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This function provides a convenience interface for generating generalizations of a 2-way frequency table. Row and column space can be facetted by variables, and an analysis function can be specified.

The function then builds a layout with the specified layout and applies it to the data provided.


  row_vars = character(),
  col_vars = character(),
  avar = NULL,
  row_labels = NULL,
  afun = NULL,
  summarize_groups = FALSE,
  title = "",
  subtitles = character(),
  main_footer = character(),
  prov_footer = character(),
  show_colcounts = TRUE,
  drop_levels = TRUE,



data.frame. The data to tabulate.


character. The names of variables to be used in row facetting.


character. The names of variables to be used in column facetting.


character(1). The variable to be analyzed. Defaults to the first variable in data.


character or NULL. Row label(s) which should be applied to the analysis rows. length must match the number of rows generated by afun.


function. The function to generate the analysis row cell values. This can be a proper analysis function, or a function which returns a vector or list. Vectors are taken as multi-valued single cells, whereas lists are interpreted as multiple cells.


logical(1). Should each level of nesting include marginal summary rows. Defaults to FALSE


character(1). Main title. Ignored for subtables.


character. Subtitles. Ignored for subtables.


character. Main global (non-referential) footer materials.


character. Provenance-related global footer materials. Generally should not be modified by hand.


logical(1). Should column counts be displayed in the resulting table when this layout is applied to data


logical(1). Should unobserved factor levels be dropped during facetting. Defaults to TRUE.


passed to afun, if specified. Otherwise ignored.


This function creates a table with a single top-level structure in both row and column dimensions involving faceting by 0 or more variables in each.

The display of the table depends on certain details of the tabulation. In the case of an afun which returns a single cell's contents (either a scalar or a vector of 2 or 3 elements), the label rows for the deepest-nested row facets will be hidden and the labels used there will be used as the analysis row labels. In the case of an afun which returns a list (corresponding to multiple cells), the names of the list will be used as the analysis row labels and the deepest nested row labels will not be hidden.

The table will be annotated in the top-left area with an informative label displaying the analysis variable (avar), if set, and the function used (captured via substitute) where possible, or 'count' if not.


#>         all obs
#>         (N=400)
#> ———————————————
#> count     400  
qtable(ex_adsl, row_vars = "ARM")
#> count            all obs
#>                  (N=400)
#> ————————————————————————
#> A: Drug X          134  
#> B: Placebo         134  
#> C: Combination     132  
qtable(ex_adsl, col_vars = "ARM")
#>         A: Drug X   B: Placebo   C: Combination
#>          (N=134)     (N=134)        (N=132)    
#> ———————————————————————————————————————————————
#> count      134         134            132      
qtable(ex_adsl, row_vars = "SEX", col_vars = "ARM")
#> count              A: Drug X   B: Placebo   C: Combination
#>                     (N=134)     (N=134)        (N=132)    
#> ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
#> F                     79           77             66      
#> M                     51           55             60      
#> U                      3           2              4       
#> UNDIFFERENTIATED       1           0              2       
qtable(ex_adsl, row_vars = c("COUNTRY", "SEX"), col_vars = c("ARM", "STRATA1"))
#> count                       A: Drug X                  B: Placebo               C: Combination     
#>                        A        B        C        A        B        C        A        B        C   
#>                      (N=38)   (N=47)   (N=49)   (N=44)   (N=45)   (N=45)   (N=40)   (N=43)   (N=49)
#> ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
#> CHN                                                                                                
#>   F                    11       15       18       12       15       18       8        9        12  
#>   M                    9        7        11       8        12       15       10       10       10  
#>   U                    1        0        1        1        0        0        1        0        2   
#>   UNDIFFERENTIATED     0        0        1        0        0        0        1        0        1   
#> USA                                                                                                
#>   F                    1        3        3        1        4        3        2        4        4   
#>   M                    1        2        0        3        1        1        1        3        3   
#> BRA                                                                                                
#>   F                    3        1        1        2        1        0        0        3        2   
#>   M                    1        7        0        4        0        0        2        3        0   
#> PAK                                                                                                
#>   F                    3        1        4        4        0        0        2        1        1   
#>   M                    2        1        1        2        2        1        1        3        2   
#> NGA                                                                                                
#>   F                    0        1        2        2        1        2        1        0        4   
#>   M                    2        1        1        0        1        1        4        1        1   
#>   U                    0        1        0        0        0        0        0        0        0   
#> RUS                                                                                                
#>   F                    0        2        2        2        1        2        1        1        2   
#>   M                    1        0        0        1        1        1        0        0        1   
#>   U                    0        0        0        0        0        0        0        1        0   
#> JPN                                                                                                
#>   F                    1        1        2        0        2        1        3        2        2   
#>   M                    0        1        0        0        0        0        1        0        1   
#>   U                    0        0        0        0        1        0        0        0        0   
#> GBR                                                                                                
#>   F                    1        0        1        0        2        0        0        1        0   
#>   M                    0        1        1        1        0        0        0        0        1   
#> CAN                                                                                                
#>   F                    1        1        0        1        1        0        1        0        0   
#>   M                    0        1        0        0        0        0        1        1        0   
qtable(ex_adsl, row_vars = c("COUNTRY", "SEX"),
       col_vars = c("ARM", "STRATA1"), avar = "AGE", afun = mean)
#> AGE - mean                  A: Drug X                  B: Placebo               C: Combination     
#>                        A        B        C        A        B        C        A        B        C   
#>                      (N=38)   (N=47)   (N=49)   (N=44)   (N=45)   (N=45)   (N=40)   (N=43)   (N=49)
#> ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
#> CHN                                                                                                
#>   F                  31.09    30.67    32.56    33.08    35.73    35.28    35.25    33.89    35.75 
#>   M                  34.44    36.43    35.73    38.38    35.25    37.60    30.80    35.20    38.60 
#>   U                  33.00      NA     34.00    27.00      NA       NA     38.00      NA     33.00 
#>   UNDIFFERENTIATED     NA       NA     28.00      NA       NA       NA     44.00      NA     46.00 
#> USA                                                                                                
#>   F                  24.00    38.00    35.00    46.00    40.75    32.33    36.50    30.50    36.00 
#>   M                  40.00    34.50      NA     38.67    53.00    30.00    47.00    38.00    29.00 
#> BRA                                                                                                
#>   F                  35.33    38.00    44.00    27.50    25.00      NA       NA     46.33    33.00 
#>   M                  43.00    35.14      NA     36.00      NA       NA     28.50    40.33      NA  
#> PAK                                                                                                
#>   F                  28.00    38.00    29.50    30.75      NA       NA     33.00    23.00    49.00 
#>   M                  39.00    37.00    31.00    41.50    28.50    33.00    40.00    35.33    35.50 
#> NGA                                                                                                
#>   F                    NA     25.00    35.00    26.50    37.00    32.00    31.00      NA     32.75 
#>   M                  29.50    29.00    50.00      NA     40.00    24.00    34.50    32.00    28.00 
#>   U                    NA     28.00      NA       NA       NA       NA       NA       NA       NA  
#> RUS                                                                                                
#>   F                    NA     36.50    39.50    31.00    36.00    39.50    30.00    44.00    26.00 
#>   M                  40.00      NA       NA     36.00    58.00    29.00      NA       NA     28.00 
#>   U                    NA       NA       NA       NA       NA       NA       NA     37.00      NA  
#> JPN                                                                                                
#>   F                  29.00    34.00    37.50      NA     29.00    28.00    32.33    47.50    34.00 
#>   M                    NA     48.00      NA       NA       NA       NA     45.00      NA     26.00 
#>   U                    NA       NA       NA       NA     35.00      NA       NA       NA       NA  
#> GBR                                                                                                
#>   F                  28.00      NA     36.00      NA     28.00      NA       NA     40.00      NA  
#>   M                    NA     27.00    28.00    62.00      NA       NA       NA       NA     69.00 
#> CAN                                                                                                
#>   F                  41.00    39.00      NA     34.00    43.00      NA     37.00      NA       NA  
#>   M                    NA     31.00      NA       NA       NA       NA     36.00    32.00      NA  
summary_list <- function(x, ...) as.list(summary(x))
qtable(ex_adsl, row_vars = "SEX", col_vars = "ARM", avar = "AGE", afun = summary_list)
#> AGE - summary_list   A: Drug X   B: Placebo   C: Combination
#>                       (N=134)     (N=134)        (N=132)    
#> ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
#> F                                                           
#>   Min.                 21.00       23.00          21.00     
#>   1st Qu.              28.00       29.00          31.25     
#>   Median               32.00       32.00          35.00     
#>   Mean                 32.76       34.12          35.20     
#>   3rd Qu.              37.00       37.00          38.00     
#>   Max.                 47.00       58.00          64.00     
#> M                                                           
#>   Min.                 23.00       21.00          20.00     
#>   1st Qu.              29.50       32.50          29.00     
#>   Median               37.00       37.00          33.50     
#>   Mean                 35.57       37.44          35.38     
#>   3rd Qu.              40.50       41.50          40.00     
#>   Max.                 50.00       62.00          69.00     
#> U                                                           
#>   Min.                 28.00       27.00          31.00     
#>   1st Qu.              30.50       29.00          34.00     
#>   Median               33.00       31.00          36.00     
#>   Mean                 31.67       31.00          35.25     
#>   3rd Qu.              33.50       33.00          37.25     
#>   Max.                 34.00       35.00          38.00     
#> UNDIFFERENTIATED                                            
#>   Min.                 28.00         NA           44.00     
#>   1st Qu.              28.00         NA           44.50     
#>   Median               28.00         NA           45.00     
#>   Mean                 28.00         NA           45.00     
#>   3rd Qu.              28.00         NA           45.50     
#>   Max.                 28.00         NA           46.00     
suppressWarnings(qtable(ex_adsl, row_vars = "SEX",
                 col_vars = "ARM", avar = "AGE", afun = range))
#> AGE - range         A: Drug X    B: Placebo    C: Combination
#>                      (N=134)       (N=134)        (N=132)    
#> —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
#> F                  21.0 / 47.0   23.0 / 58.0    21.0 / 64.0  
#> M                  23.0 / 50.0   21.0 / 62.0    20.0 / 69.0  
#> U                  28.0 / 34.0   27.0 / 35.0    31.0 / 38.0  
#> UNDIFFERENTIATED   28.0 / 28.0   Inf / -Inf     44.0 / 46.0