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Retrieve cell values by row and column path


cell_values(tt, rowpath = NULL, colpath = NULL, omit_labrows = TRUE)

value_at(tt, rowpath = NULL, colpath = NULL)

# S4 method for VTableTree
value_at(tt, rowpath = NULL, colpath = NULL)



TableTree (or related class). A TableTree object representing a populated table.


character. Path in row-split space to the desired row(s). Can include "@content".


character. Path in column-split space to the desired column(s). Can include "*".


logical(1). Should label rows underneath rowpath be omitted (TRUE, the default), or return empty lists of cell "values" (FALSE).


for cell_values, a list (regardless of the type of value the cells hold). if rowpath defines a path to a single row, cell_values returns the list of cell values for that row, otherwise a list of such lists, one for each row captured underneath rowpath. This occurs after subsetting to colpath has occurred.

For value_at the "unwrapped" value of a single cell, or an error, if the combination of rowpath and colpath do not define the location of a single cell in tt.


cell_values will return a single cell's value wrapped in a list. Use value_at to receive the "bare" cell value.


lyt <- basic_table() %>%
  split_cols_by("ARM") %>%
  split_cols_by("SEX") %>%
  split_rows_by("RACE") %>%
  summarize_row_groups() %>%
  split_rows_by("STRATA1") %>%

library(dplyr) ## for mutate
tbl <- build_table(lyt, DM %>%
    mutate(SEX = droplevels(SEX), RACE = droplevels(RACE)))

#> rowname                      node_class    path                                                                
#> ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
#> ASIAN                        ContentRow    RACE, ASIAN, @content, ASIAN                                        
#>   A                          LabelRow      RACE, ASIAN, STRATA1, A                                             
#>     Mean                     DataRow       RACE, ASIAN, STRATA1, A, AGE, Mean                                  
#>   B                          LabelRow      RACE, ASIAN, STRATA1, B                                             
#>     Mean                     DataRow       RACE, ASIAN, STRATA1, B, AGE, Mean                                  
#>   C                          LabelRow      RACE, ASIAN, STRATA1, C                                             
#>     Mean                     DataRow       RACE, ASIAN, STRATA1, C, AGE, Mean                                  
#>   A                          LabelRow      RACE, BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN, STRATA1, A                         
#>     Mean                     DataRow       RACE, BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN, STRATA1, A, AGE, Mean              
#>   B                          LabelRow      RACE, BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN, STRATA1, B                         
#>     Mean                     DataRow       RACE, BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN, STRATA1, B, AGE, Mean              
#>   C                          LabelRow      RACE, BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN, STRATA1, C                         
#>     Mean                     DataRow       RACE, BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN, STRATA1, C, AGE, Mean              
#> WHITE                        ContentRow    RACE, WHITE, @content, WHITE                                        
#>   A                          LabelRow      RACE, WHITE, STRATA1, A                                             
#>     Mean                     DataRow       RACE, WHITE, STRATA1, A, AGE, Mean                                  
#>   B                          LabelRow      RACE, WHITE, STRATA1, B                                             
#>     Mean                     DataRow       RACE, WHITE, STRATA1, B, AGE, Mean                                  
#>   C                          LabelRow      RACE, WHITE, STRATA1, C                                             
#>     Mean                     DataRow       RACE, WHITE, STRATA1, C, AGE, Mean                                  
#> label             path                       
#> —————————————————————————————————————————————
#> A: Drug X         ARM, A: Drug X             
#>   F               ARM, A: Drug X, SEX, F     
#>   M               ARM, A: Drug X, SEX, M     
#> B: Placebo        ARM, B: Placebo            
#>   F               ARM, B: Placebo, SEX, F    
#>   M               ARM, B: Placebo, SEX, M    
#> C: Combination    ARM, C: Combination        
#>   F               ARM, C: Combination, SEX, F
#>   M               ARM, C: Combination, SEX, M

cell_values(tbl, c("RACE", "ASIAN", "STRATA1", "B"),
            c("ARM", "A: Drug X", "SEX", "F"))
#> $`A: Drug X.F`
#> [1] 33.75

# it's also possible to access multiple values by being less specific
cell_values(tbl, c("RACE", "ASIAN", "STRATA1"),
            c("ARM", "A: Drug X", "SEX", "F"))
#> $A.AGE.Mean
#> $A.AGE.Mean$`A: Drug X.F`
#> [1] 30.4
#> $B.AGE.Mean
#> $B.AGE.Mean$`A: Drug X.F`
#> [1] 33.75
#> $C.AGE.Mean
#> $C.AGE.Mean$`A: Drug X.F`
#> [1] 36.92308
cell_values(tbl, c("RACE", "ASIAN"), c("ARM", "A: Drug X", "SEX", "M"))
#> $ASIAN$`A: Drug X.M`
#> [1] 35.0000000  0.6862745
#> $STRATA1.A.AGE.Mean
#> $STRATA1.A.AGE.Mean$`A: Drug X.M`
#> [1] 34.41667
#> $STRATA1.B.AGE.Mean
#> $STRATA1.B.AGE.Mean$`A: Drug X.M`
#> [1] 34.875
#> $STRATA1.C.AGE.Mean
#> $STRATA1.C.AGE.Mean$`A: Drug X.M`
#> [1] 35.6

## any arm, male columns from the ASIAN content (i.e. summary) row
cell_values(tbl, c("RACE", "ASIAN", "@content"),
            c("ARM", "B: Placebo", "SEX", "M"))
#> $`B: Placebo.M`
#> [1] 31.00  0.62
cell_values(tbl, c("RACE", "ASIAN", "@content"),
            c("ARM", "*", "SEX", "M"))
#> $`A: Drug X.M`
#> [1] 35.0000000  0.6862745
#> $`B: Placebo.M`
#> [1] 31.00  0.62
#> $`C: Combination.M`
#> [1] 44.0000000  0.6470588

## all columns
cell_values(tbl,  c("RACE", "ASIAN", "STRATA1", "B"))
#> $`A: Drug X.F`
#> [1] 33.75
#> $`A: Drug X.M`
#> [1] 34.875
#> $`B: Placebo.F`
#> [1] 32.46154
#> $`B: Placebo.M`
#> [1] 30.9375
#> $`C: Combination.F`
#> [1] 33.3
#> $`C: Combination.M`
#> [1] 35.91667

## all columns for the Combination arm
cell_values(tbl,  c("RACE", "ASIAN", "STRATA1", "B"),
            c("ARM", "C: Combination"))
#> $`C: Combination.F`
#> [1] 33.3
#> $`C: Combination.M`
#> [1] 35.91667

cvlist <- cell_values(tbl, c("RACE", "ASIAN", "STRATA1", "B", "AGE", "Mean"),
                      c("ARM", "B: Placebo", "SEX", "M"))
cvnolist <- value_at(tbl,  c("RACE", "ASIAN", "STRATA1", "B", "AGE", "Mean"),
                     c("ARM", "B: Placebo", "SEX", "M"))
stopifnot(identical(cvlist[[1]], cvnolist))