")
102 |
#' block <- PictureBlock$new()
103 |
#' block$set_dim(c(800, 600))
104 |
105 |
set_dim = function(dim) { |
106 | 6x |
checkmate::assert_numeric(dim, len = 2) |
107 | 4x |
private$dim <- dim |
108 | 4x |
invisible(self) |
109 |
110 |
#' @description Get `PictureBlock` dimensions as a numeric vector.
111 |
112 |
#' @return `numeric` the array of 2 numeric values representing width and height in pixels.
113 |
#' @examples
114 |
#' PictureBlock <- getFromNamespace("PictureBlock", "teal.reporter")
115 |
#' block <- PictureBlock$new()
116 |
#' block$get_dim()
117 |
get_dim = function() { |
118 | ! |
private$dim |
119 |
120 |
121 |
private = list( |
122 |
supported_plots = c("ggplot", "grob", "trellis", "Heatmap"), |
123 |
type = character(0), |
124 |
title = "", |
125 |
dim = c(800, 600) |
126 |
127 |
lock_objects = TRUE, |
128 |
lock_class = TRUE |
129 |
1 |
#' Simple reporter module
2 |
3 |
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")`
4 |
5 |
#' Module provides compact UI and server functions for managing a report in a `shiny` app.
6 |
#' This module combines functionalities for [adding cards to a report][add_card_button],
7 |
#' [downloading the report][download_report_button], and [resetting report content][reset_report_button].
8 |
9 |
#' For more details see the vignette: `vignette("simpleReporter", "teal.reporter")`.
10 |
11 |
#' @details `r global_knitr_details()`
12 |
13 |
#' @name simple_reporter
14 |
15 |
#' @param id (`character(1)`) `shiny` module instance id.
16 |
#' @param reporter (`Reporter`) instance.
17 |
#' @param card_fun (`function`) which returns a [`ReportCard`] instance,
18 |
#' the function has a `card` argument and an optional `comment` argument.
19 |
#' @param global_knitr (`list`) a global `knitr` parameters for customizing the rendering process.
20 |
#' @inheritParams reporter_download_inputs
21 |
22 |
#' @return `NULL`.
23 |
24 |
#' @examples
25 |
#' if (interactive()) {
26 |
#' library(shiny)
27 |
28 |
#' shinyApp(
29 |
#' ui = fluidPage(simple_reporter_ui("simple")),
30 |
#' server = function(input, output, session) {
31 |
#' simple_reporter_srv("simple", Reporter$new(), function(card) card)
32 |
#' }
33 |
#' )
34 |
#' }
35 |
36 | ||
37 |
#' @rdname simple_reporter
38 |
#' @export
39 |
simple_reporter_ui <- function(id) { |
40 | 1x |
ns <- shiny::NS(id) |
41 | 1x |
shiny::tagList( |
42 | 1x |
shiny::singleton( |
43 | 1x |
shiny::tags$head(shiny::includeCSS(system.file("css/custom.css", package = "teal.reporter"))) |
44 |
45 | 1x |
shiny::tags$div( |
46 | 1x |
class = "block mb-4 p-1", |
47 | 1x |
shiny::tags$label(class = "text-primary block -ml-1", shiny::tags$strong("Reporter")), |
48 | 1x |
shiny::tags$div( |
49 | 1x |
class = "simple_reporter_container", |
50 | 1x |
add_card_button_ui(ns("add_report_card_simple")), |
51 | 1x |
download_report_button_ui(ns("download_button_simple")), |
52 | 1x |
report_load_ui(ns("archive_load_simple")), |
53 | 1x |
reset_report_button_ui(ns("reset_button_simple")) |
54 |
55 |
56 |
57 |
58 | ||
59 |
#' @rdname simple_reporter
60 |
#' @export
61 |
simple_reporter_srv <- function( |
62 |
63 |
64 |
65 |
global_knitr = getOption("teal.reporter.global_knitr"), |
66 |
rmd_output = c( |
67 |
"html" = "html_document", "pdf" = "pdf_document", |
68 |
"powerpoint" = "powerpoint_presentation", "word" = "word_document" |
69 |
70 |
rmd_yaml_args = list( |
71 |
author = "NEST", title = "Report", |
72 |
date = as.character(Sys.Date()), output = "html_document", |
73 |
toc = FALSE |
74 |
)) { |
75 | 3x |
shiny::moduleServer( |
76 | 3x |
77 | 3x |
function(input, output, session) { |
78 | 3x |
add_card_button_srv("add_report_card_simple", reporter = reporter, card_fun = card_fun) |
79 | 3x |
download_report_button_srv( |
80 | 3x |
81 | 3x |
reporter = reporter, |
82 | 3x |
global_knitr = global_knitr, |
83 | 3x |
rmd_output = rmd_output, |
84 | 3x |
rmd_yaml_args = rmd_yaml_args |
85 |
86 | 3x |
report_load_srv("archive_load_simple", reporter = reporter) |
87 | 3x |
reset_report_button_srv("reset_button_simple", reporter = reporter) |
88 |
89 |
90 |
1 |
#' @title `NewpageBlock`
2 |
#' @docType class
3 |
#' @description
4 |
#' A `ContentBlock` subclass that represents a page break in a report output.
5 |
6 |
#' @keywords internal
7 |
NewpageBlock <- R6::R6Class( # nolint: object_name_linter. |
8 |
classname = "NewpageBlock", |
9 |
inherit = ContentBlock, |
10 |
public = list( |
11 |
#' @description Initialize a `NewpageBlock` object.
12 |
13 |
#' @details Returns a `NewpageBlock` object with no content and the default style.
14 |
15 |
#' @return Object of class `NewpageBlock`, invisibly.
16 |
#' @examples
17 |
#' NewpageBlock <- getFromNamespace("NewpageBlock", "teal.reporter")
18 |
#' block <- NewpageBlock$new()
19 |
20 |
initialize = function() { |
21 | 14x |
super$set_content("\n\\newpage\n") |
22 | 14x |
invisible(self) |
23 |
24 |
25 |
lock_objects = TRUE, |
26 |
lock_class = TRUE |
27 |