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Recursively prune a TableTree


  prune_func = prune_empty_level,
  stop_depth = NA_real_,
  depth = 0



TableTree (or related class). A TableTree object representing a populated table.


function. A Function to be called on each subtree which returns TRUE if the entire subtree should be removed.


numeric(1). The depth after which subtrees should not be checked for pruning. Defaults to NA which indicates pruning should happen at all levels


numeric(1). Used internally, not intended to be set by the end user.


A TableTree pruned via recursive application of prune_func.

See also

prune_empty_level() for details on this and several other basic pruning functions included in the rtables package.


adsl <- ex_adsl
levels(adsl$SEX) <- c(levels(ex_adsl$SEX), "OTHER")

tbl_to_prune <- basic_table() %>%
    split_cols_by("ARM") %>% 
    split_rows_by("SEX") %>% 
    summarize_row_groups() %>%
    split_rows_by("STRATA1") %>%
    summarize_row_groups() %>%
    analyze("AGE") %>%

tbl_to_prune %>% prune_table()
#>                    A: Drug X    B: Placebo   C: Combination
#> ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
#> F                  79 (59.0%)   77 (57.5%)     66 (50.0%)  
#>   A                21 (15.7%)   24 (17.9%)     18 (13.6%)  
#>     Mean             31.14        32.08          34.22     
#>   B                25 (18.7%)   27 (20.1%)     21 (15.9%)  
#>     Mean             32.84        35.33          36.57     
#>   C                33 (24.6%)   26 (19.4%)     27 (20.5%)  
#>     Mean             33.73        34.73          34.78     
#> M                  51 (38.1%)   55 (41.0%)     60 (45.5%)  
#>   A                16 (11.9%)   19 (14.2%)     20 (15.2%)  
#>     Mean             35.62        39.37          33.55     
#>   B                21 (15.7%)   17 (12.7%)     21 (15.9%)  
#>     Mean             35.33        37.12          36.05     
#>   C                14 (10.4%)   19 (14.2%)     19 (14.4%)  
#>     Mean             35.86        35.79          36.58     
#> U                   3 (2.2%)     2 (1.5%)       4 (3.0%)   
#>   A                 1 (0.7%)     1 (0.7%)       1 (0.8%)   
#>     Mean             33.00        27.00          38.00     
#>   B                 1 (0.7%)     1 (0.7%)       1 (0.8%)   
#>     Mean             28.00        35.00          37.00     
#>   C                 1 (0.7%)     0 (0.0%)       2 (1.5%)   
#>     Mean             34.00          NA           33.00     
#> UNDIFFERENTIATED    1 (0.7%)     0 (0.0%)       2 (1.5%)   
#>   A                 0 (0.0%)     0 (0.0%)       1 (0.8%)   
#>     Mean               NA           NA           44.00     
#>   C                 1 (0.7%)     0 (0.0%)       1 (0.8%)   
#>     Mean             28.00          NA           46.00