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This defines the input for the sample variable specification.


  label_vars = "Select sample variable",
  label_levels_button = "Combine factor levels"



the ID used to call the module input.


label for the sample variable selection.


label for the levels combination button.


The UI part.

See also

sampleVarSpecServer() for the module server and a complete example.


sampleVarSpecInput("my_vars", label_vars = "Select faceting variable")
#> <div class="row">
#>   <div class="col-sm-8">
#>     <label class="control-label">Select faceting variable</label>
#>   </div>
#>   <div class="col-sm-4">
#>     <button class="btn btn-default action-button pull-right list-genes" id="my_vars-levels_button" title="Combine factor levels" type="button">
#>       <span>
#>         <i class="fa fa-fas fa-table" role="presentation" aria-label="fas fa-table icon"></i>
#>       </span>
#>     </button>
#>     <style type="text/css">.pretty {
#>   margin-right: 0;
#> }
#> .list-genes {
#>   padding: 0;
#>   margin: 0 0 0 0.5rem;
#>   background: transparent !important;
#>   outline: none !important;
#>   box-shadow: none !important;
#>   border: 0;
#> }
#> .custom-select-input .bootstrap-select .dropdown-menu {
#>   min-width: fit-content;
#> }
#> .selectize-input {
#>   max-height: 102px;
#>   overflow-y: auto;
#> }
#> div.shiny-radiomatrix input[type="radio"] {
#>   display: none;
#> }
#> div.shiny-radiomatrix .radio-parent {
#>   display: block;
#>   position: relative;
#>   cursor: pointer;
#>   -webkit-user-select: none;
#>   -moz-user-select: none;
#>   -ms-user-select: none;
#>   user-select: none;
#>   top: -10px;
#>   left: -13px;
#> }
#> /* Hide the browser's default radio button */
#> div.shiny-radiomatrix .radio-parent input {
#>   position: absolute;
#>   opacity: 0;
#>   cursor: pointer;
#>   height: 0;
#>   width: 0;
#> }
#> /* Create a custom radio button */
#> div.shiny-radiomatrix .checkmark {
#>   position: absolute;
#>   height: 25px;
#>   width: 25px;
#>   background-color: #eee;
#>   z-index: 25;
#>   transition: 0.5s all ease-in-out;
#> }
#> div.shiny-radiomatrix .radio-parent:hover input ~ .checkmark {
#>   background-color: #2195f34b;
#> }
#> div.shiny-radiomatrix .radio-parent input:checked ~ .checkmark {
#>   background-color: #2196f3;
#> }
#> div.shiny-radiomatrix table {
#>   border-spacing: 0;
#>   border-collapse: collapse;
#>   overflow: hidden;
#> }
#> div.shiny-radiomatrix td,
#> div.shiny-radiomatrix th {
#>   padding: 10px;
#>   position: relative;
#>   transition: 0.5s all ease-in-out;
#> }
#> div.shiny-radiomatrix tr:hover {
#>   background-color: rgba(151, 151, 151, 0.1);
#> }
#> div.shiny-radiomatrix td:hover::before,
#> div.shiny-radiomatrix th:hover::before {
#>   background-color: rgba(151, 151, 151, 0.1);
#>   content: "\00a0";
#>   height: 1000vh;
#>   left: 0;
#>   position: absolute;
#>   top: -500vh;
#>   width: 100%;
#> }
#> .dataTable-container table td{
#>   white-space: unset !important;
#> }</style>
#>   </div>
#> </div>
#> <div class="custom-select-input">
#>   <div class="form-group shiny-input-container">
#>     <label class="control-label shiny-label-null" for="my_vars-sample_var"></label>
#>     <select data-actions-box="false" data-none-selected-text="- Nothing selected -" data-max-options="1" data-show-subtext="true" data-live-search="false" id="my_vars-sample_var" class="selectpicker form-control" multiple="multiple"><option value=""></option></select>
#>   </div>
#> </div>