Skip to contents


Pagination of a listing. This can be vertical for long listings with many rows and/or horizontal if there are many columns. This function is a wrapper of formatters::paginate_to_mpfs() and it is mainly meant for exploration and testing.


  page_type = "letter",
  font_family = "Courier",
  font_size = 8,
  lineheight = 1,
  landscape = FALSE,
  pg_width = NULL,
  pg_height = NULL,
  margins = c(top = 0.5, bottom = 0.5, left = 0.75, right = 0.75),
  lpp = NA_integer_,
  cpp = NA_integer_,
  colwidths = NULL,
  tf_wrap = !is.null(max_width),
  rep_cols = NULL,
  max_width = NULL,
  col_gap = 3,
  fontspec = font_spec(font_family, font_size, lineheight),
  verbose = FALSE,
  print_pages = TRUE



(listing_df or list)
the listing or list of listings to paginate.


name of a page type. See page_types. Ignored when pg_width and pg_height are set directly.


name of a font family. An error will be thrown if the family named is not monospaced. Defaults to "Courier".


font size. Defaults to 12.


line height. Defaults to 1.


whether the dimensions of page_type should be inverted for landscape orientation. Defaults to FALSE, ignored when pg_width and pg_height are set directly.


page width in inches.


page height in inches.


named numeric vector containing "bottom", "left", "top", and "right" margins in inches. Defaults to .5 inches for both vertical margins and .75 for both horizontal margins.


(numeric(1) or NULL)
number of rows/lines (excluding titles and footers) to include per page. Standard is 70 while NULL disables vertical pagination.


(numeric(1) or NULL)
width (in characters) of the pages for horizontal pagination. NULL (the default) indicates no horizontal pagination should be done.


vector of column widths (in characters) for use in vertical pagination.


whether the text for title, subtitles, and footnotes should be wrapped.


number of columns (not including row labels) to be repeated on every page. Defaults to 0.


(integer(1), string or NULL)
width that title and footer (including footnotes) materials should be word-wrapped to. If NULL, it is set to the current print width of the session (getOption("width")). If set to "auto", the width of the table (plus any table inset) is used. Parameter is ignored if tf_wrap = FALSE.


width of gap between columns, in same units as extent in pagdf (spaces under a particular font specification).


a font_spec object specifying the font information to use for calculating string widths and heights, as returned by font_spec().


whether additional informative messages about the search for pagination breaks should be shown. Defaults to FALSE.


whether the paginated listing should be printed to the console (cat(toString(x))).


A list of listing_df objects where each list element corresponds to a separate page.


dat <- ex_adae
lsting <- as_listing(dat[1:25, ], disp_cols = c("USUBJID", "AESOC", "RACE", "AETOXGR", "BMRKR1"))
mat <- matrix_form(lsting)
#> Study Identifier   Unique Subject Identifier   Primary System Organ Class             Race              Analysis Toxicity Grade   Continous Level Biomarker 1
#> —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
#>     AB12345          AB12345-BRA-1-id-134                 cl B                        WHITE                        3                   6.46299057842479      
#>                      AB12345-BRA-1-id-134                 cl D                        WHITE                        3                   6.46299057842479      
#>                      AB12345-BRA-1-id-134                 cl A                        WHITE                        2                   6.46299057842479      
#>                      AB12345-BRA-1-id-134                 cl A                        WHITE                        2                   6.46299057842479      
#>                      AB12345-BRA-1-id-141                 cl B                        WHITE                        3                   7.51607612428241      
#>                      AB12345-BRA-1-id-141                 cl D                        WHITE                        1                   7.51607612428241      
#>                      AB12345-BRA-1-id-141                 cl A                        WHITE                        1                   7.51607612428241      
#>                      AB12345-BRA-1-id-141                 cl A                        WHITE                        2                   7.51607612428241      
#>                      AB12345-BRA-1-id-141                 cl A                        WHITE                        1                   7.51607612428241      
#>                      AB12345-BRA-1-id-141                 cl D                        WHITE                        5                   7.51607612428241      
#>                      AB12345-BRA-1-id-236                 cl B              BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN              5                   7.66300121077566      
#>                      AB12345-BRA-1-id-236                 cl B              BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN              5                   7.66300121077566      
#>                      AB12345-BRA-1-id-236                 cl B              BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN              5                   7.66300121077566      
#>                      AB12345-BRA-1-id-265                 cl C                        WHITE                        2                    10.323346349886      
#>                      AB12345-BRA-1-id-265                 cl D                        WHITE                        3                    10.323346349886      
#>                      AB12345-BRA-1-id-265                 cl D                        WHITE                        5                    10.323346349886      
#>                      AB12345-BRA-1-id-265                 cl C                        WHITE                        4                    10.323346349886      
#>                       AB12345-BRA-1-id-42                 cl C              BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN              2                   2.26753940777848      
#>                       AB12345-BRA-1-id-42                 cl D              BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN              5                   2.26753940777848      
#>                       AB12345-BRA-1-id-42                 cl C              BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN              2                   2.26753940777848      
#>                       AB12345-BRA-1-id-42                 cl A              BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN              2                   2.26753940777848      
#>                       AB12345-BRA-1-id-42                 cl B              BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN              1                   2.26753940777848      
#>                       AB12345-BRA-1-id-42                 cl A              BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN              2                   2.26753940777848      
#>                       AB12345-BRA-1-id-42                 cl B              BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN              5                   2.26753940777848      
#>                       AB12345-BRA-1-id-42                 cl A              BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN              2                   2.26753940777848      

paginate_listing(lsting, lpp = 10)
#> --- Page 1/8 ---
#> Study Identifier   Unique Subject Identifier   Primary System Organ Class             Race           
#> —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
#>     AB12345          AB12345-BRA-1-id-134                 cl B                        WHITE          
#>                      AB12345-BRA-1-id-134                 cl D                        WHITE          
#>                      AB12345-BRA-1-id-134                 cl A                        WHITE          
#>                      AB12345-BRA-1-id-134                 cl A                        WHITE          
#>                      AB12345-BRA-1-id-141                 cl B                        WHITE          
#>                      AB12345-BRA-1-id-141                 cl D                        WHITE          
#>                      AB12345-BRA-1-id-141                 cl A                        WHITE          
#>                      AB12345-BRA-1-id-141                 cl A                        WHITE          
#> --- Page 2/8 ---
#> Study Identifier   Analysis Toxicity Grade   Continous Level Biomarker 1
#> ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
#>     AB12345                   3                   6.46299057842479      
#>                               3                   6.46299057842479      
#>                               2                   6.46299057842479      
#>                               2                   6.46299057842479      
#>                               3                   7.51607612428241      
#>                               1                   7.51607612428241      
#>                               1                   7.51607612428241      
#>                               2                   7.51607612428241      
#> --- Page 3/8 ---
#> Study Identifier   Unique Subject Identifier   Primary System Organ Class             Race           
#> —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
#>     AB12345          AB12345-BRA-1-id-141                 cl A                        WHITE          
#>                      AB12345-BRA-1-id-141                 cl D                        WHITE          
#>                      AB12345-BRA-1-id-236                 cl B              BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN
#>                      AB12345-BRA-1-id-236                 cl B              BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN
#>                      AB12345-BRA-1-id-236                 cl B              BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN
#>                      AB12345-BRA-1-id-265                 cl C                        WHITE          
#>                      AB12345-BRA-1-id-265                 cl D                        WHITE          
#>                      AB12345-BRA-1-id-265                 cl D                        WHITE          
#> --- Page 4/8 ---
#> Study Identifier   Analysis Toxicity Grade   Continous Level Biomarker 1
#> ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
#>     AB12345                   1                   7.51607612428241      
#>                               5                   7.51607612428241      
#>                               5                   7.66300121077566      
#>                               5                   7.66300121077566      
#>                               5                   7.66300121077566      
#>                               2                    10.323346349886      
#>                               3                    10.323346349886      
#>                               5                    10.323346349886      
#> --- Page 5/8 ---
#> Study Identifier   Unique Subject Identifier   Primary System Organ Class             Race           
#> —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
#>     AB12345          AB12345-BRA-1-id-265                 cl C                        WHITE          
#>                       AB12345-BRA-1-id-42                 cl C              BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN
#>                       AB12345-BRA-1-id-42                 cl D              BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN
#>                       AB12345-BRA-1-id-42                 cl C              BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN
#>                       AB12345-BRA-1-id-42                 cl A              BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN
#>                       AB12345-BRA-1-id-42                 cl B              BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN
#>                       AB12345-BRA-1-id-42                 cl A              BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN
#>                       AB12345-BRA-1-id-42                 cl B              BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN
#> --- Page 6/8 ---
#> Study Identifier   Analysis Toxicity Grade   Continous Level Biomarker 1
#> ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
#>     AB12345                   4                    10.323346349886      
#>                               2                   2.26753940777848      
#>                               5                   2.26753940777848      
#>                               2                   2.26753940777848      
#>                               2                   2.26753940777848      
#>                               1                   2.26753940777848      
#>                               2                   2.26753940777848      
#>                               5                   2.26753940777848      
#> --- Page 7/8 ---
#> Study Identifier   Unique Subject Identifier   Primary System Organ Class             Race           
#> —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
#>     AB12345           AB12345-BRA-1-id-42                 cl A              BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN
#> --- Page 8/8 ---
#> Study Identifier   Analysis Toxicity Grade   Continous Level Biomarker 1
#> ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
#>     AB12345                   2                   2.26753940777848      

paginate_listing(lsting, cpp = 100, lpp = 40)
#> --- Page 1/2 ---
#> Study Identifier   Unique Subject Identifier   Primary System Organ Class
#> —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
#>     AB12345          AB12345-BRA-1-id-134                 cl B           
#>                      AB12345-BRA-1-id-134                 cl D           
#>                      AB12345-BRA-1-id-134                 cl A           
#>                      AB12345-BRA-1-id-134                 cl A           
#>                      AB12345-BRA-1-id-141                 cl B           
#>                      AB12345-BRA-1-id-141                 cl D           
#>                      AB12345-BRA-1-id-141                 cl A           
#>                      AB12345-BRA-1-id-141                 cl A           
#>                      AB12345-BRA-1-id-141                 cl A           
#>                      AB12345-BRA-1-id-141                 cl D           
#>                      AB12345-BRA-1-id-236                 cl B           
#>                      AB12345-BRA-1-id-236                 cl B           
#>                      AB12345-BRA-1-id-236                 cl B           
#>                      AB12345-BRA-1-id-265                 cl C           
#>                      AB12345-BRA-1-id-265                 cl D           
#>                      AB12345-BRA-1-id-265                 cl D           
#>                      AB12345-BRA-1-id-265                 cl C           
#>                       AB12345-BRA-1-id-42                 cl C           
#>                       AB12345-BRA-1-id-42                 cl D           
#>                       AB12345-BRA-1-id-42                 cl C           
#>                       AB12345-BRA-1-id-42                 cl A           
#>                       AB12345-BRA-1-id-42                 cl B           
#>                       AB12345-BRA-1-id-42                 cl A           
#>                       AB12345-BRA-1-id-42                 cl B           
#>                       AB12345-BRA-1-id-42                 cl A           
#> --- Page 2/2 ---
#> Study Identifier             Race              Analysis Toxicity Grade   Continous Level Biomarker 1
#> ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
#>     AB12345                  WHITE                        3                   6.46299057842479      
#>                              WHITE                        3                   6.46299057842479      
#>                              WHITE                        2                   6.46299057842479      
#>                              WHITE                        2                   6.46299057842479      
#>                              WHITE                        3                   7.51607612428241      
#>                              WHITE                        1                   7.51607612428241      
#>                              WHITE                        1                   7.51607612428241      
#>                              WHITE                        2                   7.51607612428241      
#>                              WHITE                        1                   7.51607612428241      
#>                              WHITE                        5                   7.51607612428241      
#>                    BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN              5                   7.66300121077566      
#>                    BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN              5                   7.66300121077566      
#>                    BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN              5                   7.66300121077566      
#>                              WHITE                        2                    10.323346349886      
#>                              WHITE                        3                    10.323346349886      
#>                              WHITE                        5                    10.323346349886      
#>                              WHITE                        4                    10.323346349886      
#>                    BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN              2                   2.26753940777848      
#>                    BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN              5                   2.26753940777848      
#>                    BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN              2                   2.26753940777848      
#>                    BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN              2                   2.26753940777848      
#>                    BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN              1                   2.26753940777848      
#>                    BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN              2                   2.26753940777848      
#>                    BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN              5                   2.26753940777848      
#>                    BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN              2                   2.26753940777848      

paginate_listing(lsting, cpp = 80, lpp = 40, verbose = TRUE)
#> Determining lines required for header content: 0 title and 2 table header lines
#> Determining lines required for footer content: 0 lines
#> Lines per page available for tables rows: 38 (original: 40)
#> --------- ROW-WISE: Checking possible pagination for page 1
#> -> Attempting pagination between 1 and 25 row
#>   OK [25 lines]
#> Adjusted characters per page: 80 [original: 80, table inset: 0]
#> ========= COLUMN-WISE: Checking possible pagination for page 1
#> -> Attempting pagination between 1 and 6 column
#>   FAIL: selected 6 columns require 172 chars, while only 80 are available. 
#>         details: [raw: 157 chars (6 cols), rep. cols: 0 chars (0 cols), tot. colgap: 15 chars].
#> -> Attempting pagination between 1 and 5 column
#>   FAIL: selected 5 columns require 139 chars, while only 80 are available. 
#>         details: [raw: 127 chars (5 cols), rep. cols: 0 chars (0 cols), tot. colgap: 12 chars].
#> -> Attempting pagination between 1 and 4 column
#>   FAIL: selected 4 columns require 110 chars, while only 80 are available. 
#>         details: [raw: 101 chars (4 cols), rep. cols: 0 chars (0 cols), tot. colgap: 9 chars].
#> -> Attempting pagination between 1 and 3 column
#>   OK [73 chars]
#> ========= COLUMN-WISE: Checking possible pagination for page 2
#> -> Attempting pagination between 4 and 6 column
#>   FAIL: selected 3 columns require 109 chars, while only 80 are available. 
#>         details: [raw: 84 chars (3 cols), rep. cols: 16 chars (1 cols), tot. colgap: 9 chars].
#> -> Attempting pagination between 4 and 5 column
#>   OK [70 chars]
#> ========= COLUMN-WISE: Checking possible pagination for page 3
#> -> Attempting pagination between 6 and 6 column
#>   OK [46 chars]
#> --- Page 1/3 ---
#> Study Identifier   Unique Subject Identifier   Primary System Organ Class
#> —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
#>     AB12345          AB12345-BRA-1-id-134                 cl B           
#>                      AB12345-BRA-1-id-134                 cl D           
#>                      AB12345-BRA-1-id-134                 cl A           
#>                      AB12345-BRA-1-id-134                 cl A           
#>                      AB12345-BRA-1-id-141                 cl B           
#>                      AB12345-BRA-1-id-141                 cl D           
#>                      AB12345-BRA-1-id-141                 cl A           
#>                      AB12345-BRA-1-id-141                 cl A           
#>                      AB12345-BRA-1-id-141                 cl A           
#>                      AB12345-BRA-1-id-141                 cl D           
#>                      AB12345-BRA-1-id-236                 cl B           
#>                      AB12345-BRA-1-id-236                 cl B           
#>                      AB12345-BRA-1-id-236                 cl B           
#>                      AB12345-BRA-1-id-265                 cl C           
#>                      AB12345-BRA-1-id-265                 cl D           
#>                      AB12345-BRA-1-id-265                 cl D           
#>                      AB12345-BRA-1-id-265                 cl C           
#>                       AB12345-BRA-1-id-42                 cl C           
#>                       AB12345-BRA-1-id-42                 cl D           
#>                       AB12345-BRA-1-id-42                 cl C           
#>                       AB12345-BRA-1-id-42                 cl A           
#>                       AB12345-BRA-1-id-42                 cl B           
#>                       AB12345-BRA-1-id-42                 cl A           
#>                       AB12345-BRA-1-id-42                 cl B           
#>                       AB12345-BRA-1-id-42                 cl A           
#> --- Page 2/3 ---
#> Study Identifier             Race              Analysis Toxicity Grade
#> ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
#>     AB12345                  WHITE                        3           
#>                              WHITE                        3           
#>                              WHITE                        2           
#>                              WHITE                        2           
#>                              WHITE                        3           
#>                              WHITE                        1           
#>                              WHITE                        1           
#>                              WHITE                        2           
#>                              WHITE                        1           
#>                              WHITE                        5           
#>                    BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN              5           
#>                    BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN              5           
#>                    BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN              5           
#>                              WHITE                        2           
#>                              WHITE                        3           
#>                              WHITE                        5           
#>                              WHITE                        4           
#>                    BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN              2           
#>                    BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN              5           
#>                    BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN              2           
#>                    BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN              2           
#>                    BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN              1           
#>                    BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN              2           
#>                    BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN              5           
#>                    BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN              2           
#> --- Page 3/3 ---
#> Study Identifier   Continous Level Biomarker 1
#> ——————————————————————————————————————————————
#>     AB12345             6.46299057842479      
#>                         6.46299057842479      
#>                         6.46299057842479      
#>                         6.46299057842479      
#>                         7.51607612428241      
#>                         7.51607612428241      
#>                         7.51607612428241      
#>                         7.51607612428241      
#>                         7.51607612428241      
#>                         7.51607612428241      
#>                         7.66300121077566      
#>                         7.66300121077566      
#>                         7.66300121077566      
#>                          10.323346349886      
#>                          10.323346349886      
#>                          10.323346349886      
#>                          10.323346349886      
#>                         2.26753940777848      
#>                         2.26753940777848      
#>                         2.26753940777848      
#>                         2.26753940777848      
#>                         2.26753940777848      
#>                         2.26753940777848      
#>                         2.26753940777848      
#>                         2.26753940777848      