1 |
#' Paginate listings
2 |
3 |
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")`
4 |
5 |
#' Pagination of a listing. This can be vertical for long listings with many
6 |
#' rows and/or horizontal if there are many columns. This function is a wrapper of
7 |
#' [formatters::paginate_to_mpfs()] and it is mainly meant for exploration and testing.
8 |
9 |
#' @inheritParams formatters::pag_indices_inner
10 |
#' @inheritParams formatters::vert_pag_indices
11 |
#' @inheritParams formatters::page_lcpp
12 |
#' @inheritParams formatters::toString
13 |
#' @param lsting (`listing_df` or `list`)\cr the listing or list of listings to paginate.
14 |
#' @param lpp (`numeric(1)` or `NULL`)\cr number of rows/lines (excluding titles and footers)
15 |
#' to include per page. Standard is `70` while `NULL` disables vertical pagination.
16 |
#' @param cpp (`numeric(1)` or `NULL`)\cr width (in characters) of the pages for horizontal
17 |
#' pagination. `NULL` (the default) indicates no horizontal pagination should be done.
18 |
#' @param print_pages (`flag`)\cr whether the paginated listing should be printed to the console
19 |
#' (`cat(toString(x))`).
20 |
21 |
#' @return A list of `listing_df` objects where each list element corresponds to a separate page.
22 |
23 |
#' @examples
24 |
#' dat <- ex_adae
25 |
#' lsting <- as_listing(dat[1:25, ], disp_cols = c("USUBJID", "AESOC", "RACE", "AETOXGR", "BMRKR1"))
26 |
#' mat <- matrix_form(lsting)
27 |
#' cat(toString(mat))
28 |
29 |
#' paginate_listing(lsting, lpp = 10)
30 |
31 |
#' paginate_listing(lsting, cpp = 100, lpp = 40)
32 |
33 |
#' paginate_listing(lsting, cpp = 80, lpp = 40, verbose = TRUE)
34 |
35 |
#' @export
36 |
#' @rdname paginate
37 |
paginate_listing <- function(lsting, |
38 |
page_type = "letter", |
39 |
font_family = "Courier", |
40 |
font_size = 8, |
41 |
lineheight = 1, |
42 |
landscape = FALSE, |
43 |
pg_width = NULL, |
44 |
pg_height = NULL, |
45 |
margins = c(top = .5, bottom = .5, left = .75, right = .75), |
46 |
lpp = NA_integer_, |
47 |
cpp = NA_integer_, |
48 |
colwidths = NULL, |
49 |
tf_wrap = !is.null(max_width), |
50 |
rep_cols = NULL, |
51 |
max_width = NULL, |
52 |
col_gap = 3, |
53 |
fontspec = font_spec(font_family, font_size, lineheight), |
54 |
verbose = FALSE, |
55 |
print_pages = TRUE) { |
56 | 24x |
checkmate::assert_multi_class(lsting, c("listing_df", "list")) |
57 | 24x |
checkmate::assert_numeric(colwidths, lower = 0, len = length(listing_dispcols(lsting)), null.ok = TRUE) |
58 | 23x |
checkmate::assert_flag(tf_wrap) |
59 | 23x |
checkmate::assert_count(max_width, null.ok = TRUE) |
60 | 23x |
checkmate::assert_flag(verbose) |
61 | 23x |
checkmate::assert_flag(print_pages) |
62 | ||
63 | 23x |
pages <- paginate_to_mpfs(lsting, |
64 | 23x |
page_type = page_type, |
65 | 23x |
fontspec = fontspec, |
66 | 23x |
landscape = landscape, |
67 | 23x |
pg_width = pg_width, |
68 | 23x |
pg_height = pg_height, |
69 | 23x |
margins = margins, |
70 | 23x |
lpp = lpp, |
71 | 23x |
cpp = cpp, |
72 | 23x |
colwidths = colwidths, |
73 | 23x |
tf_wrap = tf_wrap, |
74 | 23x |
max_width = max_width, |
75 | 23x |
rep_cols = rep_cols, |
76 | 23x |
col_gap = col_gap, |
77 | 23x |
verbose = verbose |
78 |
79 | ||
80 | 23x |
if (print_pages) { |
81 | 1x |
nothing <- lapply(seq_along(pages), function(pagi) { |
82 | 2x |
cat("--- Page", paste0(pagi, "/", length(pages)), "---\n") |
83 |
# It is NULL because paginate_mpfs takes care of it
84 | 2x |
cat(toString(pages[[pagi]], widths = NULL, tf_wrap = tf_wrap, max_width = max_width, col_gap = col_gap)) |
85 | 2x |
cat("\n") |
86 |
}) |
87 |
88 | 23x |
invisible(pages) |
89 |
1 | ||
2 |
## XXX this historically has been 1, but it actually should be 1.2!!!!!
3 |
dflt_courier <- font_spec("Courier", 9, 1) |
4 | ||
5 |
#' Methods for `listing_df` objects
6 |
7 |
#' See core documentation in [formatters::formatters-package] for descriptions of these functions.
8 |
9 |
#' @inheritParams formatters::toString
10 |
#' @param x (`listing_df`)\cr the listing.
11 |
#' @param ... additional parameters passed to [formatters::toString()].
12 |
13 |
#' @method print listing_df
14 |
15 |
#' @export
16 |
#' @name listing_methods
17 |
print.listing_df <- function(x, widths = NULL, tf_wrap = FALSE, max_width = NULL, fontspec = NULL, col_gap = 3L, ...) { |
18 | ! |
tryCatch({ |
19 | ! |
cat( |
20 | ! |
toString( |
21 | ! |
matrix_form(x, fontspec = fontspec, col_gap = col_gap), |
22 | ! |
widths = widths, |
23 | ! |
tf_wrap = tf_wrap, |
24 | ! |
max_width = max_width, |
25 | ! |
fontspec = fontspec, |
26 | ! |
col_gap = col_gap, |
27 |
28 |
29 |
30 | ! |
}, error = function(e) { |
31 | ! |
if (nrow(x) == 0) { |
32 | ! |
print("No observation in the listing object.") |
33 |
} else { |
34 | ! |
stop(e) |
35 |
36 |
}) |
37 | ! |
invisible(x) |
38 |
39 | ||
40 |
#' @exportMethod toString
41 |
#' @name listing_methods
42 |
#' @aliases toString,listing_df-method
43 |
setMethod("toString", "listing_df", function(x, widths = NULL, fontspec = NULL, col_gap = 3L, ...) { |
44 | 6x |
toString( |
45 | 6x |
matrix_form(x, fontspec = fontspec, col_gap = col_gap), |
46 | 6x |
fontspec = fontspec, |
47 | 6x |
col_gap = col_gap, |
48 | 6x |
widths = widths, |
49 |
50 |
51 |
}) |
52 | ||
53 |
## because rle in base is too much of a stickler for being atomic
54 |
basic_run_lens <- function(x) { |
55 | 170x |
n <- length(x) |
56 | 170x |
if (n == 0) { |
57 | ! |
return(integer()) |
58 |
59 | ||
60 | 170x |
y <- x[-1L] != x[-n] |
61 | 170x |
i <- c(which(y), n) |
62 | 170x |
diff(c(0L, i)) |
63 |
64 | ||
65 |
#' @param df (`listing_df`)\cr the listing.
66 |
#' @param colnm (`string`)\cr column name.
67 |
#' @param colvec (`vector`)\cr column values based on `colnm`.
68 |
69 |
#' @rdname vec_nlines
70 |
#' @keywords internal
71 |
format_colvector <- function(df, colnm, colvec = df[[colnm]]) { |
72 | 702x |
if (missing(colvec) && !(colnm %in% names(df))) { |
73 | ! |
stop("column ", colnm, " not found") |
74 |
75 | 702x |
na_str <- obj_na_str(colvec) |
76 | 702x |
if (is.null(na_str) || all(is.na(na_str))) { |
77 | ! |
na_str <- rep("-", max(1L, length(na_str))) |
78 |
79 | ||
80 | 702x |
strvec <- vapply(colvec, format_value, "", format = obj_format(colvec), na_str = na_str) |
81 | 702x |
82 |
83 | ||
84 |
#' Utilities for formatting a listing column
85 |
86 |
#' For `vec_nlines`, calculate the number of lines each element of a column vector will
87 |
#' take to render. For `format_colvector`,
88 |
89 |
#' @param vec (`vector`)\cr a column vector to be rendered into ASCII.
90 |
#' @param max_width (`numeric(1)` or `NULL`)\cr the width to render the column with.
91 |
#' @return (`numeric`)\cr a vector of the number of lines element-wise that will be
92 |
#' needed to render the elements of `vec` to width `max_width`.
93 |
94 |
#' @keywords internal
95 | 702x |
setGeneric("vec_nlines", function(vec, max_width = NULL, fontspec = dflt_courier) standardGeneric("vec_nlines")) |
96 | ||
97 |
#' @param vec (`vector`)\cr a vector.
98 |
99 |
#' @rdname vec_nlines
100 |
#' @keywords internal
101 |
setMethod("vec_nlines", "ANY", function(vec, max_width = NULL, fontspec = dflt_courier) { |
102 | 702x |
if (is.null(max_width)) { |
103 | 702x |
max_width <- floor(0.9 * getOption("width")) # default of base::strwrap |
104 |
# NB: flooring as it is used as <= (also in base::strwrap)
105 |
106 |
# in formatters for characters
107 | 702x |
unlist(lapply(format_colvector(colvec = vec), nlines, max_width = max_width, fontspec = fontspec)) |
108 |
}) |
109 | ||
110 |
## setMethod("vec_nlines", "character", function(vec, max_width = NULL) {
111 |
## strvec <- wrap_txt(format_colvector(colvec = vec), width = max_width, collapse = "\n")
112 |
## mtchs <- gregexpr("\n", strvec, fixed = TRUE)
113 |
## 1L + vapply(mtchs, function(vi) sum(vi > 0), 1L)
114 |
## })
115 | ||
116 |
## setMethod("vec_nlines", "factor", function(vec, max_width = NULL) {
117 |
## lvl_nlines <- vec_nlines(levels(vec), max_width = max_width)
118 |
## ret <- lvl_nlines[vec]
119 |
## ret[is.na(ret)] <- format_value(NA_character
120 |
## })
121 | ||
122 |
#' Make pagination data frame for a listing
123 |
124 |
#' @inheritParams formatters::make_row_df
125 |
#' @param tt (`listing_df`)\cr the listing to be rendered.
126 |
#' @param visible_only (`flag`)\cr ignored, as listings do not have
127 |
#' non-visible structural elements.
128 |
129 |
#' @return a `data.frame` with pagination information.
130 |
131 |
#' @seealso [formatters::make_row_df()]
132 |
133 |
#' @examples
134 |
#' lsting <- as_listing(mtcars)
135 |
#' mf <- matrix_form(lsting)
136 |
137 |
#' @export
138 |
setMethod( |
139 |
"make_row_df", "listing_df", |
140 |
function(tt, colwidths = NULL, visible_only = TRUE, |
141 |
rownum = 0, |
142 |
indent = 0L, |
143 |
path = character(), |
144 |
incontent = FALSE, |
145 |
repr_ext = 0L, |
146 |
repr_inds = integer(), |
147 |
sibpos = NA_integer_, |
148 |
nsibs = NA_integer_, |
149 |
fontspec = dflt_courier) { |
150 |
## assume sortedness by keycols
151 | 171x |
keycols <- get_keycols(tt) |
152 | 171x |
dispcols <- listing_dispcols(tt) |
153 | 171x |
abs_rownumber <- seq_along(tt[[1]]) |
154 | 171x |
if (length(keycols) >= 1) { |
155 | 170x |
runlens <- basic_run_lens(tt[[tail(keycols, 1)]]) |
156 |
} else { |
157 | 1x |
runlens <- rep(1, NROW(tt)) |
158 |
159 | 171x |
sibpos <- unlist(lapply(runlens, seq_len)) |
160 | 171x |
nsibs <- rep(runlens, times = runlens) |
161 | 171x |
extents <- rep(1L, nrow(tt)) |
162 | 171x |
if (length(colwidths) > 0 && length(colwidths) != length(dispcols)) { |
163 | ! |
stop( |
164 | ! |
"Non-null colwidths vector must be the same length as the number of display columns.\n",
165 | ! |
"Got: ", length(colwidths), "(", length(dispcols), " disp cols)." |
166 |
167 |
168 | 171x |
if (length(colwidths) > 0) { |
169 | ! |
names(colwidths) <- dispcols |
170 |
171 |
## extents is a row-wise vector of extents, for each col, we update
172 |
## if that column has any rows wider than the previously recorded extent.
173 | 171x |
for (col in dispcols) { |
174 |
## duplicated from matrix_form method, refactor!
175 | 702x |
col_ext <- vec_nlines(tt[[col]], max_width = colwidths[col], fontspec = fontspec) |
176 | 702x |
extents <- ifelse(col_ext > extents, col_ext, extents) |
177 |
178 | 171x |
ret <- data.frame( |
179 | 171x |
label = "", name = "", |
180 | 171x |
abs_rownumber = abs_rownumber, |
181 | 171x |
path = I(as.list(rep(NA_character_, NROW(tt)))), |
182 | 171x |
pos_in_siblings = sibpos, |
183 | 171x |
n_siblings = nsibs, |
184 | 171x |
self_extent = extents, |
185 | 171x |
par_extent = 0L, |
186 | 171x |
reprint_inds = I(replicate(NROW(tt), list(integer()))), |
187 | 171x |
node_class = "listing_df", |
188 | 171x |
indent = 0L, |
189 | 171x |
nrowrefs = 0L, ## XXX this doesn't support footnotes |
190 | 171x |
ncellrefs = 0L, ## XXX this doesn't support footnotes |
191 | 171x |
nreflines = 0L, ## XXX this doesn't support footnotes |
192 | 171x |
force_page = FALSE, |
193 | 171x |
page_title = NA_character_, |
194 | 171x |
trailing_sep = NA_character_ |
195 |
196 | 171x |
stopifnot(identical( |
197 | 171x |
names(ret), |
198 | 171x |
names(pagdfrow( |
199 | 171x |
nm = "", lab = "", rnum = 1L, pth = NA_character_, extent = 1L, |
200 | 171x |
rclass = "" |
201 |
)) |
202 |
)) |
203 | 171x |
204 |
205 |
206 | ||
207 |
## tt$sibpos <- unlist(lapply(
208 |
## ## don't support pathing for now
209 |
## tt$path <- I(lapply(1:NROW(tt),
210 |
## function(i) {
211 |
## retpath <- character(2*length(keycols))
212 |
## for(j in seq_along(keycols)) {
213 |
## retpath[2*j - 1] <- keycols[j]
214 |
## retpath[2*j] <- tt[i, keycols[j], drop = TRUE]
215 |
## }
216 |
## retpath
217 |
## }))
218 |
## spl <- split(tt, tt[keycols])
219 |
## spl <- spl[vapply(spl, function(y) NROW(y) > 0, NA)]
220 |
## dfs <- lapply(spl, function(df) {
221 |
## df <- df[order(df$abs_rownumber),]
222 |
## ndf <- NROW(df)
223 |
## lapply(1:ndf, function(i) {
224 |
## rw <- df[i,]
225 |
## stopifnot(nrow(rw) == 1)
226 |
## pagdfrow(nm = "",
227 |
## lab = "",
228 |
## rnum = rw$abs_rownumber,
229 |
## pth = NA_character_,
230 |
## sibpos = i,
231 |
## nsibs = ndf,
232 |
## extent = 1L,
233 |
## rclass = "listing_df",
234 |
## repind = integer())
235 |
## })
236 |
## })
237 |
## ret <- do.call(rbind, unlist(dfs, recursive = FALSE))
238 |
## ret <- ret[order(ret$abs_rownumber),]
239 |
## ret
240 |
## })
241 | ||
242 |
#' @inheritParams base::Extract
243 |
#' @param x (`listing_df`)\cr the listing.
244 |
#' @param i (`any`)\cr object passed to base `[` methods.
245 |
#' @param j (`any`)\cr object passed to base `[` methods.
246 |
247 |
#' @export
248 |
#' @aliases [,listing_df-method
249 |
#' @rdname listing_methods
250 |
setMethod( |
251 |
"[", "listing_df", |
252 |
function(x, i, j, drop = FALSE) { |
253 | ! |
xattr <- attributes(x) |
254 | ! |
xattr$names <- xattr$names[j] |
255 | ! |
res <- NextMethod() |
256 | ! |
if (!drop) { |
257 | ! |
attributes(res) <- xattr |
258 |
259 | ! |
260 |
261 |
262 | ||
263 |
#' @rdname listing_methods
264 |
#' @param obj (`listing_df`)\cr the listing.
265 |
266 |
#' @return
267 |
#' * Accessor methods return the value of the aspect of `obj`.
268 |
#' * Setter methods return `obj` with the relevant element of the listing updated.
269 |
270 |
#' @examples
271 |
#' lsting <- as_listing(mtcars)
272 |
#' main_title(lsting) <- "Hi there"
273 |
274 |
#' main_title(lsting)
275 |
276 |
#' @export
277 |
setMethod( |
278 |
"main_title", "listing_df", |
279 | 173x |
function(obj) attr(obj, "main_title") %||% character() |
280 |
281 | ||
282 |
#' @rdname listing_methods
283 |
#' @export
284 |
setMethod( |
285 |
"subtitles", "listing_df", |
286 | 183x |
function(obj) attr(obj, "subtitles") %||% character() |
287 |
288 | ||
289 |
#' @rdname listing_methods
290 |
#' @export
291 |
setMethod( |
292 |
"main_footer", "listing_df", |
293 | 172x |
function(obj) attr(obj, "main_footer") %||% character() |
294 |
295 | ||
296 |
#' @rdname listing_methods
297 |
#' @export
298 |
setMethod( |
299 |
"prov_footer", "listing_df", |
300 | 172x |
function(obj) attr(obj, "prov_footer") %||% character() |
301 |
302 | ||
303 |
.chk_value <- function(val, fname, len_one = FALSE, null_ok = TRUE) { |
304 | 254x |
if (null_ok && is.null(val)) { |
305 | 209x |
return(TRUE) |
306 |
307 | 45x |
if (!is.character(val)) { |
308 | 4x |
stop("value for ", fname, " must be a character, got ", |
309 | 4x |
"object of class: ", paste(class(val), collapse = ","), |
310 | 4x |
call. = FALSE |
311 |
312 |
313 | 41x |
if (len_one && length(val) > 1) { |
314 | 1x |
stop( |
315 | 1x |
"value for ", fname, " must be length <= 1, got ", |
316 | 1x |
"vector of length ", length(val) |
317 |
318 |
319 | 40x |
320 |
321 | ||
322 |
#' @rdname listing_methods
323 |
#' @export
324 |
setMethod( |
325 |
"main_title<-", "listing_df", |
326 |
function(obj, value) { |
327 |
## length 1 restriction is to match rtables behavior
328 |
## which currently enforces this (though incompletely)
329 | 63x |
.chk_value(value, "main_title", len_one = TRUE) |
330 | 61x |
attr(obj, "main_title") <- value |
331 | 61x |
332 |
333 |
334 | ||
335 |
#' @rdname listing_methods
336 |
#' @export
337 |
setMethod( |
338 |
"subtitles<-", "listing_df", |
339 |
function(obj, value) { |
340 | 70x |
.chk_value(value, "subtitles") |
341 | 69x |
attr(obj, "subtitles") <- value |
342 | 69x |
343 |
344 |
345 | ||
346 |
#' @rdname listing_methods
347 |
#' @export
348 |
setMethod( |
349 |
"main_footer<-", "listing_df", |
350 |
function(obj, value) { |
351 | 61x |
.chk_value(value, "main_footer") |
352 | 60x |
attr(obj, "main_footer") <- value |
353 | 60x |
354 |
355 |
356 | ||
357 |
#' @rdname listing_methods
358 |
#' @export
359 |
setMethod( |
360 |
"prov_footer<-", "listing_df", |
361 |
function(obj, value) { |
362 | 60x |
.chk_value(value, "prov_footer") |
363 | 59x |
attr(obj, "prov_footer") <- value |
364 | 59x |
365 |
366 |
367 | ||
368 |
#' @rdname listing_methods
369 |
#' @export
370 |
setMethod( |
371 |
"num_rep_cols", "listing_df", |
372 |
function(obj) { |
373 | 93x |
length(get_keycols(obj)) |
374 |
375 |
1 |
setOldClass(c("listing_df", "tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame")) |
2 |
setOldClass(c("MatrixPrintForm", "list")) |
3 | ||
4 |
#' Create a listing from a `data.frame` or `tibble`
5 |
6 |
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")`
7 |
8 |
#' Create listings displaying `key_cols` and `disp_cols` to produce a compact and
9 |
#' elegant representation of the input `data.frame` or `tibble`.
10 |
11 |
#' @param df (`data.frame` or `listing_df`)\cr the `data.frame` to be converted to a listing or
12 |
#' `listing_df` to be modified.
13 |
#' @param key_cols (`character`)\cr vector of names of columns which should be treated as *key columns*
14 |
#' when rendering the listing. Key columns allow you to group repeat occurrences.
15 |
#' @param disp_cols (`character` or `NULL`)\cr vector of names of non-key columns which should be
16 |
#' displayed when the listing is rendered. Defaults to all columns of `df` not named in `key_cols` or
17 |
#' `non_disp_cols`.
18 |
#' @param non_disp_cols (`character` or `NULL`)\cr vector of names of non-key columns to be excluded as display
19 |
#' columns. All other non-key columns are treated as display columns. Ignored if `disp_cols` is non-`NULL`.
20 |
#' @param unique_rows (`flag`)\cr whether only unique rows should be included in the listing. Defaults to `FALSE`.
21 |
#' @param default_formatting (`list`)\cr a named list of default column format configurations to apply when rendering
22 |
#' the listing. Each name-value pair consists of a name corresponding to a data class (or "numeric" for all
23 |
#' unspecified numeric classes) and a value of type `fmt_config` with the format configuration that should be
24 |
#' implemented for columns of that class. If named element "all" is included in the list, this configuration will be
25 |
#' used for all data classes not specified. Objects of type `fmt_config` can take 3 arguments: `format`, `na_str`,
26 |
#' and `align`.
27 |
#' @param col_formatting (`list`)\cr a named list of custom column formatting configurations to apply to specific
28 |
#' columns when rendering the listing. Each name-value pair consists of a name corresponding to a column name and a
29 |
#' value of type `fmt_config` with the formatting configuration that should be implemented for that column. Objects
30 |
#' of type `fmt_config` can take 3 arguments: `format`, `na_str`, and `align`. Defaults to `NULL`.
31 |
#' @param main_title (`string` or `NULL`)\cr the main title for the listing, or `NULL` (the default).
32 |
#' @param subtitles (`character` or `NULL`)\cr a vector of subtitles for the listing, or `NULL` (the default).
33 |
#' @param main_footer (`character` or `NULL`)\cr a vector of main footer lines for the listing, or `NULL` (the default).
34 |
#' @param prov_footer (`character` or `NULL`)\cr a vector of provenance footer lines for the listing, or `NULL`
35 |
#' (the default). Each string element is placed on a new line.
36 |
#' @param split_into_pages_by_var (`character` or `NULL`)\cr the name of a variable for on the listing should be split
37 |
#' into pages, with each page corresponding to one unique value/level of the variable. See
38 |
#' [split_into_pages_by_var()] for more details.
39 |
#' @param vec (`string`)\cr name of a column vector from a `listing_df` object to be annotated as a key column.
40 |
41 |
#' @return A `listing_df` object, sorted by its key columns.
42 |
43 |
#' @details
44 |
#' At its core, a `listing_df` object is a `tbl_df` object with a customized
45 |
#' print method and support for the formatting and pagination machinery provided by
46 |
#' the `formatters` package.
47 |
48 |
#' `listing_df` objects have two 'special' types of columns: key columns and display columns.
49 |
50 |
#' Key columns act as indexes, which means a number of things in practice.
51 |
52 |
#' All key columns are also display columns.
53 |
54 |
#' `listing_df` objects are always sorted by their set of key columns at creation time.
55 |
#' Any `listing_df` object which is not sorted by its full set of key columns (e.g.,
56 |
#' one whose rows have been reordered explicitly during creation) is invalid and the behavior
57 |
#' when rendering or paginating that object is undefined.
58 |
59 |
#' Each value of a key column is printed only once per page and per unique combination of
60 |
#' values for all higher-priority (i.e., to the left of it) key columns. Locations
61 |
#' where a repeated value would have been printed within a key column for the same
62 |
#' higher-priority-key combination on the same page are rendered as empty space.
63 |
#' Note, determination of which elements to display within a key column at rendering is
64 |
#' based on the underlying value; any non-default formatting applied to the column
65 |
#' has no effect on this behavior.
66 |
67 |
#' Display columns are columns which should be rendered, but are not key columns. By
68 |
#' default this is all non-key columns in the incoming data, but in need not be.
69 |
#' Columns in the underlying data which are neither key nor display columns remain
70 |
#' within the object available for computations but *are not rendered during
71 |
#' printing or export of the listing*.
72 |
73 |
#' @examples
74 |
#' dat <- ex_adae
75 |
76 |
#' # This example demonstrates the listing with key_cols (values are grouped by USUBJID) and
77 |
#' # multiple lines in prov_footer
78 |
#' lsting <- as_listing(dat[1:25, ],
79 |
#' key_cols = c("USUBJID", "AESOC"),
80 |
#' main_title = "Example Title for Listing",
81 |
#' subtitles = "This is the subtitle for this Adverse Events Table",
82 |
#' main_footer = "Main footer for the listing",
83 |
#' prov_footer = c(
84 |
#' "You can even add a subfooter", "Second element is place on a new line",
85 |
#' "Third string"
86 |
#' )
87 |
#' ) %>%
88 |
#' add_listing_col("AETOXGR") %>%
89 |
#' add_listing_col("BMRKR1", format = "xx.x") %>%
90 |
#' add_listing_col("AESER / AREL", fun = function(df) paste(df$AESER, df$AREL, sep = " / "))
91 |
92 |
#' mat <- matrix_form(lsting)
93 |
94 |
#' cat(toString(mat))
95 |
96 |
#' # This example demonstrates the listing table without key_cols
97 |
#' # and specifying the cols with disp_cols.
98 |
#' dat <- ex_adae
99 |
#' lsting <- as_listing(dat[1:25, ],
100 |
#' disp_cols = c("USUBJID", "AESOC", "RACE", "AETOXGR", "BMRKR1")
101 |
#' )
102 |
103 |
#' mat <- matrix_form(lsting)
104 |
105 |
#' cat(toString(mat))
106 |
107 |
#' # This example demonstrates a listing with format configurations specified
108 |
#' # via the default_formatting and col_formatting arguments
109 |
#' dat <- ex_adae
110 |
#' dat$AENDY[3:6] <- NA
111 |
#' lsting <- as_listing(dat[1:25, ],
112 |
#' key_cols = c("USUBJID", "AESOC"),
113 |
#' disp_cols = c("STUDYID", "SEX", "ASEQ", "RANDDT", "ASTDY", "AENDY"),
114 |
#' default_formatting = list(
115 |
#' all = fmt_config(align = "left"),
116 |
#' numeric = fmt_config(
117 |
#' format = "xx.xx",
118 |
#' na_str = "<No data>",
119 |
#' align = "right"
120 |
#' )
121 |
#' )
122 |
#' ) %>%
123 |
#' add_listing_col("BMRKR1", format = "xx.x", align = "center")
124 |
125 |
#' mat <- matrix_form(lsting)
126 |
127 |
#' cat(toString(mat))
128 |
129 |
#' @export
130 |
#' @rdname listings
131 |
as_listing <- function(df, |
132 |
key_cols = names(df)[1], |
133 |
disp_cols = NULL, |
134 |
non_disp_cols = NULL, |
135 |
unique_rows = FALSE, |
136 |
default_formatting = list(all = fmt_config()), |
137 |
col_formatting = NULL, |
138 |
main_title = NULL, |
139 |
subtitles = NULL, |
140 |
main_footer = NULL, |
141 |
prov_footer = NULL, |
142 |
split_into_pages_by_var = NULL) { |
143 | 64x |
if (length(non_disp_cols) > 0 && length(intersect(key_cols, non_disp_cols)) > 0) { |
144 | 1x |
stop( |
145 | 1x |
"Key column also listed in non_disp_cols. All key columns are by",
146 | 1x |
" definition display columns."
147 |
148 |
149 | 63x |
if (!is.null(disp_cols) && !is.null(non_disp_cols)) { |
150 | 1x |
stop("Got non-null values for both disp_cols and non_disp_cols. This is not supported.") |
151 | 62x |
} else if (is.null(disp_cols)) { |
152 |
## non_disp_cols NULL is ok here
153 | 27x |
cols <- setdiff(names(df), c(key_cols, non_disp_cols)) |
154 |
} else { |
155 |
## disp_cols non-null, non_disp_cols NULL
156 | 35x |
cols <- disp_cols |
157 |
158 | 62x |
if (!all(sapply(default_formatting, is, class2 = "fmt_config"))) { |
159 | 1x |
stop( |
160 | 1x |
"All format configurations supplied in `default_formatting`",
161 | 1x |
" must be of type `fmt_config`."
162 |
163 |
164 | 61x |
if (!(is.null(col_formatting) || all(sapply(col_formatting, is, class2 = "fmt_config")))) { |
165 | 2x |
stop( |
166 | 2x |
"All format configurations supplied in `col_formatting`",
167 | 2x |
" must be of type `fmt_config`."
168 |
169 |
170 | ||
171 | 59x |
if (any(sapply(df, inherits, "difftime"))) { |
172 | 1x |
stop("One or more variables in the dataframe have class 'difftime'. Please convert to factor or character.") |
173 |
174 | ||
175 | 58x |
df <- as_tibble(df) |
176 | 58x |
varlabs <- var_labels(df, fill = TRUE) |
177 | 58x |
o <- do.call(order, df[key_cols]) |
178 | 58x |
if (is.unsorted(o)) { |
179 | 29x |
if (interactive()) { |
180 | ! |
message("sorting incoming data by key columns") |
181 |
182 | 29x |
df <- df[o, ] |
183 |
184 | ||
185 |
## reorder the full set of cols to ensure key columns are first
186 | 58x |
ordercols <- c(key_cols, setdiff(names(df), key_cols)) |
187 | 58x |
df <- df[, ordercols] |
188 | 58x |
var_labels(df) <- varlabs[ordercols] |
189 | ||
190 | 58x |
for (cnm in key_cols) { |
191 | 89x |
df[[cnm]] <- as_keycol(df[[cnm]]) |
192 |
193 | ||
194 |
## key cols must be leftmost cols
195 | 58x |
cols <- c(key_cols, setdiff(cols, key_cols)) |
196 | ||
197 | 58x |
row_all_na <- apply(df[cols], 1, function(x) all(is.na(x))) |
198 | 58x |
if (any(row_all_na)) { |
199 | 1x |
warning("rows that only contain NA values have been trimmed") |
200 | 1x |
df <- df[!row_all_na, ] |
201 |
202 | ||
203 |
# set col format configs
204 | 58x |
df[cols] <- lapply(cols, function(col) { |
205 | 291x |
col_class <- tail(class(df[[col]]), 1) |
206 | 291x |
col_fmt_class <- if (!col_class %in% names(default_formatting) && is.numeric(df[[col]])) "numeric" else col_class |
207 | 291x |
col_fmt <- if (col %in% names(col_formatting)) { |
208 | 7x |
col_formatting[[col]] |
209 | 291x |
} else if (col_fmt_class %in% names(default_formatting)) { |
210 | 6x |
default_formatting[[col_fmt_class]] |
211 |
} else { |
212 | 278x |
if (!"all" %in% names(default_formatting)) { |
213 | 1x |
stop( |
214 | 1x |
"Format configurations must be supplied for all listing columns. ",
215 | 1x |
"To cover all remaining columns please add an 'all' configuration",
216 | 1x |
" to `default_formatting`."
217 |
218 |
219 | 277x |
default_formatting[["all"]] |
220 |
221 |
# ANY attr <- fmt_config slot
222 | 290x |
obj_format(df[[col]]) <- obj_format(col_fmt) |
223 | 290x |
obj_na_str(df[[col]]) <- if (is.null(obj_na_str(col_fmt))) "NA" else obj_na_str(col_fmt) |
224 | 290x |
obj_align(df[[col]]) <- if (is.null(obj_align(col_fmt))) "left" else obj_align(col_fmt) |
225 | 290x |
df[[col]] |
226 |
}) |
227 | ||
228 | 3x |
if (unique_rows) df <- df[!duplicated(df[, cols]), ] |
229 | ||
230 | 57x |
class(df) <- c("listing_df", class(df)) |
231 | ||
232 |
## these all work even when the value is NULL
233 | 57x |
main_title(df) <- main_title |
234 | 57x |
main_footer(df) <- main_footer |
235 | 57x |
subtitles(df) <- subtitles |
236 | 57x |
prov_footer(df) <- prov_footer |
237 | 57x |
listing_dispcols(df) <- cols |
238 | ||
239 | 57x |
if (!is.null(split_into_pages_by_var)) { |
240 | 1x |
df <- split_into_pages_by_var(df, split_into_pages_by_var) |
241 |
242 | ||
243 | 57x |
244 |
245 | ||
246 |
#' @export
247 |
#' @rdname listings
248 |
as_keycol <- function(vec) { |
249 | 89x |
if (is.factor(vec)) { |
250 | 17x |
lab <- obj_label(vec) |
251 | 17x |
vec <- as.character(vec) |
252 | 17x |
obj_label(vec) <- lab |
253 |
254 | 89x |
class(vec) <- c("listing_keycol", class(vec)) |
255 | 89x |
256 |
257 | ||
258 |
#' @export
259 |
#' @rdname listings
260 |
is_keycol <- function(vec) { |
261 | 8111x |
inherits(vec, "listing_keycol") |
262 |
263 | ||
264 |
#' @export
265 |
#' @rdname listings
266 |
get_keycols <- function(df) { |
267 | 436x |
names(which(sapply(df, is_keycol))) |
268 |
269 | ||
270 |
#' @inherit formatters::matrix_form
271 |
#' @param indent_rownames (`flag`)\cr silently ignored, as listings do not have row names
272 |
#' nor indenting structure.
273 |
#' @param expand_newlines (`flag`)\cr this should always be `TRUE` for listings. We keep it
274 |
#' for debugging reasons.
275 |
276 |
#' @return a [formatters::MatrixPrintForm] object.
277 |
278 |
#' @seealso [formatters::matrix_form()]
279 |
280 |
#' @examples
281 |
#' lsting <- as_listing(mtcars)
282 |
#' mf <- matrix_form(lsting)
283 |
284 |
#' @export
285 |
setMethod( |
286 |
"matrix_form", "listing_df", |
287 |
rix_form <- function(obj, indent_rownames = FALSE, expand_newlines = TRUE, fontspec = font_spec, col_gap = 3L) { |
288 |
## we intentionally silently ignore indent_rownames because listings have
289 |
## no rownames, but formatters::vert_pag_indices calls matrix_form(obj, TRUE)
290 |
## unconditionally.
291 | 171x |
cols <- attr(obj, "listing_dispcols") |
292 | 171x |
listing <- obj[, cols] |
293 | 171x |
atts <- attributes(obj) |
294 | 171x |
atts$names <- cols |
295 | 171x |
attributes(listing) <- atts |
296 | 171x |
keycols <- get_keycols(listing) |
297 | ||
298 | 171x |
bodymat <- matrix("", |
299 | 171x |
nrow = nrow(listing), |
300 | 171x |
ncol = ncol(listing) |
301 |
302 | ||
303 | 171x |
colnames(bodymat) <- names(listing) |
304 | ||
305 | 171x |
curkey <- "" |
306 | 171x |
for (i in seq_along(keycols)) { |
307 | 257x |
kcol <- keycols[i] |
308 | 257x |
kcolvec <- listing[[kcol]] |
309 | 257x |
kcolvec <- vapply(kcolvec, format_value, "", format = obj_format(kcolvec), na_str = obj_na_str(kcolvec)) |
310 | 257x |
curkey <- paste0(curkey, kcolvec) |
311 | 257x |
disp <- c(TRUE, tail(curkey, -1) != head(curkey, -1)) |
312 | 257x |
bodymat[disp, kcol] <- kcolvec[disp] |
313 |
314 | ||
315 | 171x |
nonkeycols <- setdiff(names(listing), keycols) |
316 | 171x |
if (length(nonkeycols) > 0) { |
317 | 164x |
for (nonk in nonkeycols) { |
318 | 446x |
vec <- listing[[nonk]] |
319 | 446x |
vec <- vapply(vec, format_value, "", format = obj_format(vec), na_str = obj_na_str(vec)) |
320 | 446x |
bodymat[, nonk] <- vec |
321 |
322 |
323 | ||
324 | 171x |
fullmat <- rbind( |
325 | 171x |
var_labels(listing, fill = TRUE), |
326 | 171x |
327 |
328 | ||
329 | 171x |
colaligns <- rbind( |
330 | 171x |
rep("center", length(cols)), |
331 | 171x |
matrix(sapply(listing, obj_align), |
332 | 171x |
ncol = length(cols), |
333 | 171x |
nrow = nrow(fullmat) - 1, |
334 | 171x |
byrow = TRUE |
335 |
336 |
337 | ||
338 | 171x |
if (any(grepl("([{}])", fullmat))) { |
339 | 1x |
stop( |
340 | 1x |
"Labels cannot contain { or } due to their use for indicating referential footnotes.\n",
341 | 1x |
"These are not supported at the moment in {rlistings}."
342 |
343 |
344 | ||
345 | 170x |
MatrixPrintForm( |
346 | 170x |
strings = fullmat, |
347 | 170x |
spans = matrix(1, |
348 | 170x |
nrow = nrow(fullmat), |
349 | 170x |
ncol = ncol(fullmat) |
350 |
351 | 170x |
ref_fnotes = list(), |
352 | 170x |
aligns = colaligns, |
353 | 170x |
formats = matrix(1, |
354 | 170x |
nrow = nrow(fullmat), |
355 | 170x |
ncol = ncol(fullmat) |
356 |
357 | 170x |
listing_keycols = keycols, # It is always something |
358 | 170x |
row_info = make_row_df(obj, fontspec = fontspec), |
359 | 170x |
nlines_header = 1, # We allow only one level of headers and nl expansion happens after |
360 | 170x |
nrow_header = 1, |
361 | 170x |
has_topleft = FALSE, |
362 | 170x |
has_rowlabs = FALSE, |
363 | 170x |
expand_newlines = expand_newlines, |
364 | 170x |
main_title = main_title(obj), |
365 | 170x |
subtitles = subtitles(obj), |
366 | 170x |
page_titles = page_titles(obj), |
367 | 170x |
main_footer = main_footer(obj), |
368 | 170x |
prov_footer = prov_footer(obj), |
369 | 170x |
col_gap = col_gap, |
370 | 170x |
fontspec = fontspec, |
371 | 170x |
rep_cols = length(keycols) |
372 |
373 |
374 |
375 | ||
376 |
#' @export
377 |
#' @rdname listings
378 | 218x |
listing_dispcols <- function(df) attr(df, "listing_dispcols") %||% character() |
379 | ||
380 |
#' @param new (`character`)\cr vector of names of columns to be added to
381 |
#' the set of display columns.
382 |
383 |
#' @export
384 |
#' @rdname listings
385 |
add_listing_dispcol <- function(df, new) { |
386 | 21x |
listing_dispcols(df) <- c(listing_dispcols(df), new) |
387 | 21x |
388 |
389 | ||
390 |
#' @param value (`string`)\cr new value.
391 |
392 |
#' @export
393 |
#' @rdname listings
394 |
`listing_dispcols<-` <- function(df, value) { |
395 | 78x |
if (!is.character(value)) { |
396 | ! |
stop( |
397 | ! |
"dispcols must be a character vector of column names, got ",
398 | ! |
"object of class: ", paste(class(value), collapse = ",") |
399 |
400 |
401 | 78x |
chk <- setdiff(value, names(df)) ## remember setdiff is not symmetrical |
402 | 78x |
if (length(chk) > 0) { |
403 | ! |
stop( |
404 | ! |
"listing display columns must be columns in the underlying data. ",
405 | ! |
"Column(s) ", paste(chk, collapse = ", "), " not present in the data." |
406 |
407 |
408 | 78x |
attr(df, "listing_dispcols") <- unique(value) |
409 | 78x |
410 |
411 | ||
412 |
#' @inheritParams formatters::fmt_config
413 |
#' @param name (`string`)\cr name of the existing or new column to be
414 |
#' displayed when the listing is rendered.
415 |
#' @param fun (`function` or `NULL`)\cr a function which accepts `df` and
416 |
#' returns the vector for a new column, which is added to `df` as
417 |
#' `name`, or `NULL` if marking an existing column as a listing column.
418 |
419 |
#' @return `df` with `name` created (if necessary) and marked for
420 |
#' display during rendering.
421 |
422 |
#' @export
423 |
#' @rdname listings
424 |
add_listing_col <- function(df, |
425 |
426 |
fun = NULL, |
427 |
format = NULL, |
428 |
na_str = "NA", |
429 |
align = "left") { |
430 | 21x |
if (!is.null(fun)) { |
431 | 1x |
vec <- with_label(fun(df), name) |
432 | 20x |
} else if (name %in% names(df)) { |
433 | 20x |
vec <- df[[name]] |
434 |
} else { |
435 | ! |
stop( |
436 | ! |
"Column '", name, "' not found. name argument must specify an existing column when ", |
437 | ! |
"no generating function (fun argument) is specified."
438 |
439 |
440 | ||
441 | 21x |
if (!is.null(format)) { |
442 | 10x |
obj_format(vec) <- format |
443 |
444 | ||
445 | 21x |
obj_na_str(vec) <- na_str |
446 | 21x |
obj_align(vec) <- align |
447 | ||
448 |
## this works for both new and existing columns
449 | 21x |
df[[name]] <- vec |
450 | 21x |
df <- add_listing_dispcol(df, name) |
451 | 21x |
452 |
453 | ||
454 |
#' Split Listing by Values of a Variable
455 |
456 |
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")`
457 |
458 |
#' Split is performed based on unique values of the given parameter present in the listing.
459 |
#' Each listing can only be split by variable once. If this function is applied prior to
460 |
#' pagination, parameter values will be separated by page.
461 |
462 |
#' @param lsting (`listing_df`)\cr the listing to split.
463 |
#' @param var (`string`)\cr name of the variable to split on. If the column is a factor,
464 |
#' the resulting list follows the order of the levels.
465 |
#' @param page_prefix (`string`)\cr prefix to be appended with the split value (`var` level),
466 |
#' at the end of the subtitles, corresponding to each resulting list element (listing).
467 |
468 |
#' @return A list of `lsting_df` objects each corresponding to a unique value of `var`.
469 |
470 |
#' @note This function should only be used after the complete listing has been created. The
471 |
#' listing cannot be modified further after applying this function.
472 |
473 |
#' @examples
474 |
#' dat <- ex_adae[1:20, ]
475 |
476 |
#' lsting <- as_listing(
477 |
#' dat,
478 |
#' key_cols = c("USUBJID", "AGE"),
479 |
#' disp_cols = "SEX",
480 |
#' main_title = "title",
481 |
#' main_footer = "footer"
482 |
#' ) %>%
483 |
#' add_listing_col("BMRKR1", format = "xx.x") %>%
484 |
#' split_into_pages_by_var("SEX")
485 |
486 |
#' lsting
487 |
488 |
#' @export
489 |
split_into_pages_by_var <- function(lsting, var, page_prefix = var) { |
490 | 6x |
checkmate::assert_class(lsting, "listing_df") |
491 | 5x |
checkmate::assert_choice(var, names(lsting)) |
492 | ||
493 |
# Pre-processing in case of factor variable
494 | 5x |
levels_or_vals <- if (is.factor(lsting[[var]])) { |
495 | 5x |
lvls <- levels(lsting[[var]]) |
496 | 5x |
lvls[lvls %in% unique(lsting[[var]])] # Filter out missing values |
497 |
} else { |
498 | ! |
unique(lsting[[var]]) |
499 |
500 | ||
501 |
# Main list creator (filters rows by var)
502 | 5x |
lsting_by_var <- list() |
503 | 5x |
for (lvl in levels_or_vals) { |
504 | 10x |
var_desc <- paste0(page_prefix, ": ", lvl) |
505 | 10x |
lsting_by_var[[lvl]] <- lsting[lsting[[var]] == lvl, ] |
506 | 10x |
subtitles(lsting_by_var[[lvl]]) <- c(subtitles(lsting), var_desc) |
507 |
508 | ||
509 | 5x |
510 |