label_vars = "Select sample variable",
label_levels_button = "Combine factor levels"
- inputId
the ID used to call the module input.- label_vars
label for the sample variable selection.- label_levels_button
label for the levels combination button.
See also
for the module server and a complete example.
sampleVarSpecInput("my_vars", label_vars = "Select faceting variable")
#> <div class="row">
#> <div class="col-sm-8">
#> <label class="control-label">Select faceting variable</label>
#> </div>
#> <div class="col-sm-4">
#> <button class="btn btn-default action-button pull-right list-genes" id="my_vars-levels_button" title="Combine factor levels" type="button">
#> <span>
#> <i class="fa fa-fas fa-table" role="presentation" aria-label="fas fa-table icon"></i>
#> </span>
#> </button>
#> <style type="text/css">.pretty {
#> margin-right: 0;
#> }
#> .list-genes {
#> padding: 0;
#> margin: 0 0 0 0.5rem;
#> background: transparent !important;
#> outline: none !important;
#> box-shadow: none !important;
#> border: 0;
#> }
#> .custom-select-input .bootstrap-select .dropdown-menu {
#> min-width: fit-content;
#> }
#> .selectize-input {
#> max-height: 102px;
#> overflow-y: auto;
#> }
#> div.shiny-radiomatrix input[type="radio"] {
#> display: none;
#> }
#> div.shiny-radiomatrix .radio-parent {
#> display: block;
#> position: relative;
#> cursor: pointer;
#> -webkit-user-select: none;
#> -moz-user-select: none;
#> -ms-user-select: none;
#> user-select: none;
#> top: -10px;
#> left: -13px;
#> }
#> /* Hide the browser's default radio button */
#> div.shiny-radiomatrix .radio-parent input {
#> position: absolute;
#> opacity: 0;
#> cursor: pointer;
#> height: 0;
#> width: 0;
#> }
#> /* Create a custom radio button */
#> div.shiny-radiomatrix .checkmark {
#> position: absolute;
#> height: 25px;
#> width: 25px;
#> background-color: #eee;
#> z-index: 25;
#> transition: 0.5s all ease-in-out;
#> }
#> div.shiny-radiomatrix .radio-parent:hover input ~ .checkmark {
#> background-color: #2195f34b;
#> }
#> div.shiny-radiomatrix .radio-parent input:checked ~ .checkmark {
#> background-color: #2196f3;
#> }
#> div.shiny-radiomatrix table {
#> border-spacing: 0;
#> border-collapse: collapse;
#> overflow: hidden;
#> }
#> div.shiny-radiomatrix td,
#> div.shiny-radiomatrix th {
#> padding: 10px;
#> position: relative;
#> transition: 0.5s all ease-in-out;
#> }
#> div.shiny-radiomatrix tr:hover {
#> background-color: rgba(151, 151, 151, 0.1);
#> }
#> div.shiny-radiomatrix td:hover::before,
#> div.shiny-radiomatrix th:hover::before {
#> background-color: rgba(151, 151, 151, 0.1);
#> content: "\00a0";
#> height: 1000vh;
#> left: 0;
#> position: absolute;
#> top: -500vh;
#> width: 100%;
#> }
#> .dataTable-container table td{
#> white-space: unset !important;
#> }</style>
#> </div>
#> </div>
#> <div class="custom-select-input">
#> <div class="form-group shiny-input-container">
#> <label class="control-label shiny-label-null" for="my_vars-sample_var"></label>
#> <select data-actions-box="false" data-none-selected-text="- Nothing selected -" data-max-options="1" data-show-subtext="true" data-live-search="false" id="my_vars-sample_var" class="selectpicker form-control" multiple="multiple"><option value=""></option></select>
#> </div>
#> </div>