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Trim rows from a populated table without regard for table structure


trim_rows(tt, criteria = all_zero_or_na)



TableTree (or related class). A TableTree object representing a populated table.


function. Function which takes a TableRow object and returns TRUE if that row should be removed. Defaults to all_zero_or_na


The table with rows that have only NA or 0 cell values removed


This function will be deprecated in the future in favor of the more elegant and versatile prune_table() function which can perform the same function as trim_rows() but is more powerful as it takes table structure into account.


Visible LabelRows are including in this trimming, which can lead to either all label rows being trimmed or label rows remaining when all data rows have been trimmed, depending on what criteria returns when called on a LabelRow object. To avoid this, use the structurally-aware prune_table machinery instead.

See also


adsl <- ex_adsl
levels(adsl$SEX) <- c(levels(ex_adsl$SEX), "OTHER")

tbl_to_trim <- basic_table() %>%
    analyze("BMRKR1") %>%
    split_cols_by("ARM") %>% 
    split_rows_by("SEX") %>% 
    summarize_row_groups() %>%
    split_rows_by("STRATA1") %>%
    summarize_row_groups() %>%
    analyze("AGE") %>%

tbl_to_trim %>% trim_rows()
#>                    A: Drug X    B: Placebo   C: Combination
#> ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
#> Mean                  5.97         5.70           5.62     
#> F                  79 (59.0%)   77 (57.5%)     66 (50.0%)  
#>   A                21 (15.7%)   24 (17.9%)     18 (13.6%)  
#>     Mean             31.14        32.08          34.22     
#>   B                25 (18.7%)   27 (20.1%)     21 (15.9%)  
#>     Mean             32.84        35.33          36.57     
#>   C                33 (24.6%)   26 (19.4%)     27 (20.5%)  
#>     Mean             33.73        34.73          34.78     
#> M                  51 (38.1%)   55 (41.0%)     60 (45.5%)  
#>   A                16 (11.9%)   19 (14.2%)     20 (15.2%)  
#>     Mean             35.62        39.37          33.55     
#>   B                21 (15.7%)   17 (12.7%)     21 (15.9%)  
#>     Mean             35.33        37.12          36.05     
#>   C                14 (10.4%)   19 (14.2%)     19 (14.4%)  
#>     Mean             35.86        35.79          36.58     
#> U                   3 (2.2%)     2 (1.5%)       4 (3.0%)   
#>   A                 1 (0.7%)     1 (0.7%)       1 (0.8%)   
#>     Mean             33.00        27.00          38.00     
#>   B                 1 (0.7%)     1 (0.7%)       1 (0.8%)   
#>     Mean             28.00        35.00          37.00     
#>   C                 1 (0.7%)     0 (0.0%)       2 (1.5%)   
#>     Mean             34.00          NA           33.00     
#> UNDIFFERENTIATED    1 (0.7%)     0 (0.0%)       2 (1.5%)   
#>   A                 0 (0.0%)     0 (0.0%)       1 (0.8%)   
#>     Mean               NA           NA           44.00     
#>   C                 1 (0.7%)     0 (0.0%)       1 (0.8%)   
#>     Mean             28.00          NA           46.00     

tbl_to_trim %>% trim_rows(all_zero)
#>                    A: Drug X    B: Placebo   C: Combination
#> ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
#> Mean                  5.97         5.70           5.62     
#> F                  79 (59.0%)   77 (57.5%)     66 (50.0%)  
#>   A                21 (15.7%)   24 (17.9%)     18 (13.6%)  
#>     Mean             31.14        32.08          34.22     
#>   B                25 (18.7%)   27 (20.1%)     21 (15.9%)  
#>     Mean             32.84        35.33          36.57     
#>   C                33 (24.6%)   26 (19.4%)     27 (20.5%)  
#>     Mean             33.73        34.73          34.78     
#> M                  51 (38.1%)   55 (41.0%)     60 (45.5%)  
#>   A                16 (11.9%)   19 (14.2%)     20 (15.2%)  
#>     Mean             35.62        39.37          33.55     
#>   B                21 (15.7%)   17 (12.7%)     21 (15.9%)  
#>     Mean             35.33        37.12          36.05     
#>   C                14 (10.4%)   19 (14.2%)     19 (14.4%)  
#>     Mean             35.86        35.79          36.58     
#> U                   3 (2.2%)     2 (1.5%)       4 (3.0%)   
#>   A                 1 (0.7%)     1 (0.7%)       1 (0.8%)   
#>     Mean             33.00        27.00          38.00     
#>   B                 1 (0.7%)     1 (0.7%)       1 (0.8%)   
#>     Mean             28.00        35.00          37.00     
#>   C                 1 (0.7%)     0 (0.0%)       2 (1.5%)   
#>     Mean             34.00          NA           33.00     
#> UNDIFFERENTIATED    1 (0.7%)     0 (0.0%)       2 (1.5%)   
#>   A                 0 (0.0%)     0 (0.0%)       1 (0.8%)   
#>     Mean               NA           NA           44.00     
#>   Mean                 NA           NA             NA      
#>   C                 1 (0.7%)     0 (0.0%)       1 (0.8%)   
#>     Mean             28.00          NA           46.00     
#> Mean                   NA           NA             NA      
#> Mean                   NA           NA             NA      
#> Mean                   NA           NA             NA