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Generate a Result Data Frame


as_result_df(tt, spec = "v0_experimental", ...)



VTableTree. The table.


character(1). The specification to use to extract the result data frame. See details


Passed to spec-specific result data frame conversion function.


Result data frame specifications may differ in the exact information they include and the form in which they represent it. Specifications whose names end in "_experimental" are subject to change without notice, but specifications without the "_experimental" suffix will remain available including any bugs in their construction indefinitely.


This function may eventually be migrated to a separate package, and so should not be called via ::


lyt <- basic_table() %>%
    split_cols_by("ARM") %>%
    split_rows_by("STRATA1") %>%
  analyze(c("AGE", "BMRKR2"))

tbl <- build_table(lyt, ex_adsl)
#>    spl_var_1 spl_value_1 avar_name row_name row_num is_group_summary node_class
#> 1    STRATA1           A       AGE     Mean       3            FALSE    DataRow
#> 2    STRATA1           A    BMRKR2      LOW       5            FALSE    DataRow
#> 3    STRATA1           A    BMRKR2   MEDIUM       6            FALSE    DataRow
#> 4    STRATA1           A    BMRKR2     HIGH       7            FALSE    DataRow
#> 5    STRATA1           B       AGE     Mean      10            FALSE    DataRow
#> 6    STRATA1           B    BMRKR2      LOW      12            FALSE    DataRow
#> 7    STRATA1           B    BMRKR2   MEDIUM      13            FALSE    DataRow
#> 8    STRATA1           B    BMRKR2     HIGH      14            FALSE    DataRow
#> 9    STRATA1           C       AGE     Mean      17            FALSE    DataRow
#> 10   STRATA1           C    BMRKR2      LOW      19            FALSE    DataRow
#> 11   STRATA1           C    BMRKR2   MEDIUM      20            FALSE    DataRow
#> 12   STRATA1           C    BMRKR2     HIGH      21            FALSE    DataRow
#>    A: Drug X B: Placebo C: Combination
#> 1   33.07895   35.11364         34.225
#> 2         12         16             14
#> 3         10         17             13
#> 4         16         11             13
#> 5   33.85106         36       36.32558
#> 6         19         13             10
#> 7         13         22             16
#> 8         15         10             17
#> 9   34.22449   35.17778       35.63265
#> 10        19         16             16
#> 11        14         17             13
#> 12        16         12             20