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Manual column declaration


manual_cols(..., .lst = list(...))



one or more vectors of levels to appear in the column space. If more than one set of levels is given, the values of the second are nested within each value of the first, and so on.


a list of sets of levels, by default populated via list(...).


An InstantiatedColumnInfo object, suitable for declaring the column structure for a manually constructed table.


Gabriel Becker


# simple one level column space
rows <- lapply(1:5, function(i) {
  DataRow(rep(i, times = 3))
tbl <- TableTree(kids = rows, cinfo = manual_cols(split = c("a", "b", "c")))
#>    a   b   c
#> ————————————
#>    1   1   1
#>    2   2   2
#>    3   3   3
#>    4   4   4
#>    5   5   5

# manually declared nesting
tbl2 <- TableTree(
  kids = list(DataRow(as.list(1:4))),
  cinfo = manual_cols(
    Arm = c("Arm A", "Arm B"),
    Gender = c("M", "F")
#>     Arm A      Arm B  
#>     M    F     M    F 
#> ——————————————————————
#>     1    2     3    4