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Creates a simple front page for teal applications, displaying introductory text, tables, additional html or shiny tags, and footnotes.


  label = "Front page",
  header_text = character(0),
  tables = list(),
  additional_tags = tagList(),
  footnotes = character(0),
  show_metadata = deprecated(),
  datanames = if (missing(show_metadata)) NULL else "all",
  transformators = list()



(character(1)) Label shown in the navigation item for the module or module group. For modules() defaults to "root". See Details.


(character vector) text to be shown at the top of the module, for each element, if named the name is shown first in bold as a header followed by the value. The first element's header is displayed larger than the others.


(named list of data.frames) tables to be shown in the module.


(shiny.tag.list or html) additional shiny tags or html to be included after the table, for example to include an image, tagList(tags$img(src = "image.png")) or to include further html, HTML("html text here").


(character vector) of text to be shown at the bottom of the module, for each element, if named the name is shown first in bold, followed by the value.


(logical) [Deprecated] indicating whether the metadata of the datasets be available on the module. Metadata shown automatically when datanames set.


(character) Names of the datasets relevant to the item. There are 2 reserved values that have specific behaviors:

  • The keyword "all" includes all datasets available in the data passed to the teal application.

  • NULL hides the sidebar panel completely.

  • If transformators are specified, their datanames are automatically added to this datanames argument.


(list of teal_transform_module) that will be applied to transform module's data input. To learn more check vignette("transform-input-data", package = "teal").


Object of class teal_module to be used in teal applications.

Examples in Shinylive


Open in Shinylive


data <- teal_data()
data <- within(data, {
  ADSL <-
  attr(ADSL, "metadata") <- list("Author" = "NEST team", "data_source" = "synthetic data")
join_keys(data) <- default_cdisc_join_keys[names(data)]

table_1 <- data.frame(Info = c("A", "B"), Text = c("A", "B"))
table_2 <- data.frame(`Column 1` = c("C", "D"), `Column 2` = c(5.5, 6.6), `Column 3` = c("A", "B"))
table_3 <- data.frame(Info = c("E", "F"), Text = c("G", "H"))

table_input <- list(
  "Table 1" = table_1,
  "Table 2" = table_2,
  "Table 3" = table_3

app <- init(
  data = data,
  modules = modules(
      header_text = c(
        "Important information" = "It can go here.",
        "Other information" = "Can go here."
      tables = table_input,
      additional_tags = HTML("Additional HTML or shiny tags go here <br>"),
      footnotes = c("X" = "is the first footnote", "Y is the second footnote")
) |>
  modify_header(tags$h1("Sample Application")) |>
  modify_footer(tags$p("Application footer"))
#> Initializing tm_front_page

if (interactive()) {
  shinyApp(app$ui, app$server)