1 |
#' Get object from `qenv`
2 |
3 |
#' @description
4 |
#' `r lifecycle::badge("deprecated")`
5 |
#' Instead of [get_var()] use native \R operators/functions:
6 |
#' `x[[name]]`, `x$name` or [get()]:
7 |
8 |
#' Retrieve variables from the `qenv` environment.
9 |
10 |
#' @param object,x (`qenv`)
11 |
#' @param var,i (`character(1)`) variable name.
12 |
13 |
#' @return The value of required variable (`var`) within `qenv` object.
14 |
15 |
#' @examples
16 |
#' q <- qenv()
17 |
#' q1 <- eval_code(q, code = quote(a <- 1))
18 |
#' q2 <- eval_code(q1, code = "b <- a")
19 |
#' get_var(q2, "b")
20 |
21 |
#' @aliases get_var,qenv,character-method
22 |
#' @aliases get_var,qenv.error,ANY-method
23 |
24 |
#' @export
25 |
setGeneric("get_var", function(object, var) { |
26 | 5x |
dev_suppress(object) |
27 | 5x |
standardGeneric("get_var") |
28 |
}) |
29 | ||
30 |
setMethod("get_var", signature = c("qenv", "character"), function(object, var) { |
31 | 4x |
lifecycle::deprecate_soft("0.6.0", "get_var()", "base::get()") |
32 | 4x |
tryCatch( |
33 | 4x |
get(var, envir = object@.xData, inherits = FALSE), |
34 | 4x |
error = function(e) { |
35 | 3x |
message(conditionMessage(e)) |
36 | 3x |
37 |
38 |
39 |
}) |
40 | ||
41 |
setMethod("get_var", signature = c("qenv.error", "ANY"), function(object, var) { |
42 | 1x |
stop(errorCondition( |
43 | 1x |
list(message = conditionMessage(object)), |
44 | 1x |
class = c("validation", "try-error", "simpleError") |
45 |
)) |
46 |
}) |
47 | ||
48 |
#' @rdname get_var
49 |
#' @export
50 |
`[[.qenv.error` <- function(x, i) { |
51 | 1x |
stop(errorCondition( |
52 | 1x |
list(message = conditionMessage(x)), |
53 | 1x |
class = c("validation", "try-error", "simpleError") |
54 |
)) |
55 |
56 | ||
57 |
#' @export
58 | 4x |
names.qenv.error <- function(x) NULL |
59 | ||
60 |
#' @export
61 |
`$.qenv.error` <- function(x, name) { |
62 |
# Must allow access of elements in qenv.error object (message, call, trace, ...)
63 |
# Otherwise, it will enter an infinite recursion with the `conditionMessage(x)` call.
64 | 9x |
if (exists(name, x)) { |
65 | 8x |
return(NextMethod("$", x)) |
66 |
67 | ||
68 | 1x |
class(x) <- setdiff(class(x), "qenv.error") |
69 | 1x |
stop(errorCondition( |
70 | 1x |
list(message = conditionMessage(x)), |
71 | 1x |
class = c("validation", "try-error", "simpleError") |
72 |
)) |
73 |
1 |
# get_code_dependency ----
2 | ||
3 |
#' Get code dependency of an object
4 |
5 |
#' Extract subset of code required to reproduce specific object(s), including code producing side-effects.
6 |
7 |
#' Given a character vector with code, this function will extract the part of the code responsible for creating
8 |
#' the variables specified by `names`.
9 |
#' This includes the final call that creates the variable(s) in question as well as all _parent calls_,
10 |
#' _i.e._ calls that create variables used in the final call and their parents, etc.
11 |
#' Also included are calls that create side-effects like establishing connections.
12 |
13 |
#' It is assumed that object dependency is established by using three assignment operators: `<-`, `=`, and `->` .
14 |
#' Other assignment methods (`assign`, `<<-`) or non-standard-evaluation methods are not supported.
15 |
16 |
#' Side-effects are not detected automatically and must be marked in the code.
17 |
#' Add `# @linksto object` at the end of a line where a side-effect occurs to specify that this line is required
18 |
#' to reproduce a variable called `object`.
19 |
20 |
#' @param code `character` with the code.
21 |
#' @param names `character` vector of object names.
22 |
#' @param check_code_names `logical(1)` flag specifying if a warning for non-existing names should be displayed.
23 |
24 |
#' @return Character vector, a subset of `code`.
25 |
#' Note that subsetting is actually done on the calls `code`, not necessarily on the elements of the vector.
26 |
27 |
#' @keywords internal
28 |
get_code_dependency <- function(code, names, check_code_names = TRUE) { |
29 | 75x |
checkmate::assert_list(code, "character") |
30 | 75x |
checkmate::assert_character(names, any.missing = FALSE) |
31 | ||
32 | 75x |
graph <- lapply(code, attr, "dependency") |
33 | ||
34 | 75x |
if (check_code_names) { |
35 | 74x |
symbols <- unlist(lapply(graph, function(call) { |
36 | 227x |
ind <- match("<-", call, nomatch = length(call) + 1L) |
37 | 227x |
call[seq_len(ind - 1L)] |
38 |
})) |
39 | ||
40 | 74x |
if (!all(names %in% unique(symbols))) { |
41 | 8x |
warning("Object(s) not found in code: ", toString(setdiff(names, symbols)), ".", call. = FALSE) |
42 |
43 |
44 | ||
45 | 75x |
if (length(code) == 0) { |
46 | 1x |
return(code) |
47 |
48 | ||
49 | 74x |
ind <- unlist(lapply(names, function(x) graph_parser(x, graph))) |
50 | ||
51 | 74x |
lib_ind <- detect_libraries(graph) |
52 | ||
53 | 74x |
code_ids <- sort(unique(c(lib_ind, ind))) |
54 | 74x |
code[code_ids] |
55 |
56 | ||
57 |
#' Locate function call token
58 |
59 |
#' Determine which row of parsed data is specific `SYMBOL_FUNCTION_CALL` token.
60 |
61 |
#' Useful for determining occurrence of `assign` or `data` functions in an input call.
62 |
63 |
#' @param call_pd `data.frame` as returned by `extract_calls()`
64 |
#' @param text `character(1)` to look for in `text` column of `call_pd`
65 |
66 |
#' @return
67 |
#' Single integer specifying row in `call_pd` where `token` is `SYMBOL_FUNCTION_CALL` and `text` is `text`.
68 |
#' 0 if not found.
69 |
70 |
#' @keywords internal
71 |
#' @noRd
72 |
find_call <- function(call_pd, text) { |
73 | 643x |
checkmate::check_data_frame(call_pd) |
74 | 643x |
checkmate::check_names(call_pd, must.include = c("token", "text")) |
75 | 643x |
checkmate::check_string(text) |
76 | ||
77 | 643x |
ans <- which(call_pd$token == "SYMBOL_FUNCTION_CALL" & call_pd$text == text) |
78 | 643x |
if (length(ans)) { |
79 | 8x |
80 |
} else { |
81 | 635x |
82 |
83 |
84 | ||
85 |
#' Split the result of `utils::getParseData()` into separate calls
86 |
87 |
#' @param pd (`data.frame`) A result of `utils::getParseData()`.
88 |
89 |
#' @return
90 |
#' A `list` of `data.frame`s.
91 |
#' Each element is a subset of `pd` corresponding to one call in the original code from which `pd` was obtained.
92 |
#' Only four columns (`"token"`, `"text"`, `"id"`, `"parent"`) are kept, the rest is discarded.
93 |
94 |
#' @keywords internal
95 |
#' @noRd
96 |
extract_calls <- function(pd) { |
97 | 545x |
calls <- lapply( |
98 | 545x |
pd[pd$parent == 0 & (pd$token != "COMMENT" | grepl("@linksto", pd$text, fixed = TRUE)), "id"], |
99 | 545x |
function(parent) { |
100 | 662x |
rbind( |
101 | 662x |
pd[pd$id == parent, ], |
102 | 662x |
get_children(pd = pd, parent = parent) |
103 |
104 |
105 |
106 | 545x |
calls <- Filter(function(call) !(nrow(call) == 1 && call$token == "';'"), calls) |
107 | 545x |
calls <- Filter(Negate(is.null), calls) |
108 | 545x |
calls <- fix_shifted_comments(calls) |
109 | 545x |
calls <- remove_custom_assign(calls, c(":=")) |
110 | 545x |
fix_arrows(calls) |
111 |
112 | ||
113 |
#' @keywords internal
114 |
#' @noRd
115 |
get_children <- function(pd, parent) { |
116 | 6438x |
idx_children <- abs(pd$parent) == parent |
117 | 6438x |
children <- pd[idx_children, ] |
118 | 6438x |
if (nrow(children) == 0) { |
119 | 3647x |
return(NULL) |
120 |
121 | ||
122 | 2791x |
if (parent > 0) { |
123 | 2791x |
do.call(rbind, c(list(children), lapply(children$id, get_children, pd = pd))) |
124 |
125 |
126 | ||
127 |
#' Fixes edge case of comments being shifted to the next call.
128 |
#' @keywords internal
129 |
#' @noRd
130 |
fix_shifted_comments <- function(calls) { |
131 |
# If the first or the second token is a @linksto COMMENT,
132 |
# then it belongs to the previous call.
133 | 545x |
if (length(calls) >= 2) { |
134 | 55x |
for (i in 2:length(calls)) { |
135 | 118x |
comment_idx <- grep("@linksto", calls[[i]][, "text"]) |
136 | 118x |
if (isTRUE(comment_idx[1] <= 2)) { |
137 | 6x |
calls[[i - 1]] <- rbind( |
138 | 6x |
calls[[i - 1]], |
139 | 6x |
calls[[i]][comment_idx[1], ] |
140 |
141 | 6x |
calls[[i]] <- calls[[i]][-comment_idx[1], ] |
142 |
143 |
144 |
145 | 545x |
Filter(nrow, calls) |
146 |
147 | ||
148 |
#' Fixes edge case of custom assignments operator being treated as assignment.
149 |
150 |
#' @param exclude (`character`) custom assignment operators to be excluded
151 |
#' @keywords internal
152 |
#' @noRd
153 |
remove_custom_assign <- function(calls, exclude = NULL) { |
154 | 545x |
checkmate::assert_list(calls) |
155 | 545x |
checkmate::assert_character(exclude, null.ok = TRUE) |
156 | 545x |
lapply(calls, function(call) { |
157 | 658x |
if (!is.null(exclude)) { |
158 | 658x |
call[!(call$token == "LEFT_ASSIGN" & call$text %in% exclude), ] |
159 |
} else { |
160 | ! |
161 |
162 |
}) |
163 |
164 | ||
165 |
#' Fixes edge case of `<-` assignment operator being called as function,
166 |
#' which is \code{`<-`(y,x)} instead of traditional `y <- x`.
167 |
#' @keywords internal
168 |
#' @noRd
169 |
fix_arrows <- function(calls) { |
170 | 545x |
checkmate::assert_list(calls) |
171 | 545x |
lapply(calls, function(call) { |
172 | 658x |
sym_fun <- call$token == "SYMBOL_FUNCTION_CALL" |
173 | 658x |
call[sym_fun, ] <- sub_arrows(call[sym_fun, ]) |
174 | 658x |
175 |
}) |
176 |
177 | ||
178 |
#' Execution of assignment operator substitutions for a call.
179 |
#' @keywords internal
180 |
#' @noRd
181 |
sub_arrows <- function(call) { |
182 | 658x |
checkmate::assert_data_frame(call) |
183 | 658x |
map <- data.frame( |
184 | 658x |
row.names = c("<-", "<<-", "="), |
185 | 658x |
token = rep("LEFT_ASSIGN", 3), |
186 | 658x |
text = rep("<-", 3) |
187 |
188 | 658x |
sub_ids <- call$text %in% rownames(map) |
189 | 658x |
call[sub_ids, c("token", "text")] <- map[call$text[sub_ids], ] |
190 | 658x |
191 |
192 | ||
193 |
# code_graph ----
194 | ||
195 |
#' Extract object occurrence
196 |
197 |
#' Extracts objects occurrence within calls passed by `pd`.
198 |
#' Also detects which objects depend on which within a call.
199 |
200 |
#' @param pd `data.frame`;
201 |
#' one of the results of `utils::getParseData()` split into subsets representing individual calls;
202 |
#' created by `extract_calls()` function
203 |
204 |
#' @return
205 |
#' A character vector listing names of objects that depend on this call
206 |
#' and names of objects that this call depends on.
207 |
#' Dependencies are listed after the `"<-"` string, e.g. `c("a", "<-", "b", "c")` means that in this call object `a`
208 |
#' depends on objects `b` and `c`.
209 |
#' If a call is tagged with `@linksto a`, then object `a` is understood to depend on that call.
210 |
211 |
#' @keywords internal
212 |
#' @noRd
213 |
extract_occurrence <- function(pd) { |
214 | 323x |
is_in_function <- function(x) { |
215 |
# If an object is a function parameter,
216 |
# then in calls_pd there is a `SYMBOL_FORMALS` entry for that object.
217 | 315x |
function_id <- x[x$token == "FUNCTION", "parent"] |
218 | 315x |
if (length(function_id)) { |
219 | 18x |
x$id %in% get_children(x, function_id[1])$id |
220 |
} else { |
221 | 297x |
rep(FALSE, nrow(x)) |
222 |
223 |
224 | 323x |
in_parenthesis <- function(x) { |
225 | 255x |
if (any(x$token %in% c("LBB", "'['"))) { |
226 | 7x |
id_start <- min(x$id[x$token %in% c("LBB", "'['")]) |
227 | 7x |
id_end <- min(x$id[x$token == "']'"]) |
228 | 7x |
x$text[x$token == "SYMBOL" & x$id > id_start & x$id < id_end] |
229 |
230 |
231 | ||
232 |
# Handle data(object)/data("object")/data(object, envir = ) independently.
233 | 323x |
data_call <- find_call(pd, "data") |
234 | 323x |
if (data_call) { |
235 | 3x |
sym <- pd[data_call + 1, "text"] |
236 | 3x |
return(c(gsub("^['\"]|['\"]$", "", sym), "<-")) |
237 |
238 |
# Handle assign(x = ).
239 | 320x |
assign_call <- find_call(pd, "assign") |
240 | 320x |
if (assign_call) { |
241 |
# Check if parameters were named.
242 |
# "','" is for unnamed parameters, where "SYMBOL_SUB" is for named.
243 |
# "EQ_SUB" is for `=` appearing after the name of the named parameter.
244 | 5x |
if (any(pd$token == "SYMBOL_SUB")) { |
245 | 4x |
params <- pd[pd$token %in% c("SYMBOL_SUB", "','", "EQ_SUB"), "text"] |
246 |
# Remove sequence of "=", ",".
247 | 4x |
if (length(params > 1)) { |
248 | 4x |
remove <- integer(0) |
249 | 4x |
for (i in 2:length(params)) { |
250 | 20x |
if (params[i - 1] == "=" && params[i] == ",") { |
251 | 4x |
remove <- c(remove, i - 1, i) |
252 |
253 |
254 | 3x |
if (length(remove)) params <- params[-remove] |
255 |
256 | 4x |
pos <- match("x", setdiff(params, ","), nomatch = match(",", params, nomatch = 0)) |
257 | 4x |
if (!pos) { |
258 | ! |
return(character(0L)) |
259 |
260 |
# pos is indicator of the place of 'x'
261 |
# 1. All parameters are named, but none is 'x' - return(character(0L))
262 |
# 2. Some parameters are named, 'x' is in named parameters: match("x", setdiff(params, ","))
263 |
# - check "x" in params being just a vector of named parameters.
264 |
# 3. Some parameters are named, 'x' is not in named parameters
265 |
# - check first appearance of "," (unnamed parameter) in vector parameters.
266 |
} else { |
267 |
# Object is the first entry after 'assign'.
268 | 1x |
pos <- 1 |
269 |
270 | 5x |
sym <- pd[assign_call + pos, "text"] |
271 | 5x |
return(c(gsub("^['\"]|['\"]$", "", sym), "<-")) |
272 |
273 | ||
274 |
# What occurs in a function body is not tracked.
275 | 315x |
x <- pd[!is_in_function(pd), ] |
276 | 315x |
sym_cond <- which(x$token %in% c("SPECIAL", "SYMBOL", "SYMBOL_FUNCTION_CALL")) |
277 | 315x |
sym_fc_cond <- which(x$token == "SYMBOL_FUNCTION_CALL") |
278 | ||
279 | 315x |
if (length(sym_cond) == 0) { |
280 | 18x |
return(character(0L)) |
281 |
282 |
# Watch out for SYMBOLS after $ and @. For x$a x@a: x is object, a is not.
283 |
# For x$a, a's ID is $'s ID-2 so we need to remove all IDs that have ID = $ID - 2.
284 | 297x |
dollar_ids <- x[x$token %in% c("'$'", "'@'"), "id"] |
285 | 297x |
if (length(dollar_ids)) { |
286 | 6x |
object_ids <- x[sym_cond, "id"] |
287 | 6x |
after_dollar <- object_ids[(object_ids - 2) %in% dollar_ids] |
288 | 6x |
sym_cond <- setdiff(sym_cond, which(x$id %in% after_dollar)) |
289 |
290 | ||
291 | 297x |
assign_cond <- grep("ASSIGN", x$token) |
292 | 297x |
if (!length(assign_cond)) { |
293 | 42x |
return(c("<-", unique(x[sym_cond, "text"]))) |
294 |
295 | ||
296 |
# For cases like 'eval(expression(c <- b + 2))' removes 'eval(expression('.
297 | 255x |
sym_cond <- sym_cond[!(sym_cond < min(assign_cond) & sym_cond %in% sym_fc_cond)] |
298 | ||
299 |
# If there was an assignment operation detect direction of it.
300 | 255x |
if (unique(x$text[assign_cond]) == "->") { # What if there are 2 assignments: e.g. a <- b -> c. |
301 | 1x |
sym_cond <- rev(sym_cond) |
302 |
303 | ||
304 | 255x |
after <- match(min(x$id[assign_cond]), sort(x$id[c(min(assign_cond), sym_cond)])) - 1 |
305 | 255x |
ans <- append(x[sym_cond, "text"], "<-", after = max(1, after)) |
306 | 255x |
roll <- in_parenthesis(pd) |
307 | 255x |
if (length(roll)) { |
308 | 3x |
c(setdiff(ans, roll), roll) |
309 |
} else { |
310 | 252x |
311 |
312 |
313 | ||
314 |
#' Extract side effects
315 |
316 |
#' Extracts all object names from the code that are marked with `@linksto` tag.
317 |
318 |
#' The code may contain functions calls that create side effects, e.g. modify the environment.
319 |
#' Static code analysis may be insufficient to determine which objects are created or modified by such a function call.
320 |
#' The `@linksto` comment tag is introduced to mark a call as having a (side) effect on one or more objects.
321 |
#' With this tag a complete object dependency structure can be established.
322 |
#' Read more about side effects and the usage of `@linksto` tag in [`get_code_dependencies()`] function.
323 |
324 |
#' @param pd `data.frame`;
325 |
#' one of the results of `utils::getParseData()` split into subsets representing individual calls;
326 |
#' created by `extract_calls()` function
327 |
328 |
#' @return
329 |
#' A character vector of names of objects
330 |
#' depending a call tagged with `@linksto` in a corresponding element of `pd`.
331 |
332 |
#' @keywords internal
333 |
#' @noRd
334 |
extract_side_effects <- function(pd) { |
335 | 323x |
linksto <- grep("@linksto", pd[pd$token == "COMMENT", "text"], value = TRUE) |
336 | 323x |
unlist(strsplit(sub("\\s*#.*@linksto\\s+", "", linksto), "\\s+")) |
337 |
338 | ||
339 |
#' @param parsed_code results of `parse(text = code, keep.source = TRUE` (parsed text)
340 |
#' @keywords internal
341 |
#' @noRd
342 |
extract_dependency <- function(parsed_code) { |
343 | 324x |
pd <- normalize_pd(utils::getParseData(parsed_code)) |
344 | 324x |
reordered_pd <- extract_calls(pd) |
345 | 324x |
if (length(reordered_pd) > 0) { |
346 |
# extract_calls is needed to reorder the pd so that assignment operator comes before symbol names
347 |
# extract_calls is needed also to substitute assignment operators into specific format with fix_arrows
348 |
# extract_calls is needed to omit empty calls that contain only one token `"';'"`
349 |
# This cleaning is needed as extract_occurrence assumes arrows are fixed, and order is different than in original pd
350 | 323x |
c(extract_side_effects(reordered_pd[[1]]), extract_occurrence(reordered_pd[[1]])) |
351 |
352 |
353 | ||
354 |
# graph_parser ----
355 | ||
356 |
#' Return the indices of calls needed to reproduce an object
357 |
358 |
#' @param x The name of the object to return code for.
359 |
#' @param graph A result of `code_graph()`.
360 |
361 |
#' @return
362 |
#' Integer vector of indices that can be applied to `graph` to obtain all calls required to reproduce object `x`.
363 |
364 |
#' @keywords internal
365 |
#' @noRd
366 |
graph_parser <- function(x, graph) { |
367 |
# x occurrences (lhs)
368 | 318x |
occurrence <- vapply( |
369 | 318x |
graph, function(call) { |
370 | 577x |
ind <- match("<-", call, nomatch = length(call) + 1L) |
371 | 577x |
x %in% call[seq_len(ind - 1L)] |
372 |
373 | 318x |
logical(1) |
374 |
375 | ||
376 |
# x-dependent objects (rhs)
377 | 318x |
dependencies <- lapply(graph[occurrence], function(call) { |
378 | 146x |
ind <- match("<-", call, nomatch = 0L) |
379 | 146x |
call[(ind + 1L):length(call)] |
380 |
}) |
381 | 318x |
dependencies <- setdiff(unlist(dependencies), x) |
382 | ||
383 | 318x |
dependency_occurrences <- lapply(dependencies, function(dependency) { |
384 |
# track down dependencies and where they occur on the lhs in previous calls
385 | 229x |
last_x_occurrence <- max(which(occurrence)) |
386 | 229x |
reduced_graph <- utils::head(graph[seq_len(last_x_occurrence)], -1) |
387 | 229x |
c(graph_parser(dependency, reduced_graph), last_x_occurrence) |
388 |
}) |
389 | ||
390 | 318x |
sort(unique(c(which(occurrence), unlist(dependency_occurrences)))) |
391 |
392 | ||
393 | ||
394 |
# default_side_effects --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
395 | ||
396 |
#' Detect library calls
397 |
398 |
#' Detects `library()` and `require()` function calls.
399 |
400 |
#' @param `graph` the dependency graph, result of `lapply(code, attr, "dependency")`
401 |
402 |
#' @return
403 |
#' Integer vector of indices that can be applied to `graph` to obtain all calls containing
404 |
#' `library()` or `require()` calls that are always returned for reproducibility.
405 |
406 |
#' @keywords internal
407 |
#' @noRd
408 |
detect_libraries <- function(graph) { |
409 | 74x |
defaults <- c("library", "require") |
410 | ||
411 | 74x |
which( |
412 | 74x |
unlist( |
413 | 74x |
lapply( |
414 | 74x |
graph, function(x) { |
415 | 228x |
any(grepl(pattern = paste(defaults, collapse = "|"), x = x)) |
416 |
417 |
418 |
419 |
420 |
421 | ||
422 | ||
423 |
# utils -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
424 | ||
425 | ||
426 |
#' Normalize parsed data removing backticks from symbols
427 |
428 |
#' @param pd `data.frame` resulting from `utils::getParseData()` call.
429 |
430 |
#' @return `data.frame` with backticks removed from `text` column for `SYMBOL` tokens.
431 |
432 |
#' @keywords internal
433 |
#' @noRd
434 |
normalize_pd <- function(pd) { |
435 |
# Remove backticks from SYMBOL tokens
436 | 545x |
symbol_index <- grepl("^SYMBOL.*$", pd$token) |
437 | 545x |
pd[symbol_index, "text"] <- gsub("^`(.*)`$", "\\1", pd[symbol_index, "text"]) |
438 | ||
439 | 545x |
440 |
441 | ||
442 | ||
443 |
# split_code ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
444 | ||
445 | ||
446 |
#' Get line/column in the source where the calls end
447 |
448 |
449 |
#' @param code `character(1)`
450 |
451 |
#' @return `matrix` with `colnames = c("line", "col")`
452 |
453 |
#' @keywords internal
454 |
#' @noRd
455 |
get_call_breaks <- function(code) { |
456 | 221x |
parsed_code <- parse(text = code, keep.source = TRUE) |
457 | 221x |
pd <- utils::getParseData(parsed_code) |
458 | 221x |
pd <- normalize_pd(pd) |
459 | 221x |
pd <- pd[pd$token != "';'", ] |
460 | 221x |
call_breaks <- t(sapply( |
461 | 221x |
extract_calls(pd), |
462 | 221x |
function(x) { |
463 | 335x |
matrix(c(max(x$line2), max(x$col2[x$line2 == max(x$line2)]))) |
464 |
465 |
)) |
466 | 221x |
call_breaks <- call_breaks[-nrow(call_breaks), , drop = FALSE] # breaks in between needed only |
467 | 221x |
colnames(call_breaks) <- c("line", "col") |
468 | 221x |
469 |
470 | ||
471 |
#' Split code by calls
472 |
473 |
#' @param code `character` with the code.
474 |
475 |
#' @return list of `character`s of the length equal to the number of calls in `code`.
476 |
477 |
#' @keywords internal
478 |
#' @noRd
479 |
split_code <- function(code) { |
480 | 221x |
call_breaks <- get_call_breaks(code) |
481 | 221x |
if (nrow(call_breaks) == 0) { |
482 | 169x |
return(code) |
483 |
484 | 52x |
call_breaks <- call_breaks[order(call_breaks[, "line"], call_breaks[, "col"]), , drop = FALSE] |
485 | 52x |
code_split <- strsplit(code, split = "\n", fixed = TRUE)[[1]] |
486 | 52x |
char_count_lines <- c(0, cumsum(sapply(code_split, nchar, USE.NAMES = FALSE) + 1), -1)[seq_along(code_split)] |
487 | ||
488 | 52x |
idx_start <- c( |
489 | 52x |
0, # first call starts in the beginning of src |
490 | 52x |
char_count_lines[call_breaks[, "line"]] + call_breaks[, "col"] + 1 |
491 |
492 | 52x |
idx_end <- c( |
493 | 52x |
char_count_lines[call_breaks[, "line"]] + call_breaks[, "col"], |
494 | 52x |
nchar(code) # last call end in the end of src |
495 |
496 | 52x |
new_code <- substring(code, idx_start, idx_end) |
497 | ||
498 |
# line split happens before call terminator (it could be `;` or `\n`) and the terminator goes to the next line
499 |
# we need to move remove leading and add \n instead when combining calls
500 | 52x |
c(new_code[1], gsub("^[\t ]*(\n|;)", "", new_code[-1])) |
501 |
1 |
#' Concatenate two `qenv` objects
2 |
3 |
#' Combine two `qenv` objects by simple concatenate their environments and the code.
4 |
5 |
#' We recommend to use the `join` method to have a stricter control
6 |
#' in case `x` and `y` contain duplicated bindings and code.
7 |
#' RHS argument content has priority over the LHS one.
8 |
9 |
#' @param x (`qenv`)
10 |
#' @param y (`qenv`)
11 |
12 |
#' @return `qenv` object.
13 |
14 |
#' @examples
15 |
#' q <- qenv()
16 |
#' q1 <- eval_code(q, expression(iris1 <- iris, mtcars1 <- mtcars))
17 |
#' q2 <- q1
18 |
#' q1 <- eval_code(q1, "iris2 <- iris")
19 |
#' q2 <- eval_code(q2, "mtcars2 <- mtcars")
20 |
#' qq <- concat(q1, q2)
21 |
#' get_code(qq)
22 |
23 |
#' @include qenv-errors.R
24 |
25 |
#' @name concat
26 |
#' @rdname concat
27 |
#' @aliases concat,qenv,qenv-method
28 |
#' @aliases concat,qenv.error,ANY-method
29 |
#' @aliases concat,qenv,qenv.error-method
30 |
31 |
#' @export
32 | 9x |
setGeneric("concat", function(x, y) standardGeneric("concat")) |
33 | ||
34 |
setMethod("concat", signature = c("qenv", "qenv"), function(x, y) { |
35 | 5x |
y@code <- c(x@code, y@code) |
36 | ||
37 |
# insert (and overwrite) objects from y to x
38 | 5x |
y@.xData <- rlang::env_clone(y@.xData, parent = parent.env(.GlobalEnv)) |
39 | 5x |
rlang::env_coalesce(env = y@.xData, from = x@.xData) |
40 | 5x |
41 |
}) |
42 | ||
43 |
setMethod("concat", signature = c("qenv.error", "ANY"), function(x, y) { |
44 | 3x |
45 |
}) |
46 | ||
47 |
setMethod("concat", signature = c("qenv", "qenv.error"), function(x, y) { |
48 | 1x |
49 |
}) |
1 |
#' Evaluate code in `qenv`
2 |
3 |
#' @details
4 |
5 |
#' `eval_code()` evaluates given code in the `qenv` environment and appends it to the `code` slot.
6 |
#' Thus, if the `qenv` had been instantiated empty, contents of the environment are always a result of the stored code.
7 |
8 |
#' @param object (`qenv`)
9 |
#' @param code (`character`, `language` or `expression`) code to evaluate.
10 |
#' It is possible to preserve original formatting of the `code` by providing a `character` or an
11 |
#' `expression` being a result of `parse(keep.source = TRUE)`.
12 |
13 |
#' @return
14 |
#' `qenv` environment with `code/expr` evaluated or `qenv.error` if evaluation fails.
15 |
16 |
#' @examples
17 |
#' # evaluate code in qenv
18 |
#' q <- qenv()
19 |
#' q <- eval_code(q, "a <- 1")
20 |
#' q <- eval_code(q, "b <- 2L # with comment")
21 |
#' q <- eval_code(q, quote(library(checkmate)))
22 |
#' q <- eval_code(q, expression(assert_number(a)))
23 |
24 |
#' @aliases eval_code,qenv,character-method
25 |
#' @aliases eval_code,qenv,language-method
26 |
#' @aliases eval_code,qenv,expression-method
27 |
#' @aliases eval_code,qenv.error,ANY-method
28 |
29 |
#' @export
30 | 424x |
setGeneric("eval_code", function(object, code) standardGeneric("eval_code")) |
31 | ||
32 |
setMethod("eval_code", signature = c("qenv", "character"), function(object, code) { |
33 | 222x |
parsed_code <- parse(text = code, keep.source = TRUE) |
34 | 222x |
object@.xData <- rlang::env_clone(object@.xData, parent = parent.env(.GlobalEnv)) |
35 | 222x |
if (length(parsed_code) == 0) { |
36 |
# empty code, or just comments
37 | 2x |
attr(code, "dependency") <- extract_dependency(parsed_code) # in case comment contains @linksto tag |
38 | 2x |
object@code <- c(object@code, stats::setNames(list(code), sample.int(.Machine$integer.max, size = 1))) |
39 | 2x |
return(object) |
40 |
41 | 220x |
code_split <- split_code(paste(code, collapse = "\n")) |
42 | 220x |
for (i in seq_along(code_split)) { |
43 | 329x |
current_code <- code_split[[i]] |
44 | 329x |
current_call <- parse(text = current_code, keep.source = TRUE) |
45 | ||
46 |
# Using withCallingHandlers to capture warnings and messages.
47 |
# Using tryCatch to capture the error and abort further evaluation.
48 | 329x |
x <- withCallingHandlers( |
49 | 329x |
tryCatch( |
50 |
51 | 329x |
eval(current_call, envir = object@.xData) |
52 | 316x |
if (!identical(parent.env(object@.xData), parent.env(.GlobalEnv))) { |
53 |
# needed to make sure that @.xData is always a sibling of .GlobalEnv
54 |
# could be changed when any new package is added to search path (through library or require call)
55 | 3x |
parent.env(object@.xData) <- parent.env(.GlobalEnv) |
56 |
57 | 316x |
58 |
59 | 329x |
error = function(e) { |
60 | 13x |
errorCondition( |
61 | 13x |
message = sprintf( |
62 | 13x |
"%s \n when evaluating qenv code:\n%s",
63 | 13x |
.ansi_strip(conditionMessage(e)), |
64 | 13x |
65 |
66 | 13x |
class = c("qenv.error", "try-error", "simpleError"), |
67 | 13x |
trace = unlist(c(object@code, list(current_code))) |
68 |
69 |
70 |
71 | 329x |
warning = function(w) { |
72 | 10x |
attr(current_code, "warning") <<- .ansi_strip(sprintf("> %s\n", conditionMessage(w))) |
73 | 10x |
invokeRestart("muffleWarning") |
74 |
75 | 329x |
message = function(m) { |
76 | 15x |
attr(current_code, "message") <<- .ansi_strip(sprintf("> %s", conditionMessage(m))) |
77 | 15x |
invokeRestart("muffleMessage") |
78 |
79 |
80 | ||
81 | 329x |
if (!is.null(x)) { |
82 | 13x |
return(x) |
83 |
84 | 316x |
attr(current_code, "dependency") <- extract_dependency(current_call) |
85 | 316x |
object@code <- c(object@code, stats::setNames(list(current_code), sample.int(.Machine$integer.max, size = 1))) |
86 |
87 | ||
88 | 207x |
lockEnvironment(object@.xData, bindings = TRUE) |
89 | 207x |
90 |
}) |
91 | ||
92 |
setMethod("eval_code", signature = c("qenv", "language"), function(object, code) { |
93 | 150x |
eval_code(object, code = paste(vapply(lang2calls(code), deparse1, collapse = "\n", character(1L)), collapse = "\n")) |
94 |
}) |
95 | ||
96 |
setMethod("eval_code", signature = c("qenv", "expression"), function(object, code) { |
97 | 51x |
srcref <- attr(code, "wholeSrcref") |
98 | 51x |
if (length(srcref)) { |
99 | 2x |
eval_code(object, code = paste(attr(code, "wholeSrcref"), collapse = "\n")) |
100 |
} else { |
101 | 49x |
Reduce(eval_code, init = object, x = code) |
102 |
103 |
}) |
104 | ||
105 |
setMethod("eval_code", signature = c("qenv.error", "ANY"), function(object, code) { |
106 | ! |
107 |
}) |
108 | ||
109 |
# if cli is installed rlang adds terminal printing characters
110 |
# which need to be removed
111 |
.ansi_strip <- function(chr) { |
112 | 38x |
if (requireNamespace("cli", quietly = TRUE)) { |
113 | 38x |
cli::ansi_strip(chr) |
114 |
} else { |
115 | ! |
116 |
117 |
118 | ||
119 |
get_code_attr <- function(qenv, attr) { |
120 | 2x |
unlist(lapply(qenv@code, function(x) attr(x, attr))) |
121 |
1 |
#' Get messages from `qenv` object
2 |
3 |
#' Retrieve all messages raised during code evaluation in a `qenv`.
4 |
5 |
#' @param object (`qenv`)
6 |
7 |
#' @return `character` containing warning information or `NULL` if no messages.
8 |
9 |
#' @examples
10 |
#' data_q <- qenv()
11 |
#' data_q <- eval_code(data_q, "iris_data <- iris")
12 |
#' warning_qenv <- eval_code(
13 |
#' data_q,
14 |
#' bquote(p <- hist(iris_data[, .("Sepal.Length")], ff = ""))
15 |
#' )
16 |
#' cat(get_messages(warning_qenv))
17 |
18 |
#' @name get_messages
19 |
#' @rdname get_messages
20 |
#' @aliases get_messages,qenv-method
21 |
#' @aliases get_messages,qenv.error-method
22 |
#' @aliases get_messages,NULL-method
23 |
24 |
#' @export
25 |
setGeneric("get_messages", function(object) { |
26 | 7x |
dev_suppress(object) |
27 | 7x |
standardGeneric("get_messages") |
28 |
}) |
29 | ||
30 |
setMethod("get_messages", signature = "qenv", function(object) { |
31 | 5x |
get_warn_message_util(object, "message") |
32 |
}) |
33 | ||
34 |
setMethod("get_messages", signature = "qenv.error", function(object) { |
35 | 1x |
36 |
}) |
37 | ||
38 |
setMethod("get_messages", "NULL", function(object) { |
39 | 1x |
40 |
}) |
1 |
#' Access environment included in `qenv`
2 |
3 |
#' The access of environment included in the `qenv` that contains all data objects.
4 |
5 |
#' @param object (`qenv`).
6 |
7 |
#' @return An `environment` stored in `qenv` with all data objects.
8 |
9 |
#' @examples
10 |
#' q <- qenv()
11 |
#' q1 <- within(q, {
12 |
#' a <- 5
13 |
#' b <- data.frame(x = 1:10)
14 |
#' })
15 |
#' get_env(q1)
16 |
17 |
#' @aliases get_env,qenv-method
18 |
#' @aliases get_env,qenv.error-method
19 |
20 |
#' @export
21 |
setGeneric("get_env", function(object) { |
22 | 14x |
standardGeneric("get_env") |
23 |
}) |
24 | ||
25 | 14x |
setMethod("get_env", "qenv", function(object) object@.xData) |
26 | ||
27 | ! |
setMethod("get_env", "qenv.error", function(object) object) |
1 |
#' Suppresses plot display in the IDE by opening a PDF graphics device
2 |
3 |
#' This function opens a PDF graphics device using [`grDevices::pdf`] to suppress
4 |
#' the plot display in the IDE. The purpose of this function is to avoid opening graphic devices
5 |
#' directly in the IDE.
6 |
7 |
#' @param x lazy binding which generates the plot(s)
8 |
9 |
#' @details The function uses [`base::on.exit`] to ensure that the PDF graphics
10 |
#' device is closed (using [`grDevices::dev.off`]) when the function exits,
11 |
#' regardless of whether it exits normally or due to an error. This is necessary to
12 |
#' clean up the graphics device properly and avoid any potential issues.
13 |
14 |
#' @return No return value, called for side effects.
15 |
16 |
#' @examples
17 |
#' dev_suppress(plot(1:10))
18 |
#' @export
19 |
dev_suppress <- function(x) { |
20 | 126x |
grDevices::pdf(nullfile()) |
21 | 126x |
on.exit(grDevices::dev.off()) |
22 | 126x |
force(x) |
23 |
24 | ||
25 |
#' Separate calls
26 |
27 |
#' Converts language object or lists of language objects to list of simple calls.
28 |
29 |
#' @param x `language` object or a list of thereof
30 |
#' @return
31 |
#' Given a `call`, an `expression`, a list of `call`s or a list of `expression`s, returns a list of `calls`.
32 |
#' Symbols and atomic vectors (which may get mixed up in a list) are returned wrapped in list.
33 |
#' @examples
34 |
#' # use non-exported function from teal.code
35 |
#' lang2calls <- getFromNamespace("lang2calls", "teal.code")
36 |
#' expr <- expression(
37 |
#' i <- iris,
38 |
#' m <- mtcars
39 |
#' )
40 |
#' lang2calls(expr)
41 |
#' @keywords internal
42 |
lang2calls <- function(x) { |
43 | 188x |
if (is.atomic(x) || is.symbol(x)) { |
44 | 5x |
return(list(x)) |
45 |
46 | 183x |
if (is.call(x)) { |
47 | 169x |
if (identical(as.list(x)[[1L]], as.symbol("{"))) { |
48 | 8x |
as.list(x)[-1L] |
49 |
} else { |
50 | 161x |
list(x) |
51 |
52 |
} else { |
53 | 14x |
unlist(lapply(x, lang2calls), recursive = FALSE) |
54 |
55 |
56 | ||
57 |
#' Obtain warnings or messages from code slot
58 |
59 |
#' @param object (`qenv`)
60 |
#' @param what (`"warning"` or `"message"`)
61 |
#' @return `character(1)` containing combined message or `NULL` when no warnings/messages
62 |
#' @keywords internal
63 |
get_warn_message_util <- function(object, what) { |
64 | 10x |
checkmate::matchArg(what, choices = c("warning", "message")) |
65 | 10x |
messages <- lapply(object@code, "attr", what) |
66 | 10x |
idx_warn <- which(sapply(messages, function(x) !is.null(x) && !identical(x, ""))) |
67 | 10x |
if (!any(idx_warn)) { |
68 | 2x |
return(NULL) |
69 |
70 | 8x |
messages <- messages[idx_warn] |
71 | 8x |
code <- object@code[idx_warn] |
72 | ||
73 | 8x |
lines <- mapply( |
74 | 8x |
warn = messages, |
75 | 8x |
expr = code, |
76 | 8x |
function(warn, expr) { |
77 | 12x |
sprintf("%swhen running code:\n%s", warn, expr) |
78 |
79 |
80 | ||
81 | 8x |
sprintf( |
82 | 8x |
"~~~ %ss ~~~\n\n%s\n\n~~~ Trace ~~~\n\n%s",
83 | 8x |
tools::toTitleCase(what), |
84 | 8x |
paste(lines, collapse = "\n\n"), |
85 | 8x |
paste(get_code(object), collapse = "\n") |
86 |
87 |
1 |
#' Reproducible class with environment and code
2 |
3 |
#' Reproducible class with environment and code.
4 |
#' @name qenv-class
5 |
#' @rdname qenv-class
6 |
#' @slot .xData (`environment`) environment with content was generated by the evaluation
7 |
#' @slot code (`named list` of `character`) representing code necessary to reproduce the environment.
8 |
#' Read more in Code section.
9 |
#' of the `code` slot.
10 |
11 |
#' @section Code:
12 |
13 |
#' Each code element is a character representing one call. Each element is named with the random
14 |
#' identifier to make sure uniqueness when joining. Each element has possible attributes:
15 |
#' - `warnings` (`character`) the warnings output when evaluating the code element.
16 |
#' - `messages` (`character`) the messages output when evaluating the code element.
17 |
#' - `dependency` (`character`) names of objects that appear in this call and gets affected by this call,
18 |
#' separated by `<-` (objects on LHS of `<-` are affected by this line, and objects on RHS are affecting this line).
19 |
20 |
#' @keywords internal
21 |
#' @exportClass qenv
22 |
setClass( |
23 |
24 |
slots = c(code = "list"), |
25 |
contains = "environment" |
26 |
27 | ||
28 |
#' It initializes the `qenv` class
29 |
#' @noRd
30 |
setMethod( |
31 |
32 |
33 |
function(.Object, .xData, code = list(), ...) { # nolint: object_name. |
34 | 170x |
new_xdata <- if (rlang::is_missing(.xData)) { |
35 | 168x |
new.env(parent = parent.env(.GlobalEnv)) |
36 |
} else { |
37 | 2x |
checkmate::assert_environment(.xData) |
38 | 1x |
rlang::env_clone(.xData, parent = parent.env(.GlobalEnv)) |
39 |
40 | 169x |
lockEnvironment(new_xdata, bindings = TRUE) |
41 | ||
42 |
# .xData needs to be unnamed as the `.environment` constructor allows at
43 |
# most 1 unnamed formal argument of class `environment`.
44 |
# See methods::findMethods("initialize")$.environment
45 | 169x |
methods::callNextMethod( |
46 | 169x |
47 | 169x |
new_xdata, # Mandatory use of unnamed environment arg |
48 | 169x |
code = code, ... |
49 |
50 |
51 |
52 | ||
53 |
#' It takes a `qenv` class and returns `TRUE` if the input is valid
54 |
#' @name qenv-class
55 |
#' @keywords internal
56 |
setValidity("qenv", function(object) { |
57 |
if (any(duplicated(names(object@code)))) { |
58 |
"@code must have unique names."
59 |
} else if (!environmentIsLocked(object@.xData)) { |
60 |
"@.xData must be locked."
61 |
} else { |
62 |
63 |
64 |
}) |
1 |
#' Join `qenv` objects
2 |
3 |
#' @description
4 |
#' Checks and merges two `qenv` objects into one `qenv` object.
5 |
6 |
#' The `join()` function is superseded by the `c()` function.
7 |
8 |
#' @details
9 |
#' Any common code at the start of the `qenvs` is only placed once at the start of the joined `qenv`.
10 |
#' This allows consistent behavior when joining `qenvs` which share a common ancestor.
11 |
#' See below for an example.
12 |
13 |
#' There are some situations where `join()` cannot be properly performed, such as these three scenarios:
14 |
#' 1. Both `qenv` objects contain an object of the same name but are not identical.
15 |
16 |
#' Example:
17 |
18 |
#' ```r
19 |
#' x <- eval_code(qenv(), expression(mtcars1 <- mtcars))
20 |
#' y <- eval_code(qenv(), expression(mtcars1 <- mtcars['wt']))
21 |
22 |
#' z <- c(x, y)
23 |
#' # Error message will occur
24 |
#' ```
25 |
#' In this example, `mtcars1` object exists in both `x` and `y` objects but the content are not identical.
26 |
#' `mtcars1` in the `x qenv` object has more columns than `mtcars1` in the `y qenv` object (only has one column).
27 |
28 |
#' 2. `join()` will look for identical code elements in both `qenv` objects.
29 |
#' The index position of these code elements must be the same to determine the evaluation order.
30 |
#' Otherwise, `join()` will throw an error message.
31 |
32 |
#' Example:
33 |
#' ```r
34 |
#' common_q <- eval_code(qenv(), expression(v <- 1))
35 |
#' x <- eval_code(
36 |
#' common_q,
37 |
#' "x <- v"
38 |
#' )
39 |
#' y <- eval_code(
40 |
#' common_q,
41 |
#' "y <- v"
42 |
#' )
43 |
#' z <- eval_code(
44 |
#' y,
45 |
#' "z <- v"
46 |
#' )
47 |
#' q <- c(x, y)
48 |
#' join_q <- c(q, z)
49 |
#' # Error message will occur
50 |
51 |
#' # Check the order of evaluation based on the id slot
52 |
#' ```
53 |
#' The error occurs because the index position of common code elements in the two objects is not the same.
54 |
55 |
#' 3. The usage of temporary variable in the code expression could cause `join()` to fail.
56 |
57 |
#' Example:
58 |
#' ```r
59 |
#' common_q <- qenv()
60 |
#' x <- eval_code(
61 |
#' common_q,
62 |
#' "x <- numeric(0)
63 |
#' for (i in 1:2) {
64 |
#' x <- c(x, i)
65 |
#' }"
66 |
#' )
67 |
#' y <- eval_code(
68 |
#' common_q,
69 |
#' "y <- numeric(0)
70 |
#' for (i in 1:3) {
71 |
#' y <- c(y, i)
72 |
#' }"
73 |
#' )
74 |
#' q <- join(x,y)
75 |
#' # Error message will occur
76 |
77 |
#' # Check the value of temporary variable i in both objects
78 |
#' x$i # Output: 2
79 |
#' y$i # Output: 3
80 |
#' ```
81 |
#' `c()` fails to provide a proper result because of the temporary variable `i` exists
82 |
#' in both objects but has different value.
83 |
#' To fix this, we can set `i <- NULL` in the code expression for both objects.
84 |
#' ```r
85 |
#' common_q <- qenv()
86 |
#' x <- eval_code(
87 |
#' common_q,
88 |
#' "x <- numeric(0)
89 |
#' for (i in 1:2) {
90 |
#' x <- c(x, i)
91 |
#' }
92 |
#' # dummy i variable to fix it
93 |
#' i <- NULL"
94 |
#' )
95 |
#' y <- eval_code(
96 |
#' common_q,
97 |
#' "y <- numeric(0)
98 |
#' for (i in 1:3) {
99 |
#' y <- c(y, i)
100 |
#' }
101 |
#' # dummy i variable to fix it
102 |
#' i <- NULL"
103 |
#' )
104 |
#' q <- c(x,y)
105 |
#' ```
106 |
107 |
#' @param x (`qenv`)
108 |
#' @param y (`qenv`)
109 |
110 |
#' @return `qenv` object.
111 |
112 |
#' @examples
113 |
#' q <- qenv()
114 |
#' q1 <- eval_code(q, expression(iris1 <- iris, mtcars1 <- mtcars))
115 |
#' q2 <- q1
116 |
#' q1 <- eval_code(q1, "iris2 <- iris")
117 |
#' q2 <- eval_code(q2, "mtcars2 <- mtcars")
118 |
#' qq <- join(q1, q2)
119 |
#' cat(get_code(qq))
120 |
121 |
#' common_q <- eval_code(q, quote(x <- 1))
122 |
#' y_q <- eval_code(common_q, quote(y <- x * 2))
123 |
#' z_q <- eval_code(common_q, quote(z <- x * 3))
124 |
#' join_q <- join(y_q, z_q)
125 |
#' # get_code only has "x <- 1" occurring once
126 |
#' cat(get_code(join_q))
127 |
128 |
#' @include qenv-errors.R
129 |
130 |
#' @name join
131 |
#' @rdname join
132 |
#' @aliases join,qenv,qenv-method
133 |
#' @aliases join,qenv,qenv.error-method
134 |
#' @aliases join,qenv.error,ANY-method
135 |
136 |
#' @export
137 | ! |
setGeneric("join", function(x, y) standardGeneric("join")) |
138 | ||
139 |
setMethod("join", signature = c("qenv", "qenv"), function(x, y) { |
140 | ! |
lifecycle::deprecate_soft("0.6.0", "join()", "c()") |
141 | ! |
c(x, y) |
142 |
}) |
143 | ||
144 |
setMethod("join", signature = c("qenv", "qenv.error"), function(x, y) { |
145 | ! |
lifecycle::deprecate_soft("0.6.0", "join()", "c()") |
146 | ! |
147 |
}) |
148 | ||
149 |
setMethod("join", signature = c("qenv.error", "ANY"), function(x, y) { |
150 | ! |
lifecycle::deprecate_soft("0.6.0", "join()", "c()") |
151 | ! |
152 |
}) |
1 |
#' Get code from `qenv`
2 |
3 |
#' @description
4 |
#' Retrieves the code stored in the `qenv`.
5 |
6 |
#' @param object (`qenv`)
7 |
#' @param deparse (`logical(1)`) flag specifying whether to return code as `character` or `expression`.
8 |
#' @param ... internal usage, please ignore.
9 |
#' @param names (`character`) `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")` vector of object names to return the code for.
10 |
#' For more details see the "Extracting dataset-specific code" section.
11 |
12 |
#' @section Extracting dataset-specific code:
13 |
14 |
#' `get_code(object, names)` limits the returned code to contain only those lines needed to _create_
15 |
#' the requested objects. The code stored in the `qenv` is analyzed statically to determine
16 |
#' which lines the objects of interest depend upon. The analysis works well when objects are created
17 |
#' with standard infix assignment operators (see `?assignOps`) but it can fail in some situations.
18 |
19 |
#' Consider the following examples:
20 |
21 |
#' _Case 1: Usual assignments._
22 |
#' ```r
23 |
#' q1 <-
24 |
#' within(qenv(), {
25 |
#' foo <- function(x) {
26 |
#' x + 1
27 |
#' }
28 |
#' x <- 0
29 |
#' y <- foo(x)
30 |
#' })
31 |
#' get_code(q1, names = "y")
32 |
#' ```
33 |
#' `x` has no dependencies, so `get_code(data, names = "x")` will return only the second call.\cr
34 |
#' `y` depends on `x` and `foo`, so `get_code(data, names = "y")` will contain all three calls.
35 |
36 |
#' _Case 2: Some objects are created by a function's side effects._
37 |
#' ```r
38 |
#' q2 <-
39 |
#' within(qenv(){
40 |
#' foo <- function() {
41 |
#' x <<- x + 1
42 |
#' }
43 |
#' x <- 0
44 |
#' foo()
45 |
#' y <- x
46 |
#' })
47 |
#' get_code(q2, names = "y")
48 |
#' ```
49 |
#' Here, `y` depends on `x` but `x` is modified by `foo` as a side effect (not by reassignment)
50 |
#' and so `get_code(data, names = "y")` will not return the `foo()` call.\cr
51 |
#' To overcome this limitation, code dependencies can be specified manually.
52 |
#' Lines where side effects occur can be flagged by adding "`# @linksto <object name>`" at the end.\cr
53 |
#' Note that `within` evaluates code passed to `expr` as is and comments are ignored.
54 |
#' In order to include comments in code one must use the `eval_code` function instead.
55 |
56 |
#' ```r
57 |
#' q3 <-
58 |
#' eval_code(qenv(), "
59 |
#' foo <- function() {
60 |
#' x <<- x + 1
61 |
#' }
62 |
#' x <- 0
63 |
#' foo() # @linksto x
64 |
#' y <- x
65 |
#' ")
66 |
#' get_code(q3, names = "y")
67 |
#' ```
68 |
#' Now the `foo()` call will be properly included in the code required to recreate `y`.
69 |
70 |
#' Note that two functions that create objects as side effects, `assign` and `data`, are handled automatically.
71 |
72 |
#' Here are known cases where manual tagging is necessary:
73 |
#' - non-standard assignment operators, _e.g._ `%<>%`
74 |
#' - objects used as conditions in `if` statements: `if (<condition>)`
75 |
#' - objects used to iterate over in `for` loops: `for(i in <sequence>)`
76 |
#' - creating and evaluating language objects, _e.g._ `eval(<call>)`
77 |
78 |
#' @return
79 |
#' The code used in the `qenv` in the form specified by `deparse`.
80 |
81 |
#' @examples
82 |
#' # retrieve code
83 |
#' q <- within(qenv(), {
84 |
#' a <- 1
85 |
#' b <- 2
86 |
#' })
87 |
#' get_code(q)
88 |
#' get_code(q, deparse = FALSE)
89 |
#' get_code(q, names = "a")
90 |
91 |
#' q <- qenv()
92 |
#' q <- eval_code(q, code = c("a <- 1", "b <- 2"))
93 |
#' get_code(q, names = "a")
94 |
95 |
#' @aliases get_code,qenv-method
96 |
#' @aliases get_code,qenv.error-method
97 |
98 |
#' @export
99 |
setGeneric("get_code", function(object, deparse = TRUE, names = NULL, ...) { |
100 | 105x |
dev_suppress(object) |
101 | 105x |
standardGeneric("get_code") |
102 |
}) |
103 | ||
104 |
setMethod("get_code", signature = "qenv", function(object, deparse = TRUE, names = NULL, ...) { |
105 | 103x |
checkmate::assert_flag(deparse) |
106 | 103x |
checkmate::assert_character(names, min.len = 1L, null.ok = TRUE) |
107 | ||
108 |
# Normalize in case special it is backticked
109 | 103x |
if (!is.null(names)) { |
110 | 63x |
names <- gsub("^`(.*)`$", "\\1", names) |
111 |
112 | ||
113 | 103x |
code <- if (!is.null(names)) { |
114 | 63x |
get_code_dependency(object@code, names, ...) |
115 |
} else { |
116 | 40x |
object@code |
117 |
118 | ||
119 | 103x |
if (deparse) { |
120 | 101x |
paste(unlist(code), collapse = "\n") |
121 |
} else { |
122 | 2x |
parse(text = paste(c("{", unlist(code), "}"), collapse = "\n"), keep.source = TRUE) |
123 |
124 |
}) |
125 | ||
126 |
setMethod("get_code", signature = "qenv.error", function(object, ...) { |
127 | 2x |
stop( |
128 | 2x |
errorCondition( |
129 | 2x |
sprintf( |
130 | 2x |
"%s\n\ntrace: \n %s\n",
131 | 2x |
conditionMessage(object), |
132 | 2x |
paste(object$trace, collapse = "\n ") |
133 |
134 | 2x |
class = c("validation", "try-error", "simpleError") |
135 |
136 |
137 |
}) |
1 |
#' If two `qenv` can be joined
2 |
3 |
#' Checks if two `qenv` objects can be combined.
4 |
#' For more information, please see [`join`]
5 |
#' @param x (`qenv`)
6 |
#' @param y (`qenv`)
7 |
#' @return `TRUE` if able to join or `character` used to print error message.
8 |
#' @keywords internal
9 |
.check_joinable <- function(x, y) { |
10 | 16x |
checkmate::assert_class(x, "qenv") |
11 | 16x |
checkmate::assert_class(y, "qenv") |
12 | ||
13 | 16x |
common_names <- intersect(rlang::env_names(x@.xData), rlang::env_names(y@.xData)) |
14 | 16x |
is_overwritten <- vapply(common_names, function(el) { |
15 | 13x |
!identical(get(el, x@.xData), get(el, y@.xData)) |
16 | 16x |
}, logical(1)) |
17 | 16x |
if (any(is_overwritten)) { |
18 | 2x |
return( |
19 | 2x |
paste( |
20 | 2x |
"Not possible to join qenv objects if anything in their environment has been modified.\n",
21 | 2x |
"Following object(s) have been modified:\n - ",
22 | 2x |
paste(common_names[is_overwritten], collapse = "\n - ") |
23 |
24 |
25 |
26 | ||
27 | 14x |
x_id <- names(x@code) |
28 | 14x |
y_id <- names(y@code) |
29 | ||
30 | 14x |
shared_ids <- intersect(x_id, y_id) |
31 | 14x |
if (length(shared_ids) == 0) { |
32 | 8x |
return(TRUE) |
33 |
34 | ||
35 | 6x |
shared_in_x <- match(shared_ids, x_id) |
36 | 6x |
shared_in_y <- match(shared_ids, y_id) |
37 | ||
38 |
# indices of shared ids should be 1:n in both slots
39 | 6x |
if (identical(shared_in_x, shared_in_y) && identical(shared_in_x, seq_along(shared_ids))) { |
40 | 4x |
41 | 2x |
} else if (!identical(shared_in_x, shared_in_y)) { |
42 | 1x |
paste( |
43 | 1x |
"The common shared code of the qenvs does not occur in the same position in both qenv objects",
44 | 1x |
"so they cannot be joined together as it's impossible to determine the evaluation's order.",
45 | 1x |
collapse = "" |
46 |
47 |
} else { |
48 | 1x |
paste( |
49 | 1x |
"There is code in the qenv objects before their common shared code",
50 | 1x |
"which means these objects cannot be joined.",
51 | 1x |
collapse = "" |
52 |
53 |
54 |
55 | ||
56 |
#' @rdname join
57 |
#' @param ... (`qenv` or `qenv.error`).
58 |
#' @examples
59 |
#' q <- qenv()
60 |
#' q1 <- within(q, {
61 |
#' iris1 <- iris
62 |
#' mtcars1 <- mtcars
63 |
#' })
64 |
#' q1 <- within(q1, iris2 <- iris)
65 |
#' q2 <- within(q1, mtcars2 <- mtcars)
66 |
#' qq <- c(q1, q2)
67 |
#' cat(get_code(qq))
68 |
69 |
#' @export
70 |
c.qenv <- function(...) { |
71 | 186x |
dots <- rlang::list2(...) |
72 | 186x |
if (!checkmate::test_list(dots[-1], types = c("qenv", "qenv.error"))) { |
73 | 169x |
return(NextMethod(c, dots[[1]])) |
74 |
75 | ||
76 | 17x |
first_non_qenv_ix <- which.min(vapply(dots, inherits, what = "qenv", logical(1))) |
77 | 17x |
if (first_non_qenv_ix > 1) { |
78 | 1x |
return(dots[[first_non_qenv_ix]]) |
79 |
80 | ||
81 | 16x |
Reduce( |
82 | 16x |
x = dots[-1], |
83 | 16x |
init = dots[[1]], |
84 | 16x |
f = function(x, y) { |
85 | 16x |
join_validation <- .check_joinable(x, y) |
86 | ||
87 |
# join expressions
88 | 16x |
if (!isTRUE(join_validation)) { |
89 | 4x |
stop(join_validation) |
90 |
91 | ||
92 | 12x |
x@code <- utils::modifyList(x@code, y@code) |
93 | ||
94 |
# insert (and overwrite) objects from y to x
95 | 12x |
x@.xData <- rlang::env_clone(x@.xData, parent = parent.env(.GlobalEnv)) |
96 | 12x |
rlang::env_coalesce(env = x@.xData, from = y@.xData) |
97 | 12x |
98 |
99 |
100 |
101 | ||
102 |
#' @rdname join
103 |
#' @export
104 |
c.qenv.error <- function(...) { |
105 | 3x |
rlang::list2(...)[[1]] |
106 |
1 |
#' Subsets `qenv`
2 |
3 |
#' @description
4 |
#' Subsets [`qenv`] environment and limits the code to the necessary needed to build limited objects.
5 |
6 |
#' @param x (`qenv`)
7 |
#' @param names (`character`) names of objects included in [`qenv`] to subset. Names not present in [`qenv`]
8 |
#' are skipped.
9 |
#' @param ... internal usage, please ignore.
10 |
11 |
#' @name subset-qenv
12 |
13 |
#' @examples
14 |
#' q <- qenv()
15 |
#' q <- eval_code(q, "a <- 1;b<-2")
16 |
#' q["a"]
17 |
#' q[c("a", "b")]
18 |
19 |
#' @export
20 |
`[.qenv` <- function(x, names, ...) { |
21 | 12x |
checkmate::assert_character(names, any.missing = FALSE) |
22 | 12x |
possible_names <- ls(get_env(x), all.names = TRUE) |
23 | 12x |
names_corrected <- intersect(names, possible_names) |
24 | 12x |
env <- if (length(names_corrected)) { |
25 | 9x |
names_missing <- setdiff(names, possible_names) |
26 | 9x |
if (length(names_missing)) { |
27 | 2x |
warning( |
28 | 2x |
sprintf( |
29 | 2x |
"Some 'names' do not exist in the environment of the '%s'. Skipping those: %s.",
30 | 2x |
class(x)[1], |
31 | 2x |
paste(names_missing, collapse = ", ") |
32 |
33 |
34 |
35 | 9x |
list2env(as.list(x, all.names = TRUE)[names_corrected], parent = parent.env(.GlobalEnv)) |
36 |
} else { |
37 | 3x |
warning( |
38 | 3x |
sprintf( |
39 | 3x |
"None of 'names' exist in the environment of the '%1$s'. Returning empty '%1$s'.",
40 | 3x |
class(x)[1] |
41 |
42 | 3x |
call. = FALSE |
43 |
44 | 3x |
new.env(parent = parent.env(.GlobalEnv)) |
45 |
46 | 12x |
lockEnvironment(env) |
47 | 12x |
x@.xData <- env |
48 | ||
49 | 12x |
normalized_names <- gsub("^`(.*)`$", "\\1", names) |
50 | 12x |
x@code <- get_code_dependency(x@code, names = normalized_names, ...) |
51 | ||
52 | 12x |
53 |
1 |
#' Instantiates a `qenv` environment
2 |
3 |
#' @description
4 |
#' `r badge("stable")`
5 |
6 |
#' Instantiates a `qenv` environment.
7 |
8 |
#' @details
9 |
#' `qenv` class has following characteristics:
10 |
11 |
#' - It inherits from the environment and methods such as [`$`], [get()], [ls()], [as.list()],
12 |
#' [parent.env()] work out of the box.
13 |
#' - `qenv` is a locked environment, and data modification is only possible through the [eval_code()]
14 |
#' and [within.qenv()] functions.
15 |
#' - It stores metadata about the code used to create the data (see [get_code()]).
16 |
#' - It supports slicing (see [`subset-qenv`])
17 |
#' - It is immutable which means that each code evaluation does not modify the original `qenv`
18 |
#' environment directly. See the following code:
19 |
20 |
#' ```
21 |
#' q1 <- qenv()
22 |
#' q2 <- eval_code(q1, "a <- 1")
23 |
#' identical(q1, q2) # FALSE
24 |
#' ```
25 |
26 |
#' @name qenv
27 |
28 |
#' @return `qenv` environment.
29 |
30 |
#' @seealso [eval_code()], [get_var()], [`subset-qenv`], [get_env()],[get_warnings()], [join()], [concat()]
31 |
#' @examples
32 |
#' q <- qenv()
33 |
#' q2 <- within(q, a <- 1)
34 |
#' ls(q2)
35 |
#' q2$a
36 |
#' @export
37 |
qenv <- function() { |
38 | 167x |
methods::new("qenv") |
39 |
1 |
#' @details
2 |
#' `within()` is a convenience method that wraps `eval_code` to provide a simplified way of passing expression.
3 |
#' `within` accepts only inline expressions (both simple and compound) and allows to substitute `expr`
4 |
#' with `...` named argument values.
5 |
6 |
#' @section Using language objects with `within`:
7 |
#' Passing language objects to `expr` is generally not intended but can be achieved with `do.call`.
8 |
#' Only single `expression`s will work and substitution is not available. See examples.
9 |
10 |
#' @param data (`qenv`)
11 |
#' @param expr (`expression`) to evaluate. Must be inline code, see `Using language objects...`
12 |
#' @param ... named argument value will substitute a symbol in the `expr` matched by the name.
13 |
#' For practical usage see Examples section below.
14 |
15 |
#' @examples
16 |
#' # evaluate code using within
17 |
#' q <- qenv()
18 |
#' q <- within(q, {
19 |
#' i <- iris
20 |
#' })
21 |
#' q <- within(q, {
22 |
#' m <- mtcars
23 |
#' f <- faithful
24 |
#' })
25 |
#' q
26 |
#' get_code(q)
27 |
28 |
#' # inject values into code
29 |
#' q <- qenv()
30 |
#' q <- within(q, i <- iris)
31 |
#' within(q, print(dim(subset(i, Species == "virginica"))))
32 |
#' within(q, print(dim(subset(i, Species == species)))) # fails
33 |
#' within(q, print(dim(subset(i, Species == species))), species = "versicolor")
34 |
#' species_external <- "versicolor"
35 |
#' within(q, print(dim(subset(i, Species == species))), species = species_external)
36 |
37 |
#' # pass language objects
38 |
#' expr <- expression(i <- iris, m <- mtcars)
39 |
#' within(q, expr) # fails
40 |
#' do.call(within, list(q, expr))
41 |
42 |
#' exprlist <- list(expression(i <- iris), expression(m <- mtcars))
43 |
#' within(q, exprlist) # fails
44 |
#' do.call(within, list(q, do.call(c, exprlist)))
45 |
46 |
#' @rdname eval_code
47 |
48 |
#' @export
49 |
50 |
within.qenv <- function(data, expr, ...) { |
51 | 42x |
expr <- substitute(expr) |
52 | 42x |
extras <- list(...) |
53 | ||
54 |
# Add braces for consistency.
55 | 42x |
if (!identical(as.list(expr)[[1L]], as.symbol("{"))) { |
56 | 13x |
expr <- call("{", expr) |
57 |
58 | ||
59 | 42x |
calls <- as.list(expr)[-1] |
60 | ||
61 |
# Inject extra values into expressions.
62 | 42x |
calls <- lapply(calls, function(x) do.call(substitute, list(x, env = extras))) |
63 | ||
64 | 42x |
eval_code(object = data, code = as.expression(calls)) |
65 |
66 | ||
67 | ||
68 |
#' @keywords internal
69 |
70 |
#' @export
71 |
within.qenv.error <- function(data, expr, ...) { |
72 | 1x |
73 |
1 |
#' Display `qenv` object
2 |
3 |
#' Prints the `qenv` object.
4 |
5 |
#' @param object (`qenv`)
6 |
7 |
#' @return `object`, invisibly.
8 |
9 |
#' @examples
10 |
#' q <- qenv()
11 |
#' q1 <- eval_code(q, expression(a <- 5, b <- data.frame(x = 1:10)))
12 |
#' q1
13 |
14 |
#' @aliases show-qenv
15 |
16 |
#' @importFrom methods show
17 |
#' @export
18 |
setMethod("show", "qenv", function(object) { |
19 | ! |
env <- get_env(object) |
20 | ! |
header <- cli::col_blue(sprintf("<environment: %s>", rlang::env_label(env))) |
21 | ! |
parent <- sprintf("Parent: <environment: %s>", rlang::env_label(rlang::env_parent(env))) |
22 | ! |
cat(cli::style_bold(header), "\U1F512", "\n") |
23 | ! |
cat(parent, "\n") |
24 | ||
25 | ! |
shown <- ls(object) |
26 | ! |
if (length(shown > 0L)) cat(cli::style_bold("Bindings:\n")) |
27 | ! |
lapply(shown, function(x) { |
28 | ! |
cat( |
29 | ! |
sprintf( |
30 | ! |
"- %s: [%s]\n",
31 | ! |
deparse(rlang::sym(x), backtick = TRUE), |
32 | ! |
class(object[[x]])[1] |
33 |
34 |
35 |
}) |
36 | ||
37 | ! |
hidden <- setdiff(ls(object, all.names = TRUE), shown) |
38 | ! |
lapply(hidden, function(x) { |
39 | ! |
cat( |
40 | ! |
cli::style_blurred( |
41 | ! |
sprintf( |
42 | ! |
"- %s: [%s]\n",
43 | ! |
deparse(rlang::sym(x), backtick = TRUE), |
44 | ! |
class(object[[x]])[1] |
45 |
46 |
47 |
48 |
}) |
49 | ||
50 | ! |
invisible(object) |
51 |
}) |
1 |
#' Get warnings from `qenv` object
2 |
3 |
#' Retrieve all warnings raised during code evaluation in a `qenv`.
4 |
5 |
#' @param object (`qenv`)
6 |
7 |
#' @return `character` containing warning information or `NULL` if no warnings.
8 |
9 |
#' @examples
10 |
#' data_q <- qenv()
11 |
#' data_q <- eval_code(data_q, "iris_data <- iris")
12 |
#' warning_qenv <- eval_code(
13 |
#' data_q,
14 |
#' bquote(p <- hist(iris_data[, .("Sepal.Length")], ff = ""))
15 |
#' )
16 |
#' cat(get_warnings(warning_qenv))
17 |
18 |
#' @name get_warnings
19 |
#' @rdname get_warnings
20 |
#' @aliases get_warnings,qenv-method
21 |
#' @aliases get_warnings,qenv.error-method
22 |
#' @aliases get_warnings,NULL-method
23 |
24 |
#' @export
25 |
setGeneric("get_warnings", function(object) { |
26 | 7x |
dev_suppress(object) |
27 | 7x |
standardGeneric("get_warnings") |
28 |
}) |
29 | ||
30 |
setMethod("get_warnings", signature = "qenv", function(object) { |
31 | 5x |
get_warn_message_util(object, "warning") |
32 |
}) |
33 | ||
34 |
setMethod("get_warnings", signature = "qenv.error", function(object) { |
35 | 1x |
36 |
}) |
37 | ||
38 |
setMethod("get_warnings", "NULL", function(object) { |
39 | 1x |
40 |
}) |
1 |
# needed to handle try-error
2 |
setOldClass("qenv.error") |
3 | ||
4 |
#' @export
5 |
as.list.qenv.error <- function(x, ...) { |
6 | ! |
stop(errorCondition( |
7 | ! |
list(message = conditionMessage(x)), |
8 | ! |
class = c("validation", "try-error", "simpleError") |
9 |
)) |
10 |
1 |
#' @export
2 | ! |
length.qenv <- function(x) length(x@.xData) |
3 | ||
4 |
#' @export
5 | 22x |
length.qenv.error <- function(x) 0 |