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Experimental function to correct structure of degenerate tables by adding messaging rows to empty sub-structures.


sanitize_table_struct(tt, empty_msg = "-- This Section Contains No Data --")



a TableTree object.


the string which should be spanned across the inserted empty rows.


If tt is already valid, it is returned unmodified. If tt is degenerate, a modified, non-degenerate version of the table is returned.


This function locates degenerate portions of the table (including the table overall in the case of a table with no data rows) and inserts a row which spans all columns with the message empty_msg at each one, generating a table guaranteed to be non-degenerate.

See also

Other table structure validation functions: find_degen_struct(), validate_table_struct()


sanitize_table_struct(rtable("cool beans"))
#>                cool beans             
#> ——————————————————————————————————————
#>    -- This Section Contains No Data --

lyt <- basic_table() %>%
  split_cols_by("ARM") %>%
  split_rows_by("SEX") %>%

## Degenerate because it doesn't have any analyze calls -> no data rows
badtab <- build_table(lyt, DM)
#>                     A: Drug X    B: Placebo   C: Combination
#> ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
#> F                  70 (57.9%)    56 (52.8%)     61 (47.3%)  
#>                       -- This Section Contains No Data --   
#> M                  51 (42.1%)    50 (47.2%)     68 (52.7%)  
#>                       -- This Section Contains No Data --   
#> U                   0 (0.0%)      0 (0.0%)       0 (0.0%)   
#>                       -- This Section Contains No Data --   
#> UNDIFFERENTIATED    0 (0.0%)      0 (0.0%)       0 (0.0%)   
#>                       -- This Section Contains No Data --